
mc121534 | Joined since 2013-08-31

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2014-06-21 17:49 | Report Abuse

Didn't I told you I have lost touch of my sell button, and I pressed the wrong one ! Or you want to see my comment I made 1000 percent from trading this stock ! But you have to pay tuition fees, haha.


2014-06-20 23:13 | Report Abuse

Not many people know the business model. I wondering how you able to figure out. PE , NTA , NAV, copyrights, patented value , intellectual properties value. Anyway good sign that you have
done your homework.
1 billion capitalization is not justified at this moment. The only way is to form a acquisition of
Strategic partnership or JV deals. Expect the unexpected. Only the new best brainers in the group will have the financial capacity and networking to achieve it.. The journey continues. ....


2014-06-20 22:11 | Report Abuse

Wisdomboy ,
Since you decided to take up the challenge. Feel free to comment anything that you think beneficial to this thread. It won't guarantee you will get rich but you will encounter a lot of unexpected surprises.

Wish you all the best.


2014-06-20 19:04 | Report Abuse

Hi, wisdomboy, wellcome to ghl arena. Mind you share your thoughts what makes you notice this boring stock?

Anyway hope you enjoy this pleasant journey.


2014-06-20 18:30 | Report Abuse

Everyone have their own foresight and instint. It's always great to focus with one pointedness mind. Your spiritual strength will be stronger by then.
Anything related to irrational emotions is not a good sign. Whatever course you decided upon, there are always someone to tell you that you are wrong.
I have made blunders and absurdities at times. But I am not afraid of it. Haha, sometimes I get bored too.

I am passionate about Ghlsys. I like the progress they are showing. How can i judge them now,?When the management is passionate about their business, it won't go wrong. I don't see any discrepancy in their duties. They executed every promises they said, and putting their money into their own mouth.They are in in great shape. The industries are growing by double digits year after year. Although at the moment they are not labelled as a darling stock, who knows when they eventually be one soon? If the riches man can bet on it, who are we to denied it.?

There are always a chance to see positive surprises when the company is moving in the right direction. When the riches start their moves , certainly our patience will be rewarded.


2014-06-20 15:54 | Report Abuse

Hello Abjewel, I am not a financial adviser nor I am a expert in financial analyst. I will post my sincere and general opinion for you to consider :

1. You have mentioned that you have make a decent profits. From there you have to ask yourself whether you are happy with your return in this stock. To realised a profit is a very sweet. Please note that you have done a job and already have a very good achievement.

2. " Original intention is holding long term. " This sentence is very subjective and the time horizon is different to each individuals. It involves huge emotional tolerance to go thru the fluctuation of the stock itself. A good major shareholders is looking at long term. They are the director of a movie. Until the ends of the movie, they never look at the value of the shares. To them is to create and unlock values. Anything else is secondary. The END of the movie will be long , very long.
In between maybe some unexpected supprises. It's always do.
The question is - Can you follow their ideology, patience and commitment.?

3.Yes, certainly the shares went to that particular rm1 level. Then again nobody knows exactly when it will touch a new high again. I don't predict the price. I never do that. Up and down is not important. Most important your believe in their management and attend their AGM. You will be most likely to understand their planning and if you are lucky you may get a few hints from asking questions. You will also have a chance to detect their level of trustworthiness.

Maybe a systematic buy low sell high with half of your holding is practical for mid term trading.
Be flexible long term investment is horrible . Relying on yourself is the best strategy.
Trust your gut feeling. It won't fail you.

To me, I have a time frame, I will not dispose a single shares until I am proven right on my investment. Hope it helps.

Congratulations to your decent gain wish you all the best.


2014-06-20 10:46 | Report Abuse

Chris, at that time I have figured out the difference between the :



2014-06-20 10:29 | Report Abuse

Haha, Tailo, certainly there are some elements of Myth and Truth. And the grey area is LIES!

Myth : Wealth cannot be achieved by speculations, it can only attained through DAYDREAMING !
Myth : Day dreamer will never qualified as a sifu !


