
pharker | Joined since 2013-07-09

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2014-03-28 16:29 | Report Abuse

To me , when blue chip with good profit n dividend suddenly is an opportunity, not trap - no need to think much...a very simple and time tested strategy


2014-03-28 15:42 | Report Abuse

Some ppl buy for short term, but end up holding as long term investment not by choice


2014-03-28 11:59 | Report Abuse

Business newspaper giving afternoon TP. Trading floor manager info, email from HQ, Kng , many inside sources SUDDENLY revealed in a public forum urging ppl to buy...many ppl very kind in this world willing to share inside sources to the looks like i oso must buy choice


2014-03-28 11:42 | Report Abuse

To limyee,

mind to share which business newspaper giving such prediction TP 0.55 in the afternoon, very berani...respect lah


2014-03-28 11:08 | Report Abuse

with oskvi on board, manipulation is always on the forget about the strategic business partnership analysis by Kenangan blah blah blah.

I will not be surprised if morning session press down the price to kill contra players..then afternoon session price shoot up again.

Hahaha...should be very interesting and volatile


2014-03-28 10:42 | Report Abuse

How long will it take to rebuild not that simple even with TM at the back. TM itself is also facing stiff competition from the other 2 giants...DIGI & MAxis

For TM they buy P1 bandwidth to kill DIGI, deprive DIGI of their badly needed bandwidth, less so to develop P1.

Why TM want to develop n grow P1? this will lead to to cannabalisation , eating into the market share under their own branding .


2014-03-28 10:24 | Report Abuse

sorry me no eddy


2014-03-28 10:20 | Report Abuse


Given that OSKVI is on board, to be manipulated is nothing new.


2014-03-28 10:13 | Report Abuse

To jayhao2000,

Well i dun believe GP will be 1.40 in next 6 months but anyway thanks for the comments


2014-03-28 10:04 | Report Abuse

What i meant is it is neither a good deal for TM or GP, no doubt TM save the hassle by buying a readily available bandwidth instead of going thru the hassle of bidding from MCMC, but it also involves some charity to me it is a "loss- loss deal"..that's why both counters price drops


2014-03-28 09:54 | Report Abuse


Whatever P1 has that TM lacks like what you say..high bandwidth, wireless tower...TM has the financial muscle to get them. Bandwidth they can apply to MCMC and chances of them getting should be high.

its just that since there is one ready made available at cheap sale price, why not get it instead of going thru the hassle to apply or bid from MCMC

If you are talking about bandwidth, i think DIGI needs more than TM, but yet they are staying away from the deal,So how good can this deal be? For Tm, its like getting a cheap sale plus may be do some charity


2014-03-28 09:38 | Report Abuse

To Buffet88 :

Not only is GP stake in P1 diluted, unlike MAA when sell of insurance got cash proceeds,GP gets no cash at all from this deal. Only plus side TM can in to help settle some debts, hopefully provide strategic partnership

Long term may be good, but immediate short so only.

To be honest, whatever GP has, TM pun ada. In fact, GP is the one who needs TM looking at the deal, its more like a "loss- loss deal". That's why both counters price drops


2014-03-27 15:53 | Report Abuse

Since OSKVI also owns GP, have a look at their intra-day chart and see before announcement and after announcement, and get some idea from there.


2014-03-27 15:33 | Report Abuse

All i know for certain is :-

First the negatives to GP holders :-
TM RM350 million is for 57% stake in P1, not GP (holding co), so how the benefits flow to GP needs to be re-evaluated as much of thhe injection will be to settle debts to creditors or suppliers of P1. And P1 (not GP) is to issue new shares. hence GP stake of P1 will be again diluted

Given the above, there is definitely no Special Dividend for GP holders.

P1 has been a bleeding co for sometime, and their bargaining power during negotiation with TM is weak, it is a case of "who need who more"

If this is a bad deal for TM, TM's price would be dropping but no, it has been climbing steadily and quietly. But GP price is also up, but more like yoyo type manipulation

Next the positive to GP holders
With TM coming in as a strategic partner, n with SK telecom, the long term future is good, but again long term, not immediately. it could transform into another animal over benefitting GP since they also have a stake, albeit diluted

So there is both good n bad for GP holders depending on your investment timeframe.

Disclaimer :- I hold shares in both TM and GP. and the above analysis is purely my own


2014-03-27 09:52 | Report Abuse

Just heard this, TM inject 1b, works out to be value of around RM0.60, which coincides with yesterday high of quite efficient, so for those who bot at RM0.6, probably can get back your cost of worries...but it takes time for payment mechanism to wait.

Above is what i hear only...true or not...wait till actual announcement


2014-03-10 16:12 | Report Abuse

Why today suspended...what news...gud news ???


2014-02-19 17:09 | Report Abuse

cytew,,.based on your confidence...I shall HANTAM


2014-01-13 10:45 | Report Abuse

Is this correction mode (rest/pause sikijap) or distribution mode (end of game)??


