tbooi1168 | Joined since 2011-05-02

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile Low

Attended numerous technical charting courses in town. Currently, still work as a Remisier (> 23 Years experience) in Malaysia. Competed in 2015 stock pick competition, made 129% gain in 12 months. I was the champion of 2015 stock pick competition in I3investor.com.





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2024-04-25 10:43 | Report Abuse

Please do not drop below 4.07 from now on.
Next minor resistance is 4.17.
The major resistance is 4.24.
I hope the share price of YTLPower will cross 4.24 before the end of April 2024.
FBMKLCI, FBMEMAS indexes have broken new highs, it confirmed that 2024 is a bull market.
Please note that the share price of Tenaga also broke new high.

The Q3 2024 result will be released in May 2024, I believe Q3 2024 will be very good.
Hopefully, the share price of YTLPower will hit 5.55 after good Q3 2024 result releases.

HLIB will revise up the target price of YTLPower after good Q3 2024 result.
Hopefully, the share price of YTLPower will cross 6.30 after good Q4 2024 result releases in August 2024.

Hopefully my prediction will come through in August 2024.
Good luck.
Thank you.


2024-04-24 20:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by Raymond Tiruchelvam > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

OTB is back ..... with facts vengeance :-) peace.... one Q for OTB > is there any upside to YTLP earnings for 2024? Other than RM S$ UKpound exch rate? If no upside, then there will be no impetus for market to raise PE ratio.... many companies are trading at 10 PE
The EPS for FY 2023 is 0.25.
The projected EPS for FY 2024 is around 0.42. A growth of 68.0% over FY 2023.
The projected EPS for FY 2025 will be 0.52. A growth of 23.8% over FY 2024.
The projected EPS for FY 2026 will be 0.62. A growth of 19.2% over FY 2025.
YTLPower will show a strong growth from FY 2024 to FY 2026.
Hope I have answered your question.
Thank you.


2024-04-24 17:01 | Report Abuse

Please note that the following indexes are breaking new highs today.

The share price of Tenaga is also breaking a new high today.
The share price of YTLPower is not breaking new highs despite it is trading at a lower PER.

EPS of Tenaga = 47.87 sen
The share price is 11.88
PER = 24.82

EPS of YTLPower = 40.90 sen
The share price is 4.06
PER = 9.90

I believe there is no war in the Middle East.
I believe the US stock market will not drop a lot this week because the earnings of most stocks are better than expected.
The share price of Nvidia dropped 10% on 19/4/2022, but the share price of Nvidia rebounded very strongly in the last few days.
Hence the possibility of a stock market crash in the US is very slim now.

The share price of YTLPower is bullish now.
The major resistance is at 4.07 and follows by 4.24.
4.24 is the all time high price.
The share price of YTLPower has consolidated around 12 weeks, I believe the share price of YTLPower should break new highs like Tenaga.
I also believe the Q3 2024 result of YTLPower to be released in May 2024 will be very good.
The projected EPS of YTLPower for FY 2024 should be > 0.42 sen.
The average PER of FBMKLCI component stocks is around 15 times, the present PER of YTLPower is < 10.
Hence the present share price of YTLPower is still undervalued.

I talk with facts and figures.
Use this posting as a reference only.
The final decision to buy is always yours.

Thank you.


2024-04-22 10:08 | Report Abuse

Yinson issued a sukuk of RM 640 million in Malaysia before Chinese New Year 2024, the coupon rate is 7.95%.
The take up rate of this sukuk is so demanding, all RM 640 million sukuk was taken up within 20 minutes.
Anyone here is not so knowledgeable as institutional fund manager, they just buy up all sukuk of Yinson within 20 minutes.
This sukuk is rated as A3/Stable (RAM).

I will stop my comment on Yinson, no point to cause more pain to all poor investors here.


2024-04-21 13:42 | Report Abuse

FA of Dnex is not meeting my stock selection criteria, hence I did not study this stock.
TA of Dnex is still a downtrending stock, the share price has not crossed 200-day SMA.
Thank you.


2024-04-21 13:32 | Report Abuse

Based on my analysis on the whole world stock markets, I believe KLSE will do well in 2024.
I have made my study in great details, I still feel that KLSE will perform well in 2024/5.
The trade war between China and US, this phenomenon will benefit Malaysia as a whole.
Stocks related to Semiconductor industry and Johor economic zone will perform very well in 2024/5.
Still very important to look at technical charts, invest in uptrending stocks only.
Thank you.


