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Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
### Justifikasi Pemberhentian sebagai Langkah Terakhir untuk Menjadikan POS Malaysia Menguntungkan
- **1. Konteks: Cabaran POS Malaysia**
- POS Malaysia telah mengalami kerugian berterusan selama enam tahun terakhir.
- Walaupun usaha telah dilakukan sejak CEO baru mengambil alih pada tahun 2021 dengan memberi tumpuan kepada transformasi dan pendigitalan, struktur kos syarikat masih tidak mampan.
- Pelaburan yang besar telah dibuat dalam perbelanjaan modal (capex) dan bakat, tetapi jumlah pekerja belum dikurangkan selaras dengan peningkatan infrastruktur dan teknologi.
- **2. Kepentingan Pemberhentian sebagai Langkah Terakhir**
- **Kelebihan Pekerja:**
- Jika pendigitalan dan automasi telah berkembang, mengurangkan keperluan campur tangan manusia, mengekalkan tenaga kerja yang besar hanya menambah kos tanpa peningkatan hasil yang setara.
- Pemberhentian adalah penyelesaian yang wajar untuk menyelaraskan tenaga kerja dengan operasi yang lebih moden.
- **Pemotongan Kos:**
- Sebab utama pemberhentian adalah untuk memotong kos operasi secara drastik. Jika POS Malaysia terus beroperasi dengan jumlah pekerja yang sama sambil mengalami kerugian tahunan, syarikat akan sukar untuk mencapai keuntungan.
- Mengurangkan jumlah pekerja secara langsung mengurangkan kos buruh, yang merupakan salah satu perbelanjaan terbesar bagi syarikat.
- Menyelaraskan bilangan pekerja dengan keperluan operasi yang dikurangkan akan menghentikan kerugian kewangan.
- **Tekanan Pemegang Saham:**
- Pelabur sering melihat hasil akhir, dan harga saham POS Malaysia (yang kini di bawah RM1) menunjukkan kehilangan keyakinan pasaran.
- Pemotongan kos melalui pemberhentian mungkin memberi isyarat kepada pasaran bahawa syarikat sedang membuat keputusan sukar untuk meraih keuntungan, yang berpotensi meningkatkan prestasi harga saham.
- **3. Pemberhentian sebagai Bahagian daripada Pelan Menyeluruh**
- **Usaha Sebelumnya:**
- CEO telah memulakan transformasi penting, termasuk pendigitalan dan pelaburan dalam teknologi, yang sepatutnya mengurangkan keperluan buruh manusia.
- Jika pengurangan pekerja belum berlaku, pemberhentian kini menjadi langkah logik untuk menyelaraskan tenaga kerja dengan keperluan operasi yang lebih moden.
- **Peningkatan Kecekapan:**
- Jika transformasi digital telah meningkatkan kecekapan, pemberhentian pekerja yang tidak lagi diperlukan disebabkan oleh peningkatan ini adalah keputusan yang wajar.
- Syarikat harus memberi tumpuan kepada mengekalkan pekerja dalam peranan yang lebih bernilai yang tidak boleh diautomatikkan, seperti kepimpinan strategik atau perkhidmatan pelanggan, sambil mengurangkan jawatan yang berlebihan.
- **Sokongan kepada Pekerja & Keadilan:**
- Proses pemberhentian harus diuruskan secara etika, dengan pakej pampasan yang sesuai dan sokongan untuk pekerja yang terjejas bagi mengurangkan kesan sosial yang negatif.
- Penyusunan semula yang telus dan adil dapat membantu mengekalkan moral pekerja yang tinggal, kerana mereka akan memahami keperluan langkah-langkah tersebut.
- **4. Perspektif Jangka Panjang: Kesihatan POS Malaysia**
- Pemberhentian mungkin langkah yang menyakitkan tetapi perlu untuk keuntungan jangka panjang:
- Membebaskan sumber untuk melabur dalam inovasi dan inisiatif yang berfokuskan pelanggan.
- Meningkatkan prestasi kewangan, yang boleh menarik keyakinan pelabur dan memberi kesan positif terhadap harga saham.
- Membolehkan syarikat beroperasi dengan tenaga kerja yang lebih cekap dan berkesan yang sejajar dengan hala tuju masa depan syarikat.
- **Kesimpulan:**
- Pemberhentian boleh dijustifikasikan sebagai langkah terakhir dalam transformasi POS Malaysia jika ia sejajar dengan strategi digital syarikat, mengurangkan kos yang tidak perlu, dan menangani kerugian yang berterusan.
- Memandangkan cabaran kewangan yang berterusan dan peningkatan dalam teknologi, mengurangkan jumlah pekerja adalah langkah yang perlu untuk menghentikan kerugian kewangan, menstabilkan syarikat, dan memposisikan syarikat untuk mencapai keuntungan.
- Walau bagaimanapun, ini harus menjadi sebahagian daripada pelan yang bijak, dilaksanakan dengan teliti untuk memastikan kesihatan jangka panjang syarikat dan pekerjanya dipelihara.
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Implementing retrenchment at POS Malaysia would indeed be a difficult decision for DRB-HICOM, but it could be a necessary step to address the financial challenges the company is facing and ultimately help it regain profitability and boost its share price. Here's a breakdown of the tough decision:
### 1. **Financial Challenges and Persistent Losses**
- **Ongoing Losses:** POS Malaysia has been reporting losses for six consecutive years, despite the efforts made under the new CEO to transform the company. The continued losses highlight the need for significant changes.
- **Cost-Structure Imbalance:** Despite investments in digital transformation and automation, the company still carries a large workforce, resulting in a mismatch between the number of employees and the new operational needs.
