
whizzkid125 | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2014-03-06 19:49 | Report Abuse

hmmm....maybe cicakman will come to the rescue ....???


2014-03-06 19:48 | Report Abuse

I like this M'sia government, they have the most creative idea to get all of us embarrass in front of the world.


2014-03-06 19:47 | Report Abuse

Ultraman is a threat to our nation? Seriously? Whats next? R they going to ban DOREMON as well? Wtf


2014-03-06 19:46 | Report Abuse

Muahahahahahahahahahajahahahahahahahahahahah. I luv this country.


2014-03-06 19:45 | Report Abuse

Lepas Batman,Spiderman ,Posman,Tukang Simen,Foreman pulak


2014-03-06 19:45 | Report Abuse

You can either get the world's attention by doing something great or by doing something real stupid. They have chosen the easier way.


2014-03-06 19:40 | Report Abuse

Moron government. Nothing better to do


2014-03-06 19:37 | Report Abuse

What will they ban next? Doraemon, power puff girls or hello kitty?


2014-03-06 19:34 | Report Abuse

alamak, Malaysia Boleh?
The Home Ministry has issued a Prohibition of Publications order, for the book 'Ultraman The Ultra Power' for containing elements that may threaten public order.

Those found violating the prohibition can be jailed for up to 3 years with a 20 thousand ringgit fine.



2014-03-06 19:20 | Report Abuse

The Home Ministry has issued a Prohibition of Publications order, for the book 'Ultraman The Ultra Power' for containing elements that may threaten public order.

Those found violating the prohibition can be jailed for up to 3 years with a 20 thousand ringgit fine.



2014-03-06 18:39 | Report Abuse

Liow Tiong Lai says MCA will give full support to Chew Mei Fun to developed Kajang......you think CMF Menteri Besar Selangor ke?



2014-03-06 18:21 | Report Abuse

Crispy KangKong

Ingredients for 5 people approximately

1 bundle of kangkong/spinach
1 egg (beaten)
1 cup of cold water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup All purpose flour/ plain flour
cooking oil

•Remove the kangkong leaves. Wash in water and dry. Use the stems in other recipes (e.g. sinigang).
•Mix the egg, water, cornstarch, flour, salt and pepper in a bowl. Add the kangkong leaves and mix until all the leaves are coated with the batter.
•Heat cooking oil in a pan. Fry the leaves until crispy and golden brown. Strain the cooked pieces for excess oil.



2014-03-06 18:12 | Report Abuse

This next?

For many years, it is a heart-breaking event for Malaysians whenever there is a publication of world university rankings, for it is not to find out how well Malaysian universities compare with the best in the world but how badly Malaysian universities fared in international university comparisons and benchmarkings.

The release today of the 2014 Times Higher Education (THE) World Reputation Rankings for the Top 100 Universities is no different. In fact, it is worse.

For four consecutive years, Malaysia has been excluded from both the THE World Reputation Rankings and the THE World University Rankings for Top 400, with not a single Malaysian university able to make the grade in both rankings.

Full- statement: http://bit.ly/1icx5QX


2014-03-06 18:02 | Report Abuse


Apparently, the book "Ultraman The Ultra Power" contains elements that threaten public order ("mengandungi unsur-unsur mungkin memudaratkan ketenteraman awam").

Malaysia gets crazier by the day.kakakaka

KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Dalam Negeri mewartakan Perintah Larangan Penerbitan terhadap buku ‘Ultraman The Ultra Power’, yang didapati mengandungi unsur-unsur mungkin memudaratkan ketenteraman awam.

Buku terbitan bahasa Melayu itu adalah terbitan Resign Publications, manakala pencetaknya Network Printers.

Mengikut kenyataan kementerian itu hari ini, warta larangan itu berkuat kuasa 18 Feb lepas mengikut Seksyen 7(1) Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan 1984.

“Adalah menjadi satu kesalahan mengikut subseksyen 2 Seksyen 8 Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan 1984 sekiranya mana-mana orang mencetak, mengimport, menghasilkan, menghasilkan semula, menerbit, menjual, mengeluar, mengeliling, menawarkan untuk menjual, mengedar atau ada dalam miliknya bagi apa-apa jua maksud seperti itu apa-apa hasil penerbitan larangan,” menurut kenyataan itu.