2024-04-21 13:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by klee > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Mr OTB,how do you see the breaking down of sp500 n nasdaq? Will they continue to trend down n in turn affect the world mkts including bursa? What about Nvidia?
Whole world stock markets are bearish Except China stock market is bullish.

KLSE is bearish now. 6/13 Indexes are bullish.
12 out of 13 KLSE indexes had crossed 200-day SMA.
Golden Cross buy signals appeared in 10/13 Indexes.
Overall, KLSE is not that bad compared against other stock markets.

Nvidia, TA is bearish now.

No one can predict the world stock markets accurately.
Thank you.


2024-04-21 12:48 | Report Abuse

In my whole life, I believe I manage money very carefully and very well.
So far, not many wastage or big loss.
There is more big gain than small loss.
I talk about facts and figures.

I do not know I will sailang on Yinson or WA.
I want to see TA to be bullish first, then I will strategise it accordingly.
Thank you.


2024-04-21 12:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > 23 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Though Sifu only has a small holding on Yinson n Wa but his love is 100%...non stop promotion of Yinson n Wa in I3 n also to his RM1k clients for the past 2 years
No more promotion until TA is bullish.
I just talk about facts only.
Thank you.


2024-04-21 12:21 | Report Abuse

I watch the Youtube on TS Francis Yeoh interview on the Power Plant in the eighty.
YTLPower paid >10% interest to all international investors, eventually YTLPower made a fortune on this Power Plant.
The gross profit of a FPSO on operation is 39.6%, FPSO business concept is the same as a power plant.
Thank you.


2024-04-21 12:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse

9.625% Bond doesnt sound any alarm to Sifu n others ah?
Still die die believe their Wawasan 2027 ah?
I have a small holding on this stock only.
I invest is to make money.
I believe the share price is low enough. I can afford to lose on this investment.
Not interested to buy in a big way until TA showed a buy signal.
Thank you.


2024-04-21 10:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > 21 seconds ago | Report Abuse

The question why not doing this 5 year USD Bond issue at 9.625% interest in Malaysia?
Many institution funds and me will q up to buy this bond.
Yinson issued a sukuk of RM 640 million in Malaysia before Chinese New Year 2024, the coupon rate is 7.95%.
The take up rate of this sukuk is so demanding, all RM 640 million sukuk was taken up within 20 minutes.
Thank you.


2024-04-21 00:27 | Report Abuse

You are a no brain person here.
You should know whom I refer to.
I hope you can do me a favour here, please get out of this forum.
We do not welcome you in this forum.
Thank you.


2024-04-21 00:16 | Report Abuse

The partnership of Nvidia with YTLPower will only enhance value of YTLPower in FY 2025.
There is no negative effect on the share price of YTLPower here.
The profit from this partnership will come into effect at the end of 2024.

The share price of Nvidia has no effect on the share price of YTLPower.
The drop in the share price of Nvidia will not affect the share price of YTLPower in KLSE.
The drop on the share price of Nvidia is only a temporary phenomenon here.
According to all analysts in the US, eventually the share price of Nvidia will move up north to USD 1,200 later.

Using the drop in the share price of Nvidia to frighten all readers here is not a fair statement.
The worst part is to create many faked IDs here.
There is only 1 person here to badmouth YTLPower share price, why don't you use the same ID all the time.
Please stop all these monkey acts, really show an evil spirit here.
I appeal to you to stop all these nonsense here.
Do not make the poor investors here to be the victims of your quarrels.
We are interested to share good information here, not distorted information which is a false information.
We are all knowledgeable persons here, we know who is telling lies here to frighten all readers in this forum.
Please stop your lies.
Thank you.


2024-04-21 00:08 | Report Abuse

Please stop telling lies too.
Thank you.


2024-04-20 22:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by xiaoeh > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse

everything will be fine...
as long as Yinson can get banks and investors to believe
and continue funding its expansion till Yinson is able to generate profit after 2026 to pay back its debts

but again
Yinson will continue tendering new project along the way to 2026
new funding is required, and debts seem no way to reduce
I met Yinson management to talk about debt matter.
According to the management, all debts of FPSO will be settled after 7 years.
On the 8th year, the profit is a clean profit with no debt.
Yinson will perform well in a longer term.
Debt will reduced drastically after FY 2027.
I believe Yinson will be qualified to be a component stock of FBMKLCI after 2027.
Thank you.