2014-06-19 19:48 | Report Abuse


In case we have miss out certain blind spot to evaluate clearer.


2014-06-19 10:37 | Report Abuse

Days and Days of Boredom punctuated by a moment of sheer TERROR!

Hope all Ghlsy kaki's BOREDOM will be rewarded.


2014-06-18 23:28 | Report Abuse



2014-06-18 09:15 | Report Abuse

All I can say is this:

Hours and hours or boredom punctuated by a moment of sheer TERROR !


2014-06-17 23:31 | Report Abuse

I think LongRiver is silently watching and calculating his net worth now, hihi.


2014-06-17 23:18 | Report Abuse

A. Krishnan. Maybe he make a mistake investing at Ghlsys. Anyway I make mistakes too, why not him. Hahaha.


2014-06-17 23:04 | Report Abuse

Oh, I forgot to wish Amanda K good night. Hahaha.


2014-06-17 23:02 | Report Abuse

Hahaha. Good night. All Ghlsys kakis.


2014-06-17 22:56 | Report Abuse


Not in future, IT'S NOW ! Everyday counting money. Laughing all the way to the bank !


2014-06-17 22:36 | Report Abuse



I have a pleasant journey with Ghlsys for days and days of boredom. I looked back and realised that I doesn't need to be always right. Sometimes stupidity rules me, sometimes people misunderstand me and I make mistakes. But I wont trade it for stress.

It's not possible for people to bring me peace, other than myself. I am totally responsible to myself whether for my mental wellbeing or financial future. Don't rely on others to achieve superior investment results. Self reliance is the right approach to outperform my investment.
I do it my way.

Regardless of whether you go it alone or seek professional advices, they can be notorious and at worst enriched themselves at your expense.

To outperform, I practice self-reliance and perseverance. To leap beyond the boundaries.

PE 35 or 53 it doesn't matters, at due time you will triumph over your principle.

Good night.


2014-06-17 15:29 | Report Abuse

Wiseeye, if the management doesn't fill in the financial report nicely in Q2, I consider them as a failure. Nothing else.


2014-06-16 23:59 | Report Abuse


You are a competence trader in your own way. I ask for your forgiveness, I don't deserve any thanks for all my communication and sharing (some defined it as promoting ) for the community in this thread.

I have to congratulate you and to other communities that already lock in profits. Focus if decided to ride the uptrend and Good Luck to anyone that committed to go for a longer bet.

Myself, I choose to look beyond the unexpected.


2014-06-16 02:51 | Report Abuse


Nonetheless in today's financial markets, even to a technically attractive security, it is necessary to know more about the business and the management that running the business. To ordinary retail investors, it's a challenging task to understand the complexity of financial literature on multiple businesses sectors and industries. .

It's probably tough luck trying to get access to top management personnel to ask some probing questions before. Since then good organizations have provided investors access to Investor relations websites or even organise road shows and interact to investors about their plans, their confidence leading the business or to turn around the company. Probably most will agree that the intangible assets in the company is the management vission and trustworthiness,their people passion and their knowledge is cannot be measured by TA, FA itself.

While accounting values can be measured in form of results, knowledgeable management cannot be measured by any means. And I can concur that there are nothing more fundamental than
good management knowledge, as we dream and fulfill with the people running
and transforming the company.

Without these geniuses a good variety of results and good transformations will never happen.

There are really nothing that come close to the management to lead and deliving their promises. They can do magic wonders, and they can destroy a company regardless of any FA, NTA , NVA, PE, and RoE backing. These accounting methods are purely to qualified professional traders and it can be injurious to anyone's financial health if one looking it at a wrong perspective.


2014-06-14 14:32 | Report Abuse

"Aware of insider trading. They know something we dont know or coincidence "

A major shareholder or insider trading is strictly regulated in between every six months periods. Their buying are restricted and illegal in certain times and conditions according to the percentage of their holdings.This kind of data is extremely valuable to individual investor. Only consider founder or top management people increasing their stake is a plus, otherwise it's a red flag.

