
sting79 | Joined since 2014-08-18

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2020-06-15 15:57 | Report Abuse

More importantly is the fund that you used in the market. Are those your extra funds? Margin? Or emergency one?

If it is just extra and you have savings and a job, no problem to leave it here and treat them as good as gone in this type of counter especially Vivocon, Siva68 mentioned this before I think.

If it never goes up even after 5 years, then you can be sure many of the bigger holders here lose just as much as you do if not more.

This is a comforting thought for those who have been stuck here for years, at least to me.


2020-06-13 16:55 | Report Abuse

Maybe normal investors who got free warrants don't convert as it need cash to exercise, and also a delay due to the conversion process, so instead just sell the warrants for an immediate profit.

Those who believe in the company especially the directors, converts warrants not only to sell mother at profit, but also injects cash into the company. This could be a good sign because unless they believe in the company's future, I don't think the directors themselves will fork out millions of ringgit to exercise the warrant.


2020-06-11 14:05 | Report Abuse

If you have free warrants, and only need to fork out RM1.65 to get a confirm trade at more than RM2.6 now, would you be holding it or selling it? Based on current and projected economy outlook.

Don't forget that Dow Jones (global market driver) is overvalued at the moment, and has been overvalued for some time already even before Covid-19.


2020-06-11 13:54 | Report Abuse

Trive will not move without news and share accumulation (based on historical goreng pattern). Currently operator let it fall to 0.005, this shows there is zero support from players. The range bound play 0.005 - 0.01 for past months is either for market maker to earn the 'difference' or to block retailers from buying 0.005 and sell 0.01.

Only player there is Sanston Financial Group (Tan Li Sin who bought 100 mil share) and could also be the same investor for recently completed 700 mil placement share). Altogether this 800 mil share is worth maybe around RM5 million or less, definitely not enough for any goreng.

AT invested in Trive is for potential solar business support, don't think there is any ripple effect here. If want to look into AT's links, other related counters has higher potential to be next target.

Based on latest annual report, Trive's solar division is not making much, its property venture was halted, recently purchased Persoft Tower does not look promising, only good thing is the cash on hand and little borrowings... forget about the Hubei JV and SPNB which seems fake...


2020-06-10 01:10 | Report Abuse

Isn't the warrant B free? Means after paying RM 1.65 to convert it to mother share, still can easily sell at today's price for a good profit.

Hence maybe that's why the price keep dropping after QR result.


2020-06-07 22:21 | Report Abuse

apolloang: you've done enough to warn others already. Better spend your energy and time elsewhere bro..

Everything that happens is just a lesson. There is easier way and hard way to learn a lesson, I've definitely learnt it the hardest way..


2020-06-05 04:55 | Report Abuse

Some news for those who are stuck here, as Trive also involved in Lithium based battery products--

Lithium-Ion Battery Demand To Increase By More Than 1000% This Decade:


2020-06-04 18:41 | Report Abuse

Siva68 What happened to Q1'20 financial results?
Supposed to be out if not mistaken by end May.

The financial year changed to 30 June 2020. Maybe only out by that time?


2020-06-04 18:09 | Report Abuse

Hence no major price movements will be expected even with the new owner if the transaction is just a matter of changing hands. Also, the Mines Villa JV is a big bet at this time of economy.

Only hope is the QR report getting better with the aluminium segment, else this will be a heavy industry freezer.


2020-06-04 18:01 | Report Abuse

Siva68: still curious about the off-market transaction between the new owner and Golden Oasis.

If it is a business transaction, doesn't really make sense to sell the shares much lower than the price when Golden Oasis became a major shareholder. It only makes sense if there is a trade-off in the deal.

Another angle to look at it, maybe it's just a change of hands from the same group. Likely with regards to the Mines Villa JV. I think this is the most likely scenario since HGDB is under V-Development and the Chia brothers are in both. It's like getting the big brother to be in the ship's helm under the new property arm.


2020-06-04 16:21 | Report Abuse

Still can buy at 0.01 easily now. What I notice is that in early March 2020, the 0.005 buy bid is very low, meaning easily can get it. Somehow nearing end March or early April (cannot rem exactly), the buy bid becomes a super big wall till today.

This shows that someone has started to put a very big block at 0.005 near end March/early April.


