
kelvin61 | Joined since 2014-07-22

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2017-10-30 23:04 | Report Abuse

I won't be surprised if it goes limit up tomorrow i.e. 0.53, cheers to all believers and followers of HUAAN.


2017-10-23 15:02 | Report Abuse

I guess he finally found peace.


2017-10-13 17:16 | Report Abuse

@ GoUp. One is FG selling price - 1,968 and the other is the material purchase price - 1,167. Cheers.


2017-10-13 13:20 | Report Abuse

@ rr88. You think so? I smell a rat up to no good. Where in Bursa's history has a company come forward in less than a day when it's share price starts to move to make a voluntary negative announcement, shsssh. What a crap.


2017-10-13 13:19 | Report Abuse

I smell a rat up to no good. Where in Bursa's history has a company come forward in less than a day when it's share price starts to move to make a voluntary negative announcement, shsssh. What a crap.


2017-10-13 11:45 | Report Abuse

What is the intention of SMRT to halt trading yesterday afternoon to make a negative statement. As a result, the share prices of SMRT and AEGB started to fall subsequently. I detect possible disagreement between two camps in AEGB. One trying to get out and one trying to hold them by their xxlls. Bursa hasn't even given them a UMA yet they went to voluntarily make the announcement. In fact, the management should be busy turning around the company but instead it seems this Pali chap seem so free to monitor its share prices. With what intention, you guys decide, cheers.


2017-10-13 11:41 | Report Abuse

What is the intention of SMRT to halt trading yesterday afternoon to make a negative statement. As a result, the share prices of SMRT and AEGB started to fall subsequently. I detect possible disagreement between two camps in AEGB. One trying to get out and one trying to hold them by their xxlls. Bursa hasn't even given them a UMA yet they went to voluntarily make the announcement. In fact, the management should be busy turning around the company but instead it seems this Pali chap seem so free to monitor its share prices. With what intention, you guys decide, cheers.


2017-10-11 09:46 | Report Abuse

I'm extremely bullish on LionInd's prospects. Based on current fundamentals and price, this stock is the best steel stock to own, cheers.


2017-10-11 00:30 | Report Abuse

@ myongcc5. Good observation. It shows you know your stuff. People like you will make money. Those that listens to born losers like Joetay and ks55 are doomed. They have no accounting knowledge yet they comment like they know their stuff. They harped on the past. They never focus on current and future. When they buy any shares, I'm sure they will lose more than they make due to their shortcomings. Hope they find peace.


2017-10-10 00:28 | Report Abuse

@ tan_teng_boo. I'm equally bullish on China and the Parkson business in particular, cheers.

News & Blogs

2017-10-08 15:35 | Report Abuse

On the dot by KC. I said it the last time and I will say it again. Sendai is a lousy stock to buy based on its past performance and precarious balance sheet. Wonder why super investor or super speculator thinks it's such a good buy. You guys decide.


2017-10-06 10:52 | Report Abuse

Agreed with you Sherlock.


2017-10-05 14:15 | Report Abuse

@ Sherlock. Good observation. You will be rewarded. Just stay with Parkson and ignore those irritants which have no stake here, cheers.


2017-10-03 13:42 | Report Abuse

@ Parkson8888 I have so much Parkson shares that will make these idiots mouth hanged out if they know the quantum l have been buying at the bottom. They talk so much yet do not even owned 1 single lot. Shsssh, they're nothing but pest flying around this space meant for Parkson followers. Cheers.


2017-10-03 10:22 | Report Abuse

In fact, these idiots have no money to buy as they have been losing in the market whether the market is on bull or bear run. Their stupidity in the outlook of companies' businesses reflect their shallow knowledge of the industry. Their frustration of losing whenever they put their money where their mouth is makes them bitter. May God have pity on their souls.


2017-10-03 10:15 | Report Abuse

@ Sherlock. Good observation. Totally agree with your view that Parkson is undervalued. In fact, grossly undervalued. Only those with good business acumen will know how to buy Parkson and not those idiots that have no position but nagged like an old fool.


2017-10-02 22:22 | Report Abuse

@ Parkson8888. Thanks for sharing the good article on Parkson. I'm sure followers here will benefit, cheers.

News & Blogs

2017-10-01 23:18 | Report Abuse

Agree with you ARank is a good investment. FYI, I hold shares in this stock, cheers.


2017-09-30 17:44 | Report Abuse

Thanks for sharing @ yucaihacai.


2017-09-29 23:21 | Report Abuse

The fundamentals of this stock is not the issue. They will make good money this Q3. The problem with this stock now is PERCEPTION. Investors are wary of China owned stocks. They are not confident of Chinese owners sharing the cake with the minority shareholders when they make good money. All the China's listed companies in Bursa give the country a bad name. Back home they have the same problem paying dividends to their shareholders. In fact, the chinese listed companies were warned by their own securities commission to pay out dividends. So by nature, they are a stingy lot. So, we will have to wait till this Nov 17 or Feb 18 to see if this management is any different, cheers.


2017-09-29 14:04 | Report Abuse

Strong hands collecting Parkson for more than a week now. Hold tight to your shares, cheers. No Joetay or ks55 will make a difference here. They are going to be history in this space soon, cheers.

