
pBlue | Joined since 2018-12-03

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Fear is a Lie. I will not be Deceived. Greed is a Chain. I will not be Bound. Margin is a Risk. I will not Gamble. Through Fundamental Analysis, I gain Confidence. With Confidence, do I Invest. Through my Investments, I gain Profit. With Profits, my financial chains are Broken. I shall be Free.





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2020-08-11 22:52 | Report Abuse


I have written my warning to Malaysian retail investors on HWGB. I don't know what else I can say to dissuade you, aside from saying the immune system and vaccines do not work the way Dr Gallo is suggesting. I am no longer in the position to ask you to come to my office for a class in immunology.

What he is advocating is on the fringe. Does the article link you to any paper that support his purposed idea? The best is their observation of lower Covid19 mortality in nations which give their citizens BCG vaccine and polio vaccines. But correlation is not causation.

As a scientist, if he say polio vaccine protects against herpes or influenza there should be a paper that shows that. Something that you can look over his data and come to your own conclusion. You can check pubmed, the electronic list of nearly every paper published in the world, for polio vaccine and herpes. You won't find a study matching the two.

Look JakeT, the best I can do from this end is to refer you to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/ It is resource of free university level text books on biology. Please look up information on immunology, the immune system and how vaccines work.

Good luck.


2020-08-11 13:18 | Report Abuse

The mutation rate of SARS-Cov2 is not the problem. The problem is as many as 20% of the population has a weak antbiody respond to the SARS-Cov2 virus and rely primarily on T-cell activation to destory viral infected cells.... pretty much rendering a vaccine useless to these people, as vaccines are mostly prime towards antibody production rather than T-cell activation.

The other problem is antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) has been observed in the coronavirus famiy. ADE is a situation where weakly binding antibody to the virus actually enhances its ability to invade cells, increasing the severity of the infection. ADE is a significant problem in HIV vaccine development, Dengue vaccine development and the what stalled development of the SARS-Cov1 vaccine (2003-2013).

I agree, the SARS-Cov2 virus is not an easy virus to tackle. But its high mutation rate... is only high relative to DNA viruses. It is about average to other RNA viruses. All RNA viruses mutate fast. Influenza mutates faster than SARS-Cov2


2020-08-11 12:33 | Report Abuse

Lets hope all goes well with the Russian vaccine and it doesn't crash in a fire ball. Pray that there is no ADE.


Posted by yttihs > Aug 11, 2020 12:15 PM | Report Abuse
But right now, more pressing is the Russia's vaccine. All eyes on it.


2020-08-11 10:04 | Report Abuse

Well they reimbursed all current workers.
The RM 53 million is for past workers who have already left the company. I guess it is not so easy to tract down people in another country, that had left the company before January 2019.

Winner is all this the recruitment agencies... sponsored by a certain politicians that once wanted to bring in 1 million Bangladeshi into Malaysia and make several billion off them. Nobody cares about the recruitment agencies and what they do.


2020-08-10 20:44 | Report Abuse


Supermax sells most of its gloves under its own brand name directly to consumers. On the consumer side, glove prices are now 4x t o 6x pre-Covid19 prices. So the profit margin for Supermax is huge.

In contrast, Topglove makes most of its gloves for other companies. So while the consumer side prices have increased massively, the profits are shared out between the distributors, the company that owns the brand and topglove. Topglove share of the profit is lower.

This is the OBM vs OEM model.

Can someone explain, why is supermax result is revenue ( 900m) less than last quarter topglove (1.7M)but net profit ($400M) is higher than last quater topglove ($350M) ?


2020-08-10 17:47 | Report Abuse

And some people are being realistic. None of Malaysia pharma companies are actually making a vaccine. They hope to buy one from the US, UK or China and resell it to Malaysians. Another middle man industry. Gloves, that is a malaysian product serving the world.

If you buy into Malaysia pharma, you better hope that they manage to sign a deal. We are behind a very long and expensive line.

The whole fill-n-finish idea is bunk. That will not happen. Big pharma has no need for a small third world nation with limited bottling capacity.


2020-08-10 16:01 | Report Abuse

Please do. i missed buying opportunity at RM26. Need a panic sell off to depress the price so I can buy low and sell high.