2020-06-02 11:51 | Report Abuse

Sales: I have the same opinion 2 days ago, but don't go to Netx for now. NFCP might be delayed, can read the latest news today in Netx forum.


2020-05-30 21:49 | Report Abuse

Wow, low enough to buy in at 1.5 sen. Not possible at 1 sen due to MM big block.
Nice one Calvin for discovering this months ago and spreading the long term, buy low and greed the fall investment mindset!


2020-05-30 05:16 | Report Abuse

Spot on cksam123!

To add another perspective, try googling what is a market maker all about. They control and manipulate the seemingly out of nowhere buy/sell bids you see every day, has been doing it for years, and maybe one way for retailer to win is be unpredictable eg. buy low & play long term. Jumping into hot stock is like playing right into their game.

Again, many would say play TA/FA, ride with the hot money etc, but really do you hear many retailers who buy big earn big? Buy small earn pocket money then yes it's possible..

News & Blogs

2020-05-21 18:22 | Report Abuse

I think Calvin is not forcing, just preaching his own believe. This however respects freewill, as we have the choice to read/follow. Admin should decide if this blog respects forum rules or not.

Take what makes sense if you read and leave the others. No source should be treated as dogma, canon or sacred because believing in one is similar to binary thinking. There is good to be found in all.


2020-04-17 18:00 | Report Abuse

Siva68 is right.
Though volume is top 5, the value transacted is only a mere RM 3 million. It is nothing really, compared to counters with tens of millions RM transacted in a day.


2020-04-08 15:34 | Report Abuse

Unlikely this counter will move anytime unless VERY big players are involved. Imagine retailers with hundreds of thousand RM holdings (is very conservative, I think got millions of RM here), pushing up the price means losing millions of RM just to do a pump and dump. Only very big players can afford that..


2019-12-10 23:34 | Report Abuse

No matter how much everyone talks here, unlikely this counter will be picked up by majority of traders. Using automated program, fundamentals, technical charts, anything that can be calculated does not bode well here. I believe only things outside of calculation can help this counter.


2019-05-01 00:29 | Report Abuse

Don't dream la, ink what also no use.
Big retailers inside like Darth = need big funds to push else makan sikit pointless, Vivo has nothing to offer = zero interest from investors.
This is the fact now with current economy, please don't use hope/news/historical/rumors analysis to put your hard earn money.


2019-04-22 01:31 | Report Abuse

Vivocom has nothing to offer for ECRL regardless of who their partner is, hence very unlikely to benefit from the news. It is not efficient at all for players to get involved with this company at this time to earn from share market.

When funds run out, RI will be hard at this price point. PP is more likely, so wait for the time when either one happens, which means funds dried up. At those time if still cannot raise capital, shark has to come in to help (unlikely because again this counter proves to be very inefficient for things things to happen), else insolvent then bankrupt!

Forget about this counter folks!


2019-04-08 17:22 | Report Abuse

Without catalyst, very likely those single day volume is rotational penny stock play to test the market.


2019-03-13 00:15 | Report Abuse

Persoft tower's saving grace are nearby bars and the new development Lumi to boost up the area. And its very own much needed renovation to the building and facilities.


2019-03-08 22:27 | Report Abuse

This share's obvious way to cheat is pushing down price for RI and earn some pocket money.

If not from RI but from selling down the share price, it means buying high and selling low to earn. Or some kind of short selling that is not known to the public.

If not above, then could be just accumulation while throwing left right waiting weak holders to leave, until the next plan in motion.

Otherwise just internal conflicts or within different parties.

Or simply no players interested - then naturally market decides the price. Price going south since making losses continuously.


2018-09-19 15:38 | Report Abuse

4iiii DBT 3.5 sen 2 million shares done today all cannot see bec not enough eyes?

OK, whatever you said boss...


2018-09-19 15:34 | Report Abuse

4iiii Bought at 2.5 sen today. Must be those talking bad selling if not why waste time here?

You managed to bought at 2.5 sen although there is a 41million block? Wow unbelievably lucky to beat shark's queue or nice con haha...

News & Blogs

2018-09-09 15:33 | Report Abuse

1) Repent of your sins & accept Jesus Christ as your LORD & SAVIOUR.
Jesus died and paid for your sins & the zillion sins of all mankind. In Him alone is redemption.

