
shirley1 | Joined since 2012-07-25

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2013-05-12 14:05 | Report Abuse

guess only huh, if still betting on ytlp future, maybe ytlpwb is an alternative, lower holding cost since ytlp dividend is now kacang putih...


2013-05-11 11:26 | Report Abuse

bila CBI mau roket ke matahari ?

classic, copy from somewhere

1. Xamy menyebut berkenaan Pos Laju:
"Besoh kirim, hari ini juga sampai"

2. Dalam berita TV apabila beliau cuba untuk memberitahu dia berasa amat malu:
"Ini prekara sangat memalukan saya dan kemaluan saya sangat-sangat la besar"

3. Xamy berkata dalam salah satu ceramah:
"Kita akan bina satu jambatan wuntuk worang2 kampong di sini." Kemudian seorang pakcik bertanya, "Datuk, sini takde sungai, buat apa bina jambatan?" Dan kemudian Xamy dengan megahnya menjawab, "Kalao takde sungai, kita bina sungai”

4. Kenyataan paling digemari oleh Xamy dalam berita abad ini:
"Toll naik sikit, banyak marah saya. You worang ingat semua ini toll saya punyer bapah punya kah!”

5. Ketika krisis air:
"Semua worang diminta jangan membuang aiyerr!"

6. Berkenaan masalah sosial:
"Worang2 muda sekarang banyak suka hisap dade"

7. Ketika program derma darah di Sungai Siput:
"Marilah kita semua menderma dare"

8. Ucapan selamat datang dalam kebanyakan majlis beliau:
"Selamat datang saudara-mara semua" (Ia sepatutnya “saudara-saudari”)

9. Ketika isu Al Arqam hangat diperkatakan, beliau berkata dalam satu sidang akhbar:
"Saya gumbira bahawa didapati tiada pemuda MIC terlibat dalam kes Arqam"

10. Di satu majlis pembukaan sebuah bangunan baru:
"Mempersilakan Datin Paduka Rafidah Aziz naik dari pentas wuntuk membuka kain"

Yang paling kelakar di dunia sepanjang abad ialah:

"Kita akan bina roket pigi matahari." Salah seorang wartawan berkata, "Tapi Datuk, matahari terlalu panas untuk didekati." Xamy menjawab, "Itu tade masalah. Kita hantar waktu malam"


2013-05-10 15:57 | Report Abuse

still hibernating ?


2013-05-10 12:03 | Report Abuse

crazy one this counter.. move the time all ytl counters move together one.


2013-05-08 17:00 | Report Abuse

sold all ?


2013-05-08 16:39 | Report Abuse

ttb angry liao..


2013-05-07 16:06 | Report Abuse

ok haha ..thanks :)

News & Blogs

2013-05-06 22:01 | Report Abuse

guess so too... all sharks may be coming out to look for foods...


2013-05-06 21:42 | Report Abuse

guess is 5 cents :)


2013-05-06 21:39 | Report Abuse

you got buy again or not ?


2013-05-06 21:31 | Report Abuse

gogogogo.. dividend coming ?


2013-05-06 21:27 | Report Abuse

Heart very pain :( no gut to hold so much cuz of election....


2013-05-06 21:23 | Report Abuse

yeaahhh.. break 10 liao..


2013-05-06 21:19 | Report Abuse

ex on 8 May ...


2013-05-06 21:17 | Report Abuse

with dividend already more than 10 :)

News & Blogs

2013-05-03 21:45 | Report Abuse

I must confessed, I was expecting the market badly hit today and was happy when see more than 20 points dropped, unfortunately market disappointed me, anyone waiting for market to drop ? will it drop badly next week ? mind to share ur views..

News & Blogs

2013-05-03 21:10 | Report Abuse

i think got one guy like to play short one.. i speculate he was trying to short FKLI since early april .. i hope he won some money for that gamble.. haha

News & Blogs

2013-04-27 10:53 | Report Abuse

not talking bout politic huh, hope won't irritate some of you..

see see.. teacher already know who will win one la.. he shout just for the sake of shouting one la.. haha. what a paradox !! well teacher, if you think you can't change it, probably it would be wise keeping the mouth shut, and let others who have the capabilities to do it.. otherwise ppl will think you just a master of complain..

freedom of speech does not mean oral diarrhea !!


2013-04-24 10:19 | Report Abuse

close one eye and bought some

News & Blogs

2013-04-23 20:44 | Report Abuse

oops... sorry man haha, not all traders la, i mean all newbies that willing to pay teacher to become a new fool.. i like TTB

News & Blogs

2013-04-23 19:55 | Report Abuse

unfortunately there is one teacher think can teach all traders alike, so is it old fool or bluddy fool ? haha

News & Blogs

2013-04-21 13:04 | Report Abuse





2013-04-18 16:55 | Report Abuse

ok, thanks :)


2013-04-18 16:47 | Report Abuse

yes, odd lot :( but can sell :)


2013-04-18 16:38 | Report Abuse

anyone know the DRP form they will send or need to download ?