Panic sell, panic sell.

Posted by limkokthye > Aug 10, 2020 3:57 PM | Report Abuse
all sell alll sell


2020-08-10 15:54 | Report Abuse

Ultimate promoter of Topglove is Covid19, working hard everyday to make gloves an essential part of day to day life.


2020-08-10 12:12 | Report Abuse

Yup, because vaccine usually take 5-10 years to develop. Covid19 was only discovered 8 months ago in January.

Russians saying their vaccine will be ready for distribution in 2021, is very soon. But just remember to drink a lot of vodka... Russians believe that is a cure all for any side effects that doesn't kill you... and Russian have a different concept of safety and efficacy.

Posted by winwinvest > Aug 10, 2020 10:44 AM | Report Abuse
Approved soon means year 2021 ?


2020-08-10 11:00 | Report Abuse

Damn I am sad. I was waiting at RM25. Only dropped to RM26

News & Blogs

2020-08-10 10:50 | Report Abuse

These few are being idiots, grasping at straws. No different from the group that believes that the BCG vaccine is protective against Covid19.

I cannot prove to you my credentials (not that you would believe me), so instead I ask you to think logically. Are most Malaysian vaccinated against polio? Answer is yes. Do Malaysians get Covid19, the answer is again yes.

Globally the older generation (65 years and older) are almost certainly vaccinated against polio because this virus was more prevalent when they were children. Covid19 kills the elderly at far higher percentages than the younger generation (10-15% older generation vs 0.1-0.3% younger generation).

How about another logic train. SARS-COv2 is a coronavirus. Coronaviruses are the cause of 15-30% of all flu cases during a flu season. If the polio vaccine was protective, shouldn't the number be close to zero.

Vaccines are specific. If they were not, we would just need one vaccine and it will defeat every virus known and unknown to man. That doesn't happen. We have to make a new vaccine for every virus, we even have to update and modify the vaccine as the virus mutates over time.

This is basic immunology, Class 101.

AS for their argument... they have made the observation that people from nations where the vast majority of citizens get vaccinated for polio and TB, have a lower mortality rate in the Covid19 outbreak. Contrast this to the USA, where polio vaccination is low , in some regions nearly below the level needed to maintain herd immunity or in the case of TB, none existent, resulting in NYC being a TB hot spot. The US has a high Covid19 mortality rate.

However correlation need not be causation. It is more likely that nations where all their citizens get these vaccinations, have a more universal healthcare system. The poor are not left behind, hence there is an overall lower death rate especially during a community wide outbreak of Covid19.

News & Blogs

2020-08-10 10:14 | Report Abuse

Boris is one of t he few politicians in the western world that understands the dangers of Covid19, he made an 180 degree turn when he caught the virus and nearly died from it.

News & Blogs

2020-08-09 08:59 | Report Abuse

How do we know that a vaccine can give you 1 year of protection? The way to find out is to give people the vaccine and wait 1 year to see what happens. It is not pessimism, it is just reality. We cannot computer model the immune system, because we do not know enough. So that is how long a phase II trial last.

An example of a Phase III is the Dengvaxia phase III trial which lasted 5 years. Eventually this vaccine had to restricted to use only on people who had been infected by Dengue once before due to fact it actually enhanced hemorrhagic dengue fever in uninfected people.

Right now the SinoVac Vaccine isn't in phase III, it is in Phase II. SinoVac and/or the media is being misleading.

Vaccine development isn't normally a fast process. There are set backs and unexpected complication. Take the development history of SARS-Cov1 vaccine, another coronavirus. 10 years of work was put into SARS-Cov1 vaccine from 2003 to 2013, until government and industrial funding ran out. 10 years and no vaccine was developed. Please consider that for a moment and ask yourself, why.

News & Blogs

2020-08-09 08:43 | Report Abuse

At this time point, nations with Covid19 outbreaks, are so desperate for a vaccine that they are offering up their populations for a phase II/III trial hybrids. So no need for marketing, just a whisper to the news channels is enough.

I think the big pharma companies will deal directly with governments, who depending on local healthcare system may appoint local companies to distribute the vaccine. Any "bottling" will be done in house by big pharma and the final product shipped to each country. They are not going to share profits and not going to risk their product contaminated by mold or bacteria by some minor unknown company and risk their company reputation.

