
sting79 | Joined since 2014-08-18

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2020-07-21 16:48 | Report Abuse

Why so emotional to exit?

High cost holders will not exit unless the gang do consolidation and RI to push down another round, but not easy coz people like Darth and Siva68 already consider the money dump into sea.
New comers may exit now while still can, else later may get caught by this industrial freezer.

Like all esoteric teachings say, let the devil run dry of their food!


2020-07-20 16:16 | Report Abuse

Good thing is this company don't simply announce any tom dick harry kind of news to entice and trap buyers, just the volume speaks for itself. Wait for news on the 25 million RI proceeds to see the intention of their past actions.


2020-07-18 00:54 | Report Abuse

No news how to promote Vivocon in other counters? If next few quarters keep on improving, then naturally bees will come to this honey. But right now there are many sweet honey out there.


2020-07-17 16:06 | Report Abuse

Seeing a die hard promoter who potentially will collapse under its own weight one day is quite sad.

Consolidation/RI already announced, don't need to promote anymore. Unlikely anyone outside will buy.

Better to pacify existing shareholders than feeding the 'ego' non-stop, that's not something the divine would like to see you doing.


2020-07-17 15:52 | Report Abuse

Slc1 is just trolling lah, even sharks also get a bit of excitement seeing his post here. Else everyone watching grass grow so boring.


2020-07-17 15:38 | Report Abuse

Die Hard 2.0: Starring PDZ, Sanichi, NST, Shark A, Shark B, Shark C, Shark Z and Ikan Bilis.
Type: Small budget film
Audience: Aunties, Uncles, Brothers, Sisters
Target sales: Revenue along the ranks of Titanic or Avatar, though budget is small


2020-07-16 21:07 | Report Abuse

Well, another plus point is that big portion of the RI proceeds will be used for GemSpot application. At least not for other 'shady' own working capital use.


2020-07-16 20:54 | Report Abuse

GoldenHarvest1: yes, what I'm trying to mean is that the calculations sums up to be one of those rare cases where post consolidation + RI results in a neutral scenario for shareholders at the price entry now.

Many not invested would assume that consolidation + RI exercise is negative for shareholders (based on historical data and subjective personal view), but in this case it's not that bad.


2020-07-16 20:43 | Report Abuse

Oh yeah, those not bought, please hold on a bit. I think I've seen some cases where company can still amend the proposal before the actual final stamping.

But if you think the price will rally tomorrow onwards, feel free to make your own call now.
Those feel that the price will go down, waiting a bit won't hurt.


2020-07-16 20:37 | Report Abuse

GrowingRich: yes, got the exact same results as yours for those bought at 0.01 and 0.015, assuming post-RI mother share is 0.145 and new warrant is 0.03.

Wow, this is unbelievable! Let's consider more points as am quite skeptical on this 'free frog jumping on the street' free lunch.

Well, this is one quite solid good news for those already bought. Just hope that no waterfall post-RI so that many don't get trapped or even earn some. Nice one!


2020-07-16 20:02 | Report Abuse

GrowingRich: I doubt the calculations above is correct. Will come back after dinner and share my thoughts.


2020-07-16 19:53 | Report Abuse

He has very funny sense where he post this message: PUC, VIVOCOM, XOX sit together can play 3 person Mahjong. 3 conman boss fight for the tittle of 千王之王


2020-07-16 19:51 | Report Abuse

Why am I so nosy when didnt buy any? Because of the articles below that I think is a 'wake-up' call to many, at least I didn't sleep well for one night after reading it.財經快訊/104792/細價股財技-莊家-向下炒-吸水大法-如何成散戶死亡漩渦

This is shared by another forumer in PUC forum months ago.


2020-07-16 19:39 | Report Abuse

Why argue who is right or wrong?

Those bought need bring up the discussion of how consolidation and rights issue works so that shareholders are better informed. I went through one RI with hundreds of thousands RM invested, so had a damn good experience...

Those not bought or sold, take care not to collect karma. Information is always welcomed by those watching from the outside.


2020-07-16 17:25 | Report Abuse

CoolBull FYI: ERP consultant especially for mega corporations: more 'con' skill is needed than technical / functional skill alone. Ask any SAP / Oracle / related consultants or users themselves and they will tell you the software all tipu orang punya!


2020-07-16 17:15 | Report Abuse

CoolBull: no, I dont see myself as successful investor or trader at all. Just that I've been trapped very badly years ago almost to the point of having suicidal tendency, and out of market for years since then.

When someone reach that point and survived, you have the me now without common sense. Just like everything has an objective view, you have me with no common sense view and you with your own other view.


2020-07-16 16:29 | Report Abuse

calvin: Asiabio/Fintec/Sanston/KGI/BSI/name your own directors in bursa/etc are notable groups and names in bursa penny counters. It does not mean anything great, just that they play in small cap companies. Since people usually associate penny stocks with high risk gamble, hence the reputation of such names and groups.


