
signn | Joined since 2016-08-06

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ah biao





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2017-09-02 12:53 | Report Abuse

When a project this big is in the works like ekocheras, bound to have issues like design, equipment,delivery, etc

What lad issues, as far as we know it's going full steam ahead. Even if a bit of lad what's the problem. They dun have cash flow problems. They are rich

We are one of the electrical contractor to that project. Our project are in the millions. We dun see issues. Again what is the problem?


2017-08-31 10:28 | Report Abuse

B4b4, u can only be nice n explain so much. Not all can understand the accounts n Fa analysis

Anyone dun like it just sell n go

No need to talk so much

Informed n smart investors will keep n buy more

No right or wrong

No need to prove anything to anyone


2017-08-30 17:47 | Report Abuse

it is always when the stock price is dirt cheap that u start to collect

always buy low sell high

but it is not easy as who can tell the future?

those scared, just sell n go away

those still confident and damn cheap, can collect now n keep until 2019 as mentioned

no right or wrong way

its your own risk own reward lol

me i am sitting on paper losses from warrants. yes i am worried. yes i question the rational why drop so much. yes i am angry.

but..think rationally, things just happens. thx to north korea i guess.

but...i plan to collect some more. plus it expires in 2020... right or wrong. own risk own reward

all the best


2017-08-26 09:52 | Report Abuse

I think aax is a heavily manipulated stock...It's weird with profits stocks also can get stuck.
It's obviously controlled...

I think big boys maybe controlling the price to collect mother shares for their call warrants.

Hence we just need to be patient and see. It's time to play smart on this stock.

There's just no more TA involved dy


2017-08-24 18:54 | Report Abuse

lets see how the share price react tomolo...but dun expect super fireworks

lets be realistic


2017-08-24 18:11 | Report Abuse

maybe he want to take tagb private?


2017-08-24 18:09 | Report Abuse

i wonder where are all the badmouth fellas

so typical la. from here u know they are hired troublemakers la

sheesh...and i rest my peace....

peace n quiet to all peeps


2017-08-24 18:03 | Report Abuse

its a good result

perhaps with so much bad news and uncertainty about aax recently, maybe thats why the price dun go up

all the best peeps


2017-08-23 18:11 | Report Abuse

it is amazing what these people say. half a billion forex gain???


be realistic la.

profit better than Q1 17 or last year Q2 ok dy


2017-08-22 16:57 | Report Abuse

its possible royce

hey if u cant beat the crowd join em right...


2017-08-22 16:26 | Report Abuse

all the best peeps, just ignore the noise


2017-08-19 14:07 | Report Abuse

All the best to all ya


2017-08-19 14:06 | Report Abuse

Some people think that they are high and mighty and think that they can condemn ppl just becoz they are right at the moment...This is so childish and uncourteous...Also not much manners learnt. This is unfortunate.

We are here to discuss n make money.

Kindly share info la. Not abuse n insult ppl. Even the best makes mistakes.

Pity coz karma will come back to those bad ppl. Why so petty? Life is more n being generous will get u back good stuff.



2017-08-12 15:51 | Report Abuse

The trouble makers are at full force again causing fear n panic. Call warrants are expiring and issuers maybe pushing down the price to cause selling. Same operation happening all the time.

Be aware n invest wisely peeps. Be careful n god bless u all. Listen to reasonable posts n reasonable ppl. All the best


2017-08-07 15:52 | Report Abuse

He is like a mad dog attacking everyone for no reason right? Pity pity


2017-08-07 15:49 | Report Abuse

And dun worry I am not radzi . I am just a long term investor. U faham tak?


2017-08-07 15:48 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, this newbie is really funny.

I think u may have a problem with reading properly. Noticed that it's just my own opinion and disclosure ...Ethics ma.

U faham tak?


2017-08-07 13:04 | Report Abuse

cautious, yea...i kinda pity him too


2017-08-07 12:25 | Report Abuse

its interesting to see that this newbie no.17 keeps coming back in here to whack radzi non stop even tho with so many people against him and supporting radzi. obviously he is paid to be in here. its only logical

this is interesting indeed. somethings really brewing peeps.

what do u guys think?


2017-08-03 21:03 | Report Abuse

is this guy for real?

newinvestor17, so you are bigshot in the financial industry. big deal.

so why are you in here measuring your dick with the others? these are average simple uncle ppl like me in here. we are in here just to make money. simple

why are you so keen to prove your ego-inflated point? we do not need you to keep on reminding us what is right n wrong. we know, and its our own risks that we take.our choice

btw, are you so low in confidence and self esteem that you actually NEED to come in here to measure your dick with us uncles that you CANT actually do it with your esteemed peers?

why, are they too BIG for u to handle? LOL

p.s this uncle cant stomach this fella. aiyo. dun mind me ppl


2017-03-11 13:10 | Report Abuse

Guys jusft focus on AA and ignore the troublemakers. The more u layan them the more they luv it..weird. just ignore em and continue the discussion on AA. happy investing peeps!

News & Blogs

2017-02-14 18:44 | Report Abuse

A true sifu will not talk so much cock la....

Happy investing to all...except calvin the clown

News & Blogs

2016-12-03 18:01 | Report Abuse

Actually i am just here to make money. Watever that some fa works on some stocks. Other stocks a keen sense of smell is needed to strike big.

There is no right or wrong. Arguing who is better is senseless.....

We leave that to god .....


2016-11-24 11:48 | Report Abuse

Calvin u always say this n that but the fact is u just dun know wat is happening. plus I dun think u have bought anything at all.

