
izoklse | Joined since 2012-08-09

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2014-08-20 19:50 | Report Abuse

tomorrow will pray hard for suma to go down some more.


2014-08-20 18:20 | Report Abuse

please please shark or who ever sell...please sell more and more and more. please saya merayu...sangat merayu. please go down below 0.30.


2014-08-20 18:04 | Report Abuse

plz plz plz drop more and more until below 0.30.plzzzzzz.


2014-08-20 17:34 | Report Abuse

plz go down below 0.30.plz plz plz


2014-08-20 15:37 | Report Abuse

shit they scare people by push it down purposely to get it cheap. hahahahha. so many trap and runnn and fall inside the trap.


2014-08-20 15:34 | Report Abuse

is it because quarter result not good or is it the plan to buy at low? freefall now


2014-08-20 15:07 | Report Abuse



2014-08-20 15:06 | Report Abuse

suma bring down pdz now.hahahah.


2014-08-20 14:41 | Report Abuse

fuh gila2 punya volume


2014-08-20 14:37 | Report Abuse

look like suma also follow hubline now.


2014-08-20 12:37 | Report Abuse

but seller & buyer is huge. dont know it can move any further or not


2014-08-20 12:14 | Report Abuse

huraiii moving


2014-08-19 20:15 | Report Abuse

wow RTO now become more stronger.


2014-08-18 20:18 | Report Abuse

Yk John...this will be like PDZ?


2014-08-18 20:10 | Report Abuse

derrickinvestor PDZ look very high already. what happen ?


2014-08-18 19:32 | Report Abuse

hi friend in suma...what happen to PDZ? I want to jump into PDZ but afraid it is too high already. I dont have any info about PDZ. The price look like too high already any advice guys.


2014-08-17 23:30 | Report Abuse

Potential MGO is coming soon.....attack suma.

News & Blogs

2014-08-17 23:17 | Report Abuse

andychucky28 im into suma+luster. Never jump into pdz.

News & Blogs

2014-08-17 23:17 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2014-08-16 13:48 | Report Abuse

They give to Anwar crony which is all the chinese business man who lobby them during last general election and thats why TS Khalid want to stop this including to those anwar crony in splash where he want billion ringgit of rakyat money to be paid to this crony using selangor money. Im sure within a few month they will take all those moeny 3 billion selangor money and distribute to anwar crony and PR Crony. That why TS Khalid try to stop this and PAS for sure know this thats why they reluctant to accept another anwar crony wan azizah to become Selangor MB. Now the stoping block is TS Khalid. All those chinese business man and anwar crony start asking for return and money from their support last election. But TS Khalid is the stopping block. Thats why anwar have to get rid of TS Khalid by all means. And planted his crony to become his MB and follow his instruction. Isteri kena patuh pada suami maaaa..... This is the same what anwar did to PAS where he planted his crony inside like that 2 PAS MP just to save his ass. Lets rakyat teach you a lesson anwar. We will show you the exit door.

News & Blogs

2014-08-16 13:12 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2014-08-16 13:12 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2014-08-16 01:09 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-11 21:42 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-11 21:14 | Report Abuse

hai bila mau pecah itu 0.10.hehehhe.cannot tahan anymore...:-)


2014-08-11 21:13 | Report Abuse

this one surely go up and up and up....


2014-08-11 21:10 | Report Abuse

hehehe pang72 im not buying this PDZ. its too high already. Some more UMA and company reply as such not aware as usual. It will go down tomorrow. How low i also dont know.But maybe will test 0.20 and if break 0.20 and go below then Bye Bye liow.hahahahha. But good luck to PDZ holder. Im not buying it.its too high already and its too risky to enter now. but still im might be wrong. well let see tomorrow.heheheheh.


