
whizzkid125 | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2013-12-11 02:29 | Report Abuse

Saya ada di Pahang sejak usul ditolak hingga kini, kata Ahli Parlimen Kuantan



But we now know WHY the motion to declare and Emergency, despite over 30K+ people having to be evacuated and even Cars drifting away in the floods.

Because in normal protocols and procedures, when a State of Emergency is announced, it often becomes a 'Military' search and rescue operation and jurisdiction by which often Cabinet Ministers do NOT have much control or say over the matter, something which our UMNO/BN Ministers would not LIKE as they could NOT take the opportunity to 'make-money' off of any tenders ane contracts for supplies or to try and 'SHOW OFF' their so called 'generosity' in trying to win votes, which they have despicably been trying to do but FAILED in even trying to prove their HUMANITY!

Thanks YB.

We here will try to do as much as we could to support.


2013-12-11 02:26 | Report Abuse

This restoran put up a notice that says it does not welcome MCA member!

haahaahaa, MCA gone lah, even restaurants don't welcome them. MCA members, now see how you are hated by most Chinese as you Make Chinese Angry.


2013-12-10 15:58 | Report Abuse

CM Lim Guan Eng
Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng in Komtar, George Town on 10.12.2013

If Penang Opposition Leader Jahara feels personally offended for my calling her a racist grandmother because it relates to her gender then I will call her simply a racist. I apologise for using the word grandmother. But she is a racist for playing with the fires of hatred in race and religion through her lies and falsehoods that I had approved the name change of Pulau Jerejak to Mazhu Island(a Chinese deity) because I approved the Mazhu Temple. These lies plays up religious sentiments of a non-existent Mazhu Island.

Another lie is that she asked why no action was taken against 4 illegal Chinese stalls in Pantai Bersih near Butterworth. But she deliberately fails to mention that no action was also take against more than 4 illegal Malay stalls in the same area. Clearly there was no double standard as claimed. The Penang State Government will not keep quiet against these lies intended to create hatred between our multi-religious and multi-racial society.


2013-12-10 15:58 | Report Abuse

CM Lim Guan Eng
Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng in Komtar, George Town on 10.12.2013

If Penang Opposition Leader Jahara feels personally offended for my calling her a racist grandmother because it relates to her gender then I will call her simply a racist. I apologise for using the word grandmother. But she is a racist for playing with the fires of hatred in race and religion through her lies and falsehoods that I had approved the name change of Pulau Jerejak to Mazhu Island(a Chinese deity) because I approved the Mazhu Temple. These lies plays up religious sentiments of a non-existent Mazhu Island.

Another lie is that she asked why no action was taken against 4 illegal Chinese stalls in Pantai Bersih near Butterworth. But she deliberately fails to mention that no action was also take against more than 4 illegal Malay stalls in the same area. Clearly there was no double standard as claimed. The Penang State Government will not keep quiet against these lies intended to create hatred between our multi-religious and multi-racial society.


2013-12-10 15:53 | Report Abuse

OMG..this happened? Petronas needs money?..so sell assets?
Malaysia sells Petronas assets to Brunei national oil firm

Full article: http://malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=198601%3Amalaysia-sells-petronas-assets-to-brunei-national-oil-firm&Itemid=3#ixzz2n7SDqyXG


2013-12-10 15:49 | Report Abuse

Najib , you are the one spending taxpayers money like water to get votes and now putting up taxes. If you and Barisan practiced prudent economics , Malaysia will not be in this mess. Useless PM. abu


2013-12-10 15:48 | Report Abuse

Najib , you are the one spending taxpayers money like water to get votes and now putting up taxes. If you and Barisan practiced prudent economics , Malaysia will not be in this mess. Useless PM. abu


2013-12-10 15:47 | Report Abuse

There are over 43,000 employees in the PM Dept alone!

Najib, how many coffee and tea makers do you need in your department?

If you cannot stop spending needlessly, how can the rest of the Government stop waste?


2013-12-10 15:45 | Report Abuse

"Najib said if we spend non-stop and don't collect taxes, we'll be like Greece." Let me advise the Prime Minister, if country has financial difficulties, it is very common and natural to reduce spending and wastages. Don't have money still want to spend like a rich nation. Show good example by reducing your expenditure and cut civil services. We don't mind to pay more taxes if country is in trouble but we can't accep that the taxes collected are for more corruptions, abuses and wastages.


2013-12-10 15:43 | Report Abuse

Gula, petrol, Electricity , Property curbs and now GST....of course, with all these being implemented, the Nation will be able to avert bankruptcy...but at the rate Everything NAIK, the Rakyat will go BANKRUPT first !!