There are numerous reason for them to sell but definitely they buy them for only " ONE reason."
While most investors are bashing on a insider's data to make a investment decision, to complete a due diligence on the company is equally important too.
Theoretically most traders invest rationally. While theory aside understanding the realities also play a big role in every investment strategies. If everyone was rational, nobody will buy when the prices are high and similarly nobody will panic sell when the price drops.

Since they have attracted institutions investors according to latest data, the reason is the value could be underperformed currently. Therefore they are convinced that the company will perform well over a longer term.

The bottom line is they probably know more than the rest of us.


2014-06-11 19:08 | Report Abuse

Tornado, you have made your decision. Thanks yourself for the hard work and research you have made and the foresight that you have.You put your money and I wish you all the best.
It's doesn't matter about the quantity, just do it right! The odds are you will do well.


2014-06-11 18:47 | Report Abuse

Fortunebullz, thanks for your confidence in the company. Many may not agree and some will be happy to hear that. 1.00 ? Ringgit? Hmm...I have no comment about the price. I like the business potential and possibility of ......!
Check the recent 3 related acquisition in Singapore and Indonesia by Westerns/European investors. All are not even half of this company in term of TPA points.
You may be surprised at the huge premium of valuation they are willing to pay.

A good management is better that a good Company, any objections if anybody willing to turn more adventurous in the longer run? For shorter term investors I congratulate to those already disposed and good luck to kakis that wish to feel the roaller coaster ride soon.


2014-06-10 01:12 | Report Abuse

Chris is a pretty naughty girl and her armpits is bushy not hairless.

I manage to squeeze in for awhile, I understand you're mentioning someone. Actually I doesn't matter who and why, this forum is open to anyone. Anybody can create numerous account although it is unethical but beyond your control.

Longriver tailo,
I am getting lazy here and the cyberspace connection here really terrible. Will get in touch asap.

Of course I am not irritated nor upset. I get used to it many yrs ago and I can last for many more years to come.It will not make me richer to get affected by cunning comments. My opinion never run out of the contexts. Whether it's promoting or communication is completely complex to be differentiate. But most likely the intelligent investors will not decide base on one comment, but it will be a different scenario if compared to a speculator.

The communication among long term investor and a gambler always end up ugly and hostile.
That is the law of attractions. I accept it gracefully, revenge is sweet but forgiveness is sweeter.



2014-06-08 01:14 | Report Abuse

Promoting again?
Well, I really hope I can but do you understand what exactly is promoting? Do your homework before using that word. You are underestimating the art of investing in stock market.

It is free of charge for all registered communities in i3 to post comments. Most of the communities doesn't need to be a expert to express their oppinion. Experts analysts are not paid too, thats the reason it's getting worse everyday. All infomation is either directly copied and edited from the cyberspace or transmitting from other sources. Nobody trusted anybody. Qualified analysts ate getting rare recently.

All posting is either from website or from copied information. Even a 12 years old kid know how to post comments in lots of different blogspot. It's happening in i3 for sometime now. Even politics are being blamed for no apparent reason for stock pickings.

Your doubts is not my problem. I say I make multi million from this stock, mostly will not buy my story. I say I loose millions, many will be glad to hear that. So it's doesn't matter to me whether anyone likes anybody.  

A big shareholder? I correct your phase to a substantial shareholder?
Possibility yes and probably no, but it doesn't matter to anyone because I won't share my money with people I don't know. Why guessing?

Of course I have interest in this company. I have interest in it with one single share.

I have concern more than anyone else? Of course YES!
Why not. Every cents invested is important to me.I have the right to concerned about my one shares and I got my right to vote with my one share.
Yes I am acting frontman for someone, that is MYSELF, and I have the ultimate right to concerned with my money. It's really matters to me. Even it is one shares, I am serious with my investment.
I cares about every single details in the company I have interest in it.