2014-08-11 21:00 | Report Abuse

The Company hereby confirms that, to the best of its knowledge and after making due enquiry with the board of directors, major shareholders and other relevant persons, our response to the queries raised are as follows:
1. The Board of Directors and major shareholders of the Company wish to confirm that there is no corporate development relating to the Group’s business and affairs that have not been previously announced that may account for the trading activity including those in the stage of negotiation and discussion.
2. The Board of Directors and major shareholders are not aware of any rumour or report concerning the business and affairs of the Group that may account for the trading activities.
However, the Board of Directors and major shareholders wish to refer to the articles in the newspaper Focus Malaysia dated 8 August 2014 entitled "Halim Saad to buy PDZ Controlling stake" and The Star Newspaper dated *30th July 2014 (Note 1) where it had reported the potential emergence of a new major shareholder. In connection with the aforesaid newspaper articles, the Board of Directors and major shareholders wishes to clarify that the Board of Directors and major shareholder, respectively, are not directly aware and are not involved in any negotiations with any party at this juncture.
3. The Board of Directors and major shareholders are not aware of any other possible explanation to account for the trading activity; and
4. The Board of Directors confirms that the Company is in compliance with the Bursa Securities LR, in particular Paragraph 9.03 of the Bursa Securities LR on immediate disclosure obligations.


2014-08-11 20:59 | Report Abuse

The Company hereby confirms that, to the best of its knowledge and after making due enquiry with the board of directors, major shareholders and other relevant persons, our response to the queries raised are as follows:
1. The Board of Directors and major shareholders of the Company wish to confirm that there is no corporate development relating to the Group’s business and affairs that have not been previously announced that may account for the trading activity including those in the stage of negotiation and discussion.
2. The Board of Directors and major shareholders are not aware of any rumour or report concerning the business and affairs of the Group that may account for the trading activities.
However, the Board of Directors and major shareholders wish to refer to the articles in the newspaper Focus Malaysia dated 8 August 2014 entitled "Halim Saad to buy PDZ Controlling stake" and The Star Newspaper dated *30th July 2014 (Note 1) where it had reported the potential emergence of a new major shareholder. In connection with the aforesaid newspaper articles, the Board of Directors and major shareholders wishes to clarify that the Board of Directors and major shareholder, respectively, are not directly aware and are not involved in any negotiations with any party at this juncture.
3. The Board of Directors and major shareholders are not aware of any other possible explanation to account for the trading activity; and
4. The Board of Directors confirms that the Company is in compliance with the Bursa Securities LR, in particular Paragraph 9.03 of the Bursa Securities LR on immediate disclosure obligations.


2014-08-11 10:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-10 15:19 | Report Abuse

hahahah next week...very interesting ...:-)


2014-08-10 02:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-09 18:34 | Report Abuse

Monday the price sure will be shoot which i believe above 0.27.Since so many people interested and some minority share holder also will fight back to ask better offer . It would be very interesting to see the price movement next week. For me it will be around 0.27 - 0.35 at least until EGM. After EGM would be other scenario.


2014-08-09 15:36 | Report Abuse

In my view if Im a minority shareholder and institutional buyer, i will not agree and accept the 0.27 as my holding and buying cost are far more higher then the price that khazanah had offer. So in my view the MAS share price will attract a lot of buyer at this moment because in view of whether the shareholder will accept the offer or not. To privatize it khazanah not requirer much to pay and at least the shareholder get something out of it because of their loyalty to hold MAS share.In my view the price will rage from above 0.27-0.35 in view that a lot of shareholder will not agree with that price.


2014-08-09 15:29 | Report Abuse

MAS’ shares were suspended from trading yesterday morning and closed at 24 sen a share on Thursday. Khazanah believes its offer of 27 sen a share offers a 12.5% premium.

If someone had bought the shares three months ago at 21 sen, then the premium would be 29%.

MAS’ shares are at its all-time low, as even during its last downturn in 1998, the shares were trading at higher levels. At current prices, it does not cost Khazanah much to make the offer.

However, for those who had bought the shares at 80 sen, RM2.50 or even RM3, the financial loss would be painful, not forgetting their holding cost.

For the privatisation to go through, an EGM needs to be called to seek shareholders’ approval. The date has not been fixed yet, but the question is: Will Khazanah get the required votes to push the plan through?

Khazanah, with a 69.37% equity, cannot vote as it is deemed the interested party. The voting will have to be done by those holding the 30.63% of shares, of which 20.4% is free float.

Other than Khazanah, the other institutions holding a stake in MAS include the Employees Provident Fund with 0.18%, Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputera (1.66%), Norges Bank Investment Management (0.29%), Great Eastern Life Assurance (0.60%), State Financial Secretary (0.27%), Mega First Housing Development (0.19%) and OSK Capital Partners (0.13%).

