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2016-11-04 13:03 | Report Abuse

dragon1 suffer losses again after sold yesterday and today. now he's gone quiet and moved on, i guess. pity this dude hahhahahahhaha


2016-11-04 09:18 | Report Abuse

Tek Seng says it’s still full steam ahead after layoffs

KUALA LUMPUR: When a company undertakes a retrenchment exercise, it is never good news. What more when it is coupled with an expected slowdown in the industry the company is operating in.

This is what Tek Seng Holdings Bhd is facing. It laid off 200 staff in September, right after the global solar industry was predicted to see a 10% fall in new installed capacity next year due to policy turmoil in several of the largest solar markets in the world. Orders in hand for its solar business, its star performer this year, are also set to be depleted by year end.

Its group managing director Loh Kok Beng acknowledged in a recent interview with The Edge Financial Daily that the solar cell market is already entering a softer period and that Tek Seng itself has experienced up to a 20% slowdown in sales in recent months, and many contractors are waiting for solar cell prices — which have fallen about 10% in that period — to drop further before buying.

Having said that, he shared that Tek Seng is set to close a RM40 million deal soon with clients from China and Taiwan, which explains why Tek Seng, which is in the midst of expanding its production capacity, is not slowing down.

Instead, the Penang-based polyvinyl chloride product manufacturer turned solar cell maker will continue with the addition of three more production lines to its solar cell production plant.

“We are still waiting for the relevant approvals, including securing the electricity supply from the government, for the three new production lines,” Loh said, adding the new lines are likely to commence operations next year.

Currently, Tek Seng has seven production lines with a total capacity of 490mw, or 70mw per line, running at a utilisation rate of between 60% and 70%. The three new lines will add another 210mw to its existing capacity, raising it to 700mw.

“With 10 lines in full operation, our capacity per annum will climb to 700mw or about 156 million pieces of solar cells, which will have a market value of US$234 million (RM982.8 million),” Loh said. Tek Seng’s solar cells are sold mainly to Taiwan, China and Eastern Europe.

Taiwan and China currently account for 80% of Tek Seng’s total solar cell sales.

The anticipated new contracts from Taiwan, said Loh, are driven by the announcement of new feed-in tariff (FiT) schemes for renewable energy projects by the government there for 2017. Under the scheme, solar photovoltaic projects that fulfil certain criteria will enjoy original FiT rates plus a 6% or 15% bonus.

“The contracts are likely to kick in next year to support our earnings,” Loh said.

Meanwhile, its current financial year ending Dec 31, 2016 (FY16) is set to be a record earnings year for the company, despite slowing solar cell sales.

Already, its first-half FY16 net profit of RM31.31 million has surpassed the full FY15’s earnings of RM21.27 million, thanks to contributions from its solar cell business; revenue surged 111% to RM290.81 million from RM137.83 million.

As for the recent retrenchments, Loh said those laid off were originally brought in to work on two production lines for a Taiwanese client. They were let go after being deemed unsuitable by the company. All those affected have yet to be confirmed in their positions, he added.

“But we will compensate each with a one-week salary,” he said. The total payout amounts to RM180,000, which will be covered by the Taiwanese clients. “Following this, the two production lines will be operated by about 40 Taiwanese,” he added.

On Sept 27, a news report, citing an internal memo from Tek Seng, indicated that the retrenchment was due to “redundancy of productivity”.

On the same day the news broke, UOB Kay Hian Research downgraded the stock to “sell” and trimmed its earnings forecast for Tek Seng by 13% for FY17 and 17% for FY18. It assumed an average selling price of 30 US cents to 32 US cents per watt on its solar cells from 34 US cents to 35 US cents per watt previously.

It also cut its target price on Tek Seng to RM1.05 per share from RM1.24, though its analyst Yeoh Bit Kun noted that the weak solar cell price could be partly offset by the strengthening ringgit.

Since then, Tek Seng’s shares have been pushed below RM1 apiece. From RM1.27 on Sept 26, Tek Seng’s shares plunged 20% to 97 sen on Oct 10. It settled at 99.5 sen last Friday, giving it a market value of RM344.92 million.