You are overdoing it with your opinion to me. Your doubts about me doesn't related to this stock.
You against my personal experiences, removing my rights to express my own opinion. But you will be disappointed because I am passionate to express my opinion.

You have gained a few rounds? Good. I am happy to hear if everyone gained from the stock market especially this stock. That means you executed a100 percent successful trading gains, because you didn't mentioned how many rounds you loose other than that.

Did you make the winning decision base on my comments?

If yes, you have to say thank you.

If not, all my comments doesn't influence your decision. Why notice me?

If you can point out any basis that have any elements of irregularities in my opinion, you have two options.
1. Choose to ignore my novice comments rather than contesting without basis.
2. Privatize the company so I that I don't have a chance to post again.

My opinions will be continue to be posted, but it won't take long because I have almost reached my specific goals, please bear with me for a little longer. Act like a winner since you have successfully gained a few rounds from this stock and it doesn't worth to act like a loser.


2014-06-07 18:03 | Report Abuse


A hundred million shares can pump dump a value that no one can imagine. If the downtrend signboard has been demolished. Enjoy the spectacular events unfolding in near future.

A quick check is you try a attempt to deposit this stock to any brokerage firm. You will get a high value percentage of financing instantly.
Sorry, the internet servers are bad here, will catch up with you here if the servers are stable.


South East Asia Central Banker including our country has committed to collectively widespread the e-payment policies before 2015 and eventually will be fully implemented in stages on par with developing countries.
This has to be implemented to integrated with the increasing trend of regulatory compliance and intervention around the world to non cash use society to enhance consumer's benefits and business expansions.

Promoting Ghlsys? Free of charge? NO WAY!

No, it's not my job to do it. In fact I am using 3 hrs of my time now writing this while i suppose to enjoy my vacation right now.
Their CEO and investors relation (IR ) is well paid to promote their company to serious and fund managers . They're the right person to do so and must do it well.

I am a amateur investor. I makes lots of mistakes before. I loose huge opportunity caused by my ignorance about the full potential of Ghlsys 1500 days ago.
I learned my lesson and corrected my failures. I have no intention to promote this stock but I am passionate about what i see and have great interest to grow with them. I simply using my own novice investment philosophy and nothing else.

Anyone can just walk into the company and ask the staff, either he is the security guard, common staff or anyone else you see, even the CEO. Ask anything you want to know. Whether the company is good or not, immediately the question will be solved. Don't guess. Do it and get the answers directly. Nothing valuable will be obtained here, until you seen it and feel it in real.
Don't rely on internet or wiki to make money. You will go bankrupt if you do it. Why? Because it's free of charge information. Written by people you don't know. Edited and copied thousands of times. Easy and convenient? Nightmares will follow later.

The above is my sincere thoughts. Not a fiction nor to entertain anyone. The fact is I have seen them at the edge of shutdown before transformed to be what is today.

I want to witness the transformation again. I personally believe the management is well focused and serious about growing the company.
Since then I have forgotten what bear market is.

Wish you all the best.


2014-06-06 01:07 | Report Abuse

What really happened to the accumulation doesn't matter. Why care about who sold to him and why?
What is matter here is someone is willing to pay for a value that is not below 80 cts. And more importantly is no one is willing part with it lower than 80 cents as at today.

Previously some adventurous analyst openly say below 70 cents is not far away, another humorous call predicted it worth only 24 cents, but unfortunately they are not true.
Nobody can dispute that this company is still expanding as at today. The bargain gets better and the margin of safety is at a more comfortable level.

For those bought in systematically less than a month ago, they are sitting on a decent gain and not licking their wounds as to someone has describe it.

1.Just figure out at what price the important people willingness to pay for it, nobody understand the company's potential better than them.

2. Study and understand their track records, their history and their price fluctuations trends. Annual report is available currently. Facts and figures are clearly disclose in it. Never belittle it.