The exercise requires approval from at least 50% in the number of minority shareholders and 75% in the value of minority shareholding. Even relevant creditors and lenders have a right to object.

“Khazanah should announce the details of its plan before the EGM for everyone to digest before they make up their minds to either vote for or against the privatisation. They should not keep the shareholders in the dark.

“In my view, the institutional funds should not sell their shares because they have held the stock for so long and now that the Government is seriously going to restructure the airline. It is their chance to make something out of their investment. More so if the funds have been holding on to the stock for a long time,’’ says an analyst who requested anonymity.

He cites the example of MISC Bhd, which was supposed to have been taken private by Petronas but was failed at the eleventh hour when a group of minority shareholders did not accept the offer and scuttled the privatisation.

“The long-term funds should seriously not give up their MAS shares, unless of course, they are pressured to react and help push the plan through. Their entry cost must have been higher and it cannot be anything close to 27 sen. It would be unfair to the minorities and the institutions,’’ he says.


2014-08-09 15:14 | Report Abuse

The egm will no agree to that price. what i can see is that the price will move higher then 0.27 as investor will carefully wait for the egm to see whether the all of them will vote on the favor of this deal.and if they againts this deal then Khazanah should think to offer more or it can go down. But the risk if it go down is that the minority shareholder will bring this to court and that what govt and khazanah dont really want.


2014-08-08 12:21 | Report Abuse

Malaysia Airlines to be taken private ahead of revamp

Deeply troubled Malaysia Airlines will be de-listed and taken private ahead of a major restructuring following the double disasters of MH370 and MH17, under a proposal announced Friday by its majority shareholder.

State investment vehicle Khazanah Nasional, which owns 70 percent of the flag-carrier, said it would purchase all minority shares and finalise a restructuring plan by the end of the month.

The move confirmed growing speculation that Khazanah planned to completely take over Malaysia Airlines to strengthen its hand in addressing the free-falling carrier's mounting problems.

Khazanah said all stakeholders will need to work together to save the company via a "complete overhaul of the national carrier on all relevant aspects ... (including) the airline's operations, business model, finances, human capital and regulatory environment."

"Nothing less will be required in order to revive our national airline to be profitable as a commercial entity and to serve its function as a critical national development entity," it said.

Malaysia Airlines has reeled from years of financial losses and its survival is now seen as in peril following this year's air catastrophes.

Flight MH370 disappeared mysteriously in March with 239 people aboard, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. No trace has been found and the airline was widely criticised for its handling of the crisis.

On July 17, MH17 was shot down over Ukraine, with another 298 people killed.

Though it formerly had a solid safety reputation, the carrier's association with tragedy has pummelled bookings, and analysts said it is burning through its cash reserves at a rate of around $2 million per day as it struggles to survive.

It lost 4.1 billion ringgit ($1.3 billion) from 2011-13, and a further 443 million ringgit in the first quarter of this year, blaming MH370's "dramatic impact" on bookings.

Earlier Friday, Malaysia Airlines had its shares suspended on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange ahead of the Khazanah statement.

The company is expected to unveil its second-quarter earnings in mid-August.




2014-08-07 00:24 | Report Abuse

like i said inside info it will reach until 0.30 before financial result then a bit o down around 0.028 before shoot back more hirer when govt announce the soon after that .


2014-08-04 21:19 | Report Abuse

Just got info from insider, it will move to touch 0.30 before the announcement of Quarter Report. Then the price will go down a bit as people already anticipate the quarter report is not good and govt will come and announce the restructuring/privatization plan.


2014-08-04 20:46 | Report Abuse

50% of my investment for this counter will go to SAVE GAZA movement. They Need our help. Thats my target.


2014-08-01 12:11 | Report Abuse

The rumor about PETRONAS interested on PP also i heard. But not sure it is true or not.


2014-07-31 00:05 | Report Abuse

In January 2014, the State Assemblyman for Kajang, Lee Chin Cheh, resigned. This was so that Anwar Ibrahim could contest that seat in a by-election and thereafter become a Selangor State Assemblyman.