2013-12-10 15:42 | Report Abuse

Gula, petrol, Electricity , Property curbs and now GST....of course, with all these being implemented, the Nation will be able to avert bankruptcy...but at the rate Everything NAIK, the Rakyat will go BANKRUPT first !!


2013-12-10 15:10 | Report Abuse

Pak A Samad Said terima anugerah dari NGO: http://bit.ly/1gl97W0


2013-12-10 14:38 | Report Abuse

Anwar tokoh paling layak diumpama sebagai Nelson Mandela http://bit.ly/1ckzh4i


2013-12-10 14:24 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
On my blog: What would be the Malays be without UMNO? - http://t.co/twtwbPkgCc


2013-12-10 14:19 | Report Abuse

Nurul Izzah : Apa lagi yang Umno mahu ?


2013-12-10 14:19 | Report Abuse

Nurul Izzah : Apa lagi yang Umno mahu ?


2013-12-10 14:07 | Report Abuse

Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad
Sempena Hari Hak Asasi Manusia hari ini, KOMAS dgn kerjasama Pusat Khidmat DUN Seri Setia akan adakan tayangan filem dan sambutan komuniti. Saya akan hadir bersama-sama dengan Sasterawan Negara Datuk A Samad Said, Pelapor Khas PBB mengenai Hak Ke Atas Makanan Olivier de Schutter. Temanya adalah Miskin Bandar: Melawan Kemiskinan Demi Maruah. Tayangan dua filem daripada Freedom Film Fest - Tanpa Wajah dan The Day the River Ran Red akan diadakan. Penduduk Desa Mentari, Kg Lindungan, Desaria dan sekitar dijemput hadir beramai-ramai di Padang berhampiran B6 Desa Mentari. Cabutan bertuah juga akan diadakan http://freedomfilmfest.komas.org/film/human-rights-day-community-screening-celebration/


2013-12-10 13:54 | Report Abuse

Now, here is a true muslim and a true Malay. Saying things as he sees it and telling what is right and what is not. Not many Malays will dare admit the truth let alone say it out even though they know that UMNO's actions are wrong and not good for the people and the country. You have my respect Zaid!


2013-12-10 13:49 | Report Abuse

Not just civilized, even can go further than that.More cultured??More humane n higher moral values??


2013-12-10 13:47 | Report Abuse

Now, here is a true muslim and a true Malay. Saying things as he sees it and telling what is right and what is not. Not many Malays will dare admit the truth let alone say it out even though they know that UMNO's actions are wrong and not good for the people and the country. You have my respect Zaid!


2013-12-10 13:47 | Report Abuse

Now, here is a true muslim and a true Malay. Saying things as he sees it and telling what is right and what is not. Not many Malays will dare admit the truth let alone say it out even though they know that UMNO's actions are wrong and not good for the people and the country. You have my respect Zaid!



2013-12-10 13:47 | Report Abuse

Now, here is a true muslim and a true Malay. Saying things as he sees it and telling what is right and what is not. Not many Malays will dare admit the truth let alone say it out even though they know that UMNO's actions are wrong and not good for the people and the country. You have my respect Zaid!



2013-12-10 13:22 | Report Abuse


They came from ALL across the country, quietly, not asking for anything in return, not wanting publicity. Helping flood victims and their families, ready to help with almost anything, and stayed even to help the victims in cleaning-up their homes after the floods, their moto 'BERAMAL KERANA ALLAH" or "DOING CHARITY FOR GOD'S MERCY" hoping only to gain GOD's Grace and Mercy in the afterlife, then leaving quietly.

They were there assisting the crowd's during Bersih 3.0 and even during "Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat" in KL and their works have manage to PUT TO 'SHAME' almost the ENTIRE UMNO PARTY and even it's Youth Division which was at PWTC while the floods were taking place and even Shaming the States and Federal Government bodies and agencies efficiency during the floods.



2013-12-10 03:58 | Report Abuse


(保守估计)巫统大会的开销 :

24,200 eggs(蛋),
5,720 kilogram (kg) rice (米),
5,400 kg beef (牛肉),
6,050 kg chicken (鸡肉),
4,950 kg fish (鱼肉),
3,410 kg vegetables (蔬菜),
880 kg flour (面粉),

Five meals a day for 19,850 delegates, guests, personnel, and media at the UMNO Assembly. RM1,000 allowance and get to stay in Five, Four and Three Stars Hotels.