Mereka yang disabitkan melakukan kesalahan itu boleh dikenakan penjara tidak melebihi tiga tahun atau denda tidak melebihi RM20,000 atau kedua-duanya.

– Bernama



2014-02-18 01:45 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-02-18 01:43 | Report Abuse

Teresa Kok on gutter politics and true leadership
Azmi Sharom on Teresa Kok's 'Onederful' video...peace loving Malaysians must see
Now listen to a Malaysian Malay speaking "the real truth".


2014-02-17 19:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-02-17 19:05 | Report Abuse

Lim Guan Eng says Anwar Ibrahim is the only person from BN who
defended him when he was jail.This is LGE own words.........I will never forget that before I was imprisoned for a second time, this time as a common criminal in Kajang Prison in 1998, Anwar had stood up for me and spoke on my behalf publicly when he was still Deputy Prime Minister. Anwar opposed the denial of justice given to me even when he was still Deputy Prime Minister. I was convicted for defending an underaged Malay girl who was detained even though she was raped, whilst her rapists escaped unpunished.

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=227731:i-have-faith-in-anwar-he-stood-up-for-me-guan-eng-slams-where-were-you-mca&Itemid=2#ixzz2tZd3eLMJ


2014-02-17 10:48 | Report Abuse

Kadir: Stop playing Santa, Najib
FMT Staff
| February 15, 2014


Blogger Kadir Jasin says that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak may even risk losing his job if he does not stop bleeding the Treasury with his 'cash is king' approach.

PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak should stop playing Santa Clause or risk being booted out of office, said blogger Kadir Jasin.

In a blog post today, Kadir said that Najib must find a more sustainable way to help the poor as many Umno veterans he has met had voiced concerns on the prime minister’s ‘cash is king’ approach, which is bleeding the nation’s coffers.

“Najib has to acknowledge that things are not as rosy as being portrayed by the mainstream media. He has to stop lavishing scarce public funds on cash handouts and salary increases that do not contribute to productivity and sustainability,” said Kadir.

Since taking over as prime minister in 2009, Najib has introduced Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M), which is a RM500 yearly aid to those earning less than RM3,000 a month.

He had also offered a variety of cash aid to civil servants and other types of programmes, from time to time, prior to the 13th general election.

Kadir said that Najib should address growing unemployment rate among Malaysian youths, which is affecting the bumiputras and the Indian primarily.

“In the age bracket of 15 to 19, almost 25.7% of Indians, 15.6% of Malays, 18.9% of non-Malay bumiputeras and 9.9% of Chinese were unemployed in 2012.

“In the 20-24 age group, 14.1% of the jobless were Indians, 9.9% Malays, 13% non-Malay bumiputeras and 7.1% Chinese. This explains the disproportionate involvement of Indians in criminal activities,” he said.

Kadir also claimed that the income gap between Malays and the Chinese has widened since 2009, erasing whatever progress made in the past.

“And the rural households, the bedrock of Barisan Nasional, are worse off now than in 1957 when compared to the urban households. Umno must remember that almost all the 88 parliamentary seats it won last year are in the rural areas,” he said.

Kadir is a former editor in chief for New Straits Times Press and a staunch ally of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.


2014-02-17 10:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-02-17 10:42 | Report Abuse

Sokong Mejar Zaidi TUDM

Tksih atas sokongan, harap2 war2kan kisah yg menimpa saya agar rakyat Malaysia bangkit dari mimpi dan bersatu menegak kebenaran dan menentang kezaliman sebelum terlambat, hakikatnya negara kita sedang digadai oleh puak2 yang anti-islam walaupun nama mereka Islam, sanggup menipu utk kekal memerintah dan tidak segan silu berlaku zalim kepada sesiapa yg mendedahkan penipuan mereka malah berlumba2 meratah hasil mahsul negara utk kepentingan diri dan suku sakat mereka, jika mereka tidak dihalang maka tidak mustahil negara akan tergadai dan anak cucu akan merempat di negara sendiri. Berjihadlah menentang mereka sebelum terlambat. Allahuakbar!!!


2014-02-17 02:57 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-02-15 16:21 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-02-15 14:59 | Report Abuse

Singapore Straight times says Anwar Ibrahim still has the voter appeal in Kajang.What about MCA?

News & Blogs

2014-02-15 14:58 | Report Abuse

Focusing on rising costs, Anwar slams tycoon Syed Mokhtar


Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ratcheted up his Kajang by-election campaign last night, focusing on rising living costs and attacking tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary and his sugar monopoly.