2016-11-04 09:04 | Report Abuse

dragon1, i think u are losing ur mind because u lose a lot of ur hard-earned money. do u need help? u need theraphy so plz call befrienders at the following page:


at the meantime, u better don't spend so much of ur wee time in TS forum because u will get more crazy for nothing. hahhahahhahahhaha


2016-11-04 08:59 | Report Abuse

hahahhahaha u are funny. when did i attack people? which people did i attack? can u be specific even though i did not do so. what happened to u in reality? did u lose money? is that why u so frustrated and keep fighting me? hahhahahhahahaha


2016-11-04 07:24 | Report Abuse

who cares whether u buy? all i care is whether i can get more at bargain price because i know each year TS's financial results will surpass the preceding year. Check carefully your self and verify it before blasting again here, ok? hahhahahhahahahahaha


2016-11-04 07:22 | Report Abuse

sorry i don't promote, i invest in TS and will increase my stakes if it goes lower because it will do better each year. Go research and verify this in details if u can. u can check taiwan's solartech company website where they stating each month revenues and in annualized term, the revenues grow higher y-o-y. i won't named names of other companies that are doing well in solar industry too but u have to be selective in ur choice.


2016-11-04 07:16 | Report Abuse

hahahahahaha u already brew up ur stink mouth overnight can't wait to release the gases? someone so early already open mouth talk rubbish. no one so actively bashing a company than this dragon1. wonder what's ur intention huh? hhahahhahahhahaa


2016-11-03 23:27 | Report Abuse

well dragon1, it seems like u not interested in TS anymore so u are so kind to care for who and what here?


2016-11-03 22:47 | Report Abuse

no matter what happens, do ur own research & make ur own investment decisions, don't blame others. I built my positions in TS at current range and will increase my stakes if it goes 0.90 always buy at bargain and not at "market price",OK?


2016-11-03 22:39 | Report Abuse

there is always such bossy SKL dude like dragon1 coming in lecturing & boasting how u telling ppl to sell and blah. Do u really think u are so-called dragon1 bro? I'm running my fund & u don't have to worry if I buy more hahahhahaaha better buy while its still cheap and before it goes up!


2016-11-03 22:23 | Report Abuse

if u have nothing new or good to contribute here, no TS shareholders will appreciate ur whining n complaining abt ur losses everyday here. do something useful n beneficial for TS shareholders, not become a nonstop crybaby hahahhahaaha


2016-11-03 22:19 | Report Abuse

sharesa the loser, don't talk as if I'm using ur money to buy TS. U are unusually frustrated than ordinary ppl which shows that u are whining about ur losses which is exactly what u are currently doing. Get over it & move on, loser! hahahhahaaha


2016-11-03 17:23 | Report Abuse

hahhahahahaa the idiot sold it out for losses at high 1.17 (maybe he bought way higher) and now consider to re-enter. when sitting on losses, one should keep that and accumulate more at lower hahhahahahahaa


2016-11-03 17:20 | Report Abuse

sharesa is likened to a dog biting to a rag doll not releasing it without realizing that the rag doll is not food hahhahahahahaha. u keep nagging on me for ur losses in TS also won't help u recover ur losses. i suggest u to buy some now at 0.96 or so..maybe u stand a chance otherwise u can say goodbye to toothfairy


2016-11-03 16:54 | Report Abuse

dragon1 is dreaming....TS is being pressed down so folks like u cannot benefit from short term trade hahhahahhahahaa


2016-11-03 16:23 | Report Abuse

idiot will always think he's right at all cost to save his own ego hahahahhahahaha


2016-11-03 16:10 | Report Abuse

that is why i told that 2 idiots dragon1 and sharesa to keep TS shares and accumulate more at lower. Dividends are paid not just a growth stock. i'm looking for TS's downstream business if possible next year.


2016-11-03 16:06 | Report Abuse

dragon1, save ur breath and saliva. it's not too late to accumulate now before it goes up. sharesa is just stupid to sold all at 1.17 and got grumpy to buyback now. what about u? u sold out and hav to buyback now? or u lose more money? hahhahahahahhaa care to share ur bitter experience so i can advise u further? i care for TS shareholders sincerely hahhahahahahahaha


2016-11-03 16:00 | Report Abuse

hahhahahahaha should never sell, always buy more at lower. your agreement with sharesa only tells me one thing very clearly, u both are easily shaken by panic selling without understanding the business operations & situations in depth. the sales will not vanished but lowered and this is a situational q-o-q basis. even consumer discretionary businesses are experiencing bumpy quarters but that does not mean the overall annualized sales of TS are much affected. nothing is derailed yet and the very fundamentals of the business division is solidly intact. u can bet with me if next year's full annual profits is going to beat current year's profit in total.

