
pharker | Joined since 2013-07-09

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2016-12-22 16:04 | Report Abuse

This thread is becoming very vulgar...and out of hand. People should always remember this golden rule :-

No matter how different the other's opinion is from yours, or seems stupid to have the right to disagree but do it professionally or diplomatically

Do not draw first blood by dishing out vulgarity no matter how much disagreement you harbor

Admin should ban the party that first dish out vulgarity


2016-12-15 10:28 | Report Abuse

spot on :-

The money is not in the OKI machines sold but the software solutions & maintenance for these OKI machines which is recurring

News & Blogs

2016-12-08 14:41 | Report Abuse

Why cold eyes can attract many followers ?

The trick here is the 1st round he recommend good stocks and let followers make money..I personally make some money based on his recommendations many years ago on CANONE n other good stocks...

So those early followers who made money now trusted him...and spread the good words..trusting him more...gaining traction and more followers

When reach the critical mass...will he do one BIG slaughter and SAPU all ??

I don't be the judge..but just remember free lunch in this day has to pay back if you not alert

News & Blogs

2016-12-06 14:28 | Report Abuse

What a twisted logic way to compare

Many many years ago...we are better than s. korea, lets be comfortable

Now, we are still better than..... phillipines, African nations, so don't complain, there are still countries worse than us

If we dun do something and keep comfort that there are always countries worse than us....SOON n very soon, there will be no country to compare that are are worse than us

The world is moving at a very fast either keep up with it ..or be left behind


2016-11-25 11:09 | Report Abuse

I see some joker ask people to sell supermax because of no TTP...then subsequently ask people to buy other glove counters like topglove etc

What a powerful and insightful though TTP can only affect supermax ( if any) and not other glove counters...bravo superb reasoning


2016-11-25 10:33 | Report Abuse

my forecast is that if RM remains above 4 against USD, and not below...PAT for FY2016 will be 85 to 95mil


2016-11-25 10:30 | Report Abuse

if you ignore q on q fluctuation, it is very likely y on y the PAT for FY2016 will be better than FY2015


2016-11-25 09:18 | Report Abuse

I heard someone said Gadang got 7 cents dividend & Ekovest only 3 cents, & said Ekovest is a lousy company. Where is that person now?


2016-11-24 16:07 | Report Abuse

Also since they do not have a solid profit generating business and siting on a pile of cash, so only way to prop up the share price is to buy back own shares..this will also deplete the cash pile but temporary prop up the share price but at a cost of diminishing cashflow.....then until one day when the balance tilt and people realize that the depleting cash pile to buy back shares cannot justify the price prop up...then day of reckoning will come and its hell break loose


2016-11-24 16:00 | Report Abuse

Sitting on a pile of cash that is depleting day by day due to -

1. losses
2. uncontrolled opex - management directionless- so only way to enrich themselves is to creatively spending on non-productive expenses that goes into their staff benefits etc
3. same goes for the directors
if this is left unchecked, the rate of depletion will accelerate..but due to the huge cash pile, it may take a while until people realized that one day it is going to vanish..unless they find a biz that generates profit n cashflow


2016-11-23 19:07 | Report Abuse

To abalone lovers :

hairless one liner abalone is better than 3 headed abalone



2016-11-17 11:03 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the info Jay, good learning tips from you and others


2016-11-17 10:54 | Report Abuse

From RHB/OSK research

"Although CIMB looks set to achieve management’s guidance for 9% ROE
and 11% common equity tier 1 (CET1) ratio by end-2016, nk sharesthe prospects for
ROE improvement in 2017 remain challenging. The sustained uptick in
new NPL formation and further decline in LLC are likely to result in a
slower-than-expected decline in loan provisions for CIMB. The renewed
volatility in financial markets would also cap the recovery in operating
income. We maintain our NEUTRAL call and MYR4.90 TP (2% upside)."