### 2. **The Role of Retrenchment in Cost-Cutting**
- **High Labor Costs:** Labor is one of the largest operational costs for POS Malaysia. Reducing the workforce can significantly lower these costs, especially if automation and digitalization have already reduced the need for human intervention.
- **Streamlining Operations:** Retrenchment would help streamline operations, align the workforce with current needs, and eliminate redundancy. This could result in a leaner, more efficient organization that can operate profitably.
### 3. **Improving Profitability and Share Price**
- **Investor Confidence:** POS Malaysia's stock price is currently below RM1, reflecting the lack of investor confidence. Implementing retrenchment could signal to the market that DRB-HICOM is taking decisive action to address inefficiencies, which may restore investor trust and lead to a recovery in share price.
- **Focusing on Core Functions:** Reducing headcount could allow POS Malaysia to refocus its efforts on more profitable and strategic areas, including customer-facing services and innovation, which could help drive long-term growth and stability.
### 4. **Difficulties in Making the Decision**
- **Social and Ethical Considerations:** Retrenchment is a tough decision due to its impact on employees. It involves a loss of jobs, which can negatively affect employee morale and public perception of the company. DRB-HICOM would need to manage this process ethically, with proper severance packages and support for affected employees.
- **Internal Resistance:** Employees and unions may resist retrenchment, and there could be internal opposition to such a significant change. Handling this with care is crucial to prevent long-term negative impacts on company culture and employee relations.
### 5. **Long-Term Strategic Vision**
- **Positioning for the Future:** While the retrenchment decision may be painful, it could position POS Malaysia for long-term success. A leaner workforce, improved operational efficiency, and reduced costs can help the company adapt to the changing business environment and market demands.
- **Transformation and Sustainability:** The retrenchment should be part of a broader, well-thought-out transformation strategy that includes technological innovation, better customer service, and operational excellence. This would ensure that POS Malaysia becomes a more sustainable and profitable entity in the future.
### Conclusion:
For DRB-HICOM, retrenchment at POS Malaysia is undoubtedly a difficult and emotional decision, especially considering the social implications. However, it may be necessary to address the financial inefficiencies, cut operational costs, and put POS Malaysia on a path to profitability. If done strategically, this move could help restore investor confidence, boost share prices, and secure the company’s future in a competitive market.
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
If DRB-HICOM dares not implement retrenchment at POS Malaysia, it risks being dragged down alongside the company due to several key reasons:
### 1. **Ongoing Financial Losses**
- **Continuous Losses:** POS Malaysia has faced six consecutive years of financial losses, which signifies an unsustainable business model. If DRB-HICOM fails to address the underlying inefficiencies, it will continue to hemorrhage funds, dragging down the profitability of both the parent company and its subsidiary, POS Malaysia.
- **Inability to Cut Costs:** By not reducing the workforce, DRB-HICOM allows POS Malaysia’s operational costs to remain too high, making it harder to return to profitability and forcing the company to rely on unsustainable financial practices.
### 2. **Shareholder and Investor Confidence**
- **Low Stock Value:** POS Malaysia’s stock price is currently below RM1, reflecting the loss of investor confidence. If DRB-HICOM continues to avoid difficult decisions, such as retrenchment, it risks further depressing the share price. Investors are likely to lose trust in the company’s ability to turn things around, negatively impacting DRB-HICOM’s stock as well.
- **Market Perception:** The failure to make necessary adjustments like workforce reduction sends a signal to the market that DRB-HICOM is unwilling or unable to make tough, strategic decisions. This could exacerbate the lack of confidence, hurting both companies' long-term prospects.
### 3. **Increased Burden on DRB-HICOM**
- **Financial Strain on Parent Company:** If POS Malaysia continues to lose money, DRB-HICOM, as the parent company, may be forced to inject additional capital to keep the subsidiary afloat. This could strain DRB-HICOM’s resources and limit its ability to invest in other profitable ventures or businesses.
- **Operational Inefficiency:** A failure to address inefficiencies at POS Malaysia will only result in further losses and will prevent DRB-HICOM from capitalizing on the opportunities for growth in other areas. The unaddressed inefficiencies can spread, causing a drag on DRB-HICOM’s overall business performance.
### 4. **Missed Opportunity for Transformation**
- **Failure to Adapt:** DRB-HICOM and POS Malaysia must adapt to a rapidly changing business landscape. If retrenchment is not implemented as part of a broader strategy for digitalization and operational efficiency, POS Malaysia will continue to struggle in the market. A failure to restructure could prevent both entities from taking advantage of growth opportunities, leaving them vulnerable to competitors.
- **Inability to Invest in Innovation:** The financial burden caused by inefficiencies and losses prevents the company from reinvesting in innovation or new business areas. DRB-HICOM could miss out on transformative opportunities for growth and market leadership, further diminishing its position in the market.
### 5. **Long-Term Viability**
- **Sustaining the Business:** For POS Malaysia to survive in the long term, it needs to become a leaner, more efficient operation. DRB-HICOM must make difficult decisions to ensure the sustainability of POS Malaysia. Failing to do so will not only hurt POS Malaysia but will also weaken DRB-HICOM’s overall business strategy and future prospects.
- **Risk of Falling Behind Competitors:** In the face of market pressures and a changing business environment, the failure to implement strategic changes can lead to the company losing its competitive edge. Competitors who embrace digital transformation and efficient operations will surpass POS Malaysia, further weakening DRB-HICOM’s market position.
### Conclusion:
If DRB-HICOM does not implement retrenchment at POS Malaysia, it risks being dragged down with the company due to financial inefficiencies, loss of investor confidence, and missed opportunities for growth. The failure to act decisively will result in prolonged losses, increased strain on the parent company, and a lack of adaptability to a changing business landscape. Thus, making tough decisions, including workforce reduction, is necessary for ensuring the long-term viability and success of both POS Malaysia and DRB-HICOM.