stop whining about this and that. u lost money sold at 1.17 and got grumpy to have to buyback now is ur personal psychological problems. not too late to accumulate more at currect range. so why bombarding me with ur nuisance? hahahhahahahaha


2016-11-03 15:29 | Report Abuse

izam_mahathir, i've acquired a lot and not sold any of TS shares. solar pv sales is going to increase and plz remember what u said today and i will verify this with u next few quarters into next year hahhhahahahahahaha


2016-11-03 15:25 | Report Abuse

weakening Ringgit is caused by domestic political uncertainty and it looks more fragile than ever with upcoming GE is not looking good so the RM currency will trade lower and lower aiding all the exporter like TS's most sales from overseas. just bear in mind that u are investing in a company that sells products that are trending the real life problems "climate change" and more ppl are looking into RE. after all, no companies are stupid enough to build new plants and expands for foolish reasons. think correctly and not fight the wrong trend here. it can be simpler for u all who don't believe or confident in such company.....just sell it off and forget it then jump to any other company to ur delights.


2016-11-03 15:18 | Report Abuse

past quarters are shown and proven. nothing unexpected. the coming quarter result will be announced and any lower result is not going to disappoint those who are looking to build stakes in TS because the sales will get a boost next year. solar pv sales have not disappoint if u look at oversea manufacturers. they hav bumpy quarters but in aggregate annually they increase y-o-y Go research and find out urself. i can only show u all these much, the rest is up to u.


2016-11-03 15:15 | Report Abuse

i cannot disclose here because it seems like i'm boastful with the amount of TS shares on my hand. it's a fact that i've absorbed much of the selling down weeks ago and most of my stakes are under 1.00 but i want to let u all know that TS share price may start to go up from this price range onward so u will be panic again to buyback but at higher price. it is wise to build some positions at current price range and beefed up ur holdings if any lower that is what i'm looking into.


2016-11-03 15:11 | Report Abuse

hahahaahahahaha sharesa is getting so frustrated for losing so much money sold at 1.17 and now wanting to re-enter again. how dumb and brainless that is to have sold and re-buy now. the only logic reason is that sharesa has maxed out his/her trading credit and has no choice and panic so have to sell. now this sharesa is so angry that he/she shouting out in frustration. that is why it's so important to buy at bargain price and not at high. only act when there is dramatic drop in price,ok? understand? learn something? learn ur lesson? hahhahahhaahahaa


2016-11-03 12:27 | Report Abuse

actually this foolish sharesa is so interested in TS even after he/she sold and made a loss. i'm not surprised that u have re-enter some positions around current price below 1.00


2016-11-03 12:21 | Report Abuse

sharesa is so pissed that he/she blast the frustration on me at all corners now hahhahahahha why u bought until no more money to buy now? too bad for u lah hahhahhahaha u should be smarter to wait for bargain then buy and purchase in stages. now it is just stabilize and consolidate at around current price and u felt so pissed that u sold and made losses. i'm on the other hand bought most of my stakes all below 1.00 and waiting for my rewards. any lower to 0.90 is where i will increase my stakes again. do u not learn something here?


2016-11-03 11:47 | Report Abuse

ur logic of sell on panic and consider to re-enter at low. that is just pure stupid. needless to elaborate further ur stupidity and many here can knw how u failed big time hahhahahahahha now u are just so frustrated for ur own failure that u went berserk on me hahhahahahha


2016-11-03 11:38 | Report Abuse

hahhahahahaha i can understand ur frustration here. why bother to say u might re-enter into TS again? i told u that u are just plain dumb. if u sold urs at high and re-enter at so low, that is pure stupidity and u knew it. that is why u are so pissed off...


2016-11-03 11:25 | Report Abuse

yup bought small numbers around that but most of my major ones all below 1.00 hahhahahhaha anyway i hope all shareholders will be happy when it regains to above 1 and beyond


2016-11-03 11:22 | Report Abuse

new kid is not a major concern because the tech transfer from JV with solartech is fast to be learnt of the know-how. pv cells getting cheaper will be offset with the weakening Ringgit and increased of 3 more production lines. with all these concerns, the solar pv division is still making very good profit and i expect more next year because the trend for green energy is growing steadily each year and more households are installing it.


