
titus | Joined since 2012-01-27

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2020-01-29 12:46 | Report Abuse

Wondering will their AMG gloves sell better now. Since it can automatically kill the virus. I guess they will have the edge over other gloves counter. If I'm china, will equip all my doctor and nurse that is currently on the front line fighting this virus.


2020-01-22 11:11 | Report Abuse

China banning single-use plastic......guess this will somehow affect a part of PCHEM revenue.


2020-01-21 14:13 | Report Abuse

Huh??..yongtai to fund 7.93B???????? u r kiddin right?? Yongtai market cap oni 150M oni...


2020-01-21 08:28 | Report Abuse

tiger shows???...lol...maybe 2 kucing meow meow meow adalah.....
Anyway, mayb there will be ppl goreng this .....heard got sifu buy call this at 0.20. So if u buy now, u buy cheaper than the sifu. At least you will make 40% and the sifu still not yet breakeven.


2020-01-21 08:11 | Report Abuse

Huh?..the international cruise terminal will be funded by Yongtai??? Not gomen? Meaning more money burned for next 2 yrs? Also, it is MOU only with SCC? Hmmm....not my cup of tea. Mayb come visit this by end of 2021.


2020-01-20 13:16 | Report Abuse

i see so many company tendering for the LSS3. Even oil & gas company also announce in their report that they are tendering for the LSS3. The LSS3 can be broken down and award to few company?


2020-01-17 15:10 | Report Abuse

apalumau. Thanks for the info. So it is PH gomen funding it but 2 yrs it really long. By that time visit malaysia also finis a'dy.....maybe visit malaysia 2022....
So far i don't see any news on the cruise terminal....hmmm


2020-01-17 14:24 | Report Abuse

apalumau....SCC cruise normally include destination like phuket. So tiger show can get in phuket thailand? My collegue recently went for a cruise from singapore-Penang-Phuket and back to singapore. The stop is phuket is only 2 hours in the evening and get back on board. Read somewhere that Yongtai managed to negotiate to stop at Malacca for 1 whole day which is quite unbelivable.


2020-01-17 14:18 | Report Abuse

Hi, any idea who is funding the cruise terminal? Is it yongtai or Melaka/Malaysia gomen? Also, even if approved and as stated it takes 2 years to complete. So within this 2 yrs, who is the customer? By the time the terminal completed, it is time to refurbish because it is most probably outdated and worn due to wear and tear. Hope those attend AGM managed to asked this question and share here/


2020-01-17 12:22 | Report Abuse

Takaful not a superior product? Hmm...actually I think takaful product fair better than conventional insurance. Well, all my automotive insurance purchase under takaful because if no claim, it has rebate or cash back. I ask how about conventional? The agent says same price but no cashback. So I purchase takaful loh. 2nd, if not mistaken takaful concept is claim base on the pool of money. The takaful company only charge service charges. So company risk and liability is not as high as conventional......not sure my understanding is correct o not.....betul ka???


2020-01-17 09:53 | Report Abuse

kossan sold a piece of land for 147M and pocketed a net gain of 35M. It should be recorded in Q1'20. The 35M net gain is 70% of quarterly net profit. So Q1'20 will report an exceptionally good result???


2020-01-16 15:03 | Report Abuse

cannot buy more le......next batch to buy if it drop below 5


2020-01-16 14:54 | Report Abuse

In this case the biggest loser in this whole deal is Tabung haji because it own majority 54% in BIMB which then own 60% of takaful. The other owner will be ASBm khazanah and epf. No wonder epf has been reducing its holding in takaful. My average price is 5.34 with today's purchase and after deducting the 20c dividend.


2020-01-16 11:30 | Report Abuse

@Tricolor, thanks for highlighting the call warrant. Really so coincidence?......now the ce is practically 0 value. strike price is at RM5.30......this warrant hangus....


2020-01-16 10:16 | Report Abuse

Just quickly glance what is bancatakaful is all about. Basically RHB bank is one of the bank that provides a venue to purchase. Actually affin bank also have bankatakaful. If cannot buy from RHB, go buy in affin loh.
Come to think of it, will it benefit affin...lol.....


2020-01-16 09:17 | Report Abuse

bought more Takaful at 5.26, Not sure what wrong but continue to accumulate.


