
pharker | Joined since 2013-07-09

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2015-09-09 18:55 | Report Abuse

flushing put contra kaki who bot last Fri T+3


2015-09-09 01:49 | Report Abuse

Some joker predict something big will happen around 15 September 2015

News & Blogs

2015-09-08 11:34 | Report Abuse

Bro duit

Appreciate the info, pls share



2015-09-08 10:30 | Report Abuse

MRCB is just like a master project coordinator, providing consultancy and charge a I right sure how this PDP role works? Anyone to clarify ?

So no need to incur material cost, sub out the actual works to other contractors. Just providen professional consultancy and overall coordinate the whole project ??


2015-09-07 02:21 | Report Abuse


Enjoy your hols in Holland, but dun bring me there..hahaha

Hope you enjoy the window shopping..wink2 and may be get some "inspirations" on what money making stocks to buy when visiting the many cafes there

Have a blast


2015-09-07 02:03 | Report Abuse


U da man...well analysed.

Many have dumped this counter when it slides slowly from RM2 to RM0.80, so did I, threw n cut loss kinda pissed at MRCB

But luckily reenter back at RM0.88 when saw the volume coming hand in hand with GKent on Fri...knew something is coming...nasib boss..otherwise memang bang balls


2015-09-04 17:36 | Report Abuse

One more advantage...HK is the gateway to the largest market in Asia..China

The beneficial efect will be seen not in the short term...but mid term..will be amazing


2015-09-04 17:32 | Report Abuse


Management will be more professional and efficient driven by a highly competitive HK financial environment...better capital market to attract better quality investors..instead of local funds only

Just look at Robert Kuok n how he moves his HQ to HK while operational base remains in Malaysia


2015-09-04 16:09 | Report Abuse

Buy MRCB -warrant, the cheapest investment to capitalise in the LRT 3 upside...yes patience finally pays off

Me almost give up


2015-09-04 16:07 | Report Abuse

Added some MRCB-Warrant...not move much yet...hopefully will follow mother and much cheaper with better traction


2015-09-04 16:02 | Report Abuse

sure or not...dun make me happy lah

Know when announce ?

Coz this is a big project that can impact the bottomline...dun play play..with this project MRCB is now a difernet animal..previously it is a bear that change to a bull...hahaha


2015-09-04 15:55 | Report Abuse

Why price shoots up suddenly with volume coming compared to other LRT 3 biders like sunway, MMC, uems ?

Also same for Gkent...their partner


2015-09-04 15:49 | Report Abuse

LRT 3, LRT 3
Look at the price movement of MRCB n Georgekent


2015-09-04 12:14 | Report Abuse


bila main, guna protection...Karex condoms

for bursa, also guna put warrant


2015-09-04 12:03 | Report Abuse

When old want to withdraw EPF, they no loner give u cash. Instead they give you shares of TM, MBB..etc


2015-09-03 18:20 | Report Abuse

Potential for KLCI downside is high, so should be good for put w...BUT as i say Jib gor has the muscle to spring surprises.

The man has all the govt linked funds, including EPF at his disposal, which will dwarf any foreign funds withdrawal ..and he has no problem risking them to achieve his objective, rather than protect the contributors' interest to max value. If he goes, will pull the rest down with him

So like gambling, got untung ..cabut " see good must keep" a slogan previously posted outside resort world casino by the spore govt advising those kaki judi


2015-09-03 17:45 | Report Abuse

Mr pink,

I have not reached that advanced stage yet, but anyway thanks for sharing.

So far I am using "CURI AYAM" model, and so far it works, not 100% but 80%+, enuf for me to get pocket money. To me, this call /put is quick money, like gambling with slight advantage, not real investment

Hit n run quick quick

For long to mid term investment, use FA, dividend, growth..blah blah blah model which more appopriate in other platform

Thanks for sharing.


2015-09-03 16:57 | Report Abuse

Dear fund manager

You see why I am still disposing my puts...almost done now left a bit more and not go into call yet is that this KLCI is a manipulated market, so is the call / put game.

Have you ever seen when sometimes when CI green, some put also green, by right should be red . which did not follow logic. When very simple, highly cornered and manipulated. I have to sometimes use reverse psychology to "CURI AYAM" in order to beat them.

When ppl tot bersih 4.0, political in fighting, IMDB scandal...etc, yes by right market "should" crash, but in reality it did not. and in fact well supported by and manipulated by you know who lah.

I smell a big f*cking trap being set here...not sure when they are going in for the kill and how the killing will be. So always "CURI AYAM" only to prevent being slaughtered.



