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2016-11-09 16:08 | Report Abuse

trump is president! but expect some rebound! be timely guys! hhahahhahahha


2016-11-09 15:45 | Report Abuse

hhahahhahaha be patience and don't jump the guns yet. more bargain coming


2016-11-09 15:34 | Report Abuse

many ppl may make shifts in their portfolio and sell more. be ready to catch some lucky rains hhahahhahahahhahahaa


2016-11-09 15:26 | Report Abuse

many ppl are still confused and staying on sidelines. my advice is to be timely! get ready to shoot ur bullets soon! hahhahhahahahaha


2016-11-09 15:23 | Report Abuse

hahahhahaha told u all that i've been expecting 0.90 to come so why rushing to buy? i've accumulated my first batch targets and will spend a lot of my time now to wait for it to drop cheaper to accumulate. most likely trump is going to be President so my prediction of this downdfall is bet on the safety side of the outcome! now my strategy is to be exercised! i'm waiting confirmation and in case democrates challenged the outcome then we all can expect some "very volatile" rollercoaster market movements! be watchful! hahhahahhaa


2016-11-09 15:11 | Report Abuse

hahahhahaha izam u left with underwear because u exhausted ur fund to buy. i'm waiting 0.90-0.86 range to collect. those are the range that presents real bargain values.


2016-11-09 14:57 | Report Abuse

excited! the only golden time to buy is when panic selloff. remember only buy in stages hahahhahahaha


2016-11-09 14:55 | Report Abuse

plz drop to 0.90 so i can grab some. i see bargain value again. getting ready hhahahhahahaha


2016-11-09 14:53 | Report Abuse

i'm waiting my 0.90 hahhahahha


2016-11-09 12:40 | Report Abuse

most GLC linked stocks are overpriced and with peaked out momentum that is why falling like mad. don't buy GLC stocks yet until they are drop dead dirt cheap. calvintan will be losing a big portion of his capital! see how he tried to promote his GLC stocks is a sign of how he losing the battles there. hhahahhahahhaha


2016-11-09 12:37 | Report Abuse

that is why TS director said they locked in customers from Taiwan and China already. there is a shift in its export market to SEA than to US/Europe whereas if trump wins will invoke protectionism type of US economy. hahaahhahahhaa


2016-11-09 12:36 | Report Abuse

GLC linked stocks already beaten down and falling. Whether clinton or trump wins, buy exporters like TS because US Fed will increase rate most likely in December and Ringgit will be falling like mad! hahhahhahahaha


2016-11-09 11:29 | Report Abuse

those not confident, it's better to sell. hahahhahahahaha


2016-11-09 11:28 | Report Abuse

0.90-0.86 range targets


2016-11-09 11:26 | Report Abuse

expecting 0.90 soon. be prepared to buy for bargain! hahhahahahhaha


2016-11-09 09:53 | Report Abuse

hhahahahhaha don't miss the chance. oooopsss....someone just took positions and change of tone. good choice. smartly buy in stages hahahahhahaha


2016-11-09 07:35 | Report Abuse

hahahhahahahaha losers always whine and complaint everyday. winners busy and proactive in pursuing what matters positively. pity M16s who had lost so much. i suggest him to not buy.


2016-11-08 16:29 | Report Abuse

then people should take advantage of this weakening Ringgit and whine less. see the opportunities and take charge. don't complaint everyday like some losers and idiots here if not u will never be successful if u focus on the negative aspects of everything in life and businesses. hahhahahhahahahaha


2016-11-08 16:20 | Report Abuse

don't miss the chance! i just topped up some today. if clinton wins, expect stock across the globe to rally! because us dollar will rise higher and RM will weaken further. this favour exporter like TS. climate change is also in democrats' agenda as well. don't miss the boat hahhahahahhahahaa


2016-11-08 11:16 | Report Abuse

soon can grab all TS shares below 1.00 in bulk. awaiting US election result! if clinton wins, expect a strong rally in most emerging markets stocks especially exporters! hhahahahhahahahaha


2016-11-08 09:25 | Report Abuse

nvm such idiots, they just trying to distract others to invest in TS. i recalled that kiasu calvintan who came in here lecturing ppl but no one listen to him. recently he's losing his cool in many other stock discussions and keep promoting his stock picks like mad dog. what's the use for these kind of idiots who shout success when the stocks went up high? the best is try to discover stocks that can still be bought at cheap or bargain value.


