Good sharing Uncle Koon, as a health care professional, I advise you to take care of cholesterol as well. It is the main cause of heart attack and stroke. Uncle Koon already has everything in his life; loving wife, family and wealth. He is willing to give what he had, helping poor people. Happiness is very difficult to define, people always been searching for happiness through their life, but how many really find true happiness. Don't worry about Sendai, for me Sendai posted impressive QR. Take care!
Its does not matter how long you live, despite the feeling that its feels good to live longer. I prefer the impact to the surroundings, like uncle koon charity works and helping needy students is what matters. That is big value in lifetime.
Let otb n other good fund managers (not TTB lah) manage more of yr funds...screw them when they couldnt meet yr expectations...who knows u may eventually live longer than yr fund managers...let them take the stress while u make the money
I think that kyy is more concerned about or rather enjoying the process of making money rather than the money itself. That is why he is doing it himself
Posted by CharlesT > Sep 16, 2017 04:04 PM. Hv more active interactions with those really concerned abt u such as myself etc in i3...can keep yr mind fresh n sharp always
Dear CharlesT, For once I fully agree with you. I have look thro’ almost all your comments and yes you indeed really concerned about Mr. Koon. You had reminded him of his past mistake/failure and cautioned him on his overzealous optimistic believe that JAKS and Eversendai have good profit growth which is the most powerful catalyst to move share price. I would rather have true friends like you and KCChong ready to give hard/honest advices that are unpleasant to the ear but it helps rectify one’s way. Like potent medicine bitter to the tongue but it cures illnesses. I quote from Mr. Koon writing “I am now working harder and longer hours than before. I find working is the most wonderful entertainment and I enjoy doing what I am doing.” Yes to be happy and live a long life you have to enjoy what you are doing. Mr. Koon is enjoying writing in his blog, in i3investor, yewyin33 comments and as guest columnist, doing his charity works, taking his holidays, listening to music, loving his wife, his children and grandchildren, himself and people in general and most of all in investing his money by himself in share market and calling himself super-investor. I wish him continues doing what he enjoy but please scale down on his own involvement in share investing. I do agree with CharlesT suggestion let good fund manger Mr. OTB to manage the fund, let them take the stress while you make the money and do more charity works. Thank you
From one side of his mind this koon will talk bout God, then the other side he will talk bout wealth. This is what we call playing DUALITY GAMES in the name of spirituality
Mr Koon so rich, where got pressure or stress to play share ?
Calvin only those not so rich and play share with most of their money will stress .
Now I see Uncle Koon exposed to lots of stress by supporting Jaks & Sendai at peak prices. This is no good. No good as your stress level will only go up.
Uncle Koon upbringing is different from most kids now. His humble early childhood suggests that life can't be taken for granted and work hard to get your things and be grateful for what has been achieved.
Nowadays kids with RM3,000 monthly must got City or Vios and iPhone. No these, everyday stress and depress liao. Not to mention before 30 year old must go Europe.
The reason is clearly because of peer-pressure. So just live like a tortoise, hide at your mansion everyday and snub the outside world except the stock market OF COURSE ! HAH !
When you are sent to this world, of course you have to enjoy the process of being a human with a mind. Otherwise, what kind of life should one live? Hiding in the house everyday?
the issue all lies with the interconnection within our brain...there are so many compartments in our brain having their own objectives..we cannot function in 100% unison... we have so many conflicting self interest with different competing objectives...we constantly need to optimize...
we want to be rich fast...we also want to be ethical..we also dont want to compromise our health because of it..we have to take so many calculated risks..and we also need to please so many people whom we care..
its not straighforward
that uses a lot of energy, brain power..its not that easy
Yes. People should live to enjoy the world, else you will be born a tortoise next life. Not a joke according buddhism.
I find that Buffett and Koon very much alike. It is the motivation to see their beloved stocks to grow with them that make them determined to live well to live long. They indeed love winning in the stock market, not money.
If you have no purpose in life, you will not be motivated to live well. That explains why people take drugs, drink heavily or do stupid crimes like revenge instead of white-collar crimes that benefits monetarily.
Probelm is when you are attach to much to Attachements and Desires, life after life you will still be wondering without a proper salvation...this idiot koon is completely married with desires n attachements
This is a good contribution from KYY. It would be good if KYY would concentrate on doing the good charitable work and maintaining his reputation and karma earned. In his pursuit to want to make more money than he already needs, at times, he ends up quarrelling with every TOM, DICK and HARRY that did not agree with him. This way, KYY would bring his self-esteem to a low level to make his point when others do not agree with him. So, I hope KYY will be magnanimous in accepting constructive criticism against him if he wants to promote his shares as its only normal to receive your fair share of detractors. Anyway, many thanks to KYY for sharing a beneficial write-up on the good habits and practices to attain longevity, cheers.
Hmmm... unless you are a monk. You will never be able to achieve enlightment because enlightment means "no-self, everything is empty". As a normal human in this society, no matter how good person you are, you will never be able to run away from money and sex.
And.. berating people already enough to send you to hell to get your tongue pulled out. Watch your word.
this 94 year old grandma also practice 5 x massage a day, and dances a lot... she is 9 years senior to superinvestor. I think we have to learn a lot more from her...
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by supersaiyan3 > 2017-09-16 14:59 | Report Abuse
Deep breathing is very useful to regulate blood pressure. Fruits are important too. Pineapple is an excellent choice.