Putrajaya has eliminated the sugar subsidy, increasing prices by 34 sen a kilo but most consumers complain more about fuel subsidy cuts that have seen pump prices and electricity rates go up.

“The price of sugar increased because it is monopolised by Syed Mokhtar. I am against Umno, BN, including the big names in the party,” said Anwar in front of about 300 residents in Taman Impian Murni.

The sugar industry is currently monopolised by Central Sugar Refinery, owned by Syed Mokhtar’s Tradewinds, and plantation giant Felda Global Venture's Malaysian Sugar Manufacturing.

“Syed Mokhtar is worth billions of ringgit. I do not hate him. I have nothing personal against him but I do not like the fact that sugar is monopolised by one person and because of that, the people have to pay,” he said.

The Permatang Pauh MP admitted that not all prices could be controlled by the government.

“What is our problem here in Kajang? It is economic problem, rising cost of living… I admit that a government cannot control all, but petrol and sugar prices should not be increased.”

He also said he would not launch personal attacks against any leaders or individuals in this by-election campaign.

"Yes, I want to win but not by insulting others. I will explain about what I will do, what we will do (for the people)," said Anwar.

The government reduced subsidies as part of its measures to cut the fiscal deficit after receiving a rating downgrade by Fitch Ratings last July. It also planned to implement the goods and services tax (GST) by April 2015. – February 15, 2014.
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2014-02-15 14:45 | Report Abuse

"Ada yang mencadangkan supaya saya menyertai politik. Tetapi saya tidak membuat apa-apa keputusan lagi. Saya perlu menunggu keputusan mahkamah terlebih dahulu," katanya.

Zaidi juga mempunyai halaman Facebook yang diberi nama "Sokong Mejar Zaidi TUDM" yang boleh dilawati para pengguna rangkaian sosial itu bagi menunjukkan sokongan dan mengetahui mengenai isu-isu berkaitan ketenteraan.

Bagi Zaidi, menjadi seorang juruterbang pejuang adalah impian zaman kanak-kanak yang menjadi kenyataan.

"Semasa kecil saya memancing di sungai berhampiran kampung saya , Kampung Permatang Tengah di Kota Kuala Muda, Kedah.

"Saya sering melihat jet pejuang terbang di langit semasa memancing. Ia membuatkan saya menyimpan impian untuk menjadi seorang juruterbang," katanya.

Perjalanan kerjayanya termasuklah ditugaskan selama lapan bulan ke Bosnia semasa perang saudara di Balkan pada 1990-an di bawah Perlindungan Tentera Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB).

Zaidi mendapat sokongan daripada sebuah NGO pro PKR, Pahlawan, kumpulan bekas askar yang berkata juruterbang itu menjadi mangsa Putrajaya sebagai contoh bagi menakutkan semua anggota tentera daripada menjalankan hak-hak mereka sebagai warganegara.

Pahlawan berkata, ia tidak masuk akal apabila menggunakan undang-undang ketenteraan berusia 40 tahun bagi menyalahkan juruterbang berkenaan kerana membuat laporan polis.

Gabungan Pilihanraya Bebas dan Adil (Bersih 2.0) dalam status Facebook baru-baru ini juga menyokong Zaidi dengan menyatakan beliau secara jelas menjadi mangsa tentera dan kerajaan.

Bersih 2.0 mempersoalkan mengapa Zaidi yang menjadi pemberi maklumat dalam kes ini, diambil tindakan mahkamah manakala SPR dibiarkan lepas begitu sahaja.

"Kerajaan jelas berniat untuk menjadikan Mejar Zaidi sebagai contoh bagi menyampaikan mesej kepada orang lain, terutama pasukan bersenjata tentera dan penjawat awam agar tidak bertindak walau dalam apa keadaan sekalipun hatta demi keadilan.

"Apa yang kerajaan tidak sedari ialah Mejar Zaidi sudah pun menjadi contoh – yang patut dicontohi dan bukan elakkan – suatu kejujuran, integriti, dan keberanian." – 15 Februari, 2014.


2014-02-15 14:45 | Report Abuse

SPR akhirnya mengaku November lalu dakwat kekal digunakan pada PRU13 mempunyai kelemahan; antara lain, ia boleh dibasuh dan mengambil masa yang lama untuk kering dan kerana itu ia meninggalkan kotoran pada kertas undi. Bagaimanapun SPR menegaskan dakwat kekal masih akan digunakan pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.

