
titus | Joined since 2012-01-27

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2020-02-10 08:25 | Report Abuse

ohhh.....well......i sold off my supermax @1.88 coz my valuation on supermax......is only 1.90. So now 1.66 to 1.90....no ommph........but i still hold TG coz i think it will give me more ooompphhhh.......and will add more if it drop...


2020-02-10 08:14 | Report Abuse

then u expect supermx standing where???


2020-02-10 07:37 | Report Abuse

The mortality has surpassed SARS. Severe case increased and up to 6000 now. Even a 10% mortality is scary. Pray for speedy recovery for all.


2020-02-09 20:21 | Report Abuse

the video shared above is really disturbing. Very scary if ur village or suburb is infected. The close the main door or road to ur village or suburb.


2020-02-06 14:55 | Report Abuse

Anyone go to genting recently? Can share how is the crowd in genting??


2020-02-06 14:50 | Report Abuse

supermax mana ada pernah exceed pe 30?....cannot do assumption like that ma. I think max is only 26....


2020-02-06 12:57 | Report Abuse

Wahh...ah pang kor in Harta also ah?....really deep pocket can continue to buy supermax and harta. I sold off harta and move to bursa. Harta pe to high for me ...bursa oni half but bursa dividend higher than harta....so kasi swap since bursa is cheaper than harta that day


2020-02-06 08:58 | Report Abuse

overnight, mortality increase by 70ppl. With this rate, it will overtake SARS by mid month....no need to wait till the end of the month. Scary....and is indeed sat. This year really a rotten rat year.....


2020-02-05 16:40 | Report Abuse

Yup...bursa up.....luckily i swap all my harta to bursa.....
supermx no down until the price i want leh....too bad.....and my TG not moving...sigh


2020-02-05 16:26 | Report Abuse

aiyo...supermax green ah?? ada orang sudah mau chop ohh.......


2020-02-05 09:40 | Report Abuse

i also want to buy...faster come down to 1.30+
Actually i also want to buy genm.....very stubborn bugger...die die also dun want come down to 2.50+.....


2020-02-05 09:28 | Report Abuse

I think ah pang sifu selling leh....i came to know his sifu group hold alot. The sifu say, break support, he will sell. So, i think they are selling massively with all their follower
TG down bcoz epf is selling big time. So far still in profit but i will continue to hold TG.


2020-02-05 09:24 | Report Abuse

good....i sold all my Harta and swap to bursa....now oni left TG......oni gloves counter i have. If supermx can drop to 1.30+ again, i will go in 2nd round.......lai lai lai....drop lagi....


2020-02-05 08:31 | Report Abuse

emperor......if really supermax is a goner and go down to 1.30+ again, i will reenter big time. I dun have supermx anymore but still holding topglove and harta. I wish to accumulate supermx again...


2020-02-05 08:18 | Report Abuse

I think more accurate will be the spreading rate getting faster. The spreading is more like an exponential effect than a multiplying effect which is very very scary.


2020-02-05 08:12 | Report Abuse

Oh Dear!!!....the death toll almost 500 now. At the rate it is going, by end of feb it might just overtake sars. Sars total death toll is only 780 globally and that is over the 9 months period. This corona virus is only less than 3 months and it is already 2/3 of Sars mortality. There is 20K patient contracted with this virus. If base on the statistic of 2% mortality, it will be another 400 ppl will die due to this virus? Not a very good news. Bear in mind the infected ppl are rising everyday but the recovered patient if far less than those contracted the virus. Pls be more vigilant and more hygiene conscious.


2020-02-05 04:46 | Report Abuse

Win, do u mean takaful sell very little medical n life insurance? If yes, then tis stk might b oversold. Can share where u eee the info? Like to study the figures.


2020-02-04 21:15 | Report Abuse

@WinKlse, if not mistaken, LPI is more towards house, motor insurance or PA which is renewed on yearly basis. Not sure on Alliance products. Those providing insurance such as medical n life insurance will be much affected by MFRS 17 which i think takaful hv alot of product n sales under this segment. Furthermore, MFRS 17 haven start yet but i think market react upfront on the impact. My opinion only but if someone know the actual reason, do share. Tx


2020-02-04 16:45 | Report Abuse

Huh?...old man so power till can influence UK court to penalise Airbus?? Sure o not oh....


2020-02-04 16:42 | Report Abuse

Ah pang kor...i think ur sifu is selling. Heard that he hold alot of supermax. he says if break support, he starts to sell......mayb u want to pm ur sifu.