2024-04-20 22:15 | Report Abuse

A great company has a gross profit margin of >40% or more.
A great company has a net profit margin of 10% or 20% or more.
Ans :
Gross profit margin of FPSO = 39.6%.
Net profit margin (Net profit/sales) = 8.28%

Overall, Yinson is a good stock to watch in term of fundamental.
I have monitored 8 quarter results so far, hence I know all the facts and figures.
Thank you.


2024-04-20 22:10 | Report Abuse

FPSO Anna Nery. Brazil. 75% stake in 2023, 66.5% stake in 2024.
Contract value = USD 5.4 billion. 25 years firm.
Start operation in early 2023.
Annual (charter rate) revenue = USD 5400 million/25*75% = USD 162.00 million = RM 761.40 million (1 USD = RM 4.70)
PBT (40% of revenue) = 304.56 million (75%)
PAT (37% tax) = 191.87 million (75%)
PBT (40% of revenue) = 263.95 million (65% after 2023)
PAT (37% tax) = 166.29 million (65% after 2023)

3 FPSO vessels of Yinson under construction
1.) FPSO Maria Quitéria. Brazil. 100% stake.
Contract value = USD 5.2 billion. 22.5 years firm.
Start operation in mid-2024.
Annual (charter rate) revenue = USD 5200 million/22.5 = USD 231.11 million = RM 1.086 billion (1 USD = RM 4.70)
PBT (40% of revenue) = 434.40 million
PAT (37% tax) = 273.67 million

2.) FPSO Atlanta. Brazil. 100% stake.
Contract value = USD 1.9 billion. 15 years firm and with option to extend 5 years.
Start operation in mid-2024.
Annual (charter rate) revenue = USD 1900 million/15 = USD 126.67 million = RM 595.35 million (1 USD = RM 4.70)
PBT (40% of revenue) = 238.14 million
PAT (37% tax) = 150.03 million

3.) FPSO Agogo. Angola. 100% stake.
Contract value = USD 5.3 billion (Inclusive 15 years + optional 5 years extension). 15 years firm and with extension 5 years.
Start operation in the fourth quarter of 2025.
Annual (charter rate) revenue = USD 5300 million/20 = USD 265.00 million = RM 1.246 billion (1 USD = RM 4.70)
PBT (40% of revenue) = 498.20 million
PAT (37% tax) = 313.87 million

If you add up the net profit, the total profit for these 4 FPSOs are > 904 million profit.
Those 5 old FPSOs, total net profits are = 589 million.
Grand total net profit = 1.493 billion.
NOSI = 3.184 billion
EPS = 0.47
PER = 5.0

Thank you.


2024-04-20 22:00 | Report Abuse

Dear Sslee, 3iii

I3 do you know what are the gross and net profit margin during construction and operation period?
Ans :
The gross profit during construction period = 7.6%.
The gross profit during Operation period = 39.6%.

The below information is extracted from Q4 2024 results.
ROIC = 14.13%.
ROE = 17.69%.
Earning yield = 12.31%.
EPS = 0.315
PER = 7.46.
EV/EBIT = 8.12
Net profit margin (Net profit/sales) = 8.28%
Cash flow from CFFO = -2,881,000
Free cash flow = -3,191.000.
Net debt = 13,362,000
Interest coverage = 2.760.

High debt and negative cash flow are the real reasons that Yinson cannot perform.
I have all figures to show.

Thank you.


2024-04-18 13:50 | Report Abuse

Dear UlarSawa,
Please do not be a batu api in this YTLPower forum.
Thank you for your cooperation.


2024-04-18 13:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by rchi > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Hope ks55 can contribute more to i3 la ular.
Otb still had the super champion supermx.Can ks55 come out with another one to beat that?
Dear rchi,
I am not interested to compete with others.
I never attack anyone in I3.
I never badmouth any stock in I3.
I just want to defend myself.
If I see any stock has the potential to move up north, I will highlight it in I3.

This is a YTLPower forum, I just want to talk about YTLPower only, no other stock I like to talk.

I did recommend property stocks to my followers.
I also recommended to buy Cresndo to my followers when the share price of Cresndo was at 2.20.
I bought a lot of Cresndo shares around 2.20, I sold all in last few days around 3.60 level because my target price is only 3.80.
Among all property stocks in Johor, I recommended 5 stocks.
1.) UEMS
2.) Sunway/WB
4.) KSL
5.) Cresndo
I made the most money is Sunway-WB. I bought them around 0.50 and sold all around 2.00.

