
pharker | Joined since 2013-07-09

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2021-04-14 11:49 | Report Abuse

weekly flows ending 9 Apr 2021 from CIMB exerpts :-

Foreign investors were net buyers of Digi and local institutions net buyers of Axiata

Digi was the top net buy stock by foreign institutional investors last week and Axiata was featured among their top five net sell stocks.

It was the reverse for local institutional investors, where Axiata featured as second highest net buy stock. Retail investors were key sellers of Digi.


2021-04-09 13:49 | Report Abuse

Surprisingly Maxis price did not tank...maybe some merger is also quietly brewing

U mobile?

During the 90s, there is the wave of banks merger. Will this also happen to the telco industry? If it is, then more interesting development is coming on this merger wave..telcos merger theme play


2021-04-09 13:18 | Report Abuse

My goodness some people recommend airline stocks..AA.

Looking at the huge debts, and the continous dilution in shares, will take decade for them to break even ..even after the economy recovers and people start travelling. Unless they start to hike up price..but if they do that, then they are in the territory of full fledge airline and head on with MAS.

AA glory days are over, it will take a decade for them to scale back to pre pandemic glory days. With the huge debts to service, and the inability to hike up price as much as they want, they will be in survival mode for some time


2021-04-09 12:47 | Report Abuse

Size does matter in this industry. The bigger market share you have, the more say and control on pricing ( subject to some control from MCMC), delivery channels, and resource sharing.

No wonder Digi shoot up today, only thing is whether can materialise or not, still got hurdles 1) shareholder approval 2) regulatory approval.

Shareholder approval is more or less a done deal.

If regulatory approval is obtained, another leg up.

Should sell once news of regulatory approval is holding and enjoy the up ride.


2021-04-08 21:40 | Report Abuse

Still very much less talked about..all today focused on glove counters like supermax.

Quiet quiet move up better


2021-04-08 20:57 | Report Abuse

Take some profit first, dun play2, let the remaining trails on...


2021-04-08 20:46 | Report Abuse

Lol. Would you open an account with Maybank or Affin Bank. even if Maybank branch near your house the service is not that good?


2021-04-08 20:39 | Report Abuse

This whole deal..losers are consumer and Maxis


2021-04-08 20:36 | Report Abuse

To be honest, not really good for consumers as this enlarged merged giant will dominate the market , almost becoming a monopoly coz by then Maxis will be a small player by comparison.

But I guess its a trade off the government, MCMC, has to put up with.

To roll out 5G require intensive capital expenditure. As it is now, no one single telco can shoulder that and the govt currently also very tight, large allocation has been used for purchase of covid 19 vaccines which is a priority.

So closed one eye to allow the merger, at the expense of consumer, so that the merged entity can take up the capital expenditure of 5G roll out. Tit for tat.


2021-04-08 19:33 | Report Abuse

If you think the huge debt will capsize the merged entity, then sell on news.

If you think the merged entity will capitalise on each others strength with synergy. especially going forward with 5G on the roll out, then buy or hold.

At the end of the day, its up to the market to decide. let's see tomorrow. Keeping the fingers crossed.


2021-04-08 19:24 | Report Abuse

maxis. Do look at bossku Fb, the ‘merger of digi/Axiata = retrenchment “
08/04/2021 3:06 PM

Retrenchment--getting rid of excess fat..leaner and meaner merged entity

Digi strength - retail, innovative product bundling and marketing
Celcom strength - better overage

Maxis now have a formidable competitor. price still strong..maybe also got merger in the pipeline..with u mobile?


2021-04-08 18:07 | Report Abuse

Wonder what is the share price of the newco ?

No wonder EPF quietly buying for past few months


2021-04-08 17:54 | Report Abuse

In this business, size does matter. Economies of scale, synergy, resource sharing, minimise redundancy all are positive catalysts

if you look at AT&T previously, they are so huge that they have a strangle hold on the industry, so much so that the anti trust law in US forced them to break up into smaller baby bells


2021-04-08 17:27 | Report Abuse

No la..your analytical skills is also very impressive, I am sure you also make handsome profit from your Genting holdings by going in way earlier than most of us.

Myself only hit and run here and there, cari sikit makan saja.

Huat huat coming :):) muah


2021-04-08 16:12 | Report Abuse

Once CMCO lifted, we can go Genting have good makan2. Lots of nice restaurants there


2021-04-08 16:11 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..boleh. All happy2 go makan2.


2021-04-08 15:59 | Report Abuse

I view this as good start ..:):)

Wink2. Thanks


2021-04-08 15:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by Stocksafeplayer > Apr 8, 2021 3:21 PM | Report Abuse

No Cha cha dance today.... high red now.

Most blue chips down today except the highly speculative gloves.

Very exciting to see what tomorrow is like!! :)

Jom..I belanja dinner

Uncle ada untung sikit dari counters lain hari ni :) :)


2021-04-08 14:45 | Report Abuse

Looks like it


2021-04-08 14:27 | Report Abuse


Nothing wrong to take a strong position to defend your point of view.
Some people admire that.



2021-04-08 14:22 | Report Abuse


I will delete the message


2021-04-08 13:38 | Report Abuse

Ok la..ok la.

I also made money from Genting before. Genting still in my buy list to be frank


2021-04-08 13:30 | Report Abuse

Yes indeed. Good news for Digi

Congrats to those who hv been collecting


2021-04-08 12:57 | Report Abuse

Yes ..stop telling others what to do or what they can say or cannot say.


