
mc121534 | Joined since 2013-08-31

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2014-04-15 19:31 | Report Abuse

Sklyte, maybe yes and maybe no. Equity fund managers not a short term investor. Perhaps you read Creador wrongly. They can only sell their holdings after 9 months from the date of their listing. Thank you for your information.


2014-04-15 19:17 | Report Abuse

Dear all friends, , this stock is not time yet to give any recommendations or write up until the management's planning and results is make known this year. Although it's not a bad company but the recent run up did really worried some investors. It's not being justified accordingly as at today.

The only positive known facts is some parties is increasing their stakes aggressively and some waiting at right values before they take the move.

To all that still holding this stock, wish all the best.

To those who didn't own any , please don't make others miserable. Some is losing huge money from last week run up. The volume last week is too huge and today's drop is unavoidable.

Every investors here , either short term or long term is looking at some little extra money to feed the needs of their families and just looking for spoonful of food to themselves. They are innocent and did not deserve this. Please understand that.

Hope the episodes can end here. Thank you.


2014-04-15 18:49 | Report Abuse

I salute all posting here. All the good and the best way of sharing. Fair enough. When it was 25 cts
It happens once. 45 cts argued again,,,,. 70 cts it happens ,,,,.. Now it repeat again,,,,. Life is short ,,,,,,enjoy yea, soon the history will repeat again, ,..good luck everyone, those whose say will go down never comes back,,,, keep it up.


2014-04-06 22:59 | Report Abuse

My friend WiseEye , I know you. I like your way of sharing. Straightforward and no nonsense.
A good person will never twist and turn. A good personality will never chance his cover. A honest person will never chance his identity.

Human value must be practice, put it as priority. Money value is secondary.

Time makes me a better observer. Storm makes me wiser. Downturns teach me patience.
Time shows me the ugly side of human being.My endurance under difficult situation has make me a better investor. I have endurance to take before negativity.

Patience is the decision making problems, involving a choice of either a small reward in the short term, or more valuable rewards in the long term.

I set time frame because I understand this company history. I am willing to bet longer. I willing to bet bigger. I trust this with my eyes open. I've never miss their movement. I never miss theirs next moves. I always observed their planning.

I do not set tp because it's no my job to do that, the management is.

Ghl Systems never fails. It's a great journey. I love it.

I have learned what makes up a good Company that attracts foreign funds.
I have learned how to differentiate between a good Company and the opposites.
I have understand the importance of management, the key to grow a company.
I understand the importance of non speculation stock, that makes a company worth a lot more.

I can sleep well with my fortune park with this company.

I wish you all the best.


2014-04-06 13:40 | Report Abuse

WiseEye, my intention is purely on information that already been factored in all the announced
Bursa Malaysia website and my long time experience holding in this company.
It's very important to note that we need clear information, it must be fully look into the current development for some genuine investors that want to know more about this company.

My post is not meant to dictate a value or to promote this company. It's to clear some doubts to genuine investors.

We will not able to change the fundamental of this company. It's also will not dictate the stock value just base on all of us combined to buy or sell this stock.

Sometimes external negative environment may also affect the fluctuations of this company stock.
Regarding the 1 dollar level is sustainable or not is not my problem. It doesn't matter to me. I look further than this. I have set a time frame for my investment for this stock. Nothing will change my mind until then. It doesn't matter how much it is for next day or weeks to me.

Hope I clear some doubts of Ghl kakis.


2014-04-06 12:54 | Report Abuse

Private Equity is made available to private companies and investors. The fund raised may use to develop new products or technology, expand capital and make acquisition or strengthen a company's balance sheet.

Institutional investors and wealthy investors are often attracted to private equities investment.
They play a major role to certain economies.

Often the money will goes to new companies believe to be have significant growth possibilities in industries such as technologies, software, hardware, health care and biotechnology.