2020-02-04 15:42 | Report Abuse

Not sure when is the effective date of the MFRS 17 but if not mistaken it should be Jan'2020. So Last Q result will not have much suprises. But moving forward, with the changing of accounting policy of MFRS 17, insurance cannot recognise future earning. Previously if the insurance company sold a policy which insured for 20 yrs, they can capture all the profit earn base on the 20 yrs on current yr. In short, the recognise future profit upfront. With MFRS 17, they can only recognise the current year profit even if the policy is sign for 20 yrs. I think this is the big chances and the upcoming QR, 2020 and beyond does not look pretty. Not sure if i get the MFRS 17 correct....any accountant here?


2020-02-04 10:16 | Report Abuse

eagleis...can share what is the fishy and shitty going on?


2020-02-04 10:11 | Report Abuse

Not sure anything rotten but the changes in accounting in insurance may impact the result in the short term? I think they can't recognize all the insurance sales into 1 yr and hence the short term earning will be quite horrible. Pls dun shoot me as I'm not familiar with the accounting changes and welcome anyone to comment or share more info.


2020-02-04 08:24 | Report Abuse

AhPang kor buying more ah?....good for u...hehe.

I really laugh at those comments when they say gloves company should not donate but sell gloves to china. Hello....have u do the maths? 1 box of normal latex gloves price between Rm15 to RM20 and each box have 100pcs. Lets do some calculation. Just say supermax donated 3 million gloves at the cost of RM20 (take the high side). So it will only cost supermax Rm600K. RM600K is a chicken feet to supermax. Furthermore, the cost of RM20 is at the high side and it is the retail cost. The manufacturing cost is much much lower. Imagine, the publicity, advertisement, and the good deeds will be remembered for a long time....& I believed the RM600K is tax-deductible. Even if supermax going to donate another 3Million pcs of gloves also no problem.


2020-02-03 12:13 | Report Abuse

mana ah pang?....that day say want to buy at 1.76....now cheap sales at 1.70........can buy at least 2 truck load of it...


2020-02-03 08:27 | Report Abuse

I laugh at the comment when someone says it is not as serous as SARS or common flu because the mortility rate is far less. FYI, supermx, TG, harta, kossan do not sell coffin. They do not nd ppl to die in order to sell their product....for god sake, hv some common sense. Gloves is a preventive measure and the the rate of ppl infected meaning more gloves is needed for medical practitioner to control and prevent more outbreak.


2020-02-02 12:39 | Report Abuse

China already has the swine crisis previously and culled million of pigs. A study conducted and show china will nd 5 yrs to bring back the production of pork before the swine fever crisis. Curently they are battling the coronavirus. Not yet settle and there is birdflu? I think food security will be an issue then. Hope malaysia manufacturer can step up by exporting more food and gloves to china to help with the current crisis and hope this will help them to win the flu crisis before it to our shore and get out of control.


2020-02-01 21:23 | Report Abuse

Hush, the donated gloves cost is just peanut to TG vs the advertising cost they pay every year. This is a better way to promote your brand and the kindness will be remembered for a long time. Furthermore, i think it should be tax deductable.


2020-02-01 20:59 | Report Abuse

There was a report china require 100k protective suits and goggles a day. This items are normally disposed at the end of each shift. But for gloves, it is dispose each time you touch a different patient. Couldn't imagine how much gloves is needed each day and that is China alone. I think the 18m gloves donated by malaysia gloves manufacturer will not last very long. Mayb a week or two.


2020-02-01 07:20 | Report Abuse

11k confirmed cases with 260 death. Really sorry to hear tis news. But will continue to hold on to gloves counter as they are the products in needs in such crisis. Sold of some genm and airport yesterday.


2020-01-31 16:16 | Report Abuse

then ah pang is shark loh.....luckily i move to TG a'dy......but there very boring...come here tok tok....


2020-01-31 16:06 | Report Abuse

RM2??....no need to think le......want to break 1.85 and stay above also so susah. Better see if 1.75 position can hold o not


2020-01-31 15:31 | Report Abuse

There take away from the NST news is very positive where
1. Working around the clock
2. Demand is equivalent to their usual sales
3. The gloves are already in the warehse in China and it is a matter to send them out to the various location.
4. The donated latex gloves to help fighting the virus
5. TG is pleased to be a position to help to protect and save lives. It is indeed a very noble cause.