News & Blogs

2020-08-09 01:41 | Report Abuse

Why bother? A big multinational pharma company can bottle their own vaccine. And if for a bizarre reason that they can't, they will work with their own preferred partner in their home country. There is no need for middleman Malaysia. If you look at pharmaniaga, its capacity is a mere 20 million a year. To be any good, it has to be several billions annually. Just about every vaccine in phase II/III hybrid trials require 2 doses, so its capacity is not even enough to serve Malaysia, much less the rest of South East Asia (~655 million people).

Also just ask yourself has Pharmaniaga or BPharma sign a deal with any major vaccine developer? Khairy Jamaluddin can make claims, but without a signed deal, Malaysia won't be bottling for anyone.

Besides it is like imagining Coca-Cola not having their own bottling plants and needing some third world nation to bottle their own products for them, a third world nation that has very limited bottling capacity. It is beyond silly.

Realistically, if Pharmaniaga and Duopharma want to be bottling Covid19 vaccines, it has to be one that they make themselves.


2020-08-08 18:21 | Report Abuse

Nobody needs phase III trial. What we need is a Phase II trial and none of the vaccine companies have done that, most have compressed the trial process and went to a phase II/III hybrid trial to save time.

Phase II trial is to determine if the vaccine works. If it can prevent SARS-COv2 infection and how long it is protective. This trial usually last 1 year and have a few hundred people in the trial

Phase III trial is to determine if there are any rare but serious side effects of the vaccine. Usually last 1 year and has a few thousand people in the trial.

Sinovac like all other vaccine companies (Moderna/AstraZeneca) have decided with approval of their host nations to implement a hybrid phase II/III trial. So unlike a regular phase III trial, we do not know if the vaccine works and for how long.

Strong antibody production is one thing, strong antibody reaction after 6 months is another, and 1 year later is also another. I hope Sinovac vaccine performs better, because the other vaccine appear to start to lose potency within 2 weeks after the vaccine's second boaster shot. Unfortunately Sinovac has not released any data about its vaccine. Nothing from its phase I safety trial and nothing to backup it antibody production claim. Furthermore Sinovac is still submitting Phase II trial protocol to China’s National Medical Products Administration, even as they start 'phase III' trials abroad.

So chances of survival maybe not be 60/40, it maybe 0%, because the vaccine fails to give immunity lasting more than 2 months. I hope this is not the case, but we do not know.

Also I found mention Sinovac vaccine requires two doses. 200 million doses is not enough for 267 million Indonesians. That is only enough for 100 million people.

I just want everyone know be clear where we are. These Sinovac trials in Indonesia and Brazil are really phase II trials. This trial in Indonesia is expected to finish in half a year at the earliest, Feb 2021. It may take longer.



Posted by IronShirt > Aug 8, 2020 3:11 PM | Report Abuse
Indonesia is also vaccinating without going thru. 3rd phase testing (last heard from Singapore News 2 day ago ) If strong antibody are produced during the testing, 200mil vaccine will be produced. Indo. people are dying anyway without vaccine just like Russia, atleast there is a 60/40
chance of survival with vaccine....Anyway Indo Hospital can no longer cope with Covid patients


2020-08-08 15:05 | Report Abuse

Certainly by the next quarter and as Covid19 situation worsens.

However expect some people to sell their extra shares after the bonus issue. So might be a dip before prices stabilize. TG shares are generally on an upward trend, but there is a lot of fear, so prices can swing widely. With many frequent small dips and the rare big dip.

Best to closely study how much swing there is, so you can understand what is normal, and what is a good entry point.

Holding power is a must in the share. Trading on margin can kill you. It can sit for a week doing nothing, then jump in a day RM2.

Posted by Anna83 > Aug 8, 2020 2:48 PM | Report Abuse
after split share top glove will go up ...?


2020-08-08 14:01 | Report Abuse

DO NOT invest in HO WAH GENTING BHD for its Covid10 vaccine work. What they are doing is to see if the polio vaccine is protective against the Covid19. I can tell right now the polio vaccine is not protective against Covid19.

How? 1 - Polio is a different virus from Covid19. 100% different virus. 2. All Malaysians have been vaccinated against polio as children. Most people in Asia and Africa have also been vaccinated against polio.