2016-11-08 09:07 | Report Abuse

hhahahahahhaha some idiot thinks he's smart enough to predict it to be 100% accurate. as i said before, i don't invest large sum for nothing. everyday u talk negative about TS is for what purpose? if u not interested then just move on unless u hold a grudge on TS because u lose money here. i can only tell u one simple rule is always buy at bargain/discounted price and buy it in stages. why u hope or even buy during peak? is that why u named yourself skyrider because u like to ride when it's sky high? u sure fall to the ground to death hahhahhahahahaha. u deserve your own failure and no one else responsible for yours.

now after sharesa and dragon1 disappeared, this skyrider punching his attendance card here everyday. isn't that obvious? hahhahhahahahhahaha


2016-11-07 16:36 | Report Abuse

for those who calculated and did own studies on this company decided to buy, hold or purchased. Congratulations to u guys! u all will be rewarded soon. hahahhahahahhahaha


2016-11-07 16:27 | Report Abuse

skyrider can just don't touch TS shares. no need to buy is best for him. after sharesa and dragon1 gone silent then this same vocal skyrider comes in. the public can sense it hhahahhahahahha


2016-11-07 16:24 | Report Abuse

LKB bought with intention obviously. i expect rewards for shareholders coming soon. LKB spent rm9mil is not without purpose. that's a 7 figures amount. how many bungalows can u buy with that? hahhahahhaha


2016-11-07 12:27 | Report Abuse

correct! be more greedy indeed and it looks like selling pressure is fading so the chance of getting 0.90 could be slimmer


2016-11-07 12:12 | Report Abuse

good accumulate cheap and sit happily as investor. no worries hahhahahahahaha


2016-11-07 11:59 | Report Abuse

have a good read and study this latest to understand if TS will be doing well for quarters ahead:

these power generation need solar pv modules to produce power. does TS produce the basic element to do such job?


2016-11-07 11:51 | Report Abuse

3,000,000 x 1.15 = 3,450,000
3,000,000 x 1.21 = 3,630,000
2,000,000 x 0.965 = 1,930,000

estimated RM 9,010,000 paid by LKB's shares acquisition in 2016 to date.


2016-11-07 11:46 | Report Abuse

look at below how much LKB paid and increase his stakes this year every 2 months frequency? that is not small sum of money.

Acquired 21 Jun 2016 3,000,000 shares
Acquired 30 Aug 2016 3,000,000 shares
Acquired 07 Oct 2016 2,000,000 shares


2016-11-07 11:27 | Report Abuse

worth to build your positions but buy in stages. i aim for 0.90-0.86 if there is a slip in the quarter result (bumpy quarter) then from there once stabilize u can build stronger positions. idiots like sharesa and dragon1 already sold at loss again thats why so quiet mayb just today moveo n hahahahahhahahahahahaa


2016-11-07 10:53 | Report Abuse

gusheng, what support line u are seeing? i see 0.90-0.86 are reachable hahhahahhaha


2016-11-07 10:50 | Report Abuse

sharesa and dragon1 could be losing again hahahahahhahaa


2016-11-07 10:49 | Report Abuse

i have very big stake already and really stupid investors will have sold out (eg. sharesa/dragon1/skyrider) unless they have no money left that is why they sold out at loss and re-enter at current low. always sell at peak and buyback low at bargain price that is the true mindset of a value investor. i give both thumbs up for the management and directors of the company because they have proven over the years to be very effective and very good at managing the company. no doubt on that. if anyone don't know why i am so confident in TS, please study their business and operational culture before u blast out at me. hhahahahahhahahahaha

good company is the one that act fast and take charge ahead at the right direction while maintaining profitability to protect its investors. last year, the company ventured into solar pv manufacturing after the consecutive drop in its pvc business segment. they shifted into solar pv manufacturing with a JV with taiwan's solartech. due to this JV, just look at the explosive growth in short 2 years and still climbing despite the expected possible bumpy quarter soon. this is just my sharing with true-blue fellow investors here. i've been shareholder since before they transformed TS into solar pv manufacturer so idiot like dragon1 who does not know how i've been shareholder longer than him should lower his tone. hahhahahahahahahhaha


2016-11-07 10:31 | Report Abuse

do not put so high hope that it will be a shining quarter result. it could be a bumpy quarter this time but expect better quarters ahead if u taking into account that strong orders received currently from oversea clients. that is why my honest advice to true investors here is to accumulate on weakness. Fundamentals of the current weakening RM currency is pointing to very strong orders from oversea clients. just look at the RM sliding to new low right now. that is why director LKB said the "expansion" is charging ahead so u know what to do as investors. hahhahahahahahhahaa


2016-11-07 09:55 | Report Abuse

i wish to buy more at 0.90 but have to wait if that is possible to drop. some individuals spent so much time and efforts to talk so much negative on TS are with hidden agenda so that they can buy cheaper. normal people will just move on after they sold or have no confidence in a company. so u can think yourself. hahhahahahahhaha


2016-11-07 09:44 | Report Abuse

i do not need retailers to support but i'm sharing my thoughts on TS which is the leading solar pv manufacturer in m'sia. now with the Ringgit depreciated so much and way lower during the weekend, i can tell u that many importers from overseas are locking in their orders from manufacturers/exporters from malaysia. see the logic and don't believe what those people who talk without fundamental basis. bumpy quarter is just short term. hahhahahhahahahahaa


2016-11-07 09:39 | Report Abuse

TS's fundamental is still and always be intact because its products are the solutions to global warming. bumpy quarter is the only time to accumulate at bargain value and not when its price is climbing or peaked. sales eventually will pick up along the way. value investors will recognize what i just said...the numbers do not matter in long-term that is why i chose to accumulate on weaknesses. do not trade but invest and pay for it.