2020-07-16 16:12 | Report Abuse

CoolBull: ok since you have already invested here, wish you best of luck!


2020-07-16 16:07 | Report Abuse

Wanted to invest in Netx weeks ago, but the latest PP proposal raised a red flag. The proposal highlighted that the funds will be used to enhance the GemSpot application with certain improvements.

Being an ERP consultant myself, reading the enhancements in the proposal somehow paint an ugly picture of how the app is being designed, developed and tested in the first place. Another key flag is the latest quarter of some millions of sales being derived from completion of a data centre setup, and not the highly anticipated NFCP project!


2020-07-16 15:56 | Report Abuse

CoolBull: yes, timing is somehow correct (pessimism) but you forget the probability part.

Please look at things more objectively. Ask people who went through consolidation or rights issue. Or search around in other counters. Do more research and analysis. That is a better objective perspective than yours or my personal subjective view.


2020-07-16 15:40 | Report Abuse

When the probability and timing is right for Netx, people will re-look at this counter but not now...


2020-07-16 15:35 | Report Abuse

Calvintaneng: at this time of much uncertainty, it's better to rely on probability play than theory, philosophy and hope analysis.


2020-07-16 15:28 | Report Abuse

Siva68: the order books, bonus issue, RTO news etc and then the non-stop price fall, rights issues and upcoming consolidation rumors matches the modus operandi highlighted in articles below:財經快訊/104792/細價股財技-莊家-向下炒-吸水大法-如何成散戶死亡漩渦

It's interesting to see if consolidation + RI is going to happen this round or not, knowing now that they probably either have to switch the 25 millions RI proceeds from 'investment' back into working capital OR plan a different fund raising exercise via the above modus operandi etc.

The timeframe for the 25 millions RI proceeds for investment is expiring this August, so is interesting to see where this money will go.


2020-07-16 03:18 | Report Abuse

Prediction of events to happen:

1. Consolidate 50:1 and share price becomes 0.50

2. RI price set @ 0.1 (illustrative as per proposal document)

3. Price will be volatile, but likely downward bias - historically based on counters with past RI

4. As time passes, share price should go down but stays above RI price. Nearing RI ex-date, there may be some slight push up to entice buyers, then push down later so those newly trapped may subscribe RI.

5. Existing shareholders will be in dilemma with 2 choices:
Option A - Subscribe to RI with free warrants
You are averaging down the cost by buying shares at huge discount. Free warrants can be sold, but the amount is only a small fraction compared to your total capital. Have to fork out money to subscribe RI but your cost is much lower now due to buying shares at huge discount. And some small freebies from the free warrant.

Option B - Do not subscribe and then sell the rights shares
Although no need fork out additional money, you already incurred bigger percentage paper loss by doing nothing. This is because share price will be dragged down by the RI exercise and share dilution. Some gain from selling the rights shares, but very small fraction of your total capital.

6. Post RI exercise, mother share would most likely be pushed down very close to RI price.


2020-07-15 23:43 | Report Abuse

My god it's happening here...

Consolidation: would like to share some articles on how consolidation + rights issue plays a key role in the game plan.財經快訊/104792/細價股財技-莊家-向下炒-吸水大法-如何成散戶死亡漩渦

Can try using your browser's translation function to translate to English.


2020-07-15 21:34 | Report Abuse

Slc1: To be frankly speaking, if i'm not onboard already i'll not buy this stock.
Exact same thoughts with you.


2020-07-15 18:17 | Report Abuse

Slc1: Yes, same lesson learnt here. Also out from market for few years until the recent volume. So I guess you and me are one of the bodoh retailers here hahaha...

Why say ART system is potential? Cannot find any links to Vivocon on that news also..


2020-07-15 17:48 | Report Abuse

Can blame me if price goes up and you regretted not buying more, but please be grateful if you are stuck here and glad you did not add further.

Do not be emotional and put all eggs in one basket, go read around and find other better counters.

I've been through this painfully and don't want to see others going into the same path, there really are counters out there that gives you better peace of mind.


2020-07-15 17:46 | Report Abuse

Always have the feeling that the company and gang is milking us for our money since the RI in 2018. Darth's comments further reinforced this by saying that once the company run out of funds, they may potentially look for ways to generate more fund. Being a company that has exercised multiple rights issue, it is not a surprise if another round is on the way.


2020-07-15 17:45 | Report Abuse

Slc1: As a fellow retailer, wanna advise you not to add additional shares. Since you have already bought, let the money be there.

You can use my sad case as reference: I've been averaging down before RI, then another time via the 2018 RI exercise, and almost during the recent volume spike. Thank god someone mentioned consolidation rumors hence I escaped from dumping more money into the sea.