Face it u are just clueless


2016-11-21 15:22 | Report Abuse

so much anger poor old soul.

okla i respect uncle. all the best ya.

good day


2016-11-21 15:21 | Report Abuse

thanks for your wishes!!! but honestly by then, i wouldnt be interested dy...danger of warrants expiring.

u do understand that warrants DO expire right? why do u ask me to buy at the end?



2016-11-21 15:16 | Report Abuse

but i sincerely hope u dun kena margin call. all the best ya


2016-11-21 15:15 | Report Abuse

aiyo old uncle...i dun trade on margin la...


2016-11-21 15:12 | Report Abuse

yes yes hentam away pls.

but a word of advise from a nice guy like me to you hehe

dun kena margin call nya


2016-11-21 15:10 | Report Abuse

wow, looks like all the anger is directed at me.

oh well...all the best ya. at least try to make some money la okie?


2016-11-21 14:02 | Report Abuse

charlsie.....supposedly make so much money yet so siu hei ar....aiyoooo

i tot rich ppl very busy with work n make money? u so free in here chat so much how come? u really rich or not? aiyo

well i dun really care how much money u make lo...who honestly cares.

who cares who supports kyy. do u care?

yea yea say i otherwise buy again who cares la....

btw why are u here so much in reach? your turn to promote on warrants ka...want ppl to buy so u can also sell to them? tsk tsk hehe

newbies be warned ar....may have conman like charles in here too hehe...

got gang now also ar? good for u lo

u see stories will be stories la. so no need for me to argue and stoop to so low to your level.

u buy or not who cares. u make money or not who cares la.

btw i am young in my 40s and i am a CFA charterholder. i am based in hongkong n sometimes i come back. so i guess i am more educated than u charlsie hehe

again let u have the last laugh hehe

happy investing all


2016-11-21 12:54 | Report Abuse

this calvin is a great pretender pretending to be a saint...but i think in reality he is just a social reject n desperately longs for recognition ...from anyone...hence he likes to tell stories and is deaf to proper objective reasoning.

seriously this guy has a problem. normally i am neutral ...but this guy is beyond irritating to all forummers....sigh

calvin tan research cant even do simply cashflow u think he is a genuine researcher? no i dun think so at all


2016-11-21 10:04 | Report Abuse

Anyone can buy at any price. I dun promote nor care...

Just best of luck n happy investing.


2016-11-21 10:03 | Report Abuse

Wow charlsie really knows how to hold a grudge eh?

Are u really that uneducated? Studying again now in your old age is ok u know. We wont judge hehe

Ok u can have the last laugh...hehe


2016-11-21 09:59 | Report Abuse

Yes anything below 10c is attractive as well


2016-11-21 09:54 | Report Abuse

Happy investing


2016-11-21 09:53 | Report Abuse

So confident ppl cant make money. Again only the uneducated assumes they are always smarter...btw 5c is a possibility. Tp wasnt mentioned at all.


2016-11-21 09:48 | Report Abuse

Interesting that the illiterate fella who cant even spell clown correctly likes to gloat n get the last laugh...oh well

Happy investing


2016-11-20 20:33 | Report Abuse

can we just ban this calvin...he is such a fake saint n great he is so irritating...adui

News & Blogs

2016-11-20 20:30 | Report Abuse

so kindly go and set up a class n go collect fees. as long as u shut up in here we are very very happy...


News & Blogs

2016-11-20 20:27 | Report Abuse

btw the way someone said calvin shouted to sell for IFCA at 50c ...

plus i tot he said he said sell for ifca again at 1.8 too?

so which is which? sell at 50c? 1? 1.80?

see how he twists n turns ? omg...

amen to all

News & Blogs

2016-11-20 20:25 | Report Abuse

see how stubborn he is? whole world says he is wrong...yet he still says he is right.

who cares he is car salesman or not.
who cares he is making money or losing money
who cares if he is rich or poor.

but when he mislead and omit facts and pull figures from the sky and give a fantasy like story to mislead others...this is just bad karma

calvin, we have nothing more to say to you except one day, u will get your dues, bible or not, karma will come back to you for misleading so many ppl.

u can continue to be in self denial n pretend u are a saint...

but then again , who cares anyway

enuf said n amen to all


2016-11-20 15:23 | Report Abuse

buy if u think the price is cheap to you only....

if u are a short term trader...good luck i dunno how to advice coz i am long term investor

long term u can buy now if u wan.

of course i am also obliged to tell u i also own shares n warrants

TP i dunno maybe 80c how soon reach i dunno too

investing is subjective newbie. time to go educate yourself more and laziness is not a virtue


2016-11-20 15:20 | Report Abuse

then u should also be thinking about usd/rm going up. yuan/rm going up, all other currencies going up. rm dropping.

also worry about oil price going up to usd50, 60 or so

then worry about trump cancelling the TPPA, federal reserve hike interest rates, EU do more QE etc...and so n so n so on...

are these issues gonna end anytime soon or next year?

are u gonna know?

what happens if dec rate hike n our RM still appreciate? then how?

moral of the story...we will never know n can never tell the future at all


2016-11-20 15:13 | Report Abuse

forex will always impact the share price to a certain degree. but how much and how so...this is anybodys guess.

long term investors will not be bothered by these daily/monthly noises

News & Blogs

2016-11-20 15:11 | Report Abuse

btw this is an investment forum, not a religious forum. kindly take your religious rants elsewhere thx