Zaidi, yang berpangkalan di kem Butterworth di Seberang Prai, Pulau Pinang, adalah seorang daripada 235,826 kakitangan pasukan keselamatan dan pasangan di seluruh negara yang mengundi lebih awal pada 30 April tahun lepas.

Beliau membuat laporan polis pada hari berikutnya selepas mendapati dakwat kekal di jari telunjuk kirinya boleh dibersihkan hanya dalam tempoh dua jam kemudian. Selepas membuat laporan polis, beliau bercakap kepada pemberita di luar balai polis di Kepala Batas.

Tindakannya menyebabkan kekecohan dan dua hari kemudian, beliau diberitahu dipindahkan ke Kuala Lumpur dengan serta merta.

Pemindahan juga bermakna kerjaya sebagai juruterbang turut berakhir.

Zaidi dipindahkan ke pangkalan tentera udara Kementerian Pertahanan di Kuala Lumpur selama sebulan dan apabila kembali ke pangkalan Butterworth, beliau bukan lagi pegawai pemerintah kepada Skuadron 12, jawatan yang dipegang sebelum pilihan raya umum.

"Gaji dan elaun saya masih sama. Begitu juga hubungan dengan rakan-rakan saya. Mereka seperti biasa. Tiada seorang pun yang melayan saya berbeza. Kami tidak ada masalah," katanya.

Masalah Zaidi adalah dakwaan berganda di bawah Seksyen 50 (2) dan Seksyen 51 Angkatan Tentera 1972 terhadapnya di Mahkamah Tentera.

Beliau didakwa mengeluarkan kenyataan media mengenai dakwat kekal tanpa kebenaran Kementerian Pertahanan dan gagal menggunakan saluran tentera yang seharusnya untuk menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati apabila membuat laporan polis dan bercakap dengan media.

Zaidi juga didakwa menghantar dua SMS bersifat politik atau hasutan semasa bertugas di pangkalan udara Butterworth pada 1 Mei, 2013.

Beliau turut didakwa membuat kenyataan media menyatakan kekecewaan berhubung dakwat kekal, yang sepatutnya disiasat melalui saluran ketenteraan, dan kebocoran dakwat kekal kepada media tanpa mendapat kelulusan Majlis Angkatan Tentera di Taman Bertam Indah, Kepala Batas pada 3 Mei tahun lepas.

Zaidi berkata, beliau akan dipenjarakan dan kehilangan pencen jika didapati bersalah atas tuduhan yang dikenakan.

"Ia akan menjadi beban yang amat berat kepada keluarga saya. Isteri saya seorang suri rumah dan empat anak-anak kami bersekolah dan masih kecil," katanya.

Anak sulungnya berusia 20 tahun dan masih belajar di universiti, sementara yang paling muda berusia tiga tahun.

Zaidi menyerahkan ketentuan nasibnya kepada Allah dan berkata akan menerima keputusan Mahkamah Tentera.

"Sekurang-kurangnya, saya berharap masih mempunyai kesihatan untuk menyara keluarga dengan cara yang betul. Saya berfikir untuk bekerja sebagai juruterbang bagi beberapa syarikat swasta atau menjalankan perniagaan apabila tidak lagi berkhidmat bersama tentera.


2014-02-15 14:43 | Report Abuse

Mejar Zaidi: Terpaksa bayar harga mahal kerana bercakap benar


Apabila Mejar Zaidi Ahmad membuat laporan polis selepas dakwat kekal di jarinya hilang sebaik sahaja dibasuh beberapa jam selepas membuang undi pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) lalu, juruterbang Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) sama sekali tidak menyangka beliau bakal berhadapan dengan tindakan mahkamah dan seterusnya dipenjarakan sekurang-kurangnya dua tahun.

Beliau kini dihadapkan di Mahkamah Tentera dengan beberapa tuduhan melanggar perintah Majlis Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, membuat kenyataan kepada media tanpa kebenaran Kementerian Pertahanan, dan menghantar dua kiriman pesanan ringkas (SMS) yang bersifat politik.

