
ykyew11 | Joined since 2020-08-20

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2022-06-23 22:08 | Report Abuse

ARBB's website down again, what kind of "technology" company is this?


2022-06-22 21:50 | Report Abuse

Strong?? hahaha how to play lol volume only 170k not even RM20k


2022-06-13 11:32 | Report Abuse

When was the last time ARB Berhad updated their website lol, it's as good as a dead website


2022-06-12 22:46 | Report Abuse

You guys make fun of Line, but is he wrong with whatever he said though? You guys are defending this counter whose executive director is shady as heck and doesn't give a damn about the investors. Try asking questions through their website and good luck trying to get a response from them lol. For the record I tried contacting them last year and I couldn't reach them, that's when I began to doubt the company.

For real you guys are not clowns, you guys are the entire circus! At least learn to be critical for goodness sake.


2022-06-08 20:34 | Report Abuse

The CEO have A LOT of explanation to do in the next AGM, way way too many questionable things.


2022-06-08 20:32 | Report Abuse

ARBB auditors in the last few years

RSM -> Deloitte -> BDO -> SBY Partners

I wonder why that is the case....


2022-05-08 19:08 | Report Abuse

I would definitely like to be proven wrong since I am still holding shares, but so far they have not convinced me otherwise. Big mistake for me to invest in this counter, got baited by the low PE.


2022-05-08 19:04 | Report Abuse

Look, I am a shareholder of ARBB. What I have noticed here is that shareholders like you cannot seem to criticise Dato Liew or the company when there are ample of things to criticise and I think that is a problem. It is a good thing to hold the senior management/board accountable.

Sure, in their books they have "turned" around and are making bigger and bigger profits, but looking at the share price. People don't seem to trust their financials, I personally have heavy doubts myself as well due to the lack of transparency. As a shareholder yourself, wouldn't you question them over such things as well?


2022-05-08 16:49 | Report Abuse

Interestingly enough, the horrible designs seem to come around the same time when Dato Liew came into ARBB


2022-05-08 16:33 | Report Abuse

Has anyone here compared ARBB's annual report presentation with other companies? ARBB's annual report is probably one of the most jarring and tacky looking annual reports I have seen. To be frank, it looks like a lower secondary school student's project in the mid 2000s. Comparing the design with Capital A's annual report or even Genting's annual report, ARBB's annual report looks like absolute dogshit.

Aside from the horrendous design of their annual report, even their website is dogshit as well. It is littered with spelling and grammatical errors and I know some of you guys here don't care about such things, but such subtle things have an effect on my opinion towards the management. What are they even doing and how do they let such things slip through? It just makes me think of how incompetent they are.


2022-04-25 22:32 | Report Abuse

Speaking as an investor that is holding on to ARBB shares here, I hate to say but I completely agree with Line here, I have been lurking and reading the comments for awhile. I have more or less write off my investments here already and I am starting to think that all of the board members and senior management of ARBB are con-mans. If I see any senior management/board of ARBB in another company as a board member or senior management, I sure as hell won't be investing in that company, definitely a big red flag in my books at least.

Also, isn't ARBB required to have a working investor relations website? Aren't they breaching the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (2000)? This company is way too shady and un-transparent.


2021-08-08 19:08 | Report Abuse

No offense but judging by the way you write and your slang/lingo. It sure sounds like you are in your late teens or early 20s and that is your perception of what being a "good" boss is like and I find that hilarious. Your lie just keeps falling apart.

Not going to waste anymore time here. You guys be the judge here and look at his comments, I'm out. Adios


2021-08-08 18:53 | Report Abuse

Ahahaha sure...... that's rich coming from you.

I am still calling out on your BS. Your stories just don't add up. At least learn to lie better.


2021-08-08 18:37 | Report Abuse

Yeah sure... you are definitely trolling here.


2021-08-08 18:16 | Report Abuse

"just dun be jealous of people who dun need to work."
"my clients interrogate my staff on their benefits and how I treat them..."
"Thats why I consider myself very VERY VERY qualified to comment on other "so called employers."

Some contradictions there?

"In order to meet nice people, you must be nice first."

Don't forget this applies to you as well. :)


2021-08-08 18:02 | Report Abuse

Of course I know what you were doing at 3 am, dreaming and complaining about Tony! I am fixated because seriously, who in the world does this? Go to bed lol.


2021-08-08 17:55 | Report Abuse

In fact, I think you might be jobless/unemployed. What kind of boss/business owner makes 30+ comments on i3 on a working day from morning till evening non-stop every half an hour or less? You literally typed more than a 1,000 words. Is i3 your day job?


2021-08-08 17:44 | Report Abuse

You sure don't sound like a pleasant person looking at those sentences used.


2021-08-08 17:42 | Report Abuse

"Dun be influenced by bankrupt people like Raider.
NOT everyone is a bankrupt like Raider..."

"Because of your Karma, you interact with dirty shitty people who abuse their staff so you believe that staff abuse is normal and common."

