
moneymakerx | Joined since 2020-09-11

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2021-01-21 16:38 | Report Abuse

bsstradeer, you really are interested to know. hHAHAHH


2021-01-21 16:35 | Report Abuse

yes. the buy queue is likely from shortists to catch weakholders. so that when the collection is done. Push will come.


2021-01-20 14:55 | Report Abuse

HK listing is in progress. lesser waves now.


2021-01-20 12:20 | Report Abuse

Dickyme. I said it prior, and I will say it again. If it's not your life on the line. you will say it doesn't matter. You should pray hard that day will not come to you too soon. We all have a choice here. either continue to social distance until better vaccine is found. or play russian roulette. And one wonder why are you even here. To see how much people win or lose money? Sad life.


2021-01-20 10:44 | Report Abuse

We always have to remember, behind every number of side effect of the vaccine or death. There is a family mourning for him/her. It's not just a number. It's a life here. Until they found a better vaccine. we are all white mice if we subject ourselves to vaccination.


2021-01-20 10:43 | Report Abuse

DickyMe, it's easy to ditch the number and say these numbers are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It's really easy for you to say that since your life is not on the line. Put yourself in those shoes that you just use as a "number". We are talking about life here. you only have 1. You cannot reset life itself. So if anything should go wrong, if you are the breadwinner of the house, your family cannot even sue the company or the government. If you should pass away or down with side effect all your life. That's it already. There is nothing you can do. So dont dismiss even 1 person with side effect. because you are not them, but your little brain would not understand this.

At this point, vaccine is like a russian roulette. Why would anyone want to risk it while they can find ways to live without?


2021-01-19 18:58 | Report Abuse

students, especially the public U, is one of the worst place to live. Barely livable. but well, no one will bat an eye


2021-01-19 18:56 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh, dont just talk, please do press tomorrow so that we know who you are and what you can do. Dont be like the clowns here that everyday condemn but no action. Please do it. Do industry wide condenmnation. Go to palm oil counter as well. Do it all. Like I said, dont just talk only.

If by next week there is no show or anything like that, you are a true troll.


2021-01-19 15:22 | Report Abuse

No short sell today as well.


2021-01-19 11:21 | Report Abuse

Biden inauguration is sadly not all about vaccine, other wise, he wont inject 1.9t into the economy. It's about reversing Trump's policy but how much he can do that, it's up to time itself to prove. Biden is only there to control the damage done on the reverse globalisation by Trump.

Vaccine is another type of world domination tools for US, nothing more nothing less.


2021-01-19 10:08 | Report Abuse

today is the last day Trump in the office, tomorrow onwards will be Biden's new world. so far only supermx is spared with the constant attacking. Leaving the players in China quietly ramping up nitrile gloves production.this will impact on further ASP of nitrile gloves. but given the relationship between US and China, I doubt the production spillover from China will affect much of the whole total demand.

Waves haven't finish yet for Topglove. but stabilising.
Supermx will emerge the biggest winners in all these media siege. TG needs to play nicer with US as they have Supermx has the "trump" card. no pun intended.


2021-01-18 11:50 | Report Abuse

today morning SS has been non-existent this morning, I think the shortists want to see how much damage they had caused with the media attacking from Saturday to Sunday.

@Stockisnotfun, that's because the market here is being manipulated, so there is no need to time the market because there is no way to time. It's irrational short term, but it's rational long term.


2021-01-16 23:28 | Report Abuse

Stockhunter88, that''s the thing, I have little understanding about that as well. Malaysia tech stock, operating wise, cannot really compete with the best of the what is offered in the region, dont even talk about the world.

We are at the end of the short sticks in terms of tech in our tech stocks offering. None of the tech stocks really do anything more than ATE, automations, assembly, which is really the low end of tech. But why IB bets on them, may be their position is set and will profit when they push up again. but definitely not for long term. Especially when foreign funds have Vietname, Myanmar and Thailand to move their production there. And we have a lot of factories moving out to these markets just in the last few years and many more coming soon.


2021-01-16 23:12 | Report Abuse

Truth is, institutions have never really left tech stocks, their focus is always on tech and betting on tech stock. To say they go back makese no sense since they didnt leave in the first place.


2021-01-16 14:38 | Report Abuse

Ironshirt, all these attacks are just cheap shots to stay relevant in the media as it plays on human emotion. but at 3k per day case. It already shows that NO ONE can control it. So targetting TG now is just plain study and this issue will get washed out with time.


2021-01-16 14:29 | Report Abuse

Attack from media started engine

LIke TG is the only company in Malaysia that has COVID cases.


2021-01-14 18:51 | Report Abuse

too bad bro, when the truth is bitter, there are people who would pay to bury it. Anyway, let it all play out. the lower the better. collection time.


2021-01-14 14:43 | Report Abuse

@Bentan, I think you misunderstood, I understood how IDSS work. Just a prediction of the movements moving forward


2021-01-14 12:12 | Report Abuse

Waves coming to an end. Collect on dips. It will be better to collect on end of Jan - Mid Feb. Expecting another round of big attack then. Shortists will close their ranks before then to push up so that they can short again when IDSS comes in.


2021-01-13 12:10 | Report Abuse

At current dividend till end of the year, My cost will be RM0.3. RSS work harder.


2021-01-13 12:08 | Report Abuse

Anyway, RSS should work harder, TG is hardly depressed. Shame on the foreign fund, that's all you can do? Not even limit down. Please do me a favour, press it down to RM5, I need to collect more.