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
### Justifikasi Mengapa DRB-HICOM Akan Terjejas Bersama POS Malaysia Jika Tidak Melaksanakan Pemberhentian Pekerja
- **1. Kerugian Kewangan yang Berterusan**
- **Kerugian Berterusan:** POS Malaysia telah mengalami kerugian selama enam tahun berturut-turut, menunjukkan model perniagaan yang tidak mampan. Jika DRB-HICOM gagal mengatasi ketidakefisiensian ini, syarikat akan terus mengalami kerugian yang akan memberi kesan negatif kepada keuntungan kedua-dua syarikat.
- **Kesukaran Mengurangkan Kos:** Dengan tidak mengurangkan jumlah pekerja, kos operasi POS Malaysia tetap tinggi, menyukarkan syarikat untuk kembali beroperasi menguntungkan, dan memaksa syarikat bergantung pada amalan kewangan yang tidak mampan.
- **2. Keyakinan Pelabur dan Pemegang Saham**
- **Nilai Saham yang Rendah:** Harga saham POS Malaysia kini di bawah RM1, mencerminkan kehilangan keyakinan pelabur. Jika DRB-HICOM terus mengelak daripada membuat keputusan sukar seperti pemberhentian, harga saham akan terus merosot dan menurunkan keyakinan terhadap kedua-dua syarikat.
- **Persepsi Pasaran:** Gagal mengambil tindakan yang diperlukan akan memberi isyarat kepada pasaran bahawa DRB-HICOM tidak berani membuat keputusan strategik, yang akan menambah keraguan terhadap prospek masa depan syarikat, memberi kesan negatif terhadap harga saham.
- **3. Beban Kewangan Terhadap DRB-HICOM**
- **Tekanan Kewangan ke Atas Syarikat Induk:** Jika POS Malaysia terus mengalami kerugian, DRB-HICOM mungkin terpaksa menyuntik lebih banyak modal untuk menyelamatkan anak syarikat tersebut, yang akan memberi tekanan kepada sumber kewangan syarikat induk dan mengehadkan kemampuan untuk melabur dalam peluang lain.
- **Ketidakefisiensian Operasi:** Kegagalan mengatasi ketidakefisiensian di POS Malaysia akan menjejaskan prestasi keseluruhan DRB-HICOM, kerana kelemahan ini akan memberi impak negatif kepada prestasi syarikat induk.
- **4. Peluang Transformasi yang Terlepas**
- **Gagal Menyesuaikan Diri:** DRB-HICOM dan POS Malaysia perlu menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan pesat dalam landskap perniagaan. Tanpa pemberhentian pekerja sebagai sebahagian daripada strategi pendigitalan dan kecekapan operasi, POS Malaysia akan terus menghadapi kesukaran. Kegagalan untuk merestrukturisasi syarikat boleh menyebabkan mereka terlepas peluang pertumbuhan yang penting.
- **Gagal Melabur dalam Inovasi:** Beban kewangan akibat ketidakefisiensian menghalang syarikat daripada melabur dalam inovasi atau bidang perniagaan baru. DRB-HICOM akan kehilangan peluang untuk berkembang dan memimpin pasaran.
- **5. Kestabilan Jangka Panjang**
- **Memastikan Kelestarian Perniagaan:** Untuk memastikan kelestarian POS Malaysia, syarikat perlu menjadi operasi yang lebih cekap. DRB-HICOM perlu mengambil keputusan sukar untuk memastikan masa depan POS Malaysia. Gagal berbuat demikian bukan sahaja akan merugikan POS Malaysia, tetapi juga akan melemahkan strategi perniagaan keseluruhan DRB-HICOM.
- **Risiko Ketinggalan Berbanding Pesaing:** Tanpa mengambil langkah strategik, syarikat akan ketinggalan dalam pasaran. Pesaing yang lebih cekap dan menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan teknologi akan mengambil alih pasaran, memperburuk kedudukan DRB-HICOM.
### Kesimpulan:
Jika DRB-HICOM gagal melaksanakan pemberhentian pekerja di POS Malaysia, ia berisiko terjejas bersama syarikat tersebut disebabkan oleh ketidakefisiensian kewangan, kehilangan keyakinan pelabur, dan peluang pertumbuhan yang terlepas. Keputusan untuk tidak bertindak dengan tegas akan mengakibatkan kerugian berpanjangan, tekanan kewangan kepada syarikat induk, dan ketidakmampuan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran perniagaan yang berubah. Oleh itu, keputusan sukar seperti pemberhentian pekerja adalah perlu untuk memastikan kelestarian dan kejayaan jangka panjang bagi kedua-dua POS Malaysia dan DRB-HICOM.
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
DRB must make tough decision regarding pos retrenchment as its motor segment is facing tough competition for china brands e.g. byd, chery, and many more in all segments ICE, EV,Hybrid & PHEV///
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
if drb dares not implement retrenchment at POS, it share price could tumble below 50sen like tanchong which unable to compete with chinese brands & even tesla
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
during the profitable years of pos before 2019, pos malaysia manpower always 18000++ & lower. now above 20000++ although with huge capex in digitalisation, high skilled talented manpower, etc... DRB must take the bold move now... the whole world is watching
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Sime darby partnered BYD to fight drb, TEsla alone fights drb, GW partnered tanchong to fight DRB, and many more
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
another tough decision for drb to implement retrenchment at pos after selling proton & lotus to china geely dulu to turnaround proton which dragged down drb dulu, giliran for pos malaysia kini. hehe
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
drb auto segment is facing intense fight with BYD, Tesla, Chery, Jaecoo, GW, and many more affecting its honda n proton sales as well
Posted by ocbc > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Retrenchment is the only way , just cut those lowest 5% performers yearly will do.