News & Blogs

2017-09-28 09:46 | Report Abuse

Thanks Herbert for giving a mouthpiece to those in i3 that has been beating their own chest like a gorilla. They think they have attain so much success and like shit the ordinary investor who probably is starting to invest with their small savings. Even worse, they tell you to follow them and buy on margin because you will make more money. Of course to make the big money you need to follow their silly shares that they buywhuch is promoted day and night in i3. And when someone kills himself, oh it's not my fault. Their karma good or bad will eventually determine if they had been truthful or deceiving innocent investors. Hope you hang around to keep this place neutralise, cheers.


2017-09-27 16:34 | Report Abuse

Hold tight. More action in the coming days, cheers.


2017-09-25 18:37 | Report Abuse

This guy Joetay talk rubbish daily to make himself feel good. In reality, he's nothing but a loser in the market, which explains his anger in all the stocks he lost his pants in the past. Feel sorry for this poor chap. Hope he finds peace, cheers.


2017-09-25 18:33 | Report Abuse

@ cutie. Who else but the guy called Joetay. You won't here from him when the counters he is shitting daily starts to go up. Have a nice day for all Parkson followers and believers. Hold tight to your shares as it's going to be a bumpy ride on the way up, cheers.


2017-09-24 18:39 | Report Abuse

It is still cheap at current prices. Agreed on the good write-up from David. Hopefully, more will start to buy before the price starts to unfold in the weeks to come, cheers.


2017-09-22 11:12 | Report Abuse

@ purple98 You can also refer to this China link:


2017-09-21 12:11 | Report Abuse

@ JuniorR. Thanks for sharing beneficial links for followers of Parkson here. Hopefully, more will buy when they see value except for one or two irritant pest who have no position but comment daily with little knowledge of the industry. These pests have no money to invest and have been blowing their trumpet on how good they are in other stocks just to make themselves feel good. If they are so good, no need to waste time here with no position in the stock. I'm sure you guys know who I'm referring to, cheers.

News & Blogs

2017-09-17 20:19 | Report Abuse

This is a good contribution from KYY. It would be good if KYY would concentrate on doing the good charitable work and maintaining his reputation and karma earned. In his pursuit to want to make more money than he already needs, at times, he ends up quarrelling with every TOM, DICK and HARRY that did not agree with him. This way, KYY would bring his self-esteem to a low level to make his point when others do not agree with him. So, I hope KYY will be magnanimous in accepting constructive criticism against him if he wants to promote his shares as its only normal to receive your fair share of detractors. Anyway, many thanks to KYY for sharing a beneficial write-up on the good habits and practices to attain longevity, cheers.


2017-09-14 23:58 | Report Abuse

@ Joetay. Why waste your time here since you are so skeptical about WC's counters. We don't need to hear your past blues on the Lion group. I told you to move on. We don't want to read historical results and prices. We are only interested in current and the future. Get it? So, go to your SSteel space and shout until the cows come home. Here are for the believers in Lionind. Shsssh.


2017-09-14 13:06 | Report Abuse

Ignore this joetay and ks55 jokers with their negative comments. I'm sure they lost a bundle in WC's counters in the past and seeks revenge. Currently, from their assertions, they don't even own a lot yet they spend all their time trying their best to run all WC's counters to the ground; but only in vain. Look's like they are making a full of themselves here. Just unproductive. Probably these retirees have been losing all their hard earned money and has nothing better to do then to spread falsehoods on counters they don't even own. Hope they find peace.

To all smart Lionind investors, I wish you more gains in the coming weeks and months, cheers.


2017-09-11 09:12 | Report Abuse

@ sslee. No need to justify the reason for kyy to buy into Xingquan n his brave stunt to average down his price. He can only do it with deep pockets. Not any Tom, Dick and Harry can do this although he normally says smart investors should do. It reflects his shallow understanding of market dynamics and the average investors purchasing power. Tell me which China's red chips has done well in stock price on Bursa? The answer is NO. The next best candidate being CSL is in the same situation. Rock low price against high NTA and cash per share. Should investors buy simply because our self proclaimed super investor is buying? You talk like a greenhorn in the market place and have the audacity to try to defend the indefensible. Please tell kyy to be consistent in his investment methodology less we assume he is nothing but a rogue trader.


2017-09-10 15:49 | Report Abuse

That is why I am perplexed how could a man of kyy's intelligence be so foolish to believe that Xingquan is a good bet. Now he will be crying all the way to the bank instead.

News & Blogs

2017-09-10 15:30 | Report Abuse

That is why I am perplexed how could a man of kyy's intelligence could be so foolish to believe that Xingquan is a good bet. Now he will be crying all the way to the bank instead.


2017-09-08 12:05 | Report Abuse

The only prophet of doom that goes around telling all and sundry to sell Lionind, Parkson, Hengyuan, etc.on a daily basis are these twin jokers who are known here as Joetay and ks55. They normally go into hibernation vwhen these counters they shit are moving up.