You probably will notice some companies that received private equity funding over the years;
4. Network Solution

In Malaysia, if you study the trend here, there are some Companies are also funded by private equity money. Please refer to Cygas portfolio.(Creador)

Without private equity fund these companies might not have grown into household name.

They have certain criteria to meet and they maybe under pressure to make a investment dateline and numerous expectations from their investors. They will make through all due diligence before they make a decision to invest into a company.

The bottom line is they expect a huge premium return from each companies they involved in.

Since this company is beginning to show result and continues to increase their profits in these few consecutive quarters, lets see what is the future values of this company can achieve.
If the management of this company continue to do the right direction, I beleive we will be rewarded handsomely.

To those who do not agree with longer term investment there are always another company available for faster returns.

For those who are already on board, enjoy the benefits of longer term investment ideology.

Good luck to all Ghl kakis.


2014-04-05 15:25 | Report Abuse

Oh sorry I didn't greet my dearest Richi and Connie. Hopefully both of you manage to gain from trading this stock. Good luck to you all.


2014-04-05 15:13 | Report Abuse

Scjm, good afternoon.

Ceador is now holding 26.1% according to 27th March 2014 new disclosure. Additional 6.1 pc in a short term of period.

To someone that have the wrong ideology of certain stocks, they will treat it as syndicated play.
They will have thousands of curiosity question mark. Millions of doubts. They want the shares to please them and go up all the way. Whatever funds acquisitions and all positive news will be discounted.

To those who have faith in this stock never worried about the fluctuations of values.

Only punters will have thousands of negative thoughts.

So is punters more important or Equity Fund more genuine? Which one have more impact?

Sure again someone will still say it's the punters that buy up this stock without them the foreign fund will not buy.

Whatever it is, I wish all investors all the best and good luck.

To me I hate most is the price did not drop to my target price. I hope next week will.


2014-04-05 13:21 | Report Abuse

Dear all punters and short term players, thanks for making this stock reach 1 dollar.
Don't get lost. Come and buy. The more you buy the more I make. But make sure you all around
when the stock correction mode. Don't run and keep buying and don't complain. All are wellcome.

When it's drop 5 cts smile and be happy, don't run, pick up and keep buying, Ghl Systems need all punters, without all of you this stock will COLLAPSE! Please help to support the stock.

Ignore the trap, buy blindly, just closed your eyes and poke one. The stock will rise non stop.
No need to know more, no need to nervous. No need to ask what is this stock doing about. Don't ask when is the time to to buy. Keep punting. You will make tons of money. Keep it up all retailers.

Nicky, no battle here, come join us on board without you this stock will die. We need you.
No need to know any information, no need to read anything. Just press the buy button. It will fly.

Thank you.


2014-04-05 10:48 | Report Abuse

Hmmm, Chris you really done your homework. And you are very good at reading the facts and figures for this stock. I aggree at your view and you stand very firm on your investment discipline.
You have make your success in this stock base on numerous up and down circles.
You gone through a tough time when the stock is still out of radar of a lot of gambler and punters.
You spot did and you trust your judgement.

I tell you, I am TRAPPED too by Ghl Systems Bhd.

This is my only stock and I am holding it for 4 years. This stock has gone through a lot of events that nearly wipe out of my entire fortune in the beginning stages of their fundamental buildup. I keep increasing my stakes at every positive step they've make.
I buy more on every results they announced. I bought even more when they
DELIVER their promises. I BET bigger when they are acquiring E Pay.

But this is a "LOVE TRAP". I love it. I am enjoying every moment of it.

For those who like it , buy it, keep quiet enjoy the ride and keep calm.
For those who don't like it sell it and keep quiet.
For those who want to punt for fast money good luck and keep quiet.
For those who don't even know basic information about this stock GET LOST!


2014-04-03 17:42 | Report Abuse

Dear CT, I told you I have no feel about the up and down as I go long term, will comtinue to buy if price is reasonable. Wish you all the best and good luck.