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
DRB-HICOM, a conglomerate with significant interests in the automotive sector, is indeed navigating a tough landscape in Malaysia. The competitive automotive market is increasingly shaped by global giants such as BYD, Tesla, and Chery, which are bringing advanced technologies, electric vehicles (EVs), and attractive pricing to the region. Here’s a deeper look at the challenges and strategies DRB-HICOM might face:
### **Challenges**
1. **Electric Vehicle (EV) Disruption**:
- **BYD and Tesla**: These companies dominate the EV segment globally and are entering Malaysia aggressively. They leverage cutting-edge technology, strong branding, and economies of scale to deliver competitive pricing and advanced vehicles.
- DRB-HICOM’s flagship Proton and collaboration with Geely need to scale their EV offerings quickly to avoid losing ground in the EV race.
2. **Price Sensitivity**:
- Brands like Chery focus on offering competitive pricing while delivering quality and advanced features, appealing to budget-conscious Malaysian consumers.
- Proton's strength in affordability is now challenged as competitors bring higher perceived value in similar price brackets.
3. **Brand Perception**:
- Tesla and BYD have strong reputations globally, whereas Proton, despite improvements, still battles legacy perceptions of quality and innovation in certain segments.
4. **Government Incentives and Policies**:
- Malaysia is encouraging EV adoption with tax incentives, infrastructure developments, and favorable import policies, benefiting global EV makers entering the market.
### **Opportunities and Strategies**
1. **EV Development with Geely**:
- DRB-HICOM’s joint venture with Geely could be its strongest card, as Geely’s EV expertise and resources might help Proton create competitive EVs for Malaysia and export markets.
2. **Leveraging National Sentiment**:
- Proton remains a symbol of national pride for many Malaysians. Capitalizing on this emotional connection, while offering modern, eco-friendly vehicles, can help retain loyal customers.
3. **Improving After-Sales Services**:
- A key differentiator could be enhancing customer service, after-sales support, and affordability of maintenance, areas where global players sometimes lag.
4. **Localization**:
- DRB-HICOM could focus on localized designs, pricing strategies, and features tailored to Malaysian consumers' needs, leveraging its deep understanding of the local market.
5. **EV Infrastructure Partnerships**:
- Collaborating with the government and private sectors to expand Malaysia’s EV charging network can position Proton as an EV-ready brand.
6. **Export Focus**:
- Beyond Malaysia, Proton’s regional growth strategy could help diversify revenue streams and scale production, improving cost competitiveness.
### **Current Moves**
- Proton has already started rolling out models like the X90 SUV, which target premium segments, and they may focus more on EV variants.
- The conglomerate could enhance synergies within its portfolio (e.g., partnerships between automotive, logistics, and financial services arms).
### **Conclusion**
While DRB-HICOM is at a critical juncture, it has the resources, partnerships, and local goodwill to mount a robust challenge. However, the success of its EV strategies and ability to stay agile in this fast-evolving market will be decisive in ensuring its survival and growth amidst intense competition from BYD, Tesla, Chery, and others.
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Retrenchment at Pos Malaysia could be a difficult but potentially necessary step for DRB-HICOM to ensure the survival and profitability of the company. Pos Malaysia, which operates in a challenging postal and logistics environment, faces declining mail volumes, rising operational costs, and competition from more agile logistics players. Here are some considerations:
### **Why Retrenchment Might Be Necessary**
1. **Declining Core Business**:
- The traditional mail segment, once a cornerstone of Pos Malaysia’s operations, is rapidly shrinking due to digitalization.
- Despite diversification efforts, revenue from courier and logistics services may not yet compensate for the losses in mail.
2. **High Operating Costs**:
- Legacy structures, extensive physical networks, and staffing levels optimized for a bygone era contribute to high fixed costs.
- Streamlining operations through retrenchment could significantly reduce overhead.
3. **Competitive Pressure**:
- Pos Malaysia faces stiff competition from agile players like J&T Express, Ninja Van, and GrabExpress, which operate with leaner structures.
4. **Sustainability for DRB-HICOM**:
- As the major shareholder, DRB-HICOM needs Pos Malaysia to perform sustainably, especially as it considers strategic pivots like IPOs (e.g., Pos Café or Pos Shop).
- Cutting losses in underperforming areas might be necessary to stabilize financials.
### **Challenges of Retrenchment**
1. **Social and Political Sensitivities**:
- Pos Malaysia, a former government-linked entity, is seen as a public service provider. Retrenchment could face public backlash and resistance from unions.
- The government’s equity interest (via major shareholders like KWAP) might also complicate such decisions.
2. **Short-Term Disruptions**:
- Layoffs can lead to operational disruptions and morale issues among remaining staff, affecting service quality.
3. **Cost of Retrenchment**:
- Severance packages and related expenses can add financial strain in the short term.
### **Alternatives to Retrenchment**
1. **Digital Transformation**:
- Accelerate the shift to digital and automated processes to reduce reliance on manpower without immediate layoffs.
2. **Redeployment**:
- Reskill and redeploy staff to high-growth areas, such as e-commerce logistics or digital services.
3. **Asset Rationalization**:
- Consider selling or repurposing underutilized assets (e.g., post offices, fleet) to free up capital and reduce costs.
4. **Strategic Partnerships**:
- Form alliances with tech companies and logistics innovators to modernize operations and create new revenue streams.
5. **Voluntary Separation Schemes (VSS)**:
- Offer incentives for employees to voluntarily leave, reducing workforce size more amicably.
### **The Way Forward**
While retrenchment could be part of DRB-HICOM’s strategy for Pos Malaysia, it should be approached carefully to balance cost savings with social responsibility and brand reputation. Complementary strategies like redeployment, digitalization, and strategic partnerships might soften the blow while creating a sustainable foundation for growth.