But why does Anwar need to be a Selangor State Assemblyman? Well, according to PKR’s political strategist, Rafizi Ramli, as he said in an official statement in January this year, this is the reason why:

While Khalid Ibrahim’s administration has shown sterling performance over the last 6 years that endears him to the public, there are rooms for improvement in many areas especially given the latest dynamics in Umno.

It is an open secret that the move to remove Najib Razak has begun. As a party strategist, I cannot rule out the possibility that Najib is removed and Umno falls to the ultras led by Mahathir Mohamad’s faction.

The unscrupulous attack and schemes to take Selangor by hook or by crook will begin the moment the weak Najib is removed. Even as we speak, Umno’s cards are all too obvious in the latest round of racial and religious controversies stirred up in Selangor in the last few months.

Should Najib fall, expect a full-blown manipulation of racial and religious issues to create mistrust and frustration with the Selangor government.

That was what Rafizi said. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is in danger of being ousted (toppled by Dr Mahathir) and when he falls Umno will then successfully take back Selangor unless Anwar is made a Selangor State Assemblyman.

But how can Anwar stop this from happening? Will Anwar be taking over as Menteri Besar?

At that time the answer they gave us was ‘no’ (but now Anwar says that this was the plan all along). They have not come to that stage where the position of the Selangor Menteri Besar needs to be discussed or considered. The plan is only to make Anwar a State Assemblyman.

But why the sudden move? This appears like a knee-jerk reaction?

It is not a sudden move, said Rafizi. This was being quietly planned behind the scenes for a few months since the second half of 2013 (that means around three or four months after the general election). In fact, negotiations with the Kajang State Assemblyman, Lee Chin Cheh, took a bit of time before an agreement was reached.

According to Lee, he said he would only resign if Anwar were going to be the one to contest that seat. And he agreed to resign only after he managed to meet Anwar to discuss this matter and get Anwar’s assurance that he (Anwar) was going to be the candidate.

This all happened in 2013 and then, in January 2014, a few months later, Lee resigned and the announcement for the ‘Kajang Move’ was made.

It was during that same period, the fourth quarter of 2013, when the Selangor State Government made its official and final offer to the water concessionaires, in November 2013 to be exact, meaning around the same time that the Kajang Move was being mooted.

It is probably purely ‘coincidental’ that the Kajang Move and the offer to the water concessionaires both happened around the same time.

Many PKR leaders, Anwar and Rafizi included, said that the Kajang Move, planned in 2013, is crucial because of the water concession issue, the Bible issue, the Kidex issue, and so on (plus because Khalid Ibrahim is not a ‘team player’).

Okay, in 2013, at the time the Kajang Move was being planned, the state had only made an offer to take over the water concessionaires. It was still being negotiated and nothing had been settled yet at the time the Kajang Move was being mooted.

Then, in January 2014, the Kajang Move was launched. But it was not until the following month, in February 2014, when the MoU on the water concessions was signed.

In other words, even if you want to consider the MoU on the water concessions as an issue to justify the Kajang Move, it did not become an issue until one month AFTER the launching of the Kajang Move. When the Kajang Move was being planned in 2013, and when it was launched in January 2014, there was no such thing as a ‘problem’ with the water concessions.

So how can one of the reasons for the Kajang Move be the water concessions when no such ‘problem’ existed yet, that is in the first place if you want to even regard it as a problem?

The next justification for the Kajang Move and another reason why Khalid needs to be ousted is because of the Bible controversy.

But the Bibles were seized in January 2014, after the Kajang Move was mooted in 2013, and it did not really become a problem until June 2014, five months later, when the Attorney-General ruled that the confiscation of the Bibles was wrong.

The so-called problem here is not regarding the confiscation of the Bibles in January because it was done according to Selangor State law. It became a ‘problem’ in June when the AG ruled that the confiscation was wrong and the state still refused to return the Bibles.
MORE : http://www.malaysia-today.net/the-rm50-million-offer-which-outraged-khalid/


2014-07-22 20:37 | Report Abuse

oit what happen ? Russia Failed... USA Failed.....Netherland Failed .....But NAJIB Malaysian PM Manage to capture international tribute after broke a deal with Separatist in Eastern Ukraine.