3. Trust intelligent money, one is always buying but not selling investor and one is professional money manager specialist in unlocking values. Still unconvinced? Stay away and move on.

4. Ignore all the noises. Everyone has their own evaluation and emotional judgement. The current management make mistakes before. Lessons learned, corrected and wiser now.

5. They don't perform to please traders for one particular reason. Traders never fall in love with the company. Wish they will be kind to give free lunch to hit and run techniques ? No.
They are creating values to their customers and consumers. That's their priorities and responsibility.

6. Never try to time the next uptrend, this integration needs time. Once completed, they will unleash their optimum performance.

7. Once reached their full value, consider the option to sell and grap the opportunity when gravity forces moves in.

8. Lastly, accept the uptrend and celebrate, wait and plan when it drops, market is always irrational day to day. Don't invest if afraid of loses, but forget about the gain either.

Patience and discipline will be rewarded. Invest in good companies with good investment strategies.
It won't guarantee one will get rich, but definitely not going to get poorer.

Good luck to all kakis.


2014-06-04 01:10 | Report Abuse

Ghlsys and the comparison to others?

I am not in any position to answer any questions especially to compare Ghlsys to another company. I cannot evaluate both company with a standard of comparison. But I can share my own understanding on simple evaluation of the two.

Both company is considered penny stocks. There aren't any secret to finding, picking or buying smaller cap company. It's likely to loose money on smaller cap stocks than to get rich by just listening to tips and short term investment horizon.

There are no reliable source on investing in low cost stocks that will guarantee a rise in value. They're are easily prone to manipulation to convince others to believe their values will continue to rise and sell to others at a huge inflated price.

To find the answers if any of both is a better choice, you have to know their business, understand their business model. You will almost instantly discover that almost all smaller companies are risky struggling business. Only a fraction of smaller cap company have real cash flow and make actual money!

Ghlsys is a good company but requires a bit of patience for the integration from recent merger.
Figure out at what prices some important people are willing to pay for it and their underlying business value that make institutions investors interested in buying into the company recently.

Use your own judgement and invest in things you understand especially on technologies sectors. Though it's riskier than investing in other sectors value stock, both company can be entertaining and volatile in the same time.


2014-06-03 13:18 | Report Abuse

What happened to Ghlsys?

It's doesn't have a oppinion. It doesn't have a feeling. Unless an active traders flipping in and out, it is not a big deal on daily fluctuations to some companies. So many hundreds of thousands of people have a oppinion of explanations on the stocks market.
Don't all this contradictions suggest those explanation just purely guesses?

This can be tough to watch and require a lot of research to identify a good company. To look beyond the irrationality day by day, it's better to invest in a longer period or time frame.
Some company are growing, some are shrinking and some are disappearing their market share.
Some even may risk of losing their entire entity by speculation and fraud in nature.

With a little bit of discipline, homework and knowledge, good companies can be found.
Its a boring strategy but also a great way to find a good yield while keeping the money safe.

If a company is good and the price are fair and the margin of error to miscalculation has been set to minimum, the battle is half won. Given the company the performance so far, if investors believe it will continues to improve and grow, then it will determine the rest of the answers.

Good companies is good companies, but it's also have a lot of complicated points than a simple example. But some is not worth buying because it's too expensive. Some is undervalue but obviously it's more an art than science to discover them.

Patience is strangely more important to stock picking strategies. If courage and patience is put in practice, investors will get the best result from thier investment in the future.

Wish all Ghlsys kakis all the best.


2014-06-01 14:02 | Report Abuse

Accumulation phase has begin. This process begin when institutional investors and substantial shareholders are beginning to move in when this stock is undervalue 2 weeks ago.

The value of this stock has formed a base recently as the shares of this company are accumulated as seen in recent volume pattern.

Last 2 weeks ago,time may not be lucrative for retail investors to buy as for shorter term horizon as it was moving sideways and in a range.

However recognising the signs of accumulation gives insight to opportunities. Smart investors wil recognise the different price circles and takes the best profits opportunities.
Don't let emotions rule during this phase.

