tbooi1168 | Joined since 2011-05-02

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile Low

Attended numerous technical charting courses in town. Currently, still work as a Remisier (> 23 Years experience) in Malaysia. Competed in 2015 stock pick competition, made 129% gain in 12 months. I was the champion of 2015 stock pick competition in I3investor.com.





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2024-01-10 09:11 | Report Abuse

Semiconductor industry is bottoming, there will be growth and strong growth in 2024 and 2025 respectively.
Kenanga gives a target price of 3.28 in 2024.
KGB has many big customer like SMIC.
SMIC will expand very fast in next few years to fulfill big orders from Huawei and other customers demand.

KGB is a net cash company. No big borrowing.
I checked the fundamental of KGB for a few nights, I believe KGB did not lose money in any year since listing.
It is a profitable company all the time.
Good luck in 2024.
Thank you.


2024-01-09 22:41 | Report Abuse

In life, we have to be a honest and a fair person.
There are many gentlemen and also there are many evil men on the road.
If you do not do any harm to anyone here, the god will bless you.
If you do any harm directly or indirectly, the god will punish you.
I want a peace in my life, hence I will avoid backmouth any stock and attack anyone here.
When you badmouth a stock like YTLPower, it will affect many "poor" investors who want to make some money in KLSE. You will harm them directly and indirectly, I believe the god will punish you ... I repeat ...
I want the god to bless me all the time, hopefully the god will bless me so that I perform very well in my investments in stock.
You should know the final result, what type of a person you are.
Did the god bless you ?
You know the final outcome.

The share price of YTLPower went up north from 0.70 to a high of 3.56.
dragon328 bought YTLPower at 0.70, I bought this stock at 1.10.
Both of us are laughing all the way to the bank.
God bless both of us a lot because we recommended this stock to all readers here with good deeds. We do not cheat or scam anyone here.
I make a lot of money from YTLPower because the god bless me a lot.

Do you know that Jerichomy lost in the stock market until bankrupt ?
Why lost until bankrupt ?
Why the god never bless him ?
All of us in this forum should know the correct answer.
Hence it is wiser to be a gentleman than an evil person in this forum.
The god will never bless an evil person, in actual fact, the god punish Jerichomy kaw kaw until he lost in the stock market until bankrupt.

寧可天下人負我, 休教我負天下人
Thank you.


2024-01-08 20:58 | Report Abuse

The share prices of KGB and WB break major resistances at 2.27 and 0.85 respectively today, the charts showed a clear breakout to new highs.
Technically, it is a buy signal for both stocks.
Let the profit runs for these stocks.
Good luck in 2024, very good beginning of a bull market will be formed soon.
Thank you.


2024-01-08 20:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
Make sure "gentleman" really behave himself
This person called me again 5 min ago, he assured me that he will focus on stock only.
He promised to be a gentleman here and no personal attack.
Since he erased all irrelevant postings, it is very fair that Calvintaneng should also erase all irrelevant postings in this forum.
We can see a "peace" in this forum and everyone will share good information about KGB in this forum.
Hope everyone will make a lot of money on this stock and laughing all the way to the bank.
Thank you for all good cooperation.


2024-01-08 17:48 | Report Abuse

KGB is a good stock, stop to compare with other bad stocks.
Your information is not relevant.
This forum is to discuss KGB only.
A profitable stock and a lousy stock, nothing to compare.


2024-01-08 17:38 | Report Abuse

You badmouth KGB because someone you do not like recommend this stock.
This person talks to me, I told him to focus on stock not anyone here.
I told him to delete all postings which are not related to KGB is this forum.
This person is gentleman because he listens to my advice sincerely.
Please stop personal attack.
Thank you.


2024-01-08 17:32 | Report Abuse

I checked the fundamental of KGB for a few nights, I believe KGB did not lose money in any year since listing.
It is a profitable company all the time.
The nature of business is growing rapidly.
I will never invest in any stock if the fundamental of the stock is not good.
I check every corners so that I do not make any major mistake in the stock selection.
Please stop badmouth KGB.
You do not talk with facts and figures, your fact is not true.
Thank you.