And guess what, we still catch Covid19. If polio vaccine had any protective ability, nobody is Asia, Africa and most of America would not have caught Covid19.

Retail investors, AVOID Ho Wah Genting! Their product will not work.

Ho Wah Genting management if you are reading this, stop f-ing around. You are dragging the Genting name through the mud. You should be ashamed of yourself!

If you want to make a vaccine against Covid19, do so properly. Make an inactivated viral vaccine. Those things are easy, effective, and moderately fast but expensive to make. Any group of trained people with experience in large volume animal cell culture, and viral production can make it. This is the same thing Sinovac is making.

Make an inactivated vaccine.



2020-08-08 12:59 | Report Abuse

I responded in kind. You quoted Jan Jansen, Easy Branches on greed. And I quoted Frank Herbert, Dune on fear.

Posted by MasterYoda > Aug 8, 2020 11:26 AM | Report Abuse
Pblue copycat lah you :;


2020-08-08 09:35 | Report Abuse

"Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me--Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune

Do not let either fear or greed dominate you. Rational thought will set you free.


2020-08-08 08:52 | Report Abuse

Moderna's phase II/III trial will be complete in October 2022. IF their vaccine WORKS.

And during the mass vaccination period, there will be an even higher demand for gloves as medical workers have to see the public during the mass vaccination. And Moderna vaccine, actually all vaccine in the Phase II/III so far need two doses, given 2 weeks apart.

So if you sell out of gloves now, you will have to wait for at least a year before the pharma companies have a product that they can sell, and you don't know which if any of those pharma companies have a working product.

Posted by Medibank > Aug 8, 2020 8:44 AM | Report Abuse
Top glove KING title slowly need gives for pharma companies that involve in vaccine like Moderna. Better sell now...


2020-08-08 08:44 | Report Abuse

Before the glove sector exponential growth, careplus was trading at 13sen. Now after falling off its peak, is trading at RM4.30, this is 33x higher than its baseline value.

HLT was trading at RM0.175 at baseline and now trades at RM2.52 after falling of its highs. This is 14.4x over baseline.

For comparison, Topglove was trading at around RM4.50 preCovid, now trading at RM28.12 after falling of its highs. This is 6.25x over baseline.

If you consider topglove over valued, than both HLT and Careplus are also over valued too.

Posted by MasterYoda > Aug 8, 2020 3:24 AM | Report Abuse
Only HLT and Careplus is undervalued from current price,all others is too overvalued.


2020-08-08 00:26 | Report Abuse

News about Russian vaccine has been out since 28 July 2020.
Nothing new added, in fact fewer details.

It is impossible for the Russians to have tested their vaccine to determine if it gives long term immunity to SARS-Cov2. THere simply isn't the time.

The only test that we know this vaccine to have completed is a Phase I trial, ie to know if the vaccine is safe to take and that it won't kill you. There have been no indication that a PhaseII trial was done, ie a trial to show that the vaccine can prevent covid19 and that immunity can last at least a year, so that you don't need to be injected every 2 weeks.

Finally, Russia is only going to make 30 million doses this year. And hopes to get a foreign partner to make another 170 million. Russia has 144 million citizens. ANd how many doses does do people need?
From the description this is adeno base vaccine like AstraZeneca/oxford vaccine and that vaccine was poor/weak.. it needed two doses and had a lot of nasty side effects (probably overcome by generous quantities of vodka).

So 30 million doses... might mean just enough for 15 million people. And that 170 million extra doses... 85 million people... only enough for 100 million Russians... not enough for all of Russia, much less Russian allies.

So should we be worried? Hell no. Will this cause a panic attack come Monday, Maybe... Could make a lot of money if that happens. But it is making money off poor panic selling retailers... so I feel bad.

So as somebody who knows a thing or two about vaccine development and has surfed the Moderna panic attack, the AstraZenecca panic attack, the Sinovac panic attack, and maybe the panic attack the first time this Russian vaccine circulated... I advice everyone to keep calm and to think logically.

An untested vaccine candidate of limited production capacity isn't of concern. Would you want it if you had it and could you get it if you wanted? No, on all accounts.America and Western Europe certainly won't take it. And for us, that is good enough.