Ultimately, the success of Pos Malaysia—and by extension, DRB-HICOM—will depend on the ability to pivot rapidly in an industry undergoing disruptive change.
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
To rescue proton: sell proton & lotus to geely... to rescue pos msia: sell or retrenchment; the only options left 😂😃
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
tak tahu, maybe, drb sells its stake in pos to GRAB like jaya grocer's founder
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
semoga syed selepas isu tentang pos msia sebelum mati macam ananda & daim
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
If DRB-HICOM were to consider selling Pos Malaysia, the ideal buyer would be a company that can leverage strong synergies with Pos Malaysia's assets and operations. These synergies could arise from complementary businesses in logistics, e-commerce, technology, or even financial services. Here are some potential candidates and their alignment with Pos Malaysia's capabilities:
### **1. Logistics Giants**
- **DHL (Deutsche Post)**:
- **Synergies**: DHL has a strong international logistics network, expertise in express delivery, and experience managing last-mile delivery in challenging environments.
- **Value Proposition**: Pos Malaysia's local infrastructure could enhance DHL's domestic capabilities and provide a cost-effective expansion into rural areas.
- **FedEx or UPS**:
- **Synergies**: These companies could use Pos Malaysia's extensive network to strengthen their foothold in Southeast Asia.
- **Value Proposition**: Partnership or acquisition could enhance their market share in cross-border e-commerce logistics.
- **J&T Express**:
- **Synergies**: J&T has been aggressively growing in Southeast Asia, and Pos Malaysia’s infrastructure would significantly boost its domestic market presence.
- **Value Proposition**: Pos Malaysia could offer J&T access to rural delivery, regulatory benefits, and further diversification.
### **2. E-Commerce Players**
- **Shopee (Sea Group)** or **Lazada (Alibaba)**:
- **Synergies**: These e-commerce giants are heavily reliant on logistics. Acquiring Pos Malaysia could help them control more of their supply chain.
- **Value Proposition**: Pos Malaysia could provide these companies with a cost-effective way to scale their last-mile delivery operations and improve service quality for sellers and buyers.
- **Amazon**:
- **Synergies**: While Amazon is less prominent in Malaysia, acquiring Pos Malaysia could be a strategic move to enhance its logistics capabilities in the region.
- **Value Proposition**: It would give Amazon the infrastructure needed to expand its footprint in Malaysia and surrounding markets.
### **3. Regional or Local Logistics Players**
- **GDEX or City-Link Express**:
- **Synergies**: These smaller logistics players could leverage Pos Malaysia’s network to scale up operations.
- **Value Proposition**: Combining forces could create a dominant player in the domestic logistics space.
- **CJ Century (CJ Logistics)**:
- **Synergies**: As part of the South Korean CJ Logistics group, CJ Century could integrate Pos Malaysia’s network with its advanced logistics technology and international connections.
- **Value Proposition**: Pos Malaysia’s rural penetration complements CJ Century’s focus on supply chain management.
### **4. Technology and Financial Players**
- **Grab**:
- **Synergies**: Grab’s expanding logistics and delivery operations (e.g., GrabExpress) align well with Pos Malaysia's infrastructure.
- **Value Proposition**: Pos Malaysia could help Grab scale its logistics capabilities and deepen its presence in underserved areas.
- **GHL Systems or fintech players**:
- **Synergies**: Pos Malaysia has a physical footprint ideal for fintech services like e-wallet top-ups or bill payments.
- **Value Proposition**: A financial services company could use Pos Malaysia’s network to enhance financial inclusion and offer complementary services.
### **5. Government-Linked or Regional Logistics Entities**
- **Singapore Post (SingPost)**:
- **Synergies**: As a regional postal operator, SingPost could integrate Pos Malaysia’s operations to create a stronger ASEAN postal and logistics network.
- **Value Proposition**: Combining two regional players could enhance efficiency and competitiveness against global players.
- **Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB)**:
- **Synergies**: As a government-linked transportation company, KTMB could integrate Pos Malaysia’s logistics with rail freight services.
- **Value Proposition**: Such an acquisition could optimize intermodal logistics solutions across Malaysia.
### **Key Factors to Consider**
- **Strategic Alignment**: The buyer must align with Pos Malaysia’s vision to modernize and adapt to the e-commerce boom.
- **Financial Strength**: The buyer should have sufficient resources to invest in digital transformation and infrastructure upgrades.
- **Regulatory and Public Sentiment**: The Malaysian government may prefer a buyer with a strong commitment to public service, especially for rural areas.
### **Conclusion**
Among the potential buyers, **Shopee (Sea Group)**, **J&T Express**, or a regional logistics player like **SingPost** or **CJ Century** might offer the strongest synergies. They could leverage Pos Malaysia’s extensive network to enhance delivery capabilities while investing in modernization to unlock long-term value.
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
DRB-HICOM faces an urgent decision regarding Pos Malaysia as the company’s continuous losses since 2019 threaten to erode shareholder value and drag down DRB’s overall performance. A prolonged six-year period of financial underperformance has resulted in a tumbling share price, weakened investor confidence, and mounting operational inefficiencies that DRB can no longer afford to subsidize. Here's what DRB should consider in making a decisive move:
### **Key Challenges for Pos Malaysia**
1. **Structural Decline in Mail Volume**:
- Mail services, a historically stable revenue stream, have drastically declined with digitalization. This segment's losses far outweigh growth in courier and logistics.
2. **Intense Competition**:
- Agile players like J&T Express, Ninja Van, and GrabExpress dominate e-commerce logistics with more efficient operations and better technology.