Chris, I am happy your wave count is very accurate. I know you have huge holding on this stock.
I wish you all the best too.

Ghl kakis, this uptrend is becoming hostile, brace for the unexpected price swing. Wish all Ghl kakis all the best and happy trading.


2014-04-03 09:13 | Report Abuse

Good morning to all kakis.


2014-04-03 08:34 | Report Abuse

Hello my friend I miss you too..


2014-04-03 08:31 | Report Abuse

Hot.T, If Connie miss you don't disappoint her, and Chris too. Good morning everyone.


2014-04-02 17:58 | Report Abuse

CT, I am still around. As usual I have no feeling about this up down. As long as this company is doing great and big money is accumulating, I will do nothing. Maybe i am numb due to staying with them too long. I will continue to buy on weakness. All the best to you CT bro.

Chris, maybe there are some really dancing and jumping hot because it didn't continuously going up, I am happy you still so cheerful, that's really positive reaction. Like!


2014-04-01 16:51 | Report Abuse

Richi, all the best to you. Hope you make this big.


2014-04-01 15:57 | Report Abuse

4 years......


2014-04-01 15:55 | Report Abuse

Richi, really waited for this......


2014-03-27 17:24 | Report Abuse

My advise to Ghl holders, let the shares value do the talking.
Good luck.


2014-03-21 14:12 | Report Abuse

Yea bro Hiddengem, you will not go alone. ♥♥♥


2014-03-21 14:05 | Report Abuse

Bro Hiddengem, all the best. God bless.


2014-03-12 13:24 | Report Abuse

Mrcb buy on weakness.
K.Fima buy on weakness.


2014-03-12 13:08 | Report Abuse

Be patience with MRCB.


2014-03-11 23:47 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2014-03-02 13:06 | Report Abuse

To myself :

In addition of the funny things written and the political issues raised, I want to start teaching me the life lessons from my dad. I have learned that the topic of politics are so interwoven into emotions, moral believe and sense of identity that bring up points that go against or even question a persons already established viewpoint....

Well it's always ends up becoming an insult, a threat, arguments or a display of arrogance. It could put us into a danger of being perceived as self righteous and judgemental even if I have the purest intention.

While it's seems most people are familiar with the fact politics are sensitive subjects, I recently learned that
the topic of "The Food We Don't Eat" is also equal to one's emotions, moral of believe, and sense of identity.

The article shared here isn't worth at all. It's dividing the people. It's suppose to make them included and feel united instead of dividing them. And I notice someone continue to to that. If someone say that there are no winner, then why keep posting and what's the interest and intention? Is someone and their family has
anything to gain from the side they support?

For the past month or so, I have seen that openly talking about the same subject, even just asking questions,
isn't a alternative way to do any good to unite the people, rather than dividing the people?
"Sometimes it's better to remain silent thought of fool, than open my mouth and remove all doubt."

When it comes to talking about politics and government, why not focus more on humility, more than anything else. Which is more important aspects of what I believe anyway.

Democracy and politics are about three wolves and a sheep voting for what to have for the dinner.
The weak will be slaughtered any way.

Regarding to politics and "The Food I Don't Eat" remain as much as a mystery as possible until...people
specifically asked or it works into conversation more naturally.


News & Blogs

2014-02-27 20:13 | Report Abuse

The Great Brain Drain.
The brain drain in Malaysia is steadily worsening. There are numbers of factors that contributed to this mass emigration including job opportunities, polical oppression, education policies, monetary factors and others.
Malaysia makes a big economic strides but growth has been halves in the past decades.
Some believed this is largely due to brain drain and our nation could see serious economic issues,
if it doesn't do something more to encourage professionals to work in our country.