2020-01-16 08:10 | Report Abuse

I dun think a group of investors buying buy more like the director and share buyback. Seem like they trying to accumulate as much as possible at low price but currently not much seller. The volume is super low. Next Qr will be in Feb and shall wait for the result. They have carried out retrenchment exercise for the Indonesia plant which has been reporting a loss for a couple of quarters and dragging down the entire earning but I doubt the retrenchment will give exponential growth or earning. At the current price, it is near the lowest. I guess the safety margin is there and if they can continue to pay high div, it is suitable to be included in my portfolio.


2020-01-15 12:37 | Report Abuse

Holding tight tight to this. I think something is brewing. Volume is super low. Company is doing buy back and i think director is also trying to buy back all the low price unit....


2020-01-15 09:37 | Report Abuse

recently attended a climate change seminar and there was a talk of climate change not only affecting the plants but also affecting how disease spread. Anyway, it was mentioned that china was badly hit by the swine fever and they have culled alot of pigs. Indonesia is facing the similar problem. So with pork out of the equation, there is increase in demand for chicken to replace pork. Hope this is a good news for poultry farming.


2020-01-09 09:06 | Report Abuse

seem like no institution is interested in this counter. Only company and also director trying to continue to accumulate the shares at low price. Will privatization on the card? I know that their current landbank in seri kembangan is worth a gold. Will they divest that into property and move the factory to somewhere else? Extremely boring counter. Shall wait till end Feb to see the QR.


2020-01-08 16:08 | Report Abuse

tan sri ada bagi TP ah?


2020-01-08 15:45 | Report Abuse

From Guardian. Last sentence - we expect - the missile strikes overnight." Meaning more missle tomorrow morning malaysia time??

"Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is speaking now in the holy city of Qom. He is addressing a ceremony to commemorate a 1978 massacre of protesters by the Shah’s security forces. He says he will first discuss this anniversary before his talks about Qassam Suleimani and - we expect - the missile strikes overnight."


2020-01-08 15:17 | Report Abuse

well...based on history in iranian revolution from 1978 to 1981 where iran went to war with iraq, oil price jump from USD14 to USD 34. More than 100%.........hmmm.....


2020-01-08 14:43 | Report Abuse

Wow...TDM drop alot.......thanks admin for removing my comment and nobody replies my inquiry on the windfall tax........good intention...good blessing...bad deeds,.....u ownself know la....


2020-01-08 11:55 | Report Abuse

Did anyone go to TG AGM? Got good news?


2020-01-08 11:11 | Report Abuse

Donald Trumo will make a statement tomorrow morning....meaning it will be our evening? I don't think he will come out to make a mediocre statement. He is well known for surprises and goes all out. So let's see what he will say,


2020-01-08 10:51 | Report Abuse

hmm...war or not, ppl still get sick. Flu, disease won't stop because of war. In fact, war will contribute to higher injury and casualty which demand more in gloves usage. Also, not only oversea have disease breakout problems, a recent visit to local hospitals and clinics, it was packed with ppl especially kids. Heard that there was an influenza type virus going around. Hope it doesn't widespread and a colleague from oversea told me the airport start to have temperature scanning. How sure how true.


2020-01-08 09:38 | Report Abuse

Iran has retaliated. Donald duck cannot keep quiet as this will somehow portray he and US is weak. He has said if iran retaliate, he has identified 52 sites to counter. I think US will do a counter-attack these 2 days. If Donald duck keep quiet for too long, not good for his reputation especially when he is polishing up his make america great in his upcoming election. Oh Dear......hope not another war. only innocent suffer.....


2020-01-07 09:22 | Report Abuse

@arthur,,,,,the output also has increase. Back then is 7000barrel/day and now i think is 11000 barrel. So there is an increase in output. Hibiscus should report a better result.


2020-01-06 16:24 | Report Abuse

wah...up like no tomolo eh......luckily hold on to it and now profit 20%. Better than buy sell buy sell....for the 0.5c or 1c. Very tiring leh.....


2020-01-06 10:16 | Report Abuse

I was only asking information pertaining to windfall tax and admin remove my comment and banned me for a day. How naive....


2020-01-03 10:59 | Report Abuse

Jeffrey, i believe the next QR should report a decent result. Last Q was bad due to some retrenchment compensation in Indonesia which reported bad results for the last few quarters and thus pull down the entire group profit. Hopefully, with the retrenchment, the operation in Indonesia will report breakeven result and then the overall group result should be good.