2024-01-08 17:23 | Report Abuse

In life, we have to be a honest and a fair person.
There are many gentlemen and also there are many evil men on the road.
If you do not do any harm to anyone here, the god will bless you.
If you do any harm directly or indirectly, the god will punish you.
I want a peace in my life, hence I will avoid backmouth any stock and attack anyone here.
When you badmouth a stock like KGB, it will affect many "poor" investors who want to make some money in KLSE. You will harm them directly and indirectly, I believe the god will punish you ... I repeat ...
I want the god to bless me all the time, hopefully the god will bless me so that I perform very well in my investments in stock.
You should know the final result, what type of a person you are.
Did the god bless you ?
You know the final outcome.
寧可天下人負我, 休教我負天下人

Thank you.


2024-01-07 19:22 | Report Abuse

Most of the time, the loan will be cleared within 5 to 7 years, once the loan is cleared, it is pure (100%) profit you will get in the next 10 to 15 years.
Hence invest in Yinson share is a longer term investment.
Thank you.


2024-01-07 15:43 | Report Abuse

In life, we have to be a honest and a fair person.
There are many gentlemen and also there are many evil men on the road.
If you do not do any harm to anyone here, the god will bless you.
If you do any harm directly or indirectly, the god will punish you.
I want a peace in my life, hence I will avoid backmouth and attack anyone here.
I want the god to bless me all the time, hopefully the god will bless me so that I perform very well in my investments in stock.
You should know the final result, what type of a person you are.
Did the god bless you ?
You know the final outcome.
寧可天下人負我, 休教我負天下人

I stop here. No more further posting from me.
Thank you.


2024-01-07 00:09 | Report Abuse

Dear xiaoeh,
1.) The debt or loan around 11 billion is too high. However, the debt is high for this type of industry (FPSO business).
2.) This high debt will be cleared in 5 to 7 years because Yinson will still need to take up at least 1 FPSO project in every year to keep the operations busy.
3.) Yinson needs loans to finance the construction of FPSO vessels. The loan will be cleared within 5 to 7 years.
4.) There will not be any cash flow from operations in the financial statement because of high debt.
5.) Yinson is a strong growth stock, it used the loans or borrowings to grow the company. High gearing can be its strength or weakness depend on the angle you look at the stock.
6.) Almost all FPSO operators have high debt, it is the nature of FPSO business.

I believe the high debt of Yinson is acceptable for 2023 and 2024 because 3 of FPSO contracts are secured during this period.
The debt will be lower after 2026 once all 3 main FPSO vessels are delivered.

This FPSO business is just like a toll road, you need capital to construct the road before you can collect the toll to repay the debt.
Likewise for FPSO business, you need loans or capital to construct the vessel, then you will use the revenue collected from charter service to repay the loan.
The revenue from charter service can be collected after 3 years once the FPSO vessel is delivered.
Most of the time, the loan will be cleared within 5 to 7 years, once the loan is cleared, it is pure (100%) profit you will get in the next 10 to 15 years.
Hence invest in Yinson share is a longer term investment.
I believe high debt situation will be there for next 5 to 7 years.
Thank you.


2024-01-06 22:34 | Report Abuse

Dear BursaVulture,
Thank you for your information, noted.

I believe the fundamental of Yinson is very good.
PAT for the next 3 years will be very good.
PAT will be at least > 1 billion a year for the next few years.
This stock is a longer term investment, I believe this stock will be included as a component stock of FBMKLCI index in 2027 after most of debts are cleared.
I believe the CEO is very capable to generate profit for Yinson.
This CEO makes Yinson able to secure many FPSO projects or contracts in the international market.
This CEO makes Yinson to be one of the best managed company in FPSO projects.
Hope Yinson able to perform well in term of share price and the CEO able to create wealth for Yinson in the stock market.
Thank you.