3. **Rising Operational Costs**:
- Legacy infrastructure, labor-intensive operations, and high fixed costs create a burden Pos Malaysia struggles to offset.
4. **Investor Fatigue**:
- Continuous losses and lack of clear turnaround strategies have driven investors away, evident in the stock's poor performance.
### **Decisive Actions DRB Must Consider**
#### **1. Immediate Restructuring**
- **Downsize Unprofitable Segments**:
- Scale down or exit traditional mail services in areas where costs exceed revenues.
- Focus resources on high-potential segments like e-commerce logistics and cross-border trade.
- **Optimize Workforce**:
- Implement retrenchment or voluntary separation schemes (VSS) to reduce labor costs responsibly.
- Upskill and redeploy remaining staff for growth areas such as digital and courier services.
- **Network Rationalization**:
- Consolidate underperforming post offices or convert them into shared-service hubs for logistics, fintech, and e-commerce.
#### **2. Strategic Sale or Partnerships**
- **Sell Pos Malaysia**:
- Identify a buyer with strong synergies, such as a logistics giant (J&T, DHL, SingPost) or an e-commerce player (Shopee, Lazada).
- A full sale would allow DRB to cut its losses and reinvest in its core businesses or growth areas.
- **Form Strategic Alliances**:
- Partner with global logistics or tech players to modernize Pos Malaysia’s operations while sharing the financial burden.
- This could include equity partnerships or operational management agreements.
#### **3. Accelerate Digital Transformation**
- Pivot to an **asset-light** business model emphasizing technology-driven solutions like automated sorting, digital platforms, and real-time tracking.
- Introduce **e-commerce-friendly services** such as same-day delivery, seamless returns, and affordable international shipping.
#### **4. Unlock Asset Value**
- Monetize underutilized assets such as real estate by selling, leasing, or repurposing for higher-value uses (e.g., urban logistics hubs).
- Spin off successful segments like Pos Laju or Pos Café into separate businesses to attract new investors or prepare for IPOs.
### **Why DRB Must Act Now**
1. **Shareholder Pressure**:
- Continuous losses will further damage DRB’s financials, and investor sentiment may reach a breaking point.
- With DRB’s other ventures requiring capital, Pos Malaysia risks becoming an unsustainable drain on resources.
2. **Industry Trends**:
- The logistics and postal sector is consolidating, with tech-driven players rapidly gaining market share. Delaying action could result in Pos Malaysia losing relevance entirely.
3. **Opportunity for Value Extraction**:
- Selling or restructuring Pos Malaysia now could still yield reasonable value, especially if DRB highlights its extensive infrastructure and market penetration to potential buyers.
### **Conclusion**
DRB-HICOM must urgently implement a clear strategy: either restructure and revitalize Pos Malaysia or divest it to a partner better equipped to drive growth. Delays will only compound the financial burden and damage shareholder confidence further. A decisive move in 2024 can transform Pos Malaysia’s outlook while freeing DRB to focus on more promising ventures. **Time is not on DRB’s side, and the longer the inaction, the harder the recovery.**
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
at what price pos akan dijual jika berlaku? hehe
DRB-HICOM sold a 49.9% stake in Proton Holdings Berhad to **Zhejiang Geely Holding Group** in **2017** for approximately **RM460.3 million**. The deal included several strategic components, which helped Geely and DRB align their interests in turning Proton into a globally competitive brand. Here are the specifics:
### **Key Details of the Sale**
1. **Transaction Value**:
- DRB-HICOM sold a 49.9% stake in Proton for **RM460.3 million**.
- The deal effectively valued Proton at **approximately RM920 million** at the time of the transaction.
2. **Lotus Cars**:
- As part of the agreement, Geely also acquired a 51% stake in **Lotus Cars**, the UK-based sports car manufacturer, for **£51 million (around RM282 million)**.
- The remaining 49% of Lotus was sold to **Etika Automotive**, a private Malaysian company.
3. **Geely's Contributions**:
- Geely committed to providing technical expertise, new model platforms, and access to advanced technologies.
- This included the introduction of successful models like the Proton X70, based on Geely’s Boyue platform.
4. **DRB-HICOM’s Stake**:
- DRB retained a **50.1% controlling stake** in Proton, maintaining its position as the majority shareholder.
### **Strategic Context of the Sale**
- The sale occurred during a time when Proton was struggling financially due to declining market share, low export volumes, and a lack of competitive models.
- Geely’s involvement was seen as essential to reviving Proton by:
- Injecting **capital**.
- Providing **technological resources**.
- Expanding Proton’s presence in **ASEAN** and beyond.
### **Outcomes Post-Sale**
- The collaboration led to the launch of the highly successful **Proton X70** and subsequent models, which have significantly improved Proton’s profitability and market position.
- Proton is now seen as a competitive player in Malaysia’s automotive market, with ambitions to expand its export footprint.
The Proton-Geely partnership highlights the benefits of leveraging foreign expertise to turn around struggling domestic brands, and it stands as one of DRB-HICOM’s most notable strategic moves in recent years.
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
A synergy between **Pos Malaysia** and **Geely China** could be explored, especially considering Geely's expertise in logistics, technology, and automotive solutions. While Pos Malaysia primarily operates in postal and courier services, Geely’s capabilities in supply chain management, autonomous technology, and international networks could complement Pos Malaysia's operations. Here are potential areas of synergy:
### **1. Logistics and Supply Chain**
- **Autonomous Delivery**:
- Geely has developed autonomous driving technologies and is actively exploring smart logistics. Pos Malaysia could leverage this expertise to introduce automated delivery vehicles, particularly for last-mile delivery in urban areas.
- **Fleet Modernization**:
- Pos Malaysia could adopt Geely's electric and fuel-efficient vehicles for its delivery fleet, reducing operating costs and aligning with sustainability goals.