2020-01-02 09:13 | Report Abuse

less 1 more glove manufacturer. It is small company thou but their market share will need to be filled by someone.......


2020-01-02 09:04 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-12-31 09:35 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-12-29 16:46 | Report Abuse

Their prospect stated they are expecting double digit growth. Was hoping they refer to net profit...lol. anyway, holding some of it n see how it perform end 2020.


2019-12-23 09:35 | Report Abuse

Yeah....epf is buying back.....that is a good sign. I will keep till 6.50. If no reach....then wait and continue to collect dividend loh. If drop....then buy more loh. If takaful tapow....then i tapow together loh......but what are the chances takaful tapow?.....hmmmm


2019-12-20 12:18 | Report Abuse

wow...so many sifu recommend this stk. As for me, i believe in their business direction. If they can successfully shed the image of poultry related stk to consumer stk, they will get a better rating. They have done it for their broiler which makes into frozen food. So now is the egg. If they can convert the egg into process food; ie: liquid egg, then they are not so much impacted on the egg price fluctuation or gomen price control. Once it is in a processed form, they pretty much dictate the price because it is between the client and them. Not much of gomen intervention. This is another segment that can contribute positively to layhong. I do hope they are going into this direction.


2019-12-20 11:32 | Report Abuse

x70 is now CBU in malaysia and it is still selling like hot cakes. Wonder how much APM benefit from it. Generally the interior will be locally source.


2019-12-19 08:30 | Report Abuse

at what price did James recommend? Don't really follow his fb much but I think he has been sharing many of his good records with some over 50% profit.


2019-12-18 17:01 | Report Abuse

no doji ,...but got hammer ohh....


2019-12-18 16:26 | Report Abuse

Shinzaii, they are not selling to direct consumer like us but more to bakery, restaurant and hotel. I think healthy consideration will be the last thing those bakery or chef have in mind....lol.
Most important for them is will using fully egg white or egg yoke makes a better pastry/cake. But most important is convenient these bakeries get because mainly they have a standard recipe and they just follow it for mass production. Lay hong already has a liquid factory in meru (If i remember correctly) and now they new factory will double up the capacity.


2019-12-18 11:35 | Report Abuse

Shinnzaii, i saw the same page as well. It is all process food.
Anyway, to me Layhong is currently changing from poultry business to consumer business. I think they will be re-rated it they can successfully change their image and be call a consumer stock.


2019-12-18 11:07 | Report Abuse

Hi Shinnzaii, yes can view from halal website which i did but mostly are process food item such as liquid egg, herball egg, sambal egg. I don't see certification for fresh egg or certification for the farm. I'm not an expert in Halal certification so I'm not sure is it for end product of production line.


2019-12-18 10:39 | Report Abuse

Does anyone knows does egg have halal certification? I check the Halal website and mostly are process food and so far under the poultry segment i only QL and Layhong. I don't see layhong competitor has any halal certification. So if the free breakfast project, i guess the top contender will be layhong and QL?


2019-12-18 10:33 | Report Abuse

invested some in Layhong because I like the direction of the company going forward. They are now moving more into liquid egg production. Fresh egg are government control but when it is process, ie; liquid egg, the company have more control on the pricing. It also gives them the flexibility to manage their inventory where when egg price is low, do more liquid egg while egg price is high, sell fresh. If look into the AR, the frozen food is the biggest revenue and profit contributor. All thier broiler are for own consumption - to make into process food. That why i see them taking the same approach for egg as well. If not mistaken, there is only 2 company in Malaysia doing liquid egg which 1 of them is layhong. Both of them have 50-50 market shares. Layhong has own supplies but i think the other company get from vendor. So this gives layhong an edge. Also layhong will target more on the southern area for their new sales; ie Singapore and indonesia. Layhong also will have exposure thru their partner in next year Olympic event. I guess this will be a good branding for them.


2019-12-18 10:24 | Report Abuse

newbie, you can check from Fama website. There is few prices listed in the website due to different pricing at different state. So just use 1 state as reference because the price actually rise and fall in tandem across the states.


2019-12-18 09:28 | Report Abuse

got 20c dividend today and that why price corrected. Bought some after ex-div. Next month is the QR .....most probably after CNY. Let's anticipate how the result will be.


2019-12-16 12:33 | Report Abuse

Current egg price is at the lowest of the year.


2019-12-16 11:21 | Report Abuse

Next QR should report a better result.