2015-09-03 16:24 | Report Abuse

From the VSA point of view , it looks like the operators are proping to distribute the remaining puts...once they clear 90% of their falllling knife

The last round, they have started accumulating recently from 35 to 40, push up to 45, slowly distribute, once habis...those holding will be the last man standing. and I really mean free falling..ever experience roller coaster rushing down from the peak...that's the feeling


2015-09-02 03:16 | Report Abuse

No worries, retailers pull out everyday...but they contribute monthly to EPF/KWSP. ..etc which put their money back in larger way to run..poor retailers always got f*cked in the end

I am withdrawing every last penny from my KWSP account as soon as I am eligible...bloody hell..use the rakyat's money to prop up a failing market


2015-08-27 14:43 | Report Abuse

thanks sifu duitkwsp for the put money into my pocket


2015-08-27 12:27 | Report Abuse

Any sifus can explain why the puts did not drop much despite the KLCI keeps climbing ? something is wrong here


2015-08-27 09:23 | Report Abuse

Something is suddenly up so much in the morning start...can you smell the coffee


2015-08-27 02:10 | Report Abuse

neighbor rich auntie previously kaki judi genting (big/small or banker/player) now is gambling in casino de bursa (put /call) ...and made lots of money too using her genting technique which she shares with me yesterday while vaping...
1 always follow the trend / flow, not against it...last week she accumulated putties until yesterday..sell all, n went into call...made a killing
2. will accumulate call until CI start to turn south, according to her gambling instinct she said around 1600, then sell all call and start to go into put
3. if CI up down up down, "ting tong" in her genting lingo, stay side line until clear trend establish

What an auntie, no wonder she owns 7 properties...with a primary school education only...sigh


2015-08-25 18:23 | Report Abuse

Dun so selfish alphajack..dun try to corner the market tomolo let us collect some least givelah 20% for us to collect.

News & Blogs

2015-08-25 11:52 | Report Abuse

Murali...dun jealous lah...ppl balls got licked but none lick your balls...may be trying going to prison bathroom and bendover to pick up a bar of soap..may get you some needed action

News & Blogs

2015-08-25 11:50 | Report Abuse sorry noboady wants your balls..people prefer lick old balls than your stinking pitiful...sour grape crybaby


2015-08-25 11:46 | Report Abuse

Thomas..u think jibgor cares about share traders..whom he know 90% wont vote for him...he rather use the money to make happy the rural folks.whom still believe in the political spin..more roads n facility in the rural areas..than spend money to prop the market


2015-08-25 11:38 | Report Abuse

Foriegn Funds will thank them..."extra" farewell gift upon exit

News & Blogs

2015-08-25 11:32 | Report Abuse

Only EPF and those Amanah funds controlled by gomen enter to support the market...coz its your money and they dun give a shit.

Those FF will exit no matter what unless domestic political issues are solved, which will not be for some time

Those local private institutional funds are either sidelined waiting to bottom fish or join the FF in throwing

So there is this tug of war


2015-08-25 11:21 | Report Abuse

either that or you too early exit hoping for price drop to re-enter...

No hard feelings...either you are right or i am right. We shall see...its 50-50.


2015-08-25 11:11 | Report Abuse

I am loading up on this value put


2015-08-25 11:09 | Report Abuse

Hell no...time to load up


2015-08-25 00:17 | Report Abuse

Yes, lets hope for the best...I also do not want to see the country damaged beyond repair.


2015-08-25 00:10 | Report Abuse

If tomolo KLCI rebound, i will fast fast liquidate some other shares and enter more put warrants

If tomolo klci down, will liquidate some putties and buy more supermax , which should also be cheaper

Repeat the above cycle like a loop


2015-08-24 23:51 | Report Abuse

Under normal circumstances, jikor boys will defend the index, RM..etc

Now, they have more urgent things to take care, and they know share market players are mainly people like you and me, who will never vote for him anyway.Why bother saving

As for EPF, ASM and shit, its not his money. It is the rakyat's money...the hell with it if need be. Whatever government funds can be better used to consolidate his power, than saving the economy as such

Today is unlike yesteryears..."KUM SI NG DON WONG YET"

News & Blogs

2015-08-24 19:21 | Report Abuse

Another casualty of market clash


2015-08-24 19:17 | Report Abuse

Bursa rally ?...or more likely dead cat bounce. We shall see

News & Blogs

2015-08-24 12:15 | Report Abuse

wtf...another idiot

News & Blogs

2015-08-24 10:03 | Report Abuse

HAHAHA...pretend and the bear will go away...good one .


2015-08-24 01:29 | Report Abuse

Bad timing n bad luck for AA
1.GMT report
2.RM depreciate against USD ( forex losses)
3.bombing here n there, ...latest N & S Korea conflict...less people travelling vacationing


2015-08-24 01:22 | Report Abuse

for put holders, this is going to be one big catalyst


2015-08-21 18:30 | Report Abuse

Heard Mcaqua and some issuing houses , together with EPF is propping up "CHONG" all put holders next week...

Even my next door Ah so aunty, used to frequent Genting to play "banker player" n "big small" is learning to play "put call"...say very shiok, like Genting...she has entered position 2 days ago...and is promoting to her judi kaki to play along her, teaching them how to play.she lagi shiok feel like an investment guru teaching fren...somemore can calculate intrinsic value somemore...way to go aunty..hahaha

This week is to lure them into the trap, next week all big slaughter

News & Blogs

2015-08-21 17:42 | Report Abuse

murali just go to chowkit and pay RM50 n get a Aqua to give you a BJ...stop quibbing like a starved n deprived joker

News & Blogs

2015-08-21 17:39 | Report Abuse

If given a choice of balls to lick, timetokoon and murali din get their share..that's why got so pissed. Improve their act and may be they will get some BJ, toherwise amy have to settle DIY HJ


2015-08-21 15:51 | Report Abuse

Yes indeed, of all the put warrants, HX has the best value based on current KLCI and the price of HX


2015-08-20 16:34 | Report Abuse

Put your money where your mouth is