2016-11-03 11:18 | Report Abuse

sharesa, it's just stupid of what u did. i believe u still have interest in TS that is why u keep talking abt it. u should not hav sold but built positions at very low prices instead because u hav consider to re-enter. ur arithmetic and logic is just crossed-out to be wrong.


2016-11-03 11:13 | Report Abuse

hahhahahahaha i built my positions all below 1.00 and not average down at all because i'm looking to increase stakes if it goes to around 0.90


2016-11-03 11:08 | Report Abuse

the quarter 1 & 2 results combined alone already surpassed last year's full fiscal year of 4 quarters combined. as a businessperson, i see this is a great turnaround testimony to the shift into solar pv cells as a result of the JV with taiwan's solartech giant. the company is good at what they are doing and u can know better if u been following this company since many years ago.

some world prominent investors have stressed that u are not only buying the underlying assets and future estimated earnings to the extent of some vantage points but u are also buying the talents and strategic partnership that runs within the company.


2016-11-03 10:52 | Report Abuse

hahhahahaha uniC is pissed off because he/she sold off own shares and wish the rest of the people to go through the same as him.

wow today i can see so many pissed off ex-shareholders grunting. i've built a considerable stakes in TS around current price 5 weeks ago and looking to increase mine if it drops to around 0.90 Just remember to buy in stages and be a bargain value investor.


2016-11-03 10:48 | Report Abuse

dragon1 must got burnt very badly hahhahahhahahaha. why the talk-down on TS everyday? maybe i'm the only one who sees the rewards coming! i'm promoter? i'm just a time-attested value investor always buy in at bargain price values while the fundamentals are intact. TS has a strong fundamentals not only on the business aspects but also its business/management cultures and visions. as a shareholder, one should be worried if the company does not act fast enough to mitigate any risks. Btw, why are u so mad and angry? u lose money or sitting on huge paper loss?

sharesa, u mentioned insincere and fake? plz check back during the extreme selling off 5 weeks ago, there were people or groups who absorbed those shares. humbly to admit that i'm one of buyers with all positions below 1.00 and i'm looking to increase my stakes when it drops to 0.90 if it can drop further. u can make great money by buying low and u need a lot of guts and patience. from the way u got panic as u claimed that u called to TS office to find out on the retrenchment, i believe u sold off yours on the open market. too bad for u.


2016-11-02 16:58 | Report Abuse

u are wrong all along. it was a gem when it was still fairly valued or undervalued in the earlier months ago when the price was way lower and those who bought at high price recently were suffering now. i'm exceptionally not one of them because i always wait for bargain price to take positions. the best time to buy is when it presents itself at the lower range of pricing. at the current price, it is still fair to build one's positions in an manufacturer-exporter like TS while the fundamentals are intact and orders are filled with customers from china & taiwan as announced and spoken by director and management team.

u can regard a company as a gem when it is still undiscovered yet by many. although i still want to regard TS as a "polished gem" because it is already riding on its new manufacturing division of solar pv cells and related products. their shift to become a solar pv cells manufacturer is reflected by the company's vision and timely change of business trend. that is why if u check the long history of this family dominated listed-company which have delivered stellar financial results in all the years. u have to study the culture and the operations and its management then u are well confident to stay invested to bank on the growth and vision. as a businessperson, it is wise not to fall in love with a business trend but work on the real trend and fundamental of things surrounding the current affairs.


2016-11-02 15:40 | Report Abuse

u must be a victim of perisai crisis. too bad...why ppl don't see it coming and let it sink till pn17? TS is a growth company and having a trending business. Did u not see Najib just signed a hefty MOU with China to JV for solar pv cells in Kuantan Ind Park. TS is on the upper hand regarding solar pv cells production.


2016-11-02 15:31 | Report Abuse

hahhahahahaha i'm a long range/term investor. i won't self-praise like some idiots here. if u not confident then i suggest u not to hold because the upcoming financial result may be up to expectations. as i said before, if u accumulated enough then just wait for an opportunistic time and price/values then u grab.


2016-11-02 15:15 | Report Abuse

Najib signed a deal with China yesterday involving a few listed companies on Bursa. Go buy those. i suggest those who are not confident with TS just sell yours. debate too much also wasting ur time. go ahead.


