
izoklse | Joined since 2012-08-09

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2014-07-22 16:30 | Report Abuse

aiyo look like have to wait a bit longer. so huge sell q


2014-07-22 16:21 | Report Abuse

possible close 0.23 today.


2014-07-22 16:15 | Report Abuse

waiting for after 4.30?


2014-07-22 16:14 | Report Abuse

that means privatize. possible around 0.25 - 0.40


2014-07-22 14:53 | Report Abuse

still dont know about privatisation but one of the option based of the insider is also privatisation


2014-07-22 14:52 | Report Abuse

hahaha i told everybody already. source from inside the co...Mas will not go for bankruptcy. Govt will inject more fund, restructure management and operation and price arrangement and route.


2014-07-22 00:23 | Report Abuse

candygirls, what i heard from inside the company,bankruptcy will not be an option for khazanah taking into consideration of Union,staff, minority shareholder,govt and political will on this. That what i heard from inside la. still waiting for the man inside to reply me on the potential of privatization or this airline.


2014-07-22 00:02 | Report Abuse


PP = Private Placement which use by public listed co. to raise enough capital/money from selected investor to fund their project/ business. Thats easy to understand ?


The sale of securities to a relatively small number of select investors as a way of raising capital. Investors involved in private placements are usually large banks, mutual funds, insurance companies and pension funds. Private placement is the opposite of a public issue, in which securities are made available for sale on the open market.


2014-07-21 23:56 | Report Abuse

najib brother need money to purchase the pp. :-)


2014-07-21 23:42 | Report Abuse

i dont know also how the the market sentiment. But that is the info that i get from someone inside. I ask him whether there is any suggestion on privatization and at what price he not reply yet. But he did mention one of the option is for govt to pump in money and restructures the management team and also the operation. He said the plan it to ensure they can appease the Union also where two things has been request by the union which is change of management & govt help. will wait for his reply if any on the privatization. If got i share it here k.


2014-07-21 22:07 | Report Abuse

khazanah will not going to put MAS bankrupt as they need to present the new restructuring plan to Govt by this week. Just watch the news on it in tv. They will announce the new restructuring plan early next month meaning after raya.Minority shareholder already give an indication that there going to be restructuring the management and operation and also pump in money by govt to ensure the survival of this national carrier. The bankruptcy option is not on the option and not their plan as govt will not in fever of it as it is national, airline which govt have huge interest on it. That what the minority shareholder and one of my friend inside the airline said. So tomorrow onword you can start see a lot of interest on this counter.


2014-07-21 20:49 | Report Abuse

Just watct TV, Khazanah will table MAS restructuring plan this week to Govt.


2014-07-20 10:57 | Report Abuse

of course la they disposing their share since they want untung ma..Then next week they gonna buy back for the next stage price surge. Based on talk with oil & gas friend who also buying this counter, they said before raya the price move above 0.50. Just to share with all.


2014-07-20 02:14 | Report Abuse

See how Jahat this singapore airline SIA. And yet there is a people here recommending SIA takeover MAS.I didnt trust SIA a bit. Thanks to Germany to blow and revealed that Singapore Airlines jets flew over the same eastern Ukraine area 75 times in the past week.


2014-07-20 02:06 | Report Abuse


Following the MH17 crash, SIA posted a single-sentence message on Facebook and Twitter which said: “Customers may wish to note that Singapore Airlines flights are not using Ukraine airspace”. A German weekly news magazine, however, revealed that Singapore Airlines jets flew over the same eastern Ukraine area 75 times in the past week.

SIA says sorry for ‘insensitive’ post on MH17

(Channel News Asia) – Singapore Airlines (SIA) on Saturday (July 19) apologised for its social media postings following the crash of Malaysia Airlines MH17.

“We are aware that our Facebook and Twitter update on Friday morning may have come across as insensitive to some,” an SIA spokesperson said in reply to queries from Channel NewsAsia. The post was in response to requests from customers who had asked for information about the airline’s flight routes, the spokesperson said in a statement.