2021-04-08 12:50 | Report Abuse

The bottomline long as I make money, it does not matter what people say about the stock. it will not lessen the profit in my pocket.


2021-04-08 12:42 | Report Abuse


No worries..There is always dumbos who say dumb things..


2021-04-08 12:32 | Report Abuse

Time to collect Genting again..



2021-04-08 12:26 | Report Abuse

FF has been quietly collecting for the past 3 months


2021-04-08 12:20 | Report Abuse

"Every dog has its days" as the saying goes.

When others shares price goes up, just congratulate them need to talk bad and wish them worse off. If down, also no need to pour cold water, as people may be quietly collecting

its rotational play nowadays, if one manage to catch the timing correctly on each theme play, then big huat oh oh oh

Just my 2 cents


2021-04-08 11:48 | Report Abuse

The proposed merger would result in the emergence of Asean’s largest telecommunication company, with a pro forma revenue of RM50 billion and a net profit of RM4 billion.


2021-04-08 11:44 | Report Abuse

Yes only Malaysian operations according to The edge

News & Blogs

2021-03-24 20:07 | Report Abuse

OSK the taikor of operator


2021-03-17 15:22 | Report Abuse

Stim come d...song2 bagi satu. hahaha


2021-03-11 15:13 | Report Abuse

lifting of inter state on 18th, opening of theme park, skyworld, etc,

All these are good for Genting and is sort of public knowledge d so the question is have all these events been factored in and reflected in the current price ? or the price will react only once these events happen?


2021-03-11 15:03 | Report Abuse

EatCoconutCanWin gloves can recycle?


Maybe he or she tried recycled condoms before


2021-03-10 20:29 | Report Abuse

Ok today is my last day with this sweet girl friend Genting.

Thanks for the good times, and maybe will tango again later.

Never burn bridges and never fall in love, and leave while you are ahead i.e. with sweet memories.

Good luck to all..and hope you guys can make more money than i do. Bye for now.


2021-03-09 12:22 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow may be a bounce, exit if you can

Vaccine play is done and over. Look for the next sector play

Glove--> vaccine---> tech---> recovery--->penny stock---> O&G---> ??

glove, vaccine, tech is also done and over for time being, now playing recovery and O&G

?? will be the money flows


2021-03-08 17:11 | Report Abuse

Rotational play for vaccine over d

Glove--> vaccine---> tech---> recovery--->penny stock---> O&G---> CRASHED


2021-03-08 16:50 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow may be a bounce, then continue down don't miss the exit tomorrow


2021-03-08 16:48 | Report Abuse

play over d..only way out is to hope for dead cat bounce and do a quick exit..if miss this exit, then will kena trap high for long...

Dead cat bounce coming soon..may be tomorrow, so be prepared to do a last chance exit..don't miss it


2021-03-05 18:24 | Report Abuse

The play is over d, down trend has don't confused this with correction

You can either exit now..or become a long term holder until the next pandemic.

just look at the glove counters down trend.. initially many mistaken that as correction as well..until its too late.


2021-03-05 12:21 | Report Abuse

Its a safe stock, won't go bust..but may have to hold for some time to see 4.50 again.

If you need urgent and profit/loss, can play Dataprep, Dnex, Dayang and the likes.

Given major correction for the entire Bursa is coming soon, why I say that, coz largest net buyer recently is retailers, and largest net sellers are local funds and foreign funds...major shit is going to hit the fence..and Digi may be a reasonable haven to park your money coz of its reasonable Dividend..besides FD


2021-03-05 11:58 | Report Abuse

EPF buying but Yayasan and PNB selling

Its over d.

Get out b4 too late. I sold all but will not go in again even if price is cheap..coz down trend.

Choose other sector to play..follow the money, not go against the money.

Cyclical play..vaccine turn is over d, just like glove over d long time.

Now play tech stock , 5G and telco.


2021-02-25 13:57 | Report Abuse

first glove up, follow by vaccine up, then recovery up , then tech up, then O&G up....

Now glove down already, next to follow know what lo..


2021-02-25 12:09 | Report Abuse

In Bursa, when good news is out, thats when people start selling and down trend begins


2021-02-25 12:06 | Report Abuse

vaccine play is now on the start of a down trend..just like glove before..

f you don't get out now..then you will be trapped at high price. just like those glove trapped at high price.

better move on


2021-02-18 20:01 | Report Abuse

Stocksafeplayer >>I was told so many rich China ppl (living in Sg) go to GenS during this CNY....who says China ppl cannot gamble at GenS? Haha
18/02/2021 6:04 PM


China ppl are born gamblers..haha


2021-02-17 21:13 | Report Abuse

Haha..yes. Huat genting

Luckily switch to Genting 2 weeks ago..helped recover some loses in gloves.


2021-02-17 20:57 | Report Abuse

The old adage no longer hold true, or is it?

They used to say in stock market, 80% of investors lose money, 20% break even, and only 10% made it

But nowadays, If I look around, its like 80% of investors make money, 20% break even, and 10% lose money.

Interesting development. Huat ah


2021-02-16 18:33 | Report Abuse

phew...luckily I took some position in Genting, just in time to catch the upswing.

of course , the margin is not as fat as you guys enjoyed, considering my rather late entry, but better late than never. Go Genting go