Good luck to all Ghlsys kakis.


2014-05-30 22:28 | Report Abuse

Ghlsys investors laugh and cry over Malaysian Government seek reforms over electronic payment measures.

Why investors are laughing.
Ghlsys investors are laughing because Malaysian Central Bank has seek BOLD measures and commitment to migration of electronic payments in tandem with most developed countries.
Bank Negara is undertaking a serious actions to accelerate point of sales (POS) to encourage wider acceptance of debit cards in replacement to cheques and cash transactions. It's a matter of time this will eventually cause a promising growth to the technology sectors.

Why investors is crying.
Some is crying because they do not understand that Government do play a role in this country.
But entrepreneurs play a very much more major role in this country. Refrain from becoming a captives of politics. We do not need them to make us rich. If we have ideas, determinations, visions, inspiration and intelligent, we will successful. There are no easy way about it. Without the entrepreneurs visions and productivity, Government is nothing.

Played out?
Blame ourself. Don't blame others.

Government not efficient?
We don't need them to be rich. Plenty of opportunities elsewhere. If we have the ideas and innovation, nothing can stop us. It's a constant changing world. This is a best of time to build our dreams. We can do it without them.

Sack Dr. Mahathir?
Is this what we want to focus on? We live in a great time. We live in a time, we have the most complaints. Nobody is happy now in Malaysia. It's probably isn't much different than the rest of the world. The rich is not happy neither the poor. Why? Because we lives in a constant changing world. Is there anything we can do about it? Something need to be done by politicians but MOST things are done by entrepreneurs. If we want to accomplish something, do it our way.

Why crashes?
Why bother about crashes? If we want to be successful, don't afraid of government policy. Don't afraid of competition. If we have a positive attitude, ,strategic thinking, strong and trustworthy character, we will be successful.

Enjoy the weekend.


2014-05-29 22:40 | Report Abuse

Wiseeye, there are times that some information cannot be revealed in public forum. In order to post comments and sincerely sharing common views, it has to be carried in a way that will not create nuisance to others that doesn't have the same common interest in this stock.
Please excuse me if my words offended anyone.

Technology and e-commerce related business is not new in the world. Most developed countries has give birth to giant companies that has become our house hold brands and necessities, without them, the business connection and human communication will be completely shut down instantly.

These sectors will be continue to flourish with huge opportunities. There are thousands of these companies set up every day and same numbers have collapsed at the same time.

It's not an easy task to succeed in this sector and not everyone can build a decent and successful technology company currently. It's one of the most challenging sectors to me. Most of the initiators or founders work day and night and tons of hardwork and ideas before they can build up their empire. With the ever changing innovation and innovative technology is changing every seconds the task has become harder and harder.

I dare not say other industries is much easier, but definitely technologies companies is one of the most challenging business because of the extremely fast changing environment and innovation products that doesn't allow any lapse of concentration. Once miss you failed!

For a company to become leader in SEA countries already a achievement. To have surpluses of cash six times more compared to last year is a good indication. I am proud of the achievement.

Some investors may have doubt because the stock value doesn't reflect the latest review of their financial statement because it doesn't show significant rises that justify the company's bright prospects but I prefer to use the word seasonal. Why I say that?

I say that word "seasonal" because I believe that the next coming result will be showing a huge difference in term of profitability and revenues. I have the patience to wait. Giive them a chance to prove themselves. By then the judgement can be made.

With the decent volumes transacted recently, I personally suspect there are more institution funds has been added in their shareholder list. Only one major haven't started to get involved yet.
I am still waiting for his moves. Maybe soon. Why I say this? Simply because the share is undervalue now and his percentage is not catching up. Let's observe the moves.

Watching our seeds grow and sleep soundly is valuable and I trust our patience will be rewarded.

God bless.