Old post of mine about the Russian vaccine.


2020-08-07 23:08 | Report Abuse

It is not over confidences master Jedi, when all events have been put in place and all pieces set into motion such that the outcome is a certainty.

The time and place, that the the actions of a single being could have altered what is happening and will happen has long since past. There is nothing you or any one can do to change what will happen this year and the next.

What we face is a force of biology. Nothing can stop it now, even a vaccine will be not be ready for over a year. You have lost master Jedi and you words wasted on people who can not stop the events unfolding, only profit from it!

You should have spoken to the Senate and the US president in January, but I believe your words would be equally unheeded, for Donald Trump is an ignorant man of great pride.

Posted by MasterYoda > Aug 7, 2020 7:16 PM | Report Abuse
Over-confidence is the way to give your soul to the devil an inch at a time


2020-08-07 17:08 | Report Abuse

Panic sell. Happens all the time.

Share price hit 29.30, people start selling for profit. share price fall, people sell faster to lock in profit. Then share price falls some more, and before you know it people with weak hands start selling because it fell below their stop loss price. Then more people selling until the share price falls really low... then people try to buy the now cheap shares before it starts to climb again.

AT the end of the day only RM0.26 drop. Nothing much. Not even deep enough dip to justify buying.

Don't worry. It will be the middle of next week before things stabalize as Supermax QR is supposed to be released early on coming monday. Good news as Supermax usually releases it QR on 29/30 August.

Just look at the Covid19 cases. That is what fueling the glove rally in Malaysia.

Posted by Dragon072 > Aug 7, 2020 4:27 PM | Report Abuse
Anyone pls share any update news, why dropping???


2020-08-07 16:13 | Report Abuse

IN the gold find of Bornoil, the potential gold resources of 60,032 ounces @ USD 2000 per ounce.

So maximum is USD 120 million, or about RM480 million revenue in the whole mines working life (maximum), before cost of mining work.

TG makes RM4.8 billion in a regular year. Last quarter TG made RM1.6 billion in revenue in just one quarter. It will make a lot in the more coming 4th quarter. And will continue making boat load of money for at least 2 years.

This is a small find. Good for Bornoil but really nothing of interest.

It was a 5sen company that just saw it rise by 50% to a 7.5 sen company. Been losing money for the past decade. No history of paying dividends.

Invest only if you made too much money in Topglove and would like to burn some just to feel what it is like to lose money.


Posted by MasterYoda > Aug 7, 2020 3:50 PM | Report Abuse
Buy Bornoil before shoot up like crazy,more gold might be found once they cover a bigger area,Gold is rising :)


2020-08-07 15:45 | Report Abuse

Well on the plus side we are now in the upper half of RM28 band, higher than RM28.20-RM28.40 region. Looks like a big buying block at RM28.50

A bit of good news to verify the prices and dividends, and more bad news on the Covid19 front, should push the share up.

India now has more cases of Covid19 per day than the US, and India has a larger and denser population. It just looks grim.


2020-08-07 15:14 | Report Abuse

Don't think it will go pass RM29 today. RM 28.98 is possible. Take a few days to stabilize at RM29 before moving to RM30.

And strangely in USD, RM30 is still nothing.


2020-08-07 14:15 | Report Abuse

India's number of new Covid19 cases per day has just exceeded the US. 62K vs 58K



2020-08-07 13:25 | Report Abuse

One word... Covid19

250K new cases on average a day (280K cases yesterday). And that will grow as the US reopens it schools, and once the flu season starts in the northern hemisphere... Europe, Japan... the wave will be huge, they are already experiencing a second wave.

At present all the rise in demand we have seen has come from the infection of 19 million people, 200 million maximum if we assume that 10x under reporting that some health officials say is true. As there are 7800 million people alive right now, Covid19 has another 7600 million more people to infect.

250K new covid19 cases today will take a minimum of 2 weeks to recover, or 3 weeks to die. Glove prices will not drop for 3 weeks, even if tomorrow had zero covid19 cases.

You need to educated yourself and understand the fundamental driver of the malaysian glove sector. Don't just follow trends. Else you will sell when there is a panic sells and lose money.