I am being awaken by someone very important to me resulted me to come back to my beloved country :

"I am against brain drain. This is totally extracting the most precious assets of our country and being utilised by
others. You who got shelters in your country, bring up as you ate and drink from this country, educated
from beginning, love and affection from your motherland. For so many years you just leave out
for another country, not even know that you owed something to your country. This is not done!
You say you don't have opportunities in your country, so you create yourself the opportunities!
If your country is not developed, then you develop it ! If you say the politics is stinking, you jump into it and cleaned it up !. Have the gut to serve your country. Just don't fled away like you aren't got nothing to care other
than better income and better living standards at other country.
This is a act of a coward. Our country need their citizens with intelligence, wise and skillful in order to rise again.
So now I request you to come back and show the best of you!"

I will never forget this words. And I will not fail Him because I am back home.

News & Blogs

2014-02-24 14:39 | Report Abuse

Koon Yew Yin, thanks for giving me a chance to clarify clearly,

1. Criticism is not a bad thing, the goal is discussion and its not a tool to ruining and belittling someone's work.
At least it shouldn't be. I am willing to accept that the problematic issues and contents are there.
No doubt about it. Nothing is ever perfect, if were all holding out for perfection, we'd be in permanent statis. " lmperfect" is ok, always striving to be BETTER is ideal.

2. Good Criticism is to correct and change negative behavioural to positive.
If anyone ever do really need to criticised, then package it well and present it with kindness to others.
Present it as if it were a suggestions rather than criticism.

3. Let's face it,everyone has different idea about the things should be done and is is not going to be possible for "someone" or "some issues" to be change for all the criticism you have done. The TWO issues you mentioned is too far and too heavy for you and us to resolve.

"We speaks to ONE person won't speak to another, what's bother one person, another won't even NOTICE".
Even with all of us combined here we still can't change the reality, no matter how knowledgeable we are.

I have to make it clear, I have too many unsatisfactory issues with my country, but I love my country.
I am grateful that it is absolutely better than some other neighbouring countries.
I admired Tun Mahathir because he has done a lot to our country, but please bear in mind, nobody is perfect.
Including Me and You.

I may rather choose to use my vote to voice my dissatisfaction.

News & Blogs

2014-02-22 23:09 | Report Abuse

Dear all Malaysian ,our intention i3 forum is to focus on stocks and investment. Somewhere and somehow we are now being diverted away from our main agenda which is solely for sharing of stock investment, strategies and trading of stocks.
Sigh,I do not see the benefits derived by discussing about the history of Tun Mahathir our former Prime Minister. We are unable to reverse our country's history by criticising his mistakes anymore.
Question, do we have any other capable leaders that had put Malaysia in the world map. Before him we were known as people who lives in 'tree houses'.
Well, what had been done cannot be undone, so let's all move forward with great ideas rather than keeping on critising all the time. My learned friend are you a better manager yourself that can lead and deliver results?
Yes, MAS and Proton are losing entities at the moment BUT they are among the largest corporation providing employment and supporting our domestic economy.

Please don't create any further unnecessary issues in your blog. Preferably you will continue to share with us your favourite stocks with us rather than giving us your negative views on history which is beyond our control.
Please correct me if I am wrong, keep politics and racial issues out from our blog as I feel it may lead to sensitivity among us.

Relax and enjoy your golden years, remember your acheivable "five rules to be happy".

News & Blogs

2014-02-22 16:09 | Report Abuse

Though Tun's ideas and thoughts has put to test, mostly initially criticised his many so call mega development projects. They later had to swallow their words, it soon prove that those mega projects were the one helps Malaysia achieve commendable progress. No doubt under His leadership, Malaysia has risen to great heights
into rapid industrialisation ,science and technology. The controversial launching of our National car project, blast into orbit of Measat 1, Astro, Multi Media Super Corridor, new KLIA, SMART, TWIN TOWERS and many much more that must not be forgotten.
During his leadership, He was frequently criticised about his authoritarian and dictatorship but in return
Tun dared to criticised the Western World, Jews, Caucasians, the Islamic World and Malaysian at the same time. He almost spare no one!
I am very proud to have a Prime Minister with this rare capabilities and his great visions.
Although Tun has a few controversial Mega projects, but he had contributed a lot from 1981 to 2003.