Calvin, no source should be treated as dogma, canon or sacred because believing in one is similar to binary thinking. There is good to be found in all.

Why must human evolution go through a negative calamitous scenario? Jesus sees beauty in everything, and wants us to follow that path. That I believe is the true spirit of Christ.


2018-08-29 23:12 | Report Abuse

Maybe 2 logical reasons for price to be pushed this low from 0.30:
1) First selldown to promote cheap RI, then press again for double impact to those who subscribed. Objective is to collect your shares, earn RI money and make the boat lighter as per usual pump and dump cycles.
2) Internal dispute/agenda to make big shareholders let go of shares.

Any other logical possible reasons for this selldown? The company financials is not that bad right. We can never know the truth, but eliminating impossible scenarios is one approach to reach there...


2018-08-28 23:03 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow after listing of new RI shares and warrant, mother will be pushed down to 0.025 or below. Warrant E will be pressed down to bottom rock. ZERO chance for non-players to win.


2018-08-27 23:58 | Report Abuse

miniminer Selling down from 30 cents --> 16cents --> 13cents --> 7cents already attained great profits then push further to 3cents for cheap RIs subscription advantages while collect plenty of "dead chicken & fish". (Warrant E=5th times with one name).
If the guardian still sleeping at job....."The Greed" can even manage it down to 1-2 cent(s) for last piece of your bone, when you have left with no confident... they strike again.....not true?

Yes, you are right miniminer, after listing of new RI shares and warrant, mother will be pushed down to 0.025 or below. Warrant E will be pressed down to bottom rock. ZERO chance for non-players to win. That's what I'll do for maximum efficiency and victory.


2018-08-16 15:43 | Report Abuse

Darth, one more scenario that could be the worst nightmare. Like you said once RI finished, players can sell the RI and WE for confirmed profits. After that, announce takeover at ~0.03 or lower. In that case, all non-players confirmed dead. Win-win for the sharks and company.


2018-08-07 15:07 | Report Abuse

Once warrant E listed, expect another selldown by mini sharks desperate for scraps. Else if could be bigger sharks waiting to swallow your warrants. If swallow warrants, it comes with the bone (exercise price 0.05). Let's see how it goes. Mother likely not impacted by warrant E.


2018-08-06 17:48 | Report Abuse

miniminer Someone even told this player/s want to trap everyone in their controlled counters dry and ultimately love to see you poor and suffering.

Unless it's insider news, that probability of happening is too low compared to say some friction is happening internally causing the selldown. Or some plan is already underway for the next push.

The scenario you mentioned only gives the player biggest win in terms of emotion energy/suffering, and not so much monetary because the money from RI (non-players) and gains from short sell since the selldown is quite low.


2018-08-06 17:15 | Report Abuse

Anyone subscribing RI? This counter is very quiet compared to PWORTH discussion on RI...


2018-08-02 12:07 | Report Abuse

There is no correct or wrong, it's just how we as individual perceive the share market.

Some will say without corporate news how can a stock goes up? Some will say buy at lowest, wait for it to rebound one day. Some will hunt for growth stock, fundamental stock, good governance stock, beat down stock, stock with famous investor, penny stock, theme stock, government-linked stock, chart reading etc. Some might even say all stock is the same, if no goreng how to go up drastically.

I say each to his/her own taste and risk appetite.


2018-08-02 02:07 | Report Abuse

Sell the stock with huge % losses and buy other stock sure can get back the losses?
If lose 50% here, need to gain 100% in the new stock to recover your losses. If lose 66% need to gain 200% in the new stock!
If you think that possibility is higher than this stock going up in the future then go ahead and sell.


2018-08-01 17:16 | Report Abuse

ngssbbb Buy or 0.005 buy ri 0.025 = 0.03 sell 0.03 still profit, fre wa ha...ha.... huat..... money- come. so easy....

how to get 0.005 with that huge block... if can get profit so easy like that, bursa will not exist anymore haha..


2018-07-31 10:44 | Report Abuse

Mother share - to kill off weak holders or looking for 0.005 easy gain.
Rights share - short selling and left to right at extreme lowest point for push up later for 0.005 easy gain.
If average down by subscribing, be prepared to hold till big shark come and push.
Current trend looks to be smaller shark looking for cheap and quick kill only.
Small shark because the actual value is really nothing to shout about, also the activities won't last long.