2016-11-02 15:11 | Report Abuse

next quarter result may not be good so plz sell urs all out. don't hold even a shares of TS. i'm waiting around 0.900


2016-11-02 15:10 | Report Abuse

no need to buy. just sell yours. don't hold. no future for u...only me see opportunity and values here. simple as that so just sell yours.


2016-11-02 11:09 | Report Abuse

TS's entire fiscal year's earnings has surpassed last year and this will continue to climb. Stay invested in TS is not an implorable decision but based on obvious MOAT aspects into consideration. Recently some dude losing his cool and went berserk elsewhere in i3 forum. u know who u are hahhahahhaha


2016-11-02 11:05 | Report Abuse

it's a known "fact" that what's being used up is not coming back. Fossil fuel deposits being mined and used up are not going to increase or being stagnant because it is not renewable, it will be gone in the near future. Solar on the other hand is a renewable source of energy unless the sun is dying hence the end of the world. No matter what it is, the demand for solar RE products is going to keep growing. What kind of hearsay opinions do u prefer least to hear for those who see it rather on the dull gloomy perspective? This can be an endless debatable topic but only the real world climate change happening everyday and to-come will show the naysayers of solar RE "the revealing truth".

u like it or not, the demand for solar pv produced by TS is just going to grow over the time. Any of such negative articles found here and there on the internet are not going to stop or hide the very truth to the people in general. TS's business economic MOAT is a proven testimony whereby they transform itself to become a solar pv manufacturers in short 2 years time and its market capital and profitability have increased dramatically. Fossil fuels or RE? The answer is clear.


2016-11-02 09:28 | Report Abuse

the loophole for china&taiwan's solar pv manufacturers is to set up subsidiaries in another country then export to EU/US markets to avoid or get around the ban impositions.


2016-11-02 08:46 | Report Abuse

soon or later in the near future, fossil fuels will be depleted. Go do your own research and google it regarding the estimated fossil fuels reserve (not mined yet) in saudi arabia's grounds and elsewhere worldwide. The answer is that it's depleting and getting scarce day by day. With the rate of depletion, the saudi government also rapidly investing in technologies related to climate change and they are already harnessing the power of the sun in the dessert surrounding. Go Dubai and u can see so many of such RE applications already and increasing. Currently is the strong signals given by the big automobile manufacturers to start electric cars prototypes and productions already. Of course u as a businessperson will want to sell products that are trending the fundamentals of the world's major concern that is climate change. In this case, TS is a bet that has a strong economic MOAT. Do not worry, i elaborate these is for your "extra" understanding on why u do or should invest in TS and i don't need the support of retailers to support by buying....clearly many of u are smart ppl. ALways remember that no stock can go up in a stright line and any pullback is deemed healthily normal as long the fundamentals are intact. Let me finish it off by saying hahhahaahhahahhahaa


2016-11-02 08:29 | Report Abuse

read the above announcement.....a boost of your confidence in TS!


2016-11-02 08:28 | Report Abuse


We refer to the above article that appeared in The Edge Financial Daily on 31 October 2016 with particular reference to the following paragraph reproduced as follows:

“Having said that, he shared that Tek Seng is set to close a RM40 million deal soon with clients from China and Taiwan, which explains why Tek Seng, which is in the midst of expanding its production capacity, is not slowing down.”

We wish to inform that our Executive Chairman, Mr. Loh Kok Beng did not shared with the press about Tek Seng is to close a RM40.0 million deal soon with clients from China or Taiwan.

Nevertheless, our Executive Chairman had mentioned about the solar division business is not slowing down. TS Solartech, its 50.69% subsidiary is expected to ramp up its production capacity based on the volume loadings from existing customers in China and Taiwan.

This announcement is dated 31 October 2016.


2016-11-01 16:30 | Report Abuse

if u collected enough then just wait to collect lower otherwise just wait. TS is still expanding from current 7 production lines to add another 3 totaling 10 lines. Given the challenging economic outlook, it is better to have the production capacity ready at anytime when the orders for solar pv kicks in, they are good to go fast. Don't worry folks hahhahahhahaa


2016-11-01 16:27 | Report Abuse

smartinvestor got it wrong and eating own words....no face lah thats why hahahahhahaha


2016-10-31 14:19 | Report Abuse

idiot swmartInvestor deleted all of his past comments on TS. Why lah? because that idiot said the wrong predictions and embarrassed himself already hahahahahhahaha