I no banker so dunno what they talking about. 2 things guided me when I buy bank shares :-

1. Improving profit
2. Decreasing bad loan

For CIMB, it seems from my reading of the research report, which i only understand may be 20%,
1.yes improving profit got oledi,
2.decreasing bad loan not really achieved

My banker fren told me, bad loan can easily wipe out profit if not take care properly, he say 1 bad loan need min 6 new good loan to replace in order to maintain same this is my understanding


2016-11-04 15:34 | Report Abuse

today lim cock dai will push up to RM5


2016-09-05 17:59 | Report Abuse

skyz..thanks for the info


2016-09-05 15:35 | Report Abuse

legal tussle ?...appreciate if you can elaborate..thanks


2016-09-05 14:59 | Report Abuse

please stop the bickering...and start providing us forumers FACTS n OPINION supported by facts....we will make our own call. Thank you


2016-09-01 14:37 | Report Abuse

minor correction...uptrend still intact


2016-08-12 11:28 | Report Abuse



2016-08-12 11:22 | Report Abuse

T+4 effect well far..but dunno about afternoon session...hope can well absorbed as well

Any weakness is an opportunity to accumulate..for mid to long term time frame

To me, this is an undervalued stock compared to its peers in the same business

Why am I promoting this counter ??..
1) out of self interest ?? of course need to lie about it as I also own this shares and hope it will rise. Tell me who in this forum does not take care of their self interest

2) I genuinely think it has potential

News & Blogs

2016-06-20 17:39 | Report Abuse

From this trend, ...not difficult to guess the next counter with large share cap reserves / premium doing similar corp exercise


2016-06-20 17:36 | Report Abuse

Buy on rumours..sell on news

News out already, directors also done insider trading, according to DarKL

What are you waiting for...the cows to come home ??


2016-03-09 10:46 | Report Abuse

My 2 cents take :-

Many retailers (as can be seen by the lot sizes done) exiting this counter in the rebound, but the price remains stable ---> some entity is accumulating, so who is buying..definitely not short term players as they are exiting

So leave the other groups...long term investors, insiders, or who knows what

I sold yesterday...but now thinking to buy I crazy ?? sold yesterday and thinking of re-entering today at a higher price ??? Better cool down and dun let emotions take over...will re-enter if goes down to 2.50 level...trying to keep a cool head but instinct is tempting me to push the buy button NOW...EQ vs IQ...

Since my investment horizon for this counter is mid to long term...what the heck buy some first....average again if price goes south..EQ won again


2016-03-07 11:43 | Report Abuse

C2 expiring in few out issuing bank press down mother...but if you dare can start to accumulate... once the C2 expired, it will have a rubber band effect

Me placing bets already..waiting for the cards to unfold


2016-03-02 01:15 | Report Abuse

I have sold all 1 month ago..but now it is becoming attractive again..hmmm


2016-02-10 12:32 | Report Abuse

Is it OK if ppl want a better, cleaner, improved government , what's wrong with that, why must they move to other country ?

Who the F*CK has the right to tell other citizens to move to other country ??

Can a citizen express their disatisfaction and want certain changes in the existing government for the better of the country ??? And why should they move to other country ????

Does it mean that if ppl want to stay in this country then they must be silent and not compliant EVEN IF THINGS ARE NOT in N. Korea ???

So who are these jokers who are trying to turn democratic Malaysia into a country like N. Korea ??? I suggest they themselve migrate to N. Korea instead of asking Malyasian with to move to other country


2016-02-02 10:06 | Report Abuse

Applying simple logic

oil price low--RM weak--glove counters up
oil price higher ---RM strenghtens---glove counters down

How to predict oil price ? best way is to observe what the industry players are doing ?
What has Petronas been doing lately ? ? hahaha no need me say


2016-01-27 02:16 | Report Abuse

For I am a dummy, and i think like a dummy with simple logic

If you think oil price will remain low ->RM remains weak-->good for glove stock

If you think oil price will recover in the near term-->RM will strenthen-->start take profit on glove stock

That's all I care, interim fluctuations are just NOISE, white need to have clear head