I do not like to mention here because this is YTLPower forum.
I do not wish to say that I am very good in selecting stocks, I hope all readers here making a lot of money on YTLPower.
Thank you.


2024-04-18 10:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse

@neohts, i believe in the potential of Taurx. But i have bought n sold GenB for so many rounds already. In fact last month i promptly reminded a few times here that the taurx news is just 24 mth result n not approval yet so dont get too carried away.
Even it is not approved, can the company sells this drug to make profit ?
The US is not a gentleman country, she will delay the final approval unless it is an US drug company.
Please advise.
Thank you.


2024-04-18 10:12 | Report Abuse

4.00 is still a strong resistance to cross.
Can cross or not ?
There is another strong resistance to cross at 4.07.
Good luck.


2024-04-18 08:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by dragon328 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

CLSA upgraded YTL Power today to a BUY with higher target price of RM5.10. Some extracts from the research paper:

YTL Power: a proxy play to Nvidia, upgraded to BUY; we prefer it over YTL
- YTL Power, among a select few with priority to Nvidia’s latest chips, stands to gain on
the hastened rollout of capex (we estimate RM16bn). We introduce AI segment
valuations (earlier ascribed co-locator valuation), which lifts our target price to RM5.10
for YTL Power and to RM2.88 for YTL, but lower YTL’s rating from BUY to O-PF on price
action. We raise our earnings forecasts by 10-28% for YTL Power and 12-26% for YTL
over 25-26CL to account for the AI segment impact.

- Assuming a blue sky scenario, fair valuation could rise to RM6.60 for YTL Power (on a
150 MW rollout). YTL Power leveraging on Nvidia to scale shields against over-capacity
risk in non-AI data centre demand.
Please note that PIE is limit up today.
Quote !!
What’s happening to PIE? Limit up currently

We gathered that PIE has secured a new server customer, potentially involved in both general and AI server

PIE is 51% owned by Pan Global Holdings, who is owned by Pan International Industrial Corp (2328 TT), and is ultimately 21% owned by Foxconn (Hon Hai, 2317 TT)

Foxconn counts the likes of Dell, HP and NVDA as key server customers (factual, not implying these are PIE customers)
Unquote !!

Hope that YTLPower will limit up too once Nvidia takes up the data storage centers in Kulai Johor.

Good luck.
Thank you.


2024-04-15 10:21 | Report Abuse

Due to trade war between the US and China, most of semiconductor industries are shifted to Malaysia.
It is a good news to Malaysia.
Semiconductor industry will perform well in 2024.
Semiconductor industry will grow 12% in 2024 and 24% in 2025 respectively.
Hence KGB will perform well in 2024 and 2025.
Good luck.
Thank you.


2024-04-15 10:17 | Report Abuse

Real good stock, push up the share price when KLSE is mostly red.
According to RHB research, the target price is 0.54.
Good luck.
Thank you.


2024-04-12 14:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by HuatRex1314 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

Ks55, why are u so busy body? Watch too many marvel or DC movie? Want to be hero to save all of us from being manipulated by the posting here? Here sharing all about facts. If u want to bull shit make sure u have at least shit to show. Time is money. Pleasure your life. Don't waste your time. God bless u.


2024-04-12 14:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by dragon328 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

Naysayers and those who missed out earlier on YTL Power are telling all sorts of negative comments like over-valued counter lah , big funds dumping lah, AI data centre venture with Nvidia has no detail announced lah, YTL Power earnings will see big drop in earnings from FY2025 lah, blabla bla.

I would just ignore such noise and get back to the facts and figures:


2024-04-12 14:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by dragon328 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

YTL Power share is going through consolidation now after surging some 60% YTD due to aggressive foreign buying in early January 2024. It is hence entirely normal for early investors including some short term foreign funds to lock in some profit, but I do not believe these funds have completely exited, as seen from statistics that foreign funds bought in a total of RM150m worth of YTL Power in the month of February, ahead of the inclusion of YTL Power into MSCI.

Many investors have missed out on the rally of YTL Power, including the majority of local analysts and local institutional funds. It is only natural for them to hope for a bigger correction in YTL Power share price in order to get into this promising company.

I do not know how much and how long the correction may take for YTL Power share price, so I don't really bother to look at the daily share price movements, but always fall back to fundamentals.

Naysayers and those who missed out earlier on YTL Power are telling all sorts of negative comments like over-valued counter lah , big funds dumping lah, AI data centre venture with Nvidia has no detail announced lah, YTL Power earnings will see big drop in earnings from FY2025 lah, blabla bla.