2024-01-06 10:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2024-01-05 10:22 | Report Abuse

YTLPower is a component stock of FBMKLCI, the PER is among the lowest compared against other component stocks.
To push up FBMKLCI index higher to attract foreign funds, it is logical to push up the share prices of YTL and YTLPower.
My 2 cents comments.
Good luck.
Thank you.


2024-01-05 10:13 | Report Abuse

PER = 13.15 is the average PER for FY 2022 and FY 2023.

Please read my previous postings quoted below.
The average PER for the last 2 years is 13.15.
The PAT grows at 27%, 46% and 63% for FY2022, FY2023 and FY2024 respectively.
Presently at 2.45, the share price of Yinson is trading at a PER 7.85.
If using the average PER=13.15, Yinson should be trading at 4.07 in FY 2024.
The present share price of Yinson at 2.45 is really undervalued, no reason for such a low price.
Hope for better luck in 2024.
Thank you.


2024-01-05 10:10 | Report Abuse

I recommended Supermx at 3.60 in 2020, the share price went up to a high of 24.50.
I recommended YTLPower at 1.10 - 1.20, I hope the share price can hit at least 4.20 in 2024.
5.00 to 6.00 in 2025.
Good luck in 2024.
Thank you.


2024-01-05 10:01 | Report Abuse

I really do not believe the share price can be so strong.
I think foreign funds are buying.
Utilities index hits all time high.
Hope everyone here is laughing all the way to the bank.
Thank you.


2024-01-05 09:47 | Report Abuse

Hope that I do not need to wait for 3 years.

I am very disappointed on this stock despite the net earning (PAT) grows at 27%, 46% and 63% for FY 2022, FY 2023 and FY 2024 respectively.
Presently at 2.59, the share price of Yinson is trading at a PER 8.35.
If using the average PER=13.15, Yinson should be trading at 4.07 in FY 2024.
The present share price of Yinson at 2.59 is really undervalued, no reason for such a low price.
Hope for better luck in 2024.
Thank you.


2024-01-04 16:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by CIO888 > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Hi, Mr Ooi, what is the technical reading for YTLP? Should take profit or continue to hold?
I cannot answer you in this forum to affect the share price of YTLPower.
I do not want readers here to blame me.
Please email me, I will reply you.
Thank you.


2024-01-04 16:01 |

Post removed.Why?


2024-01-04 15:04 | Report Abuse

The share price of YTLPower moves up north so strongly can be due to the followings :-
1.) Foreign funds are buying very aggressively.
2.) Under instruction to push up FBMKLCI index. (PER of YTLPower is low).

Anyway, hope everyone is laughing all the way to the bank.
Thank you.


2024-01-04 12:45 | Report Abuse

Dear dragon328,
I really appreciate to read all your write-up and also all good articles you had posted on YTLPower.
I will hold on until my target price is met.
I am very optimistic on the earning of YTLPower especially the earning from green data storage center.
Thank you for your good articles.
Best regards always.


2024-01-04 12:28 | Report Abuse

I just joke with you only, please do not take it seriously.
Thank you.


2024-01-04 12:11 | Report Abuse

YTLPower is really geng, 2.99 now.
See you at 3.00 soon.
Thank you.


2024-01-04 11:37 | Report Abuse

I stop here.
I talk enough for this stock.
No more posting from me.
I am more interested to see my bank account growing like the share prices of YTLPower and KGB/WB.
Thank you.


2024-01-04 11:13 | Report Abuse

dragon328 will change his BMW to 528 in 2024.
May be dragon528 will change his BMW to 728 in 2025/6.
Anyway, congratulation to your new BMW 528.
Your BMW is donated by YTLPower.

I wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2024.
Good luck in 2024.
See you in BMW 728 soon.
Thank you.


2024-01-04 09:19 | Report Abuse

There are many accountants in this forum, all can read financial statement very well.