2016-01-21 15:19 | Report Abuse

top 3 losers in bursa now


2016-01-21 15:13 | Report Abuse

i queue buy at 4.00 sikit dulu...hope can get


2016-01-21 15:03 | Report Abuse

promoters dumping...can go lower..their average cost is 3.5


2016-01-21 11:25 | Report Abuse

Game over ? yes n no
yes - for short term
no - for long term


2016-01-20 16:52 | Report Abuse

Dun tok kok , just play kok, when play over, fast fast run


2016-01-20 11:45 | Report Abuse

overvalued compared to what ? Top gloves, Kossan , Harte ? Look at their respective PEs then we will know under /over valued


2016-01-20 10:37 | Report Abuse

promoters disposing. price will drop further and remain low till next catalyst which can be a long time. if make profit, take it before it turns into loss.

If already paper loss. ..then too bad. must hold for long time if u hv the holding power..but one thing good is this counter got fundamental, so can hold also not much worry but funds got stuck only.

i personally waited few years..but glad i exited big bulk of it with a decent profit..phew. ..Will only collect if it goes down to RM4 but i doubt that will happen..but again who knows...good luck

Currently slowly channelling funds into accumulating supermax.. which i think will generate traction n momentum for the months to come


2016-01-19 12:06 | Report Abuse

Next major beneficiary for weak RM is supermax...cheapest glove counters with new plants in Klang up n ready to whack the market...the next Q result in Feb 16 will be a big surprise


2016-01-19 11:57 | Report Abuse

Take profit now....if not will get trapped..and need to wait for the next wave to exit which can be a long long wait

The promoters are recently very quiet...coz they are busy selling....


2016-01-06 12:03 | Report Abuse

regretting oledi...but as you say, its 50% profit money in the pocket, let the other 50% profit run n see how high it can go


2016-01-06 11:46 | Report Abuse

Wow suddenly shoot up...aiyoo that day disposed 50% at around 4.70..should have waited few days


2015-12-14 14:49 | Report Abuse

As RM weakens...what would canone fare in light of this...better or worse ?


2015-12-09 01:30 | Report Abuse

But of course having said the above, these giants with deep pockets are not sitting ducks to let eroding sales continue once they realise the threat is real, few things they can do or probably is doing, amongst which :-

1. buy out / invest in the competition, but must be careful of cannibalism effect

2. influence the regulators to kill the competition, and most often regulators are also politicians, and with their deep pockets, is not so difficult to do ,,,hahaha


2015-12-09 01:11 | Report Abuse

Dear I like dividend,

Tobacco companies sell their cigarettes via a very specialised delivery channel / distribution networks of dealers,who then sell to shops then to consumer/smokers

Upon the dealers stock up , the tbco co. will book in the revenue and since vaping is just a recent phenomenon, and its catching on strong, this will slow down the moving of the stock, and once the dealer finds stock move out slower, then the next order will be less...AND this is the time the tbco co. revenue drop will show..there is a time lag for the inventory to deplete , probably it will show in the next 2 coming Qs

I suspect some insider knows and is selling BAT shares...before this is out.

Been smoking for 20 years and now stopped, change to a lesser evil, vaping.


2015-12-08 00:21 | Report Abuse

cigarettes used to be a goods with inelastic demand...hence no matter what price hike, tax hike...people still smoke coz it is ADDICTIVE and smokers can't replace it with a good substitute

BUT NOW the game has changed, most smokers can now find a reasonably good substitute...i.e VAPING, a healthier substitute. Only got nicotine, no tar...just like drinking cfofee, you get the caffeine

The big 3 tobacco company BAT, Phillip Morris, JTI are in trouble, so with their deep pocket, they are going to do whatever it takes to derail Vaping.

I used to be a regular/ habitual smoker, but have now cut down 90%, since do most of my smoker friends. Of course, there exist a few die hard smokers, but mind you not many,


2015-12-07 15:58 | Report Abuse

Since in glove industry,,,raw material is latex...may be should also consider diversify into condom manufacturing...more or less use same raw mat...Congrats to all hloders of sUpermax..patience finally pays off


2015-12-07 15:55 | Report Abuse

oops sorry...sUpermax


2015-12-07 15:55 | Report Abuse

spermax really strong today......has been holding back for sometime...finally unload power