2020-07-15 17:08 | Report Abuse

You're always welcome to think subjectively on how this counter will move, but objectively it's not looking good.

Subjectively means you can think there is RTO, shark's accumulation, news coming, big project, reverse psychology etc etc.

Objectively the facts/observations are there for you to find out.

Since you may have read the chinese articles I posted above about how a downtrend stock can forever goes down until enough holders are being forced out, this counter may be such a potential 'unwinnable' battlefield for you if consolidation does happen.


2020-07-15 16:52 | Report Abuse

If you add more, be prepared for more funds to average down later when the price goes further south or if consolidation happens.


2020-07-15 12:23 | Report Abuse

More perspective on the recent heavy volume is always welcomed!

Consolidation (if happens): would like to share some articles on how consolidation plays a key role in the game plan.財經快訊/104792/細價股財技-莊家-向下炒-吸水大法-如何成散戶死亡漩渦

Can try using your browser's translation function to translate to English.


2020-07-15 00:44 | Report Abuse

This is still one of the potential counter to go up short term as many are expecting good quarter results soon. Only chart wise is abit ugly but the rest is all good.

If have more funds and not for trade, is a counter to invest in for sure!


2020-07-15 00:37 | Report Abuse

Yeah thank god I managed to escape, nearly bought this as one of the most potential to fly among 2nd tier covid-related counters. Wanna do trade last hour, but luckily escaped.

Lesson learnt: if want to play short technical trade, don't do it during the day movements no matter what as you are playing with the sharks. Wait for closing to confirm signals among many other things - one very humble technical guru advised.


2020-07-15 00:13 | Report Abuse

During the 4pm plus window, I noticed the selling across some counters is very consistent and happens very fast within a very short time frame. You know like the domino effect, where one causes the others to fall down quickly one after the other.

When you are seeing it that time, cannot help but to feel that these guys are working so closely together in many different counters, especially glove-related and healthcare. Like the boss send a signal via walkie-talkie to everyone in the same frequency, everyone got the message then mass selldown happens in the blink of an eye.


2020-07-14 23:12 | Report Abuse

Many stocks I bought is not in my comments history. That time always play counters with news/rumors/speculation and even coupled with so-called own price movements analysis.

Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga


2020-07-14 23:05 | Report Abuse

If already bought, just hold and never let go if the loss is too much.

If not bought, better be safe than sorry. Don't be like me who lost 6 figures years ago (can buy a normal condo) which caused the mind to have suicidal tendency due to the huge loss.


2020-07-14 22:55 | Report Abuse

bojed: Not sure, but PDZ is also known during the Sumatec days as one of those famous goreng pisang stock (fly high then fall hard).

Regardless, since PDZ now has links to Sanichi, better guard up before dabbling here.


2020-07-14 22:42 | Report Abuse

cmm6919 Sting79..please share your observations abt Dr Pang

Dr Pang is fined by SC:

Sanichi ventures into F&B:

Sanichi ventures into Property:

From the above, looks like any company can also say venture into this and that like rojak, and now going into e-commerce pulak. Big cap strong companies also do not diverse into so many sectors, yet this small cap counter so power...

Own observations years ago: he is one of those directors who uses linked companies to make money in the share market from you retailers who chase high. When you search his links to companies in bursa, all are counters with bad fundamentals (hence stay as penny stock).

No right or wrong here, but playing such counters has highest risk especially price already sky high. I dabble in penny stocks too, but painful lesson learnt is that only enter when the probability to win is highest. Your own money, your lesson.


2020-07-14 19:40 | Report Abuse

bojed: can call your remiser and ask about Dr Pang of Sanichi? Or someone here can comment about him? I have own observations but it's my subjective view.


2020-07-14 19:32 | Report Abuse

bojed: yeah I faced this numerous times before, not sure why. Safer is copy somewhere first then try adjusting it again and again until it works. Maybe some combination of certain characters screws up the formatting or something.


2020-07-14 19:28 | Report Abuse

Can ask your remisier about the famous Dr Pang. Or anyone who play shares long enough may know about him.

bsklshark Current combined revenue Pdz & saniichi is about 1 million +.a month . Get 600 million project ? Tencent or alibaba look at their profile also run loh
bsklshark How to build 20 billion project . Adoi