- Geely's EV technology could be used to pilot an eco-friendly logistics network in Malaysia.
- **Smart Warehousing**:
- Geely’s experience in building smart factories could help Pos Malaysia modernize its warehousing and sorting facilities using robotics, IoT, and AI to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
### **2. Cross-Border E-Commerce**
- **China-Malaysia Trade Facilitation**:
- Pos Malaysia could partner with Geely to handle logistics for Chinese e-commerce exports to Malaysia, capitalizing on Malaysia’s role as a key ASEAN hub.
- With Geely’s network in China, Pos Malaysia could expand its cross-border shipping services, offering faster and more cost-effective solutions for businesses and consumers.
- **Integration with Geely’s Ecosystem**:
- Geely’s affiliation with companies like **Lynk & Co.** and **Volvo Cars** could allow Pos Malaysia to manage parts distribution, returns, and after-sales logistics for these brands in Malaysia.
### **3. Technology Transfer**
- **Digitalization**:
- Geely’s focus on digitization and smart systems could aid Pos Malaysia in building robust e-commerce platforms and real-time logistics tracking systems.
- This includes customer-facing solutions like dynamic pricing, real-time parcel tracking, and predictive delivery times.
- **AI and Big Data**:
- Pos Malaysia could leverage Geely’s AI capabilities to optimize delivery routes, predict demand patterns, and improve customer service.
### **4. Export and Regional Expansion**
- **ASEAN Supply Chain Hub**:
- With Geely’s backing, Pos Malaysia could position itself as a regional logistics hub for ASEAN, handling exports from China and facilitating trade within the region.
- **Export of Proton Components**:
- As Proton scales its production under the Geely partnership, Pos Malaysia could manage the export of Proton components and CKD (completely knocked down) kits to other markets.
### **Challenges**
- **Operational Misalignment**:
- Geely is primarily an automotive and tech company, while Pos Malaysia's focus is postal and logistics. Aligning their operations may require significant effort and investment.
- **Regulatory Barriers**:
- Malaysian government regulations and national service obligations for Pos Malaysia might complicate cross-border collaborations.
- **Cultural and Strategic Differences**:
- Geely’s high-tech, profit-driven approach might clash with Pos Malaysia’s public service obligations and legacy systems.
### **Conclusion**
While Pos Malaysia and Geely operate in distinct industries, there are potential synergies in **logistics modernization**, **cross-border trade**, and **e-commerce facilitation**. DRB-HICOM could explore leveraging Geely’s expertise to transform Pos Malaysia into a technologically advanced logistics player, particularly if the focus is on the **ASEAN e-commerce boom** and **green logistics**. However, for meaningful collaboration, Geely would need to view this as strategically valuable for expanding its influence in Malaysia and the region.
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Drb can sell POS at higher price now?🤣🤗 KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 9): The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), accounting for nearly 97% of all business establishments, are facing increasing challenges due to rising logistics costs, said the Small and Medium Enterprises Association (Samenta) Malaysia.
It said while delivery charges have steadily climbed in response to the Red Sea disruptions and an unexpected spike in demand, such measures are unsustainable in the long term.
Adding to this strain, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has proposed regulating courier base prices to sustain the industry, a move that has sparked concerns about its potential impact on cost-sensitive businesses, a topic widely discussed among industry players such as Pos Malaysia Bhd.
These changes include pushing for the implementation of a floor price for parcels, which they argue would help create a more level playing field within the courier sector.
Malaysia’s courier and parcel market is expected to grow significantly, reaching an estimated US$1.58 billion by 2025, driven by the e-commerce boom. However, this promising growth could be hindered by inefficiencies and rising costs that disproportionately impact SMEs and consumers.
Affordable logistics services remain a critical factor in ensuring equitable access to the benefits of this market expansion, said the association.
“For small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the logistics costs can significantly influence their competitiveness. Many are now faced with a difficult trade-off, whether to absorb rising delivery expenses and shrink already slim margins, or pass these costs on to customers, risking reduced sales.
“Both options create financial strain, particularly as businesses navigate economic recovery and increasing market competition,” it said in a statement.
To ensure Malaysia’s logistics sector continues to support SMEs and the broader economy, innovation and digital transformation must take centre stage, said Samenta.
“Advances in automation and artificial intelligence (AI) offer opportunities to improve operational efficiency and service reliability, where automated warehousing systems can streamline inventory management, while AI-powered route planning can minimise delivery delays and optimise fuel consumption.
“Tools such as real-time shipment tracking and predictive analytics allow SMEs to anticipate and mitigate potential disruptions while optimising their operations.”
Meanwhile, Samenta national president Datuk William Ng said SMEs continue to grapple with rising costs and the pressure to increase selling prices.
“With additional compliance requirements such as the e-invoicing mandate and adherence to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards, businesses are under significant strain.
“To ease this burden, we urge policymakers, regulators, and logistics players to focus on delivering solutions that prioritise efficiency, affordability, and innovation to support the resilience and growth of SMEs,” he said.
The association said relying solely on cost increases to address logistical challenges is no longer viable.
The future of Malaysia’s logistics industry lies in collaboration among industry players, policymakers, and SMEs to foster a logistics ecosystem that promotes innovation and rewards efficiency.
It stressed that by embracing these changes, the logistics sector can support SMEs while ensuring that Malaysia’s economy remains resilient and competitive.