Don't believe in me, believe in Covid19, because Covid19 is always truthful and has no hidden agenda concerning your money. Covid19 just wants your body.

Posted by titan3322 > Aug 7, 2020 12:13 PM | Report Abuse
Don't listen too much of those analyst giving a TP of RM39 for this stock it may be worth 29 within this few weeks but by year end down to earth maybe RM15 only and by 2022 RM10 is the TP


2020-08-06 20:00 | Report Abuse

To get money from investment bank, the excision price of call warrant must be more than the mother share. The excision price of TG warrant c86 is 28.88. So you can only make money if Topglove mother share is more than that. Topglove mother share was at 28.40 today.

Excision ratio is another thing. the exchange rate of warrant to share is rarely 1:1. It is typically 5:1 even 10:1. The success of Topglove has investment banks increase that ratio to 20:1, 20 warrants to get 1 share. C86 is horrible... it is 100:1. You need 100 warrants to get 1 share.

So the break event point, the point where you can make money on C86 warrant is very bad. The price of C86 warrant is 0.245

so the breakeven point of C86 is 100*RM0.245+RM28.8 = RM53.30 Ie topglove share price must rise above RM53.30 before you can see any profits. THe highest Target price of Topglove right now is RM47. The average is around RM31

Finally warrants have expiration date. The mother share must exceed the excision price before the expiration rate for the warrant to expire in-the-money. If the mother share does not exceed the excision price of the call warrant, it expires out of the money and the IB doesn't pay you anything.

C86 expires in march 2021.

Nobody can see where the COvid19 virus will go or the stock market... but TG rising to RM53.30 by March2021 feels very daunting at the moment. Things have to go very wrong for humanity, for this trade to work.


2020-08-06 16:03 | Report Abuse

It has only been 2 days. Be patient. Need to stabilize first before going higher. All the people who want to sell at RM28 have to get off first. TG did push to RM28.82 but then massive selling. Once all the selling and profit taking is complete then it will go up. More important is that TG is supported at above RM28, creating a new support level.


2020-08-06 15:36 | Report Abuse

The 10% can be redirected elsewhere. There is a 500 day waiting list for orders. South America is the easiest, although the situation in India is starting to become bad.

By the way, what method did you use?

Posted by dique15 > Aug 6, 2020 3:31 PM | Report Abuse
newbie here, but I tried to calculate on their production capacity for each month, I got a rather conservation figure of Q4 PAT 770mil to 850mil with ASP increasing 10% m-o-m. Also factoring in the 10% of stock held by the US.


2020-08-06 15:32 | Report Abuse

Duopharms isn't producing its own vaccine. And has yet to a deal with any vaccine manufacturer... not there is a point in doing that given that we don't know which if any of the vaccine under testing actually works. The US is able to sign with every manufacturing company because USD is something that they can print.


It would be another matter if Duopharms was making its own vaccine.

Posted by MasterYoda > Aug 6, 2020 3:07 PM | Report Abuse
No you should sell all and switch to Duopharms :) thank me later


2020-08-05 21:58 | Report Abuse

Duapharma is not making its own vaccine. It and pharmaniaga hope to buy a vaccine from somebody.

The earliest a vaccine will pass phase II/III approval is late 2021. MOderna completes its trials in October 2022. And none of the vaccine manufacturer will be allowed to to sell their product to some random 3rd world nation, until their own nation is vaccinated, then their allies.

You want to reposition in pharmaceuticals, sure, but you will be waiting for a while.

posted by MasterYoda > Aug 5, 2020 9:03 PM | Report Abuse

Msia stock market sentiment is more powerful than reality,its time to dump your glove sector now and ride on the vaccine wave,glove prices are now too risky,don’t be greedy!Switch to Duapharma now while the price is still low,pharmaceutical will be the next big thing after glove counter.


2020-08-05 16:55 | Report Abuse

Only half of US exports are affected by the Ban. The other companies including TG have waiting times over 1 year. US customer are not going to wait 1 year for their order to be processed. Anybody who wants to pick up these US customers must drop existing customer.

Posted by 817065 > Aug 5, 2020 4:42 PM | Report Abuse
TG lost its market share in the US.