2014-05-29 15:18 | Report Abuse

Let's face it, it's extremely hard not to be thrilled by the prospect of their growth. Most investors expect to choose in high growth companies that are able to utilise shareholders money to reinvest for a return that they can't get elsewhere. But It doesn't mean that other slower growing companies do not outperform these fast growing types of companies in the longer terms.
It a complex evaluation of each company profiles and sectors.
It also very much depend on whether investors are gambling , or a time investors.

Then what should we do?

To sell now or increase the stake more?
What is the next companies to invest after this?
What sectors to be targeted next at this time of uncertainty?.
In the case of bear market emerge, can we sleep soundly?
Are there any other undervalue stocks that just begin to good result but undervalued?
Are their boards peoples are capable and trustworthy?
Are they lack of innovative idea or showing any signs of irregularities of a failed company?
Are this company has been growing for years or just beginning to show result?
Market analysis rate companies according to their ability to expand, why?
Can they keep pace with their expansion?
Do they have qualified employees to coup with the expansion?
Do they have great investors and fund managers that will contribute to their revenues?
Do they have the capitals to spend to expand in the futures without excessive borrowing?
Do they have good reputation and trustworthiness in running the company?

At as today, I still remain optimistic about their dreams and missions.
Only when they continues to pour all their monies into their expansion,and ignore the share repurchase to enhance shareholders value or dividends, then big troubles is brewing for their investors and eventually the downfall of the company.

With their current rate of cash surplus, if it continue to rise in the next 2 quarters, more unexpected good news may happen. One thing for sure it won't work overnight.

For faster return, of course there are more to choose other than Ghlsys.

Only time will tell.


2014-05-28 21:31 | Report Abuse

Chris, very sharp eyesight. But let's go forward and enjoy their next moves.

Good night to all kakis.


2014-05-28 21:26 | Report Abuse

Sephi, congratulations on your successful trade in this stock. I believe you're looking forward to gain more from your research in this stock.
I see and trust their profits will double at the end of 2014.

All the best to you.


2014-05-28 21:21 | Report Abuse

Fortunebullz, I know you are a great observer. Good points, revenue is very important in any bisiness. Thanks for your explanation. Hope you can constantly advising the investors at this forum. I appreciate your feedback.

Thank you.


2014-05-28 21:10 | Report Abuse

Hi,Sephi, happy that you are monitoring this company results as well. Hopefully you can contribute some assessment on this stock on the performance especially on their cash reserves that improved substantially.

Thank you.


2014-05-28 21:06 | Report Abuse

Good points from fellow kakis, hope to clear off some doubts about the accounting literature. See if I could find more studies on accretion and the effects of stock prices. Hope to get the detail of the assessment to make sure we do not missed any important points.

Hi,Fortunebullz, seems you are happy with the announced result. Hope your words will become reality and all the best on your other investment.


2014-05-28 20:35 | Report Abuse

All that matters are intrinsic values rather than EPS growth. This can only be seen at a longer period of time.

Over shorter periods of time, punters decide the pricing.

If the growth, growth period of time and risk are estimated reasonably, it could be possible value creation. EPS would not matter here.

Will have to witness the share repurchases to kick in later, to justify the share value creation and eventually an increase in their EPS in 2014.

Second quarterly report and their respective corporate deals is the most important measures. It should become the stay on or end of journey altogether.


2014-05-27 22:12 | Report Abuse

I have watched and read some postings here and I have to clarified something that I should rewrite the company's structures and their original goals.
I hope when we talk about their profits to be put into priority, to me, is not in my the top list to stay invested and increase my stake.

Their goals has been set as at their previous announced press conference. There aren't any of it that is happening till this date. Their priorities is to make the most out of the e - commerce payment gateways and interconnect the available opportunity of their speciality (after their mergers) into the much needed expansion as there are no successful candidate at this region (South East Asia) at this moment.

Their custom is equally important as they are long established in this region. With little fun and small competition at this moment, they're supposed to have a greater prospect and this should reflects in their results not only on profits alone but on the whole diversity of their new innovation products that they already possess but not put into full gears at this time.