2016-11-05 17:50 | Report Abuse

skyrider, if quick gain is what u are looking for then i suggest u to move on to other stocks. my strategy in investing large sum is targeted on companies with strong long-term fundamental outlook and most importantly a good management and effective directors. they fit in my checklist criteria. "bumpy quarters will be the best time to accumulate its shares and wait". i do not agree to those style of investment looking to destabilize my portfolio in highly promoted stocks. my clear aggregate entry is lower than u could have guessed. bad call or not, we will see and i expect corporate exercises to commence next year when all 10 production lines cannot accommodate the surge in demand for its solar pv cells. Najib has declared that M'sia will embrace China than western powers in terms of economic collaborations so i can foresee more chinese firms will come into m'sia and JV, etc. out RM currency has made it more attractive. look at banks and property developers from china already rushing to here. think macro! hahhahahhahahahahaa


2016-11-05 17:32 | Report Abuse

i have built my stake in TS in large sum is not for nonsense reason. firstly, it is a known fact that the demand for solar pv products is always there and if u check it properly that in annualized terms the revenues of such manufacturers are climbing higher each year than the year before it consecutively. some people and analysts may argue that the prices of solar pv cells are falling as time goes but this is effectively mitigated and offset by "growing" sales due to real demands and "AFFORDABILITY" of such products. look at which word i have highlighted. simple straightforward investors may not realize that the falling in pv cells will make it more affordable for the mass markets and u can see most nation+governments+utility&solar_companies have been encouraging and pushing for solar RE. TS's current 2 quarters alone as combined already beaten last year's annual revenues and net profits. bumpy quarters are normal because TS's solar pv cells are exported to foreign markets for different clients and segments of usage namely residential or commercial. These are "consumer discretionary goods", in which bumpy quarters can be reasoned and normal as sales had been overheated due to extreme demands.

now TS director LKB has spoken out that most of their current orders are to be shipped next shipment round to taiwan and china customers. this can be understood further because the Ringgit currency has dropped too much at fast pace. Just check yourself how much the Chinese RMB, TWD and USD have all appreciated so high already especially USD and RMB. do u not think these customers from TW and CHINA won't buy TS's solar pv products more aggressively than before? this depreciation of RM will continue until the m'sia GE is due and over which is be either next year the earliest or the deadline in August 2018. i built my stake in TS and aim to increase it if lower is for valid reasons. so now plz enlighten me if u will...why should i not keep or hold on to the bulk of my purchases?

dragon1 and sharesa are real stupid and pointless to forcibly asking me to admit their childishly nonsense cause. please grow up and if u both not interested in TS, u can move on and please be considerate to maintain the peace here. don't keep becoming childish idiots! thank you! hhahahhahahahhahahahaha


2016-11-05 07:36 | Report Abuse

stop ur nuisance and don't disturb peace here. u said that u sold out yours & u have no interest in TS so let it be and move on, ok? TS shareholders prefer useful info and discussion than ur whining everyday. move on loser sharesa hahahhahahhahahaha


2016-11-05 07:32 | Report Abuse

make me laugh every time loser like sharesa forcibly asking ppl to admit of losing & derail himself out of the topics repeatedly. what a fool & idiot hahahhahahhahaha. i sold NONE and built a big stake in TS during selloff averaging my fresh entry at below 1.00. u can verify it by going thru my past cmt when almost no one wants TS that week.


2016-11-07 11:20 | Report Abuse

that is why sharesa is a loser lah. u don't know what can be done with lots of shares on hand hahhahahhahaa


2016-11-04 17:04 | Report Abuse

not this sharesa has no confidence to in TS? why u have intention to buy now? really funny person hahhahahaha


2016-11-04 16:57 | Report Abuse

how do i lose when i'm holding a lot of TS shares? hhahahahahahaha i think u won't be able to do that because u are easily shaken to death when price being pressed. this press down is a good and healthy one but sharesa is so afraid. too bad for u hahhahahhahahaa


2016-02-07 09:30 | Report Abuse

hahhahahaha break ur silence already? when the force behind does not want u to profit, u better not touch or re-enter because u don't know how low they want to press down. let this be lessons for losers like sharesa and dragon1 hahhahahhahaha


2016-11-04 16:25 | Report Abuse

hhahahahahaha some losers such as sharesa and dragon1 have no idea. opposing me will be futile no matter what they think or do. label them idiots is accurate enough hahhahahahahaa soon these unhappy ppl will go berserk everyday here but i have a shining armor, try me hhahhahahahahhaa


2016-11-04 15:57 | Report Abuse

hahhahahaha the one calling others rude is now being rude himself. finally showing the real u? u getting more frustrated. why so angry everyday? losing big time? don't worry, just sell ur TS shares and i will collect around 0.90


2016-11-04 13:35 | Report Abuse

hahahhahahaha make-up imaginary profits again? dragon1 got into sensitive & sentimental after suffering huge losses in TS. do u mind to share how much u lost? why did u sell it at huge loss anyway and keep farming any comments about u here? are those ur golden-nuggets? hahahahahahaha


2016-11-04 13:04 | Report Abuse

if u bought enough then just wait for any lower if there is possible. financial result will be out this month.