Meanwhile for about 40,000 evacuees in Johore, Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan. 大约有40,000灾民散怖在柔佛,彭亨,登嘉楼和吉兰丹。

15,000 eggs (蛋),
1000 kg rice (米),
1000 kg chicken (鸡肉),
1000 kg vegetables (蔬菜),
Two meals a day (2餐/天),
Sleep on tables and chairs. RM500 will be given (if it is to be given.) 睡在桌椅 然后只给RM500.

This is UMNO for you! 这是你投的国阵!

图文提供:say no to Najib


2013-12-10 03:56 | Report Abuse

Ex-NST boss to PM: Why not make Rosmah minister?

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 8 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should seriously consider making his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, a full minister in recognition of her “contributions to the country”, former NST editor-in-chief Datuk A. Kadir Jasin wrote today.

In an acerbic entry on his blog The Scribe, the senior newsman poked fun at Najib’s speech at the close of Umno’s general assembly yesterday, in which the prime minister heaped praise on his wife for helping to settle international crises involving Malaysians.

“Based on Mohd Najib’s information, it would be good for him to re-evaluate the position of Foreign Minister (Datuk Seri) Anifah Aman, because clearly he is not as effective as Rosmah in settling international crises,” Kadir wrote.

“The same goes for International Trade and Industry Minister, (Datuk Seri) Mustapa Mohamed, Women, Family and Community Development (Minister Datuk) Rohani Abdul Karim and Education Minister (Tan Sri) Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin, because Rosmah is also involved here and there in work that should be done by these ministers.

“This way we can drop ministers who do not perform and at the same time save on the country’s expenses by reducing the number of ministries,” he said.

Yesterday, in his closing speech for Umno’s 64th General Assembly, Najib said his wife had quietly played an important role in helping Malaysians who were in a pinch during the 2011 civil unrest in Egypt that deposed President Hosni Mobarak.

He told the over 2,000 delegates that Rosmah had been instrumental in helping free a Malaysian student detained by Egyptian authorities on suspicion of being a spy, and also helped secure safe passage for Malaysian students out of Egypt without visas during the revolution.

Kadir today said all Najib’s and his wife’s supporters need to do is get her appointed as a Senator and create a new portfolio for her called “Menteri Tugas-Tugas Khas”, or Special Functions Minister.

“When this is done, nobody can protest over her meddling or accuse her husband or the Cabinet of abusing their powers by allowing her to use government facilities,” he said.



2013-12-10 03:53 | Report Abuse

Is UMNO so desperate that they want 6 years old kindergarten pupils to become their members? OMG.
UMNO got no or very little support, they now want to bring in the kindergarten pupils.OMG.


2013-12-10 03:50 | Report Abuse

WATCH...and Listen to this Video,

The most Controversial and probably one of the BIGGEST Load and Pile of 'BULLSHIT' ever said by Najib concerning his wife during the CLOSING of the UMNO General Assembly recently!

Do YOU believe this STORY...which actually already if you think LOGICALLY ( something which MOST 'UMNO TYPE OF MALAYS' are severely INCAPABLE of doing) - already SOUNDS like something 'MADE-UP' by Najib himSELF???



2013-12-10 03:46 | Report Abuse

On the OPPOSITE ends, while THOUSANDS of Malaysians whom MAJORITY were Malays themselves were suffering from the floods trying to save themselves from drowning...

THIS is what was going on at PWTC during the 'Perhimpunan Agung UMNO' ( PAU) which by right could/should've been postponed where UMNO MALAYS whom mostly are infamous for their Two-Faced Hypocrite behaviors gather to shout 'Hidup Melayu' and merely to TALK about HELPING the Malays while thousands out there risk drowning.

I'm SURE the Band and the Singer was PAID for as well right???

UMNO @$$‪#‎0LE‬$! Don't even know 'PRIORITIES' yet want to LEAD the country and call themselves the ONLY hope for Malays? Hope-LESS is more like it.


2013-12-10 03:45 | Report Abuse

Datuk Seri Najib Razak claims that Umno's political journey is akin to the late Neson Mandela's struggle. Former Bersih chief Datuk S Ambiga described Najib's claim as "laundering racism by using Mandela's name".
Read on to find out why Umno doesn’t even come close to the world-renowned freedom fighter.

If Mandela were in Malaysia today, would he stand by Umno's side?


2013-12-10 03:42 | Report Abuse

Just hope the True Malays will wake up & save our Beloved Malaysia & that will be good for our future generations to come. Remember not to be a stooge of UMNO as they are up to no good, like robbing the nation point blank. There's no hope for our Beloved Malaysia with UMNO around.