2014-01-08 16:28 | Report Abuse

new wave coming....0.86 is coming like John say


2013-11-27 14:59 | Report Abuse

TP of RM4 is quite possible

If you are minority holder of canone, you should not complain, the privatisation is good for canone

If u r minority holder of KJ, then you hv basis to complain. if no use, then sell your KJ and buy canone


2013-11-27 12:51 | Report Abuse

buy more, the enlarged entity, canone / kj / bpack will emerged as a "monopoly", very influential.....and with EPF as the institutional investor....more power


2013-11-27 10:21 | Report Abuse

On the contrary, as a minority holder of Canone, i will not give middle finger to Canone MD/CEO, I will give thumbs up...because today Canone share fly up upon resuming trading,..up 0.30 to 0.40

But as minority holder of KJoo, i will give middle finger to KJoo management...up by only few cents...for a company with such potential..privatise at undervalued price


2013-11-01 12:40 | Report Abuse

after the budget n the increase in RPGT...most property counter affected


2013-10-01 17:23 | Report Abuse

The only reason why ppl is angry at this stock is because they lost money the stock..din move...sell at lost..then stock move up in price----> angry

I hv personally made many rounds from Kfima always buy when below RM1.90 and start selling progressively when above RM2....not to mention the dividends received

if u got the timing wrong, then dun get angry at the stock..may be try to refine your strategy by having a better look at the charts.


2013-08-16 11:34 | Report Abuse

The whole day big boys been disposing...then last min push up..then next day can dispose at higher opening price...then down the whole day...then last min push up again...the cycle keeps repeating....tired oledi...better chow...good luck to those holding


2013-08-16 10:18 | Report Abuse

wow started to move up today...any news


2013-08-14 16:57 | Report Abuse

Started to sudden move up from 4,30 pm...any news

News & Blogs

2013-08-14 15:32 | Report Abuse

Today's money is just fiat money made of paper with low intrinsic value...and the govt keeps printing them like no tomorrow

The full potential value of money can only be unlocked once it is SPENT either thru consumption or investment, otherwise the value got trapped in a piece of paper


2013-07-31 00:56 | Report Abuse

Long term, i dun not know as i don't own this counter and din do any research on it. But according to many experts or analysts, it has good fundamentals...even chosen by RHB as their top recommended list of mid cap stocks

Short term, there may be volatility...again my personal view only.


2013-07-31 00:04 | Report Abuse

Dear Jason,

No point threaten ppl under " report abuse" to fully disclose information if there are certain confidentiality constraints on their part such as banker-customer ; solicitor -client, or for that matter doctor-patient relationship.

If you are unable to decipher their hints, then that be it and just ignore it and on move on. After all, as long as they din use abusive languages, all are free to give comments and give hints on certain stocks...correct me if i am wrong, admin?


2013-07-30 23:49 | Report Abuse

Inwest 88,

Apologise as my statement caused such a concern from u, din get to reply to your queries as I sign off immediately to attend some urgent matters.

Looking at your portfolio, u hv nothing to worry from my previous statement.

So no worries.


2013-07-30 18:55 | Report Abuse

something is brewing...which many may not like.

Can't say more but it will be announced in Bursa soon


2013-07-30 12:09 | Report Abuse

Again to some critic that argue against the high pay of the CEO, this is what i have to say :-

1. as long as you can deliver results, you are justified for that pay scale. Look at some of the highest paying ministers in S'pore , and the requirement for them to deliver results.

2. It is better to pay higher, get the right person and expect them to deliver results, than engage a low paying candidate that could not deliver, and run the risk of corruption to make up for their lower pay

Some say GenM pay lousy dividend and hoard pile of cash that is not put to effctive use to generate return....perhaps all the time they r waiting for the right opportunity to make use of all those cash...and INI KALI lAh...the upgrading of the resort and the NEW theme park....what else can be better (at least they din't siphone off the extra cash pile like MAA)


2013-07-30 11:35 | Report Abuse

Some critic say too early to buy now, must wait till 2016 when complete then price me this argument is so incorrect

very rarely the price will move up only upon completion in 2016 as most of time current stock price factor in future potential..get in ahead of the future potential

The risk of non - completion is minimal as GenM has the financial muscle and experience to bring to fruition such project...look at Universal Studio at S'pore

This will open up another chapter to Genting malaysia

Last but not least, no point talk here there argue till the cows come home...look at the price going up since the they say price movement speaks louder than empty argument....


2013-07-29 16:56 | Report Abuse

Yes can collect despite market down 8 pts, this counter still up

Gen M will have the World’s first 20th Century Fox theme park. The park will be the
world’s first 20th Century Fox theme park to feature rides based on the
movie production house’s blockbusters such as Ice Age, Life Of Pi, Alien
and Night At The Museum. Long term should be good


2013-07-26 11:41 | Report Abuse

Rebound only 1 at 11.40am


2013-07-09 17:34 | Report Abuse

kakijudi....what r the possible catalysts :-
1. privatise @ RM2+
2. backdoor listing of GE
3. special dividend
4. sell landbank or jv with developer

i think most likely is no.4..less likely 3. since oledi got div reinvest scheme and controlling owner the Lee family (OCBC) oso kedukut one


2013-07-09 16:35 | Report Abuse

Dividend reinvestment scheme is an ongoing thing...just like ESOS.

Back door listing is a one off corporate exercise...they can co-exist

I ain't finance guru, correct me if i am wrong


2013-07-09 02:24 | Report Abuse

something is up...can smell it...privatize ..or backdoor lisiting of GE