
mushimushi | Joined since 2016-08-30

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2024-06-04 13:29 | Report Abuse

zzzz, no need hope, just prepare shoot the SOB kaw kaw during AGM later. Wish for Coachella, but he brought us Chinese opera instead, Diu Nia Sing.!!


2024-06-04 08:29 | Report Abuse

@speakup, that's the power of the retail investors, their votes won't change a thing, but their voice will. Now isn't that all the investors need to thanks those who cursing Francis Yeah day day everyday? There's a famous song by Lazy mf, "If I didn't fork you, you think you so cool, Diu Nia Sing!". Some people won't change their until they feel the heat.


2024-06-04 08:10 | Report Abuse

I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't bother the Genting management team too much over the weekend. Taking Genting private? So that the SOB can continue to borrow and pay himself hundreds of millions without being critize? Genting Hk, Genting Empire, now Genting Malaysia, do we see a pattern here? Retail investors lose big in all cases.

If this is the case, I pray the government will take Genting casino license private and award it to someone else too.

I will continue to kutuk the Genting management, day day and everyday.


2024-06-03 17:02 | Report Abuse

If we want Genting to flourish long term, I still think we need to pressure the management to reform first, Can you imagine even the biggest boss is stealing from the company, how would think the old time executives in the companies would do. It must have been pick pocketing left and right on a daily basis, the company profits margin will be slimmer and slimmer if not losing money big time. The company seriously need a big overhaul. Long time executives in the company who knows in and out will know 1 million ways to steal. There's a cancer in the company that's why the net profit so low. In order for Genting to shine, reform is the first step.


2024-06-03 10:04 | Report Abuse

The company just need to come clean on borrowing, no new project, but borrow over 1 billion for what? We just need to pressure him to answer all this questions, the market is puzzled, that's why the stock price is weak. Once they clear the air, do a better job on PR, I'm sure we will see RM 8 again very soon. Don't be scared by recent sell off, Genting is long term investment and require strong holding power, we just need to be strong to hopefully steer the company in the right direction through meaningful communication with the management, and AGM is exactly the platform for this.


2024-06-02 21:37 | Report Abuse

Better late than never lah, who tell him to issue debt on quarter release, seolah-olah sengaja but begitu, celaka betul. Will see lah, see he prefer us to kutuk him infront of his face during AGM or not. He need to feel heat from us, otherwise he thought he is doing good all this while. If we kutuk him Infront of so many people, he still doesn't change his way. Then we will know, he memang 1 big hkl cjb si jahat


2024-06-02 16:00 | Report Abuse

You see Genm dropped 5%, but he don't even bother to do some PR and damage control. This kind of boss do not deserve a salary. Compares him to tiktok CEO, he can't even hold a candle to him. Hire a CEO that is well spoken and care to do PR and save the company hundreds of millions in salary.


2024-06-02 15:46 | Report Abuse

Maybe he will listen and give up his salary, it will be the day Genting share price up 20-30%.


2024-06-02 15:40 | Report Abuse

Receiving dividend from the shares that you owned is very different than drawing a big salary from the company where you have majority control. Dividend is declared for all, fair and square, salary is approved and benefiting 1 person. It is tantamount to stealing really. Find me an example where owner draws a big salary, only tak tau malu punya owner will do such a thing.Worse, borrowing money to pay himself, this is thefts at another level. I think this AGM no give him face, just shoot him kaw kaw. At least we get an explanation what he is up to, retail investor definitely do not want to left holding the bag.


2024-06-01 23:33 | Report Abuse

So basically Genting is LKT's personal piggy bank lah? That's terrible if true.


2024-06-01 20:49 | Report Abuse

Call me slow, when I think deeper, one hand he keeps issuing debt, on another he keeps paying himself hundreds of millions. Do you see something wrong with this picture?

Do you know what Mark Cuban might say about this? I don't know maybe something like "I'm done, I'm out, he is a fugging gold digger!". Seriously this has to be stopped urgently like stopping the bombing of women and children from Israel.


2024-06-01 15:35 | Report Abuse

Can't he do it some other time? Why choose the same time as quarterly result release? This guy really memang 1 big cjb. Zzzz please vote to cut his salary during this coming AGM. He is not competent.


2024-06-01 15:31 | Report Abuse

What is LKT doing? Record revenue and profit still wanna use other people's money?


2024-06-01 05:37 | Report Abuse

Wah!! DJI rebounded 600 points, the bull is still alive. Genting 10-15%% rise is bound to materialize next week.


2024-05-31 20:38 | Report Abuse

Just to think of it makes my blood boiling. I'm really pissed!!


2024-05-31 20:35 | Report Abuse

This is entirely LKT's fault, why he delayed the release of quarter until last minute? It entirely missed the bull trend ended last week. Only to released it when DJI started crashing. His intention is totally sinister, I believe I have voiced out what many of us thinking but prefer not to say. Why he wants to keep Genting share price down? To allow big fish to catch up buying in, this is manipulation.


2024-05-31 17:53 | Report Abuse

That famous billionaire is Mark Cuban by the way.


2024-05-31 17:50 | Report Abuse

When the boss takes a big salary, it is a big red flag. Famous US billionaire once said, he will never invest companies where it's CEO draws a big pay check, because of the reason I mentioned earlier, and also the fact that if the companies goes down. The investors are the ones got hit the hardest, while the CEO left with big bonuses.


2024-05-31 17:43 | Report Abuse

"Reform" is the new trend in town for Malaysia, reform may be long over due for Genting as well. Push for reform this AGM. You will never know unless we try. Don't be shy to voice out. Try...50-50 chance, no try...means 0 chance.


