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2020-11-17 08:06 | Report Abuse

@Orlando indeed we will hv that sop even with vaksin's present; new norm is we will hv co-existing with covid-19


2020-11-15 11:30 | Report Abuse

he recommended comfort, comfort's share price fly. will history repeat in AT 0072 by itself? same cliche...only time will tell ; i am singing Mariah Carey's famous song: When You Believe (there can be miracle, when u believe...ahahhaahaha)


2020-11-15 11:27 | Report Abuse

some blamed him for recommending Hengyuan back then; i strongly believed those followers who bought low and rode the share price to rm18 were surely made some money if not tons. let's be fair to Kyy he even informed you when to enter. late comers or greedier cant blame him as when share price reached rm18 they expect it to go rm22...who to blame in such scenario?


2020-11-15 11:23 | Report Abuse

be fair we cant blame Kyy for not following his own golden rule in stock selection; he is now acted as businessman cum investor to build and bring AT to greater height. in the respect, we must refrain in condemning him for not complying with his own stock selection golden rule. i think all of us here is to make money so whether black cat white cat, those who help investors make money is good cat right? as long as we are not greedy, with Kyy's info plus some level of faith in him, we can make money.


2020-11-13 20:11 | Report Abuse

@Michael Kwok...betul i setuju ngan ko...70sen tu agak-agak je...nanti bila hot, rm1 lebih


2020-11-13 20:01 | Report Abuse

Timetable factory/production/CE/FDA pon kasi siap2 ...i jangka itu perjalanan share price trun naik dorg pon dah draft out siap2 lei,,,

AT Glove Factory Visit 13 Nov 2020

- 18 Nov The arrival of glove materials
- The raw materials come from Taiwan, so there will be no shortage of raw materials. There will be 3-4 suppliers
- 24 Nov started testing and making gloves
- Started production of gloves in early December
- There will be a total of 13 production lines
- Production of Nitrile glove, and Latex Glove in the future
- Estimated sales price USD 90 per 1000pcs, sport order USD 150+-. The gloves in China sell for about USD 130
- Cost USD 22 per 1000 pcs
- The land next to the factory is belong to Fintech, AT will help to manage on behalf and earn management fees
- LKL is one of AT glove distributor, and other companies will also help AT sell gloves
- The company expects to be profitable RM180mil in 2021
- The production volume will reach 2.6b in April 2021
- The company uses cash to build a glove factory, thus it will be completed soon
- All employees are local, there will be total of 240 employees. After completing all production lines, there will be 1,200 employees
- FDA cert is expected to be Jun Jul 2021
- CE certificate is expected to be obtained this month


2020-11-13 19:59 | Report Abuse

mcm KYY is one of the operators only wor...ada yg sur name Yap tu mcm ada joi jugakn...think abt it...semua dtg sini cari duit...KYY is so generous to tell all of us AT's plan ...for me just ikut lor...my2sen


2020-11-09 23:08 | Report Abuse

@Stockiss bila KYY admitted he bought AT shares? tolong pos kan


2020-11-09 23:07 | Report Abuse

@TunDaim cheers bro


2020-10-20 20:36 | Report Abuse

if not wrong, the gap 2 days ago will be closed first b4 any higher price can achieve


2020-09-23 11:11 | Report Abuse

@carefully jom enjin Netx baru kemungkinan besar rm1...dream high la...ahahaha


2020-06-04 20:44 | Report Abuse

RHB hati syaitan => mungkin dia mungkin BIG pelanggan missed the boat tapi mahu masok ini fikiak mcm2 cara nak jatuhkan harga saham...cerita FDA la...dan sebagainya...tak jadi pulak terpaksa pakai margin capping la...RHB lu research house yg ternama...u bikin ini sial-soi punya hal...evil heart la...


2020-05-29 22:49 | Report Abuse

i hated the RHB Research report came in the midst of euphoria...glad that Mr Market knew that the fxxxing research is confusing and raise more questions than answering/guiding investors/speculators. RHB u r reputable research house, u wanna see Comfort's share price tumble now? what evil heart u possess?


2020-05-29 22:46 | Report Abuse

for me 2cents => follow KYY la...that's for now the best guiding light; go and read his blog on comfort target price. if hit u got the jackpot, if not hit u got nothing to lose but gain also, right? the important #1 ques to ask is: hv u jumped on this gloves bandwagon? next ques: when is the music stop? ;O


2020-05-29 22:39 | Report Abuse

mj lee plz share


2020-05-29 10:02 | Report Abuse

guys why RHB Retail Research hv to come up this kind of article on Comfort Gloves:- FDA Import Alert to Affect Near-Term Sentiment? it's like somebody wanted to collect more shares of comfort and with this article it will scare the punters and sell cheap? i dont know but anybody here can enlighten what's goin on?


2020-04-28 18:00 | Report Abuse

i dont really understand this conditional voluntary take over mechanism. the owners now they know that the share price is trading at premium and now they wanted to offer 0.125 to take over those lot that can be traded higher. and traders seems like panic selling and push down the price from 0.23 to 0.180. not logic right. anyway i dont understand and hope someone in this forum to enlighen us the small fry investors


2020-04-28 17:50 | Report Abuse

may i ask if the share price still hover at price higher than 0.125 offer price? then how ya?