I am not an accountant, I learn my FA lessons from Kcchongnz.
From the FA report, I believe the FA of KGB is very good.
5 of the most important criteria to assess the FA report are as follows :-
Growth (EPS) = 53%.
Free cash flow = 139,720
PE Ratio = 14.3
ROE = 28.27%
EV/EBIT = 8.92

CFFO = 163,025
Free cash flow = 139,720
The aforesaid figures are good enough for me to know that there is a free cash flow in this company.

Borrowings = 218,409
Interest coverage > 9 = 11.6
Cash & Securities = 220,855
Net debt = -2,446
To me, KGB is a net cash company.

From the above analysis, the FA of KGB is very good.
I talk with facts and figures, I do not twist the figures to suit me so that I can win in the argument.
Please stop to badmouth FA of KGB.
Thank you.


2024-01-03 21:51 |

Post removed.Why?


2024-01-03 21:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2024-01-03 21:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2024-01-03 21:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by rr88 > 22 hours ago | Report Abuse
Pump chit at technical rebound top.
You dont lari, you kena.
Next stop 0.69
I bought 100 lots (100K) at 0.775 on 4/10/2023 and sold at 0.88 today.
The share price of UEMS did not drop to 0.69 as frightened by this day trader.
This day trader told everyone to sell in this forum almost everyday, can we invest in this manner ?
Is his strategy right ?
This day trader is wrong all the time in this UEMS forum. Please check all his postings here.
Should we still want to listen to him ?
Your choice.
Thank you.
I sold 100k shares of UEMS at 0.88 previously.
I decided to buy back 100k shares of UEM at 0.74 today.
The strong support is at 0.735.
I believe the uptrending trend of UEMS is still intact.
The new target price recommended by RHBBank is 1.18.
There is a lot of margin of safety on this stock.
I have made 5 round profits so far on this stock.
Hope to make 6th round profit on this stock again.
I want to test my TA skill on this stock.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Buy and hold for sometime, sold them at 0.99.
This is the 6th round of profit.
It is not so difficult to make money using buy and hold strategy.

"Buy for 3 cents take profit, lost 1 cent cut loss", can this strategy win ?
I guarantee you this trader will lose until bankrupt.
Thank you.


2024-01-03 16:22 | Report Abuse

EPS for FY 2024 is 0.42.
EPS for FY 2025 is 0.50.
Hope YTLPower made many readers here millionaire in 2024.
Good luck in 2024.


2024-01-03 08:37 | Report Abuse

I read the posting in this forum, TS Francis Yeoh promised 15% dividend payout for YTLPower in 2024.
Thank you.


2024-01-02 21:10 | Report Abuse

Someone called me up to arrange a meeting with the Board Of Directors of KGB.
I agreed to attend the meeting with the Board Of Directors of KGB.
I want to verify with the Board Of Directors, someone here is telling lies or not.


2024-01-02 21:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse
Then you all should go tell Auditors to do these
1. Verify all the Jobs Awarded whether these are reliable entities
2. Do a thorough break down of all Receivables in a case by case study
which ones have been 100% received within 30 days 60 days , 90 days, 120 days or 180 days or over 365 days
Auditors who failed to do due diligence are also out there
All aforesaid statements are bullshit here, a small investor here is better than the auditors.
Auditors know their jobs better than any small investor here.
Do not twist the facts here to suit your argument.


2024-01-02 20:52 | Report Abuse

I do not like to see anyone simply badmouth the stock without real facts and figures.
A true fact is a fact, everyone knows the fact well because all know to read the company financial report.
Do not twist the facts to suit you, to me it is a cheating.

Borrowings = 30,268,066
Cash & Securities = 8,242,948
Net debt = 22,025,118

Borrowings = 218,409
Cash & Securities = 220,855
Net debt = -2,446
To me, KGB is a net cash company.
Even YTLPower is not a net cash company.

A net cash company is a good managed company, do not tell me the cash is not growing in the last few years.
The company uses the cash to grow the company.
I do not want a company with a lot of cash, the business is not growing.
Then the stock is not a growth stock.
I will not buy this type of stock even the cash in the bank is very high.