2017-09-05 12:06 | Report Abuse

Let me make it crystal clear to you, Joetay and ks55. You are not in my league. You are a small fry in the market place but talk like a guy with deep pockets. Don't kid yourself and this portal of how savvy you are. From the way you analyse and make your arguments, it reflects your shallow understanding of the businesses your're commenting including interpreting the quarterly reports. You are nothing but an irritant who go about giving your silly comments on Parkson, Hengyuan, Lionind, etc. as if you have deep knowledge of the business. But in reality, you're nothing but a small timer that has probably been losing in the market, hence your anger with all these companies. I hope you find peace and move on.


2017-09-04 09:55 | Report Abuse

I'm perplexed by the continuing negative comments from Joetay and Ks55 on Parkson. I believe they do not even owned 1 lot of Parkson's shares yet they seem so concern about developments on this stock. It's better they show us their track record and tell us which stock they have put their money in so that we can see how good they are. Or else it would seem like they are sour grape or the prophet of doom in trying their best to run this stock to the ground without having any position. It gives the impression they have a saw to grind from their past and/or association with WC's companies where they probably lost their pants when trading the Lion group of stocks at ridiculously high prices. I feel sorry for these two guys who spend all their time to shit this stock as it would bring no benefit to them whether Parkson's share price goes up or down. I hope they can move on and concentrate on their own stocks for the benefit of i3 visitors. I find their comments like a broken record repeating itself again and again. So sad to see them in this state of affairs.


2017-08-27 19:45 | Report Abuse

Negative comments from small fries won't move the share price of this stock. It's the savvy's investors that we are interested in. For your info, these guys can read and understand accounts very well. So, don't waste your time unproductively as you will continue to be poor.


2017-08-26 21:09 | Report Abuse

How many companies in Bursa makes an EPS of 1.21 at half time. Only a handful. If Hengyuan is not a good buy, I don't know what is. Same time last year under Shell, they made an EPS of 69 Sen. Look at the balance sheet closely and you will realise the substantial increase in cash flow. The refiners are here to stay for awhile so long as we're in agreement that crude oil prices are not going up anytime soon due to the glut situation. I'm pretty confident that Hengyuan will do even better in the 2nd half of 2017. With cash growing exponentially, I won't be surprise that the owners would be declaring dividends soon. So, you guys decide whether to stay or get out. No right or wrong answer. Those that get it right usually are the winners in the stock market. Spend more time understanding the current phenomenan why refiners are making the big money, and you will be rewarded handsomely, cheers.


2017-07-13 10:40 | Report Abuse

joetay @kelvin61,

what rubbish r u talking abt lion ind being net cash???

lion ind has a 2016 quick ratio of less than 1 @ 0.73, so what net cash u talking abt???

do u even know ur basic accounting definitions???

Born losers like Joetay will always remain poor because they are not good in analysing companies which have turnaround. They continue to live in the past. So, they will not be able to make the big fat profits in the market due to their attitude and lack of understanding in interpreting financial statements.


2017-07-12 22:34 | Report Abuse

Lion Ind is the only net cash steel stock in Malaysia. It also has the biggest capacity to reap the big gains as steel prices recovers. Would be delighted if WC is kind enough to declare dividend in-specie couple with a 5 sen dividend for the final quarter for 30 June 2017.


2017-07-12 22:29 | Report Abuse

Steel prices continue to rally and production cuts in China is progressing well. Lion will benefit greatly from these developments as local steel prices take its cue from China:


2017-07-12 10:55 | Report Abuse

joetay @andyghk,

whether an investor in parkson makes money or not is not my concern, but when they start making senseless comments like @kelvin61, its plain idiotic.

this is a platform to share information and experience, not to disinform. if i want to be disinformed, i might as well read ibs' reports everyday.

if u see @kelvin61 saying that lion industries can be bullish with higher steel prices without taking into account of the huge net liabilities, u know he/she is talking crap.

Only idiots like joetay would waste his time on stocks he doesn't owned and know enough to comment. To talk about LionInd further shows his shallow knowledge about stock picking. I bet he has been a sore loser and a failure in the market. It clearly shows from the comments coming from these guys who do nothing day and night but shit on the stocks they hate. Time for you guys to take a good hard look at your performance all these years to see if you have been successful in your investment or just plain failures who are sore with the stocks you got caught in the past through your sheer greed.


2017-07-11 16:50 | Report Abuse

joetay @kelvin61,

since u think rm100k r for small timers, then pls put rm1 million into parkson then.

put the money where u mouth is.

i sell u a call option with ex price of 60 cents and would u like to take it??? meaning, u buying a call from me @ 60 cents

i dare u.

btw, i have no holding in parkson

Joetay, stop talking rubbish on your silly put options. If you don't even owned any Parkson shares, don't bother giving your comments here. Put your money where your mouth is in the stock market and not with me.


2017-07-11 13:30 | Report Abuse

joetay @ks55,

its their money to lose or gain and since this is a parkson fan club, no point arguing.

if possible, i write put options and see if there r any takers here.

but thus far, no takers to my put options or my challenge to put rm100k on parkson stock.

For your information, Rm100k are for small timers. Don't bother commenting so much if you're only buying in small amounts.