2020-01-31 12:06 | Report Abuse

infected now almost touching 10K ppl. Suspected case increase even more.
Gloves companies are working overtime to produce more gloves to ship to china for them to fight the virus.


2020-01-31 09:56 | Report Abuse

look at the sell Q from 1.85 all the way to 1.80. All 5 digit figure while buy Q only 4 digit. Difficult to break 2 la....


2020-01-31 09:34 | Report Abuse

I think if the AMG gloves can show it effectiveness in reducing the viruses in hospital once the medical practitioner wear it in battling the coronavirus and also reduce mortality, sky will be the limit for harta.


2020-01-31 09:18 | Report Abuse

Yesterday TG was the highest traded glove counter and 2nd is supermax.....


2020-01-31 09:17 | Report Abuse

Yesterday death rate was172....overnight, it jump to 213. 41 lives loss.....infected and suspected patient on the rise....very scary.


2020-01-31 09:11 | Report Abuse

it is not only a matter of time and when. It is also how many lives will be taken away during these times. Just hope this is not the Spanish flu but i guess with modern medicine, we should not reach that state.


2020-01-31 09:06 | Report Abuse

Dunno how reliable is the news but the way the news reported it, it seems scary. Actually many ppl are on waiting list to be tested. There are more than 15000 suspected case. If 10% is indeed contracted the virus and 5% mortality, it is very serious. There is no sign of slowing down. The number 30% overnight. Just hope they will contained the virus soon before it takes away more lives.


2020-01-30 08:42 | Report Abuse

Hope gloves can save more life......
The coronavirus infected victim is cathing up with SARs very fast. So far it is not as deadly as the SARS but in my opinion it is still too early to tell. With 8069 ppl infected but less than 5% has been cured. Pray fro speedy recovery for those this battling the illness.

SARS Wuhan Virus*
Number Of Infections 8069 7812
Number Of Deaths 779 170
Death rate 9.65% 2.18%


2020-01-30 08:20 | Report Abuse

Buying abit more takaful to average down. It has been bashed down due to the coronavirus but so far only 7 cases. Also, if not mistaken there is no coronavirus specific insurance. So if there is claim also, it will be medical card claim. I think the recent CNY ops selamat death recorded higher number than this virus. Bear in mind, what are the chances that the 7 patient is under takaful?.....QR will be out by this friday or earlier.....


2020-01-29 15:42 | Report Abuse

oppss...sorry...not to bad mouth supermx. I gain handsomely here too. Anyway...thanks & bye supermx and hello TG


2020-01-29 15:40 | Report Abuse

It is a smart move for Tan Sri to donate. It given TG free advertisement. I believed the yearly advertisment cost will be more than what he has donated. Also, China will reward tan sri handsomely once the crisis end. Just like china rewarded robert kuok for resolving the sugar crisis back then.


2020-01-29 15:35 | Report Abuse

So far i still holding Harta, Kossan and TG and top up more on TG. Harta has a subsidiary in china selling gloves. So i guess they will have access to supply gloves to combat this crisis. Kossan has a factory in china but doing more on cleanroom product. I guess the product will be use mostly in the clean room lab to analyse the virus. But TG has the major advantage of having a plant which is plant 15 in China. They have no issue or need to deal with ports because it is manufacture in china and ship in china.


2020-01-29 15:26 | Report Abuse

TG donating to China is a good thing. China will reward TG when the crisis end. Just like China reqarded Robert Kuok. Now China palm oil is mostly purchase from Robert kuok company


2020-01-29 15:22 | Report Abuse

This is all i can find on Supermax. I believed they do not have big footprint in China. China is big market and they would have mentioned it if they hv big presence. Supermax sell more to US and Europe.

Supermax’s export footprint spans across over 160 countries globally including the US, Latin America, European Union, Middle East, Asia and South Pacific countries.

It has eight distribution centres cum corporate offices based in the US, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan, while it is collaborating with over 1,200 independent distributors globally.


2020-01-29 15:16 | Report Abuse

Sold all my supermax and switch to TG.
Unable to find much info on Supermax plant in China or any big presence in there while TG has plant 15 manufacturing examination gloves which is why Tan Sri LWC can quickly donate gloves to them. He is an extremely smart businessman. What a best way to advertise your company and do CSR. I belive he will be rewarded handsomely by China for lending a helping hand in the time of needs. Just like Robert Kuok when China was in Sugar crisis.