Do not simply talk that everyone here is not good, do not know to read the company financial report.
I believe we are equally competent to make a lot of money in KLSE.
We talk with facts and figures, we do not tell lies to "cheat".
I am very disappointed with all bullshit arguments without facts and figures.


2024-01-02 13:35 | Report Abuse

Borrowings = 30,268,066
Cash & Securities = 8,242,948
Net debt = 22,025,118

Borrowings = 218,409
Cash & Securities = 220,855
Net debt = -2,446
To me, KGB is a net cash company.
Even YTLPower is not a net cash company.

CFFO = 163,025
Free cash flow = 139,720
The aforesaid figures are good enough for me to know that there is a free cash flow in this company.

Not many companies listed in KLSE have such good figures.

I will stop here.
I do not want to waste my time to argue.
Winning an argument without facts and figures will not improve my cash amount in my bank account.
Thank you.


2024-01-02 12:36 | Report Abuse

Q3 2023 results of KGB
EBIT = 123,667
EBIT margin = 7.9%
Interest coverage = 11.6
Current ratio = 1.30
Quick ratio = 1.24
Borrowings = 218,409
Cash & Securities = 220,855
Net debt = -2,446
EV = 1,103,499
EV/EBIT = 8.92
Earning yield = 11.21%
ROE = 28.27%
ROIC = 41.41%
CFFO = 163,025
Price to CFFO = 6.75
Cash Yield = 12.70%

I did go through the Q3 2023 report in great detail, I believe the FA of KGB is very good.
Kenanga recommended the target price of KGB = 3.28 in 2024.

I do not simply listen to anyone, I did my analysis to cover all corners before I invest.
I hope KGB is a good fundamental stock to invest based on my analysis.
Thank you.


2024-01-02 11:39 | Report Abuse

Dear cgtan2020,

Thank you and good luck to you.


2024-01-02 11:15 | Report Abuse

The share price of YTLPower at 2.60 is the highest in 2023.
I hope to see a better Q2 2024 results ended December 2023 so that all analysts will upgrade the share price of YTLPower to a higher level again.
Q2 2024 results will be out in February 2024.
I believe higher power generation profits from Singapore and Jordan will make a better Q2 2024 results.
I expect a lesser loss or a small profit from Telco 5G YES will contribute to a better Q2 2024 results.
Likewise, I expect a smaller loss from Wessex.
I believe Q2 2024 results will be better than Q2 2023 results.

I still believe there is a growth of EPS and PAT in 2024, hence the share price of YTLPower will move up north further in 2024.
HLIB recommended a target price of 3.90 in 2024.
Good luck in 2024.
Happy And Prosperous New Year 2024.
Thank you.


2024-01-02 10:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by cgtan2020 > 25 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Market is not easy to predict, the net short is 1Millions plus versus Total Share issued 647M. Let see how it is supported at 2.20
Dear cgtan2020,
Please show me the link to look at all short sell lists.
I want to learn from you.
Thank you.


2024-01-02 10:19 | Report Abuse

Dear ChloeTai,
Look at all your postings, I believe your stock selection skill is very good.
You only need perseverance and determination to win in KLSE.
You have 50k of KGB-WB now, you can have 30k to keep as a longer term investment.
You can use 20k of KGB-WB to trade.
If you think the share price of KGB-WB is too high now, sell them (20k) and buy back later.
Look at the technical chart, the strong support is at 0.71, buy back at 0.715. You can key in this order as "Good till done or GTD".
If the share price of KGB-WB goes up further and cross 0.855, you need to buy back (20k) at 0.86 even at a loss.
This is one of the method to trade.
Please think about it.
Thank you.


2023-12-31 15:45 | Report Abuse

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." — Pele, Brazilian soccer player.

Happy New Year 2024.
Thank you.


2023-12-31 13:41 |

Post removed.Why?


2023-12-31 13:12 | Report Abuse

Dear Permutation,
I compete in Sslee's competition when the share price of YTLPower is at 1.29. I choose YTLPower as my stock to compete.
I did post in YTLPower forum together with dragon328 when the share price is around 1.20 level.
Thank you.