“We recognise that the information could have been better communicated and we sincerely apologise if it had offended our customers and anyone else in the online community,” the statement said.

It added that SIA is “deeply saddened” by what happened to flight MH17. “Our thoughts remain with the families and loved ones of the passengers and crew who perished on board.”

Following the MH17 crash, SIA had posted on Facebook and Twitter a single-sentence message which said: “Customers may wish to note that Singapore Airlines flights are not using Ukraine airspace”. It posted another message an hour later, which said: “Our thoughts are with the passengers and crew of MH17 and their families.”



SIA used same MH17 flight path 75 times in past week, says magazine

(The Malaysian Insider) – As fingers point at Malaysia Airlines for allowing flight MH17 to fly over a war zone, a German weekly news magazine has revealed that Singapore Airlines jets flew over the same eastern Ukraine area 75 times in the past week.

In contrast, MAS planes only flew over rebel-held Donetsk 48 times within the same period, Spiegel Online reported, citing flight tracking website flightradar24.com.

It said Russian airline Aeroflot flew over the area 86 times in the past seven days, Ukraine International Airlines 62 times, and Germany’s largest airline, Lufthansa, 56 times.

“Overflights were recorded here in the past seven days in a radius of nearly 240km to the Ukrainian industrial city.

“In the ranking of the airlines, MAS is at fifth place with 48 overflights… the data shows that the region of Donetsk experienced brisk air traffic,” said Spiegel Online.


2014-07-20 02:01 | Report Abuse

I also for the first time agree 100% with anbz. Now people around the world know much about our country Malaysia. The entire world doing this coverage of MH 370 & MH 17. Now people will talk about Malaysia. I watch in yahoo a lot of comment come from people are they even do know where Malaysia is. And when watch the tv and news about MAS ...they started to know a lot not only about our airline but also about our country. Its same happen to 9/11 tragedy where USA blame it to islamic terrorist and people afraid or even skeptic about Islam. It make a lot of book related to islam and 9/11 sold out and one things so amazing is that people start to learn about islam and even the number of convert to islam in America increase tremendously. So when think about it again, fate already crafting MAS future and i also believe in MAS that they can turn around the company as now world wide they are known to the people and Malaysia are on the eye of international community.


2014-07-19 23:57 | Report Abuse

I agree with u redeagle


2014-07-19 22:06 | Report Abuse

heheheh sudah cakap maaa...... :p


2014-07-19 22:04 | Report Abuse

yeah la jolie2 we are so naive. we stay in the jungle and dont know anything about news,media and also aviation industries business. Aiyo why we all become so naive. aiyo aiyo.That airline expert so stupid also we dont know. Aiyo we are so naive. We are so stupid.


2014-07-19 21:00 | Report Abuse

wow just heard international expert on aviation give talk about MAS future in CNN. They said MAS will survive. Wow. Now im shock. An outsider have the fate on our National Airline. Even our own people dont have to their own National Airline. Our people willingly see MAS go bankrupt but the outsider or international expert said they are sure MAS will be more stronger after all the struggle.


2014-07-19 00:08 | Report Abuse

RUSSIA is on deep trouble.


2014-07-19 00:07 | Report Abuse

Now LIVE on CNN. USA President OMABA assure of Full Support to Malaysia and will be with Malaysia on this situation.


2014-07-18 23:58 | Report Abuse

Breaking News :

Emergency United Nation Security Council meeting now LIVE in CNN with regard Flight MH 17 Malaysia Airline. UN will make decision. USA will use their veto power.


2014-07-18 23:57 | Report Abuse

Breaking News :

Emergency United Nation Security Council meeting now LIVE in CNN. UN will make decision. USA will use their veto power.