Malaysia Premier Brokers Deal to Recover Black Boxes

July 21, 2014

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Prime Minister Najib Razak’s announcement that his government had reached an agreement with pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, for the transfer of the bodies and so-called black boxes from Flight 17 to Malaysian representatives there, apparently achieved what pressure from far more powerful nations had failed to accomplish.

Mr. Najib said in a live television broadcast to his nation early Tuesday that the agreement with Alexander Borodai, a commander of the separatist forces in Donetsk, Ukraine, called for the bodies to be taken by train to Kharkiv, a city held by the Ukrainian government. Six Malaysian representatives were to oversee the transfer of the bodies in Kharkiv to Dutch custody.

Under the agreement, the bodies and the Malaysian representatives would then be flown in a Dutch C-130 Hercules transport plane to the Netherlands for identification and repatriation of remains, Mr. Najib said.

The two black boxes from the plane – which are actually orange —were to be handed over to Malaysian representatives in Donetsk, the eastern Ukraine city that is the headquarters of the pro-Moscow separatists.

Interactive Feature | Victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Among the 298 people aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 were a renowned AIDS researcher, a Dutch senator and an Australian novelist.

If all participants honor the deal, it would be a diplomatic success for Malaysia. Mr. Najib said that at times over the past few days he had wanted to be more outspoken about events in Ukraine, “but sometimes, we must work quietly in the service of a better outcome.”

The agreement is the result of an unusual spate of diplomacy by Mr. Najib, who held a series of secret telephone calls with Mr. Borodai. A person with a detailed knowledge of the negotiations said that Mr. Borodai concluded that he would only release the bodies and black boxes to Malaysia, although Malaysia would then transfer the bodies to the Netherlands and make the black boxes available for an international investigation.

The backdrop for the negotiations was a slowly growing criticism within Malaysia, including by some in the political opposition, that Mr. Najib did not appear to be more publicly critical of the separatists or Russia.

The agreement with the separatists followed four days of sometimes frenetic diplomacy in which a series of senior Malaysian officials —- including the country’s foreign minister and transport minister —- rushed to Kiev, Moscow and Amsterdam to broker a deal.

Graphic | Maps of the Crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 A Malaysia Airlines flight with nearly 300 people aboard crashed in eastern Ukraine near the Russian border on Thursday.

Malaysia, and particularly Mr. Najib, have played an outsize role in diplomatic agreements in Southeast Asia in recent years, and tried to apply those skills to dealing with the separatists. Mr. Najib brokered the peace agreement early this year between the Philippines government and a long-running insurgency in the south of the country, and he played an earlier role in helping persuade the military government in Myanmar to begin the evolution there toward a democratically elected government.

Malaysia has an enormous stake in resolving the problems that have impeded a prompt investigation of the crash and the quick recovery of the 298 victims, who are exposed to abuse and tampering.

The downed jet belonged to the Malaysian national carrier, and those who died included 43 Malaysian citizens, 15 of them crew members. As well, Malaysia was already struggling with the unexplained loss of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, still missing more than four months after it disappeared after turning from its planned course. Investigators have concluded that Flight 370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean off the western coast of Australia, but the confusion and missteps that plagued the first days of the search left an enduring blemish on the Malaysian government.

A big question, which was not immediately clear, was why the Ukrainian separatists chose to deal with the Malaysians at a time when the separatists were under pressure by many countries to release the bodies and surrender the black boxes.

Interactive Feature | What Happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 An updated summary of what is known and not known about the crash.

Read More : http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/07/22/world/asia/malaysia-premier-brokers-deal-to-recover-black-boxes.html?_r=1


2014-07-22 18:43 | Report Abuse

kltrader i still havent get the full info. Insider tell me that today going to start the amazing movement of this counter. I share it to all already yesterday night. But i still havent get the info regarding privatization. Only got the info about bankruptcy status only.


2014-07-22 18:33 | Report Abuse

ryei i talk to insider and they said bankruptcy is the option which it is highly rejected by union,staff,govt and minority shareholder. As a majority shareholder which also appointed by govt , they will not going to proposed that option unleast it is necessary and there no other choice. thats what an insider tell us.


2014-07-22 18:21 | Report Abuse

hehehh i told you so it will close 0.23.heheheh