2021-01-13 12:03 | Report Abuse

We need more naysayers like you to surface so that my faith in TG will be strengthened knowing that more people dont know the whole picture. But the picture they imagined in their tiny world.


2021-01-13 12:02 | Report Abuse

Stockisnotfun, then you are obviously still dont know the whole picture. HAHAHAHA. no wonder you will lose out again. Annual growth of glove demand has always been around 10-15%. COVID triggers around 25% growth annually. And you said there is no growth?

TG is positioned to produce > 150-180B gloves annually moving forward around 2021. Even if glove price drop to 50% post COVID. TG still has very handsome PAT. not sustainable? according to your logic?


2021-01-13 11:03 | Report Abuse

AIDS changed the new normal when it was a pandemic that triggered the usage of gloves in the healthcare sector.

COVID pandemic will change nothing? that's blissfully ignorant


2021-01-13 10:49 | Report Abuse

For the case of bitcoin, if you care to search for addresses that holds more than 100 bitcoin. There are significantly more now than the 2017 crashes. This suggest that big fund houses like JPMorgan could have bought a lot of bitcoin during the last 2 years and now want to cash out because of the black money escaping mainly from China, due to the change of policy in currency exchange.

JPM will stand to benefit among the fund houses that already bought in BIG in bitcoin. So they manipulate their own words just 1-2 years ago saying bitcoin is a scam. Nonsense report from JPM but there are people who worship their report like bible.


2021-01-13 10:43 | Report Abuse

If you do go through reading the counter points you will find that Pfizer has hidden those critical efficacy data points for the sake of 95% claims of their efficacy. That's tantamount of data engineering to make their vaccine look good. But we have loads of people who dont read. who just follow news whenever they are published. This is serious as it paints a grimmer picture that vaccine cannot really stop the transmissions. merely acting like a panadol that does the job half arse at a time.If you do survive, you are lucky to have good immune systems, if not, count yourself unlucky.


2021-01-13 10:40 | Report Abuse

There are people who believes vaccine is the game reset agent that will magically make everything back to normal the moment the vaccine touches Malaysia soil. That's child's play and child like thinking. The data from Pfizer is not even peer reviewed yet. and Pfizer refuses to publish their raw data and maintain that they will release the data 24 months after phase 3 studies. What a jioke.

If you have time for some reading.


2021-01-12 20:26 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately those are beyond the reach to people like me. What I can do is to make sure I am sustainable myself and my family members are self sustainable. As for policies, I don't think I can do much other than to vote with my money. If I am making policy, I would be named PolicyMaker.


2021-01-12 19:56 | Report Abuse

Or in your opinion, we should be sad, and be sad with our life? DO something about it, no one owes you a living.


2021-01-12 19:56 | Report Abuse

Either be a smart investor, or perish like the naysayers. I am not particularly happy that we are in MCO, but I am certainly happy that at least we are trying to cut the number down. Hello, do you think any of us here control COVID?


2021-01-12 19:55 | Report Abuse

Mak Kiah, happy or not that's your decision. but the decision to do MCO, it's not within our control. So you want to be sad. go ahead, you are given a choice always.


2021-01-12 15:42 | Report Abuse

Snowpiercer. may be for you it's impossible. but you are not Mr Market.


2021-01-12 15:32 | Report Abuse

where is edwin, where is runfirst, where is stockraider. kinda miss them


2021-01-12 11:01 | Report Abuse

Mikecyc, another old news paper


2021-01-12 10:51 | Report Abuse

Looks like traders who took profit, mostly did all already. Selling pressure is gone.


2021-01-12 10:17 | Report Abuse

Water Fish Burger, that's right. it's not the shortist at work now. Just normal profit taking. 10% also traders will masuk pocket. Poor soul


2021-01-12 10:16 | Report Abuse

hopefully T+2 traders all washed out d, then only can have real up up up


2021-01-12 10:14 | Report Abuse

I think there are newbies here that dont really understand the power of short sell. Simply hentam, sampai lebam?


2021-01-12 10:08 | Report Abuse

Today mostly is T+2 to take profit from retailers. First round of washing away traders


2021-01-12 09:21 | Report Abuse

MCO 2.0 is within expectation anyway, so whoever has the insider news already have positioned or profitted last week. And MCO 2.0 most industries within the MITI approval can still operate. the impact is not as widespread. Hence the fear level is minimized. Which is sort of a good thing overall. More waves to come.

It seems shorties have been called out by major media so that's not a good news. as majority of the stock market knowws about it already. Before this, only those who read or care will know, but now the whole stock market.


2021-01-11 23:00 | Report Abuse

@huattomorrow. because these are sourgrapes.


2021-01-11 21:15 | Report Abuse

Dividend around 11%, very yummy indded.


2021-01-11 17:04 | Report Abuse

Today a lot of traders taking profits. weakhands washed out again,.


2021-01-11 10:32 | Report Abuse

HK listing will expose TG to far wider audiences than Malaysia bourses which is very small in comparison. Malaysia bourses around 0.7trillion. HK is around 15trillion.


2021-01-11 10:15 | Report Abuse

supersaiyan3, should be closer to 30c per quarter


2021-01-11 10:15 | Report Abuse

Normal profit retaiil is doing the work for the short sellers.


2021-01-08 15:40 | Report Abuse

Mr.Market just checked in.


2021-01-08 15:02 | Report Abuse

@Dicky, bad karma you know. those who bought at RM8, if hold for a year, the cost will be around RM7. and another year, RM6.


2021-01-08 14:48 | Report Abuse

To pump and dump on TG will need billions, and this will beneift swing traders. Why want to enrich traders?