2020-08-05 16:08 | Report Abuse

No such news. Can't find anything like that.
And no native American will call themselves "Red Indian". It is very rude. They will go by their own tribal name.

Posted by usabite > Aug 5, 2020 3:53 PM


2020-08-05 15:00 | Report Abuse

China is still flooding. So even if want to expend can't do so because roads are underwater and much of the land. Already has disrupted exports of PPE to the US and Europe.

So, no. China could make jet fighters... but at the moment, they aren't making much at all. Gloves, condoms, mask or jet fighters.

Posted by stockwinner > Aug 5, 2020 2:55 PM | Report Abuse
China nitrile glove production is expanding and started to flood the market sooner or later... They can make jet fighters, cannot make Gloves & condoms?


2020-08-05 13:25 | Report Abuse

Technically true..

but in all likeliness, that bomb is going to only explode after we develop a vaccine (no earlier than late 2021, maybe as late as 2022), mass produce it (another few months), wait in line to get it (there are 7800 million people, and vaccine will go to nation that made it first, then allies, then whoever can pay the most money), and then start a mass vaccination program.

For comparison, the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, the vaccine was approved by FDA in September 2009, the US the first country to get the vaccine, got it in December 2009. Other nations like the Philippines only got the vaccine in April 2010. The virus was declared beaten by the WHO on August 2010.

Topglove pandemic stock bubble reach its peak on July 2010, 10 months after the vaccine was developed and FDA approved.

Sooo...pretty long while to go for that bomb to explode. At the moment, we are looking at June 2022 to August 2023.

Posted by neohts > Aug 5, 2020 12:35 PM | Report Abuse
The gloves and Healthcare stocks are waiting like dotcom bomb.
When the Bomb explode, a lot of people will cry.


2020-08-05 11:22 | Report Abuse

Certainly... earliest vaccine will be in late 2021. Earliest Moderna vaccine can be released is in October 2022.

Posted by ongmari > Aug 5, 2020 9:57 AM | Report Abuse
once vaccine is confirmed, watch the coorection


2020-08-05 09:29 | Report Abuse

I guess it just means, that once QR comes and bonus shares, TG will fly. Else we will just the have the cheapest, and most profitable glove company.


2020-08-05 09:24 | Report Abuse

Unbelievable! That is like a Subaru minicar overtaking a Lamborghini supercar.

Posted by BezzaDriver > Aug 5, 2020 9:21 AM | Report Abuse
Supermax RM23.20 already. Looks like will catch up with Top Glove soon. Unbelieavable!!


2020-08-05 09:19 | Report Abuse

Given that last QR, TG was already RM350 million in profit, Doubling Harta is not even a challenge. Compared to the other glove companies, TG hasn't had much of price increase. I guess by being the most expensive, people buy it the least. But in terms of earning per share, TG (13.59) certainly beats Harta (6.49). And in the coming quarter TG will surpass Harta.

Posted by investorbat > Aug 5, 2020 8:51 AM | Report Abuse
if HARTA earning 200mil++ CIMB give tp of $24.30,TG tp should be $40++


2020-08-04 16:05 | Report Abuse

So sad, fell out of RM28. I guess, by end of this weeks we will be firmly in RM28 zone.


2020-08-04 15:54 | Report Abuse


Posted by Dragon072 > Aug 4, 2020 3:51 PM | Report Abuse
Wow wow very happy I have at RM 5 till now...oh my god


2020-08-04 14:55 | Report Abuse

So make profit, people panic sell. Whole sector fall. Make lost people buy?


2020-08-04 14:12 | Report Abuse

so share price on last QR, 18 May was RM9.00-RM9.13, with RM115 million profits. Now profit is RM220, share price is RM18.88, and people saying Harta is worth RM10?

I am not sure how the math works. Double profit, should be double share price. But if everyone thinks Harta is worth RM10. How does that work?


2020-08-04 11:20 | Report Abuse

Looks like TG can't go below RM25.60 anymore. Back up to RM26+


2020-08-04 10:20 | Report Abuse

40+ factories. added an extra zero there. Hopefully TG automates more over the next few years. Then it can increase production without the needing more manpower.


2020-08-04 09:53 | Report Abuse

A mouse might be fast, but an elephant is still an elephant. TG elephant is not running, but it certainly won't be losing much ground.