I would just ignore such noise and get back to the facts and figures:

YTL Power remains the cheapest utility stock in Bursa with forward PER of just 9.0x, compared to over 20x PER for Tenaga, PetGas, GasMalaysia, Dialog etc.

YTL Power is set to deliver another record earnings for FY2024 ended June with net profit of over RM3.0 billion from RM1.9 billion in FY2023, even the most conservative Maybank analyst projected a net profit of RM2.986 billion for FY2024. That's for a superb 57% increase in net profit y-on-y. Which big cap in Bursa could possibly deliver such a huge profit jump in a year??

With so many new projects taking off in months to come, YTL Power earnings will continue to grow in FY2025 and beyond:

1) Wessex Waters to turn around from April 2024
2) Jordan Power to deliver full PPA earnings from early 2024
3) Yes 5G to break even by end 2024
4) digital bank to start contributing profit in 2-3 years or by 2027
5) WTE plant to start contributing profit from 2027
6) PowerSeraya new 600MW hydrogen ready CCGT to start contributing profit from 2028
7) UK Brabazon property project to contribute meaningful profits from 2025
8) 1st phase data centre with SEA Group to start contributing profit from 2H 2024
9) 1st phase AI data centre with Nvidia to start contributing profit from end 2024
10) potential clinching of new solar power project in Malaysia from new LSS tenders

There may be a lull of 2-3 months before the new profit contribution can be seen in 2H 2024, so it gives an opportunity for shorties and those who want to buy cheaper to smear the image of YTL Power and to play down on its earnings prospects.

I would just stay put with my holdings on YTL Power and may add positions if share price falls further to unreasonably cheap levels.


2024-04-12 12:20 | Report Abuse

The share price of YTLPower is bullish now.
The share price is above the 20-day EMA.
Daily MACD, Parabolic SAR, Force Index and Stochastic Index, all show buy signals.
I believe the correction is over after 2 months.
Looking forward for the share price of YTLPower to cross 3.95, 4.07 and 4.24 respectively.

3.95 is crossed convincingly, next resistance to cross is 4.07.
Hope to cross 4.07 in the next few days.
The best scenario is to cross 4.24 convincingly.
Slow and steady win the race.
Good luck.
Thank you.


2024-04-11 14:12 | Report Abuse

When the tin price was at 44,293 on 4/4/2022, the share price is 4.78.
When the tin price was at 31,424 on 23/1/2023, the share price is 2.02.
When the tin price is at 32,900 on 10/4/2024, the share price is 2.57.
Judge yourself.
Thank you.


2024-04-09 10:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by JMpower > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Which one better?
I prefer YTLPower because of higher EPS.
I believe Nvidia will help YTLPower to make a lot of money on data storage centers.
YTLPower is very lucky to be selected as a partner to Nvidia.
I believe Q3 2024 result to be released in May 2024 will be very good, the PAT will justify my projected EPS=0.42 in FY 2024.
If PER=12, the target price is 5.04.
If PER=15, the target price is 6.30.
Good luck to you.
The final decision to buy is always yours.
I hold a lot of YTLPower shares in my portfolio.
Thank you.


2024-04-09 09:42 | Report Abuse

The share price of YTLPower has been consolidated for > 2 months.
The last 8 consecutive day candles have been blue color all the time.
Hope to cross the major resistance at 4.24 convincingly.
Q3 2024 result to be released in May 2024 should be good, then the share price should break all time high again.
Good luck.
Thank you.


2024-04-06 21:58 | Report Abuse

Dear Huangbk72,
You are very knowledgeable on data center, please continue to share your information in this forum.
Many readers here will appreciate your sharing.
Thank you.


2024-04-06 20:43 | Report Abuse

Dear Huangbk72,
Your information is also very good.
Thank you.


2024-04-06 20:42 | Report Abuse

Dear dragon328,
Thank you for your good information.
I appreciate it.


2024-04-06 12:48 | Report Abuse

I never attack anyone in I3.
I do not go to the forum to badmouth any stock.
I do not go to any forum to say the writer is cheating.
I mind my own business.
I just share the information that I feel the stock has a good potential to move up north.
Thank you.