I personally saw a tiny hope and their passion at this time. This makes my patience remain energetic and prepared to take a longer period to be involved with this company.

I hope their boards know time don't wait and implement their moves as soon as possible and in return, rewarding their loyal shareholders after they generously do that to their employees in the recent announced ESOS to the senior staff.

I believe their quarterly result will be impressive, however the company structural expansion and their promises to new innovative products are more likely to have greater impacts on the stock value in near term.



2014-05-27 21:27 | Report Abuse

Hi, Chris. Good evening. Yes I will post soon.

News & Blogs

2014-05-08 13:23 | Report Abuse

Personal success must connect with our inner purpose and passion. We see the world through different eyes, our own. We have our own distinctive personal qualities as a unique human beings.

Success is purely personal and no universal meaning. To someone success is a achievement, material gain, human potential, spiritual, monetary terms and contribution. Our individual genetic structure and life experiences
will combine to make our aspiration unique. We should pursue personal qualities and capabilities to become natural unique inclinations to suit each individuals.

Some just can't really be what you can be. In a sense when we let this happens, we're forcing yourselves, against our true instincts, to something we're not meant to be.

The true meaning of success isn't just about becoming good at we can do, following what someone do.We start with finding the the right thing for us to become the BEST at.

The meaning of success lies within us. It's our own definition, not other's. The best thing of success, is go deep within and discover your passion. That's what matters, despite with years of experience, this went unnoticed.

Success can't be found if we are looking at the wrong place.

News & Blogs

2014-05-08 12:19 | Report Abuse

Technical views and chart readings is a tool to remove uncertainties.fears and doubts. Nothing more.
To be a successful investor, one just need to know the unknown possibility and control all factors that determines the future. Contingencies, opportunities and the ranges of value is much more efficient.


2014-05-05 22:15 | Report Abuse

wish you all the best from other stock picking than this. You won't make any difference to Ghlsys either you are in or not. Like it or not , it's business as usual.

Enjoy your holiday.


2014-05-05 22:04 | Report Abuse

John, thanks for your sharing and kind advice.


2014-05-05 18:02 | Report Abuse

WiseEye, All majors are not disposing. A systematic accumulation mode is advice to be engage at the moment. Wish all Ghlsys kakis the best and good luck.

To others :
Never devalue any investment skills that you don't possesses. Don't underestimate any other company's potential or the minority investors that practice a longer term hold on their investment.

Anything useful that the fly by night traders haven't personally accomplished, never assume it's easy. It's seems to be a obvious rule, but folks who follows this are depressingly rare.

Happy investing, good luck.


2014-05-01 23:53 | Report Abuse

People mostly allows their feelings to determine their judgement often in the face of contrary evidence or even not ettempting to collect evidence and facts beforehand.
People are implicitly accepting instincts and emotions as criterion of truth. A season investors will put aside emotions and search for best available facts before making a investment decision.

Similarly, knowledgeable investors will put aside such subjective judgement while making a evaluation on their selection of stocks and not base on each emotional interruption.

An appeal to fear the collapse of this company will never affect factual investor, maybe it will work to novice traders.

Optimism is willingness to accept failure while remaining confident that success will follows.

Pessimism is willingness to accept time is a burden while everything will lead to undesirable outcome.

Happy investing.


2014-05-01 12:11 | Report Abuse


Thanks for your kind words for me and Ghl kakis as whole.

This forum has created on one single thread on covering all KLSE stocks and information is openly discuss everyday. Everyone can swim is true and everything will sink is true.

Positive thoughts is precious, Negatives thought is just a little precious right to complain.
Without both it cannot work out to be constructive thread.
Negative thoughts is unique to me if it's being practice at the right time. .Nevertheless the world is not perfect anyway.

Every individuals has the rights to express their precious thoughts, unfavorable or favourable.
Hopefully it's done followed by a proper study and research on specific topic beforehand.

Welcome back to i3 again.