2018-07-27 15:23 | Report Abuse

Darth, I believe many of those retailers who is able to will subscribe rights issue as it is the most logical thing to do. Also as a reminder, everything that happened up to today is all according to plan.


2018-07-23 01:28 | Report Abuse

RI coming already, existing shareholders have 3 choices after listing of rights share on 31-July:
1. subscribe rights (fork out more money but get back some in terms of free warrants + discount)
2. sell the rights within 31-July to 7-Aug (get some money)
3. do nothing (lose money by dilution - worst choice!)

What about buying new shares for entitlement of rights?
(a) buy mother share before or on ex-date 26-Jul
(b) buy rights share within 31-July to 7-Aug

(a) is causing the heavy volumes in previous and coming week, (b) is for gambler kaki to make their move. Activities and news are incoming, should be exciting few weeks ahead.


2018-06-21 23:15 | Report Abuse

MP Corp 100% jump is nothing with that kind of volume. Only can earn kopi money... Darth's comments is to steer newbies away with as much information as possible. There is sharks, but there is anti-shark like Darth to balance out the equation...


2018-06-21 23:11 | Report Abuse

If you read the article, project has link to previous ministry of finance. Whether it is still valid or not is anybody's guess. Could be fake since Trive is famous for such news but nothing has ever materialize.


2018-06-18 15:37 | Report Abuse

Determination of RI and exercise price planned to complete by end June. Expect share price going down soon.


2018-06-11 17:43 | Report Abuse

Vivoforever1 Add more 6 sen. sting79 sell is it? Why posts here if no share?

I have shares, else not bothered to post here. Reason is to alert newcomers to this share, else most just see volume coming and blindly buy. Also to spark discussion, but sadly your response is more of personal ego than general discussion.


2018-06-10 23:04 | Report Abuse

Yeah, it's obvious to PP 2.2 sen and sell at 2.5-3 sen for profit. But the not so obvious is: whose (idiot) buying queue are those at 2.5-3 sen? Doubt it's retailers, likely it's the usual market makers liquidity queue. If that's the case, this shows even among the big boys there are different teams.


2018-06-10 22:55 | Report Abuse

Vivoforever1 You cut loss bec Darth posts so not happy?

Posted by sting79 > Jun 9, 2018 03:34 AM | Report Abuse
Near RI price fixing why let it push up? Company really desperado for you guys to buy and subscribe the RI when price turns south. Kinda obvious trap..

I cut loss or not or even unhappy is not important, more important is your opinion on this question "Near RI price fixing why let it push up?".


2018-06-09 03:34 | Report Abuse

Near RI price fixing why let it push up? Company really desperado for you guys to buy and subscribe the RI when price turns south. Kinda obvious trap..


2018-06-08 10:49 | Report Abuse

This push coincides with RI approval, hence most logical explanation is that company + sharks want to entice people to buy. Once the push is completed, push down again so those bought may subscribe RI to average down the cost. Company get more from RI, sharks gain from the pump and dump and collaboration etc.


2018-05-31 10:36 | Report Abuse

It makes sense that near term the price will not increase in order to fix RI price, else is less attractive to subscribe. Retail should not participate for now until RI completes and price adjusted lower. Like Darth said, quarter results can be manipulated according to circumstances. If results is good, make it a quick in and out if price ever increase, remember the RI reason. Also, RI could be a front to lure retailer when inside everything already agreed between the big shareholders and company.


2018-05-15 19:37 | Report Abuse

Anyone with experience on Rights Issue can comment on below?

Option 1 - Don't do anything
Definitely lose out because after RI the share will dilute and price becomes lower, hence you incurred more paper lost.

Option 2 - Subscribe to RI with free warrants
Likely will break even because the loss from adjusted lower price is compensated by the gain from buying new discounted shares. Also your final cost is lower because you are buying new shares at discounted price. Free warrants can be considered additional capital gain if sold.

Option 3 - Sell the rights shares
At least some capital gain from the selling of the rights shares.

Looks like option 2 is the most favorable but the catch here is giving your hard-earned cash to company.