Juruterbang jet pejuang berusia 45 tahun yang sudah berkhidmat selama 25 tahun itu terkejut apabila mendapati dirinya bergelut dengan masalah dan bukannya pembekal dakwat serta Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) yang seharusnya. dipertanggungjawabkan. ‎

"Saya tahu akan ada kesan tetapi saya terkejut apabila pembekal dan SPR dilepaskan begitu sahaja sedangkan saya sebaliknya," kata Zaidi (gambar) kepada The Malaysian Insider melalui temuramah e-mel.

Beliau didakwa pada 7 Februari di Mahkamah Tentera di Kuala Lumpur. Kes itu akan didengar enam panel anggota pada 8 April.

Di samping itu, beliau juga dibekukan daripada menjalankan tugas sebagai juruterbang dan terpaksa bertugas di jabatan am.

Bagaimanapun, Zaidi berkata sebagai seorang Islam, beliau berasa perlu untuk membuat laporan itu.

"Bagi saya, adalah haram bagi seorang Islam bersubahat dalam hal penipuan. Apatah lagi jika ia melibatkan sesuatu yang penting kerana seperti pilihan raya yang bertujuan bagi memilih para pemimpin tertinggi negara.

"Sebagai seorang kakitangan kerajaan yang gaji datang daripada wang pembayar cukai, saya mempunyai tugas memberitahu rakyat perkara benar bahawa dakwat itu sebenarnya tidak kekal," katanya.‎

“Saya tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan mana-mana parti politik. Saya hanya bertindak demi kebenaran.”

Isterinya Shafinah Abdul Hamid dan juruteknik TUDM juga membuat laporan polis berhubung dakwat kekal bersama-sama Zaidi.

"Seperti yang saya katakan, sebagai seorang Islam saya perlu bercakap benar walaupun saya akan menghadapi tindakan (daripada pegawai atasan saya). Hukuman di akhirat lebih buruk jika saya berbohong berbanding mana-mana hukuman di dunia ini.

"Saya yakin bahawa Allah akan membantu orang yang benar," katanya.

Kontroversi dakwat kekal yang digunakan buat pertama kali pada PRU13, dikritik selepas ramai pengundi mengadu ia boleh dibasuh dengan mudah.

Pembangkang Pakatan Rakyat (PR) menegaskan kegagalan sistematik dakwat kekal semasa pengundian awal dan hari pengundian menjejaskan hasil pilihan raya itu.


2014-02-15 14:33 | Report Abuse

hopeless case already?


2014-02-15 14:32 | Report Abuse

what has our beloved nation become????


2014-02-15 03:07 | Report Abuse

Anwar defends RMAF officer facing court-martial for failed indelible ink report


Royal Malaysian Air Force fighter pilot Major Zaidi Ahmad, who lodged a police report over the failure of the indelible ink used to daub the fingers of voters, should not be court-martialed for standing up for what is right, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said today.

The opposition leader said the police report lodged by Zaidi only proved his integrity and discipline as a military officer.

"Major Zaidi has been trained to be disciplined and to have integrity as an officer. That is why he lodged the police report," Anwar said in his speech at the 2nd annual general meeting of Pertubuhan Prihatin Anggota Keselamatan Malaysia (PAHLAWAN).

Anwar told the servicemen that the action against the RMAF squadron leader was unnecessary as he did not commit any crime.

"It is a different story if he committed a breach of trust, but Major Zaidi has been probed for being a responsible officer.

"He discovered that the ink was not indelible, so he lodged a police report," said Anwar.

Anwar said the move to charge Zaidi was a disastrous one on Putrajaya’s part.

"If anyone is to be charged for the indelible ink, it should be the Election Commission for cheating but it is Major Zaidi who is being punished now,” he said.

Zaidi has been suspended from flying and was charged in the Military Court on February 7. He has claimed trial.

He was charged on seven counts at the Military Court, the Royal Malaysian Air Force Base in Kuala Lumpur last Friday.

Five of the charges are under Section 50(2) of the Armed Forces Act 1972, while the other two involves Section 51 of the same act.

Section 50(2) is an offence of non-compliance to an order from a superior and may carry a sentence of not more than two years, while Section 1 does not submit to the standing order and may carry a sentence of not over two years or a lighter sentence.

The former co-chairman of Bersih 2.0, Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, had described Zaidi as a Malaysian hero.

“He has been charged with seven counts of filing complaints on the indelible ink used during the GE13. This man is being punished for speaking the truth and we must stand by him for he is a Malaysian hero.