Uploaded by Lam Seng Fatt
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Nampaknya sokongan kerajaan terhadap Pos Malaysia adalah sesuatu yang tidak dapat dielakkan, memandangkan KSWP (Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja) dan KWAP (Kumpulan Wang Persaraan) adalah antara lima pemegang saham terbesar. Sebagai pelabur institusi yang signifikan dengan pegangan yang besar, penglibatan mereka memberikan kestabilan kewangan dan sokongan. Kedua-dua entiti ini memainkan peranan penting dalam menguruskan dana persaraan penjawat awam, dan sebarang tindakan yang melibatkan Pos Malaysia boleh memberi implikasi yang lebih luas terhadap portfolio mereka. Oleh itu, kerajaan mungkin akan terus menyokong bagi melindungi pelaburan ini, terutamanya jika sebarang isu timbul, seperti kesan siasatan SPRM atau faktor luaran lain.
Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
pos must learn from malayan flour😎😎😎😎POs always rugi pulak😛😛😛
Malayan Flour Mills (MFM) is consistently profitable due to several key factors:
1. Integrated Business Model
MFM operates an integrated value chain that includes flour milling, livestock feed production, and poultry farming. This diversification helps spread risk and maintain stable income streams, even if one segment faces challenges.
2. Strong Market Position
MFM is one of Malaysia’s leading flour millers, benefiting from economies of scale, a well-established brand, and a loyal customer base. This gives it an edge in pricing and market penetration.
3. Essential Product Demand
Flour and related products are staples in diets, ensuring steady demand regardless of economic conditions. The company’s poultry operations also cater to a staple protein source, further boosting demand stability.
4. Cost Management and Efficiency
MFM’s long experience in the industry allows it to optimize production processes and manage costs effectively. Investments in modern technology also improve operational efficiency.
5. Strategic Partnerships
Collaborations and joint ventures, such as its partnership with Tyson Foods in the poultry segment, enhance MFM’s capabilities and market reach while sharing financial and operational risks.
6. Geographic Reach
MFM serves both local and international markets, providing revenue diversity. It can leverage currency fluctuations and demand shifts to its advantage.
7. Government Support and Policies
As a supplier of essential food products, MFM may benefit from favorable policies, subsidies, or protectionist measures, particularly during periods of high inflation or economic uncertainty.
8. Focus on Sustainability and Innovation
MFM has adapted to changing consumer preferences, such as demand for healthier and premium products, ensuring its products remain relevant and competitive.
These combined factors help MFM maintain profitability and a strong financial position, even in challenging market conditions.
Posted by abc333 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Posted by ocbc > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
e.mas 7 price at $105k-$120k , best in class
Posted by ocbc > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
showroom full of people test drive emas7 , upcoming quarter expect overtake perodua. Cheers !
Posted by cwc1981 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Don't worry with new OMV excise tax coming Proton will have advantages against the chinese cars
Posted by abc333 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
new OMV excise tax is a catalyst for a spike. Next year, Vios price will up to 105-115K , while S70 is only 75-100k
Posted by ocbc > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
its fun to see low hanging fruits here, cheers !
Posted by cwc1981 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
You're right abc333. OMV tax will narrow CKD and CBU price tag. Toyota and Honda will become more expensive
Posted by ocbc > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Emas7 Selling like hot cake now , cheers !
Posted by HKHedgeFund > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Hapseng short selling target malaysia riggit 2.7
Posted by ocbc > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
need to re-iterate this ... Emas 7 selling like hot cake now.
Posted by ocbc > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Expecting Proton will overtake Perodua being leader , cheers !
Posted by ocbc > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
1) Emas 7 overtaking Perodua momentum
2) Bank Muamalat - M&A or listing in 2025
3) Pos Malaysia up n coming actions on Pos shop-7/11 and land
Posted by abc333 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
If Bank is listing, will lift DRB to 1.8 at least. Since Proton has bright futures, privatize DRB and than relisting Proton , bank, Deftech is Boss SOP. DRB will reach above 1.8 in either way , IPO Bank or Privatize. Hopefully by next Quarter.
Posted by ocbc > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
leaked photo of Proton Saga 2025 ? the design looks good and will be the best seller for sure.
Posted by Ammar Roshidy > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Malaysia must follow Trump, and the South China Sea belongs to China. We should ban Chinese EVs except Proton.
Use your brains guys.
Posted by hw0706 > 4 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Posted by ocbc > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Amazing Proton Saga "2025" , cheers !
Posted by riza666 > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
RM1.04 saja... apa sudah jadi DRB. Tak cukup ka syarikat bawah anda salurkan dana pun masih lagi rendah saham.
Posted by Ammar Roshidy > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
CCP fully backs China EV. What is Malaysia waiting for? We should fully back our local EV industry. Perodua and Proton need all the help they can get.
Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse
makin tenat... masalah pos msia, dll... byd, tesla, dll juga ancaman besar bg honda, proton, dll
Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse
POS & EVs from byd & tesla are killing drb in stages
Posted by balvin71 > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
This would make eMas as the best selling EV in Malaysia.
Posted by Good123 > 1 day ago | Report Abuse
pos makin teruk, drb 50sen pun tak mustahil
No result.
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Posted by Good123 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Pemberhentian pekerja boleh dijustifikasikan sebagai langkah terakhir untuk menjadikan POS Malaysia menguntungkan selepas enam tahun kerugian. Walaupun CEO baru telah melaksanakan transformasi dan pendigitalan, jumlah pekerja masih tidak disesuaikan dengan peningkatan kecekapan melalui teknologi. Mengurangkan jumlah pekerja akan memotong kos operasi yang tinggi dan membantu syarikat berhenti daripada terus mengalami kerugian. Pemberhentian adalah langkah terakhir yang wajar setelah usaha peningkatan kecekapan dan pelaburan dalam teknologi, dan ia boleh meningkatkan keyakinan pelabur serta memberi kesan positif kepada harga saham. Namun, ia perlu dilakukan dengan adil, telus, dan disertakan sokongan kepada pekerja yang terjejas.