2024-04-06 11:11 | Report Abuse

1.) FPSO Maria Quitéria. Brazil. 100% stake.
Contract value = USD 5.2 billion. 22.5 years firm.
Start operation in mid-2024.
Annual (charter rate) revenue = USD 5200 million/22.5 = USD 231.11 million = RM 1.086 billion (1 USD = RM 4.70)
PBT (40% of revenue) = 434.40 million
PAT (37% tax) = 273.67 million

2.) FPSO Atlanta. Brazil. 100% stake.
Contract value = USD 1.9 billion. 15 years firm and with option to extend 5 years.
Start operation in mid-2024.
Annual (charter rate) revenue = USD 1900 million/15 = USD 126.67 million = RM 595.35 million (1 USD = RM 4.70)
PBT (40% of revenue) = 238.14 million
PAT (37% tax) = 150.03 million

I believe 50% of PAT (212 million) will be included in FY 2025 income statement.
Thank you.


2024-04-06 11:02 | Report Abuse

FPSO Agogo is ready to be delivered and found oil at the end of 2025.
FY 2027 (January 2027) result will include all FPSOs chartered services.
PAT in FY 2027 will be > 1 billion per year.
Debt will be reduced to the minimum.
I believe Yinson will be included in FBMKLCI component stock in 2027.
Good luck.
Thank you.


2024-04-06 08:13 | Report Abuse

Thank you Philip for your good information.

For the share price of Yinson or Yinson-WA to perform, TA reading must be bullish first.
Presently, no sign.
Still waiting patiently.
Thank you.


2024-04-05 23:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by JMpower > 56 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Which one is better?
Please advise
I prefer YTLPower because of higher EPS.
I believe Nvidia will help YTLPower to make a lot of money from the partnership.
Thank you.


2024-04-05 21:49 | Report Abuse

Dear dragon328,
I make a search in the internet, I believe the data storage center in Kulai owned by YTLPower is the biggest one among all data centers in Johor.
The data storage center of YTLPower is 500 MW.
The estimated launch is in Q1 2024.
Others are ranging from 120 MW to 200 MW.
The estimated launch is later than YTLPower's data center.

The first phrase of DC is SEA group, 32 MW and another customer 16 MW. Total PBT is around 150 million per year (48 MW).
Nvidia will take up 100 MW at the mid of 2024 to the end of 2026.
According to your input, I assume the EBITDA margin of 60%, Nvidia's DC will contribute about USD 1.38 billion x 4.70 x 60% = RM 3.892 billion (PBT) per year if 100 MW is fully taken up.
There is still 352 MW DC available to rent.
If Nvidia can take up more DC, the PBT is very high.

It appears to me the EBITDA margin of Nvidia is very high compared against SEA DC.
Hence I can safely say Nvidia DC is the most profitable DC among all.
Any idea about EBITDA margin of Microsoft or Amazon ?
Please advise.
Thank you.


2024-04-04 11:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by Vdhawan > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Yinson moves slowly but it does perform
Yes, hope you are right.
For the share price of Yinson or Yinson-WA to perform, TA reading must be bullish first.
Presently, no sign.
Still waiting patiently.
Thank you.


2024-04-04 11:15 | Report Abuse

The PAT from Q4 2023 should be 46 million if there is no impairment loss of 11 million in China.
If you take 46 million x 4 = 184 million.
If you take 35 million x 4 = 140 million.
New production at LCO2 plant will make the PAT > 140 million.

I do not do my research on Ableglob, hence I cannot comment on this stock.
Thank you.


2024-04-04 10:40 | Report Abuse

The analyst from Interpac broker gives a PAT of 135 M in FY 2024 and 150M in FY 2025.
It means a growth of 35% in 2024 and 50% in 2025 if compared against PAT in 2023.
This stock is one of the best growth stocks in 2024 beside YTLPower.

Should keep a bit longer term for KGB and YTLPower to win big.
It is not so easy to find a strong growth stock in KLSE.
In KLSE, you cannot find a very good fundamental stock and also a growth stock.

KGB is a bit related to semiconductor industries, based on the report from Kenanga, the semiconductor industry will grow 12% in 2024 and 24% in 2025 respectively.
KGB starts production at second LCO2 plant, I believe Q1 2024 result should be good.
Initially, I project a growth rate of 20%, initial projected PAT is 120 million in FY 2024.
The analyst from Interpac broker gives a PAT of 135 M in FY 2024 and 150M in FY 2025.
The PAT from Q4 2023 should be 46 million if there is no extraordinary loss of 11 million in China.
It appears to me the projected PAT from the analyst of Interpac broker at 135 million is also on a low side in view of new production at new LCO2 plant.
Moreover, semiconductor industry will grow 12% in 2024 and 24% in 2025 respectively.
Good luck and hope for the best.
Thank you.