“This is the how we must be. When they lie, we must fight them with the truth. This 'tribute’ is for Major Zaidi, and without a doubt, please cancel the charges against him,” Ambiga said at the Tunku Abdul Rahman Legacy Forum to commemorate the 111th birthday of Malaysia's first prime minister recently. – February 14, 2014.


2014-02-15 03:05 | Report Abuse

DAP anggap Wee Ka Siong khianati rakyat Malaysia, masyarakat Cina

MCA dan BN lah yang sepatutnya memohon maaf kepada semua warga Malaysia kerana menaikkan harga barang dan kejatuhan nilai Ringgit seperti yang dapat dilihat dalam nilaian paling rendah masa kini; RM2.62 bagi setiap Dolar Singapura.


2014-02-15 02:59 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim: Kita Kena Betulkan Pimpinan Melayu Di Malaysia Untuk Menyelamatkan Malaysia



2014-02-15 02:56 | Report Abuse

RMAF pilot shouldn’t be court-martialled for removable ink report


A Royal Malaysian Air Force pilot Major Zaidi Ahmad was being made an example by Putrajaya as a way to frighten all army personnel from exercising their rights as citizens, said the PKR-linked NGO Pahlawan.

Pahlawan said it found it illogical that the army had used a 40-year-old military law to fault Zaidi for his police report against the indelible ink used during GE13.

Pahlawan president Asri Buang now wants all charges be dropped against Zaidi, who is facing a two-year jail term if found guilty of disobeying his superiors.

"This action is like a threat to army personnel ahead of the next general election. The use of the Armed Forces Act 1972 on major Zaidi Ahmad shows that the military leaders have no standing and are being directed by politicians.

“Such action is akin to intimidating army personnel, to frighten them for the next general election," Asri said today after the Pahlawan annual general meeting.

Major Zaidi has been suspended from flying and was charged in the Military Court on February 7. He has claimed trial.

The two-year-old Pahlawan, said it will rally its 8,000 members to give Zaidi financial aid and protest against the unfair charges.

Pahlawan said Zaidi, like all Malaysians, deserves the right to vote freely and fairly in the general elections, free from intimidation.

Zaidi said the army cannot deny any individual's right to report any fraud or weaknesses in the Election Commission. - February 14, 2014.


2014-02-15 02:54 | Report Abuse

Trust level in government drops


PETALING JAYA (Feb 13, 2014): The trust level of Malaysians in their government took a 6% drop from last year to 54%, the Edelman Trust Barometer revealed.

This, in fact, was the big news in this year's report – the collapse in trust in governments was seen in 17 of the 27 countries surveyed, with Singapore and Hong Kong showing a fall of 7% and 18% respectively.

The barometer surveyed 1,000 respondents from the general population, and 200 from the "informed" public (college-educated people above 25 years old and belonging to the top 25% household income group) in Malaysia.

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) remain at the top with 75% expressing trust in them, despite a 1% reduction compared to last year.

Malaysians' trust in businesses saw a significant increase from 63% last year to 72% in 2014, while trust in the media saw a 1% reduction to 59% this year.

Edelman Malaysia managing director Raymond Siva said trust is a forward building attribute, which means the country can either improve or lose trust.

He used the Malaysian government's trust level as an example, where in 2012 only 49% of respondents gave positive answers, which shot up to 60% in 2013, and then down again to 54% this year.

"It may be because in 2012 the government did many things right before the 13th General Election like repealing the Internal Security Act (ISA) and amending the Printing Presses and Publications Act (PPPA).

"That was reflected in the increased trust level in 2013 but after GE13, it went on the decline again," said Siva.

The survey also showed that the public has a high level of trust in the internet as a source of information, much more so than the traditional media.


2014-02-15 02:43 | Report Abuse

Azmi Sharom, a law professor, on Teresa Kok's 'Onederful' video...peace loving Malaysians must see
Now listen to a Malaysian Malay speaking "the real truth".


2014-02-14 07:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > Feb 13, 2014 06:30 PM | Report Abuse

GREEDY & RUTHLESS, the Umno elite must be stopped before they DESTROY MALAYSIA

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=225992%3Agreedy--ruthless-the-umno-elite-must-be-stopped-before-they-destroy-malaysia&Itemid=2#ixzz2tCCvKQfk
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