2017-06-06 20:37 | Report Abuse

senang senang 0.105...bagus bagus


2017-06-05 21:07 | Report Abuse

@wecan2088 - tq for revealing long term price for Bioosmo.


2017-04-12 16:56 | Report Abuse

0,1 already


2017-03-28 00:43 | Report Abuse

kita kena sabar sikit...kalau share price hari hari naik uma akan datang...itu tak baik...bioosmo's MA uptrending no issue...cuma dia enter consol phase....


2017-02-19 23:17 | Report Abuse

from now till Mar 30 (about 20+ working days), what can the management does to turn around the company? super slim chance...not that i want to demoralize Perwaja management


2017-02-13 12:25 | Report Abuse

performance -nya memang is going to be sterling....


2016-10-29 20:09 | Report Abuse

any potential white knight?


2016-10-29 19:57 | Report Abuse

PSSB has sought legal advice from its solicitors who have advised PSSB to take steps to contest the Petitions on the basis that PSSB and its holding company, PHB, are in the midst of finalising a proposed regularisation plan for the benefit of all creditors of the PHB group including TNB.


2016-09-13 16:32 | Report Abuse

crazy127, got chance? both perwaja /kinsteel registered good vol today


2016-09-13 16:13 | Report Abuse

blackealge, any news? kindly share

News & Blogs

2016-05-17 21:18 | Report Abuse

CalvinTan kuat promoted PMCORP and propelled it fm 0.29 to 0.32rm then its share price down hover between 0.28-0.29rm. the capital return 8sen. Mungkin CalvinTan mau bikin itu Airasia punya saham jatuh harga then pungut murah? lu paham ke apa gua cakap? CalvinTan dari negara ban ban tan la...pundek...

News & Blogs

2016-04-25 22:42 | Report Abuse

all these 2 books can be found on Internet => free download
#2 Schwager, Jack D. (2009-10-13). The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America’s Top Traders. HarperBusiness. Kindle Edition.


2016-03-23 17:18 | Report Abuse

crazy127 - ya lah...mungkin perwaja jadi pigi 0.2 kot?

News & Blogs

2016-03-06 22:33 | Report Abuse

mungkin nak push share price kot....


2016-03-06 20:24 | Report Abuse

Charts can tell tomorrow's news Today. Use it correctly to our prosperity.


2016-03-06 19:34 | Report Abuse

if u inject money, then u need to buy share from current big shareholder (that's why the selling share from the biggest shareholder) & big shareholder who wanna exit must let go their shares; anyway if u look at TA of Perwaja, SMA:10 > SMA:20 is already heading up and something is brewing of which all of us here has no clues on what's going on.


2016-02-28 21:31 | Report Abuse

Dolmite memang exploded like dynamite if u flw Icon8888's call on 1st day of his recommendation tapi tak boleh tamak la...Icon8888 juga suruh kita buy sell on our own risk jgn kita cakap yg bukan bukan kat Icon8888....due respect must be given to Icon8888...those who think you can come up with better trading idea pls stand up and give yr idea in trading. if not then u kena behave like me - just diam diam la. I think this is why we hv i3 platform to share and discuss.


2016-02-25 21:31 | Report Abuse (bdi recovered fm its trough of 200+ level to current 322


2016-02-19 16:26 | Report Abuse

azizanOSK LOOKING FWD TO THAT..if u know of any news, do share TQ

News & Blogs

2016-02-03 14:28 | Report Abuse

perang apa u nak launch kat hauchun...perang "fitnah"?

News & Blogs

2016-02-03 14:27 | Report Abuse

Kita diam2 jgn u anggap kita orang bodoh...kena saya jelaskan gua tak pegang apa2 saham Hevea tapi panas and geram kalau nampak orang buat kenyataan yg -ve and membimbangkan komuniti pelabur.

News & Blogs

2016-02-03 12:31 | Report Abuse

robert1..u says "To date, Heveaboard shares price has lost a startle 25% or 44 sen a share, wiping out some RM200m in market capitalisation to RM 608m." Sorry i have to tell it's NOT because of yr cyber attack la...u think u wanna act/behave like Muddy Water in Olam saga ka? hahaha yr standrad is way too far to make it happen la....share drop is because external factors & impacting the whole of Bursa counters.

News & Blogs

2016-02-03 12:22 | Report Abuse

robert1, why u insert hauchun's Bersih4 photo? u try to allude he cannot attend Bersih rally or attending Bersih4 rally is not good for corporate figure? not sure abt yr intention...u better make sure it's a good one


2016-01-24 20:35 | Report Abuse

alicetey...walaupun u speak hokkien vulgar language...but i like it.


2016-01-19 16:43 | Report Abuse

4 imminent...sigh....


2016-01-18 16:58 | Report Abuse

song lee u huat liao


2016-01-14 20:15 | Report Abuse

touched MA10 line @ rm0.44...high chances to go UP than DOWN 2morow...


2016-01-14 20:04 | Report Abuse

kita tunggu....;O


2016-01-14 16:13 | Report Abuse

deddymines, any basis on selling KTC now? pls share TA info if any


2016-01-14 11:33 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Pheng wanna focus on Kinsteel. aiyo jgn gaduh kai chun and aliyusof happy...