2014-07-18 19:03 | Report Abuse

wow i thought the price would go down kaw kaw. But really surprise that it rebound and hold strong at 0.2. Wow so nice. Even this incident happen, they dont want to sell much. Instead they are buying the share. walau weii.


2014-07-18 06:16 | Report Abuse

Condolence to all the family member of Flight MH 17 from amsterdame to kuala lumpur.


2014-07-18 05:55 | Report Abuse

Malaysia airline flight MH 17 has been shot down by ukraine or russian missile system.This is boeing 777.what a tragic years for Malaysia and Malaysia Airline.i fear the price of Malaysia Airline share will go down today. The whole world are in shock.


2014-07-16 18:08 | Report Abuse

Sumatec will close above 0.50 before RAYA.This is based on communication with a few buyer from Oil & Gas sector .


2014-07-16 18:06 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow price will jump to 0.45.


2014-07-15 23:45 | Report Abuse

Terbaik la sultan. Kasi ajar all this PR MP so that they know how to respect people. For the first time sultan murka sangat-sangat. Tak pernah tengok sultan selangor murka dan marah mcm ni sekali.


2014-07-15 23:43 | Report Abuse

The fact that one-third of the Sultan’s speech touched on this matter and that Khalid was mentioned by name rather than in parables is probably the first time such a strong rebuke has been issued by the Palace.

Usually Palace rebukes are vague and left to the imagination of the people as to who the Ruler was referring to.

This probably can also be interpreted as a warning shot from the Palace that it will not tolerate any challenge to its authority whether in matters of who can use the Allah word, the Malay language Bible, and so on.


2014-07-14 23:21 | Report Abuse

hhakim well said bro :-)


2014-07-14 23:13 | Report Abuse

Oh i thought u in Pet. :-). Wow you must very good.Now become consultant already.


2014-07-14 23:07 | Report Abuse

Hhahah where are u bro? PCSB ?


2014-07-14 23:05 | Report Abuse

Yeah la...all tech people they tarik to this project.


2014-07-14 23:02 | Report Abuse

hhakim i just move from PCSB to PRPC.


2014-07-14 22:48 | Report Abuse

If my ex-bos Hassan Marican Joining Sumatec..i will put all my money inside sumatec and let it grow with him.


2014-07-14 21:13 | Report Abuse

hahahah 0.14 already. hahahahah.wakakkaka.


2014-07-14 00:43 | Report Abuse

last time that guy bought a lot PMHLDG. But dont know now since the price moving down. Think he moving to MUI now ?


2014-07-14 00:42 | Report Abuse

hhakim from which company are u?


2014-07-13 23:23 | Report Abuse

but PM group of company share did not move much. event PMHLDG share price going down.


2014-07-13 23:09 | Report Abuse

muiprop too high already. maybe i enter muiind is better for right now.slow slow moving up.


2014-07-13 23:01 | Report Abuse

what happen to muiprop? going up so much.


2014-07-13 22:45 | Report Abuse

ayam tua it going to be at least above 0.50 before raya based on my discussion with a few of friend in Oil & Gas. We all invested inside.


2014-07-13 18:44 | Report Abuse

Ok eric i standby 500 k if it go down so much. Its a good news indeed. I even willing to average up.amazing


2014-07-13 18:20 | Report Abuse

Hahaah where are u stonenut when the price is around 0.26? Why shout and bising2 now? If you really concern of all you should shout and bising2 back then. Why now? When everybody talk good about suma suddently out of nowhere you come and make all sort of noise. Funny funny. You think we dont know who you are and your purpose here. Hahahha. You wont get it.!


2014-07-13 14:09 | Report Abuse

Based on chart its look good unleast there is a pullback. On monday it is bullish and this counter will keep go up with the support of Institutional Buyer. Just got some news when lepaking with a few friend just now.


2014-07-12 20:41 | Report Abuse

Because Suma before this is not an Oil & Gas company. Now its not only oil & gas company but also on the route to because independent upstream oil & gas player.