2013-04-17 10:00 | Report Abuse

加油 加油 加油

News & Blogs

2013-04-16 08:00 | Report Abuse

Pay me some subscription to encourage and motivate me to write.. blogging is my hobby, I need some money to maintain my hobby.. I thought he is self motivated?

really I think your ways hard to produce students that ada standard one.. guess you still a class room teacher.. guess more more to improve.. I think if you do business in math tuition maybe you can make more..

News & Blogs

2013-04-16 07:28 | Report Abuse

Why gold went down he feel great ? somehow I jus feel funny someone claim having good heart having joy.. maybe there is ppl kena burn..

I have few kilos in my safe deposit box, should I continue to keep ? If feel the gold not safe, can give it to me pls.

News & Blogs

2013-04-13 07:34 | Report Abuse

Teacher, forgot to tell you tim.. I think I confirm la, you are money crazy one.. whatever values you trying to educate a person, must have something to do with money one.. be motivated, be inspired, be positive, determination and persistence... and all the funny quotes.. someone block ur way, get rid of them ... hahaha

Wah ur aunty is rite la, money is evil.. anyway wish you good luck la.. but don't con ppl huh and vote wisely huh.. haha

News & Blogs

2013-04-12 22:48 | Report Abuse

but, sometime I also got great mind one la, newbie I give ur all one idea want or not... if you all want to see his tips huh, maybe find some friends, say like maybe 10 or 20 or 30 ppl together, jus join as 1. So huh like 30 divide 15, rm2 each.. then from there maybe you can find few persons, sell it 50 cents each.. walau erh.. maybe make money one ler..

News & Blogs

2013-04-12 21:43 | Report Abuse

okok la, tell u la, I think only huh.. guess one of ur biggest weakness is you look to high up on urself till maybe you lost ur mind, you actually don't know what is rite or what is wrong cuz you jus agar agar only or guess guess only.. u do not hav helicopter view one, u only acknowledge certain group of ppl, if they are not ur type of ppl u think they should be, u probably prefer to get rid of them, how to be good leader ? haha

News & Blogs

2013-04-12 21:12 | Report Abuse

Emergency meeting again tomorrow ?

News & Blogs

2013-04-12 21:05 | Report Abuse

should we short FKLI or not ? tell here la.. share la teacher .. what is FKLI ? very high risk one is it ? suitable for newbie or not ?

News & Blogs

2013-04-12 20:57 | Report Abuse

I think this guy is in fear abit, so same pattern tell some sad story again .. like pls sympathize and believe me, i share my experience here cuz i care.. newbie I'm here to save you.. talk talk until his email suddenly appear again, pls join my group and I will save you.. hahaha

News & Blogs

2013-04-12 20:47 | Report Abuse

Sorry guys, i admit i hav small mind, try to talk ppl and understand ppl, cuz my job need this, I need to understand how ppl think and behave ..

but talk serious .... really really beh tahan liao, laugh till can't tahan... last sunday jus tikam tikam another time maybe this guy will blog like nobody this week, what a coincidence .. really la keep blogging this week to explain hahaha.. for last 2 weeks keep blogging la ... aha.. extremely busy is it for show show one ? hahaha

News & Blogs

2013-04-11 13:21 | Report Abuse

see want to give teacher face also cannot ? then say ppl make fun of him, so not good :(

i remember he write at least 2 times, he expected who will win ? then here he do something else pula !! we believe ?

where got motivator do like that one.. be motivated, be inspired.. haha. really confused and hollanded

better don't sing here la, lalalala


2013-04-11 09:09 | Report Abuse

money.. money.. come pls...

News & Blogs

2013-04-11 08:31 | Report Abuse

The teacher already expected who win la ... let listen to the song wtf wtf wtf wtf lalala wtf wtf ... lala. wtf ...

walau erh... what type of motivator is this, in the name teacher ... students like this song ... what is wrong with our society huh...

News & Blogs

2013-04-10 08:38 | Report Abuse

Wah.. you can criticize like nobody business.. when ppl criticism you abit.. you cannot take it one huh .. not the rite mindset lor.. maybe I'm wrong :(

News & Blogs

2013-04-10 08:10 | Report Abuse

Sob2. I confessed and touched. But it does not mean I agree with you, not making fun la.. thinking ada standard sikit la. when ppl talk strictly business, it hurts pula !!

If dont want others to hurt ur feeling, you don't hurt other ppl feeling lor.. after all human got emotion mah.

News & Blogs

2013-04-09 09:38 | Report Abuse

here is not karaoke la, want to sing go karaoke la.