2024-05-31 17:39 | Report Abuse

If you look at those US companies where their stock price are sky high, their bosses usually don't take salary at all, because their income is mainly stocks and it very much depends on the company's performance. They only get paid when the company perform well, and this makes them work very hard to make sure the company achieved maximum profitability. This should apply to Genting as well. If LKT continues to enjoy big salary, there's no incentive to work hard, like mainland Chinese saying goes, "lay flat", no need to work.


2024-05-31 17:21 | Report Abuse

I think this AGM, we need to pressure the boss to cut salary, it must proportion to the company profits, let LKT salary float, I think this is the fairest.


2024-05-31 17:18 | Report Abuse

No dividend hard to break out, also COVID 19 outbreak cast a dark cloud over any good news. Genting probably the most affected company during COVID. This is unfortunate, I think this AGM, we need to suggest diversification of the business into medical and AI products. Need to follow the trend, if company continues to maintain old fashion

businesses, Genting stock price will forever weak and vulnerable. Genting is long term play, it will test your holding power and patience. Perseverance is the key, don't give up.


2024-05-31 10:23 | Report Abuse

Big fish belum cukup makan, don't want to push up maybe. Disappointed, hold lah what to do? Sian, wait till AGM


2024-05-31 09:53 | Report Abuse

zzz, CEO malas buka mulut, what to do. Need to be patience.


2024-05-31 03:05 | Report Abuse

Just checked the latest price target for Genting BHD.
Max 7.20
Min 5.10
AVG 6.06

So basically all the online guru give the min price target. Don't sell too early. Long way up.


2024-05-30 23:39 | Report Abuse

Zzzz, why Genting is not listed in NYSE, Genting price could have been RM 50 by now. Genting is like the ultimate hidden gem waiting to be discover. Tomorrow is time for Genting to shine.


2024-05-30 20:49 | Report Abuse

Going forward tiap tiap quarter at least 500m net profit, RM 8 is not a dream.


2024-05-30 19:19 | Report Abuse

The technical chart also showing golden cross, all the stars and planets aligned for Genting this time. Everything is just perfect!!!! Alhamdulillah!!!


2024-05-30 18:52 | Report Abuse

This also means RW LV making it big in USA!!! Wah!!!! This is overwhelming, all good news come at once!!!


2024-05-30 18:49 | Report Abuse

Both Genm and Gent record breaking renevue wahhhhh!!! Huat ah!!!!! We need show LKT some love at the AGM later.


2024-05-30 18:47 | Report Abuse

Wah wah wah wah wahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

I wanna cry, finally LKT give jackpot!!!! I love you LKT


2024-05-30 18:35 | Report Abuse

Genm quarter revenue increased by 500m compares to the same period last year. And it is Genm record breaking revenue of all time at RM 2.76 bil. Although a bit disappointed with the net profit. I think the company needs overhaul, old company, a lot of old executive have lubang to pick pocket. Hopefully the net profit will continue to fine tune


2024-05-30 17:22 | Report Abuse

So funny, judging on the some comments here, some are still trying to trick people to sell at the very last minutes. These people are likely big ifishes and are desperate to collect. Waited for so long, our SPM results finally here, hopefully straight As.


2024-05-30 12:45 | Report Abuse

Get ready to pakai cantik cantik ke AGM later. Love is in the air during the meeting with big boss later.


2024-05-30 11:53 |

Post removed.Why?


2024-05-30 10:29 | Report Abuse

I say 598.43m, very precise.


2024-05-30 09:55 | Report Abuse

Genting back to pre pandemic profits, time to declare special dividends to celebrate, the king is back. Maybe the boss will organise Coachella at the AGM :D


2024-05-30 09:34 | Report Abuse

Technical analysis showing golden crossed, gap up very soon, last call...


2018-05-25 08:15 | Report Abuse

Pakatan harapan, elders, mahathir, lge banyak soohi. Inviting kuok back for what!?!? The enemy is domestic, can't they see it was epf, kwsp, kwap, etc all the local big funds that's playing the klse like a fool,suking the life out of retail investors.

Ask kuok to come back to defend klse and malaysian economy while the local big funds selling down the market. Seriously wadaphuck?! tangkaplah the local big funds traders and board of directors for manipulating the klse first lah. Kuok du li 5 dek han (so busy no time for malaysian fool)


2018-05-25 01:50 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-08-17 14:24 | Report Abuse

careful big trap!


2017-07-17 18:51 | Report Abuse

wow, so much BS, don't get cheated. Oil price so low, this company will not survive. It will back to 0.235!!!


2017-07-17 09:34 | Report Abuse

saat menghembus nafas terakhir, nafas yg cukup berbisa, siapa dekat siapa sama-sama pergi


2017-07-13 20:06 | Report Abuse

knm = perisai, 0.20, 0.18, 0.15, 0.10, 0.05...Sell lah. Boss pun jual already, you masih mau hold lagi. Kakaka hold till masuk keranda meh?


2017-07-10 19:30 | Report Abuse

0.20 coming kakakaka


2017-07-05 06:16 | Report Abuse

There's valid reason why this stock so cheap. Its gonna get even cheaper. 0.20 soon. Another perisai in the making.


2017-07-04 15:59 | Report Abuse

0.20 coming


2017-07-03 09:33 | Report Abuse

crashing soon, guaranteed!


2017-06-30 10:28 | Report Abuse

There's a saying.. when a person lying on his/her dying bed, he suddenly sprung back to life, all cheerful and happy. But sadly died the next day. This exactly what happening to KNM. Maintain SELL call. Sell sell sell!!