Let's forgive and appreciate our retired Prime Minister.
I always remember his quotes :
" Work must be enjoyed like the same way like we are playing, a bored player will not win, and does not produce.
He merely marks his time. He is a wage slave."

That quotes wake up all Malaysian.

News & Blogs

2014-02-22 01:36 | Report Abuse

1.Free your mind from hatred and forgive your enemy- Try that in a WAR!
2. Forget all worries- when we diagnosed we have Alzheimer!
3. Live simply and appreciate life - When we have found our WISDOM and fulfilled our round the World Tour.
4. Give more as you leave everything behind when we die.- When we know we are going die tomorrow.
5. Do not expect any return when good deeds been offered to ohers.-Try this when you are hungry and lose hope.
And the dead farmer died smiling.

When we do something wrong, and try to cover our ass,it always come back to bite us -

When we have uncovered better ways by covering our own ass by systematically documenting all we do
and blaming others in the process.

Just a light hearted comment , have a happy weekend.

News & Blogs

2014-02-20 17:10 | Report Abuse

This one is a good one! Short and meaningful.

News & Blogs

2014-02-18 21:56 | Report Abuse

WILL THE STOCK MARKET CRASH ! I have read from one of Uncle Koon's article that you have make your great fortune from previous market crashes. So I believe you are getting nearer to the repeat of your
"HOW TO BECOME A MOST SUCCESSFUL INVESTOR" soon. All the best Uncle Koon. I beleive you already have prepared an exit plan in your mind and strike when the opportunities drop by.
But your last sentence didnt appear like you are waiting for it soon, instead you are hoping that it won't be soon!
So in my opinion you should post a new article like WHY THE STOCK MARKET WON'T CRASH. And from your own oppinion and points and not from others. Because we trust you more than any others.
All the best to you Uncle Koon. Thank you.


2014-02-14 12:57 | Report Abuse



2014-02-14 08:39 | Report Abuse



2014-02-13 13:39 | Report Abuse


2014-02-13 13:20 | Report Abuse



2014-02-13 12:43 | Report Abuse



2014-02-10 22:42 | Report Abuse

# Connie, thanks, good night and hope you got a heart monitor ready!


2014-02-10 22:34 | Report Abuse

Connie can you teach me how to delete one word from the thread?


2014-02-10 22:20 | Report Abuse

#Connie, focus on your stock picking, dont waste your time, just dont give me a heart attack like what boss did to me just now.
Focus on your Head Stewardess to pamper 932kakis for a super pleasant flight A380 to our dream destination. The flight now is on transit and will resume our journey soon, by then make sure your super sensual body wave remain.


2014-02-10 22:04 | Report Abuse

#Connie I afraid you will be angry if I give you another task, so I deleted my post just now.


2014-02-10 21:40 | Report Abuse

#Inw88,, Thank you for your SA, I have to calm down for hours after the exitement because of your good stock picking.!


2014-02-10 16:29 | Report Abuse

Hi, all 932kakis just reached the camp. How is everyone?


2014-02-10 13:10 | Report Abuse

# Connie, because I am hiding while our comrades still fighting, I got to say shhhh, please don't tell yea. Boss nanti marah. Wait till I replenish my bullets, I will join them later.


2014-02-10 12:19 | Report Abuse



2014-02-10 11:46 | Report Abuse

Bro Hiddengem, successfully through. Good luck.


2014-02-10 11:44 | Report Abuse

Connie , sure boss la, who else.


2014-02-10 11:03 | Report Abuse

#GENERAL! Our 932kakis Defence Minister is watching closely, please act with your courage and lead them back home ALIVE !


2014-02-10 10:58 | Report Abuse