Those not yet buy: comments from bsklshark is best lah


2020-07-14 18:52 | Report Abuse

a) As for PDZ, it was mentioned that new substantial shareholder has emerged from United States
The Board is not aware on the above as the Company has yet to receive any notification of new substantial shareholder.
b) PDZ won a RM600 million logistics contract from an e-commerce platform operator in China
The Board wishes to deny the above statement as the Company is still in discussions for the provision of logistic services to e-commerce platform operators based out of Malaysia and no such contract has been secured at this juncture. The Board will make the necessary announcements to Bursa Securities on a timely manner should there be any material information which falls under the
Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities. The Board is continuously looking for opportunities to further expand its logistic business to ultimately improve its financial performance and enhance shareholders’ value.
c) PDZ will form a joint venture with Sanichi Technology Bhd (“Sanichi”) to develop an e-commerce logistics hub in johor, that could easily cost over RM1 billion.
The Board wishes to deny the above statement. The Company is still in discussions on the development of a logistics hub in Johor and forming of a joint venture with Sanichi Technology Berhad. Notwithstanding the above, the Board wishes to highlight that no joint venture has been formed at this juncture. The Board will make the necessary announcements to Bursa Securities on a timely manner should there be any material information which falls under the Main Market
Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities. The Board is continuously looking for opportunities to further expand its logistic business to ultimately improve its financial performance and enhance shareholders’ value.
d) PDZ and a subsidiary company of Sanichi … have received approval from the relevant authority to build the logistics hub over 253 acres of land.
The Board wishes to deny the above statement as the Company is still in discussions with Sanichi Technology Berhad on the development of a logistics hub in Johor, which will require approvals from relevant authorities. In view of the site location being discussed does not belong to the Company, the Company is unable to confirm if the said relevant approvals have been obtained.
e) Syed Mokhtar is said to be eyeing a controlling stake in PDZ
The Board is not aware on the above.

This announcement is dated 14 July 2020.


2020-07-14 18:33 | Report Abuse

Another story from Trive, the infamous rock bottom penny stock.

Oct 2017: MOU between Trive and Tenaga Meriah Sdn Bhd as a turnkey contractor for the proposed design, construction and completion of a proposed affordable housing development project for Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad (SPNB) in Kuala Lumpur.

Key points: The joint development is worth 1 billion ringgit. Furthermore, it's a JV with the government (Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad) ! What could go wrong right, it's with the government of Malaysia!

This is around the time when the price shoots up 3x from lowest 0.1 to highest 0.27 and then waterfall sharply all the way to 0.005 early this year.


2020-07-14 18:14 | Report Abuse

birkincollector malaysianewstv, prebiu, aeril...all these operated by syndicates i fake news

birkincollector just use your brain ...why these penny stocks literally useless during good economy..and suddenly when economy in worst form because of pandemic, they got billion dollar deals....its mind blowing how ppl buy the stories

Finally someone with good sense and awareness. Need more people like you to create awareness in Malaysians who still lack behind many countries in the way of the market. Not that bursa cares much if all aunties uncles brothers sisters lose their money anyway.


2020-07-14 18:03 | Report Abuse

101st_airborne the cartel must have coordinated the mass selling at 4pm. Hit them fast and hit them hard tactic.

Yes, can see the index's very big swing to -20plus points during the mass selldown. Then recover again back to around -7 points shortly.

That's a very big coordination in such a short period of time, probably even institutional investors like banks and major funds are involved.


2020-07-14 17:50 | Report Abuse

The Board is of the view that the outlook for the property industry is being materially and adversely affected by the current economic uncertainty arising from the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the effects on the economy arising from the movement control order imposed by the government. As such, the Board had decided not to proceed with the Proposed Diversification into Property for the time being.

Even management from another counter has the view that property outlook is negative in current economy. This does not bode well with Vivocon's property venture.

So why the volume past few weeks?


2020-07-14 17:11 | Report Abuse

So many shooting stars today everywhere - many got trapped chasing high. Vivocon operator also lowering the buy/sell queue by 1 bid after few days of sideways, is not a good sign. Wait for consolidation news to confirm the downtrend.

Be very very cautious of your money, many professional punters start showing their flags again today.


2020-07-13 20:31 | Report Abuse

tkl88 is just another troll that should be ignored..
Does a single retailer selling or not matters in the grand scheme?

My point is to share information since someone mentioned about potential consolidation, in the hope that retailers will be more aware if such exercise happens.

Playing counters like this is a gamble as usual, the most we can do is to make use of available information to the public.

- Down trending penny counter
- Bad image since last major failed / fake corporate news announcement during 2016 / 2017
- Rights issue proceeds from Aug 2018 - nearly all the 30 mil for working capital is used up within a single quarter. Working capital can consume so much in just a few months? And where is the return of investment of that quick huge consumption? That is a major red flag.
- Billions of order book but where is the receivables and payment after 2-3 years? Another red flag.
- Most penny counters have no fundamentals yes, but the 2 flags above paint the picture that management uses this counter as a financial machine to earn 'your' money in market instead of real business.

- Cash on hand and less liabilities
- Improving quarters
- Venture into property with real funds, but is a risk in today's economy
- Recent volume and breakout from long sideways