You talking about yourself there? Complained about Tony at 3am some more. You sure don't sound like a business owner at all judging by your comments haha


2021-08-08 17:23 | Report Abuse

This i3lurker dude is trolling guys, just reading his comments, do you really think he is a business owner lol let alone giving them superb benefits? I smell BS a mile away.


2021-08-06 23:55 | Report Abuse

@PN17 If you blindly follow analyst, you'd be making huge losses by now especially on glove counters. Don't forget that most of the analyst issued a buy/trading buy call on glove stocks towards the end of last year. RIP those that follow HLG buy call on TG RM13+ if I recall properly and now it is RM3.7

Essentially, you'd be in the green if you do the exact opposite of whatever they ask you to do.


2021-08-06 09:43 | Report Abuse

The salt from these guys lmao. Trying to get it cheap? Vaccination rates are only going up hahaha

@freddiehero MAS is expensive for the common folk, Malindo and other smaller airline's routes are not as extensive as compared to AirAsia.

Think about it guys, why do you think Gojek opted for equity instead of cash, I'd trust Gojek more than the people here in i3.


2021-08-04 12:52 | Report Abuse

@Sslee That is some bad advice from you here, the stock market is forward looking. Where do you think our vaccination program will be in 6 months? Waiting for "sunny day" means you missed the boat, well unless you are willing to buy in at a higher price.

Short term play is not the way to go for majority of people, most people get burned because they get greedy and think they can make quick money through short term trading.


2021-08-04 12:30 | Report Abuse

@Maxsuper Not everyone plays short term here, like I have always said. I am investing here for the long term. If it dips, it is an opportunity to accumulate more. I am looking at the future here, not the present.

And besides short term investors almost always lose out to long term investors.


2021-08-04 10:58 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker Ahahaha, please continue posting here and share more of your salt with us.


2021-08-04 09:43 | Report Abuse

Malaysia will reach >60% fully vaxxed by mid to end of September. RI will probably be in the 4th quarter this year I think. So yes, I think RI will proceed as planned.


2021-08-04 09:16 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker Nope, don't need that since I am still very well in the green. On the contrary, I think you need one hahaha


2021-08-03 23:51 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker What a sad pathetic piece of thing. How often do you dream about Tony? Do you still dream about Tony at 3am or perhaps when you give yourself a quick wank lmao? Just look at this guy's comment history, dude literally woke up/stayed up just to make that comment. What a sad life dude, hope things get better.


2021-08-03 07:39 | Report Abuse


Some good infographics I found to gauge where we are.


2021-08-03 07:07 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker The salt lmao, what a loser posting at 3am the exact same thing as the previous guy. Don't have a day job lol?


2021-08-01 13:44 | Report Abuse

@Sslee That piece of news is about 1 month old dude, don't need to be so salty. Did Tony bully you or something?


2021-08-01 10:29 | Report Abuse

On the contrary to you, I think now is the best time to buy.

You can't be serious thinking that even interstate will not be allowed for 2-3 years even using common sense. Worst case scenario, they will not allow interstate till early next year. Logically, I think the government will use a different metric when majority of the population gets vaccinated, they will probably look at hospitalisation and death rates instead.

Don't buy glove stocks, ditch the glove stocks. You missed the boat last year and it isn't going back to its peak at least in a long time.


2021-08-01 09:34 | Report Abuse


So you are telling us that we should buy, got it.


2021-07-27 09:45 | Report Abuse

Yeah @i3lurker, you are behaving no different from them in the first place here. What did the customers, suppliers, shareholders and the other staffs did to offend you? Please take your cancel culture elsewhere.

Please get lost.

I am reporting you for spam if you continue.


2021-07-23 19:49 | Report Abuse

Relax la chill, I know what is going on, if anyone doesn't know that they could just go to Bursa announcement and read the SCR offer letter. I'm just making a joke about MMCCORP investors selling themselves short. No need to go into the details and say "Syed Mokhtar pays NOTHING"

If you are still an MMCCORP investor reading this forum, you would have known about the SCR anyways. No need to reply me in caps


2021-07-23 18:26 | Report Abuse

Syed Mokhtar: I am willing to offer to buy back MMCCORP shares at RM2 per share
MMCCORP shareholders: Aiya nevermind la, RM1.70 also can, I sell you cheaper can also


2021-07-23 12:36 | Report Abuse

was honestly expecting the price to hover around 1.85-1.90 at this point logically based on past SCR's. This is my first SCR and MMC becomes an exception in a bad way.


2021-07-23 12:27 | Report Abuse

Yikes! Really hope investors are just making irrational decisions here. It dropped from 1.91 to 1.71


2021-07-21 13:43 | Report Abuse

What's up with this SCR, I have never seen SCR's with such big arbitrage and bearish movements and this is basing on past SCR's that failed.


2021-07-20 11:03 | Report Abuse

Seems like AirAsia will be acquiring or partnering with Dacsee


2021-07-10 17:03 | Report Abuse


Can they really cancel it just like that? I don't think it is as easy as you are making it out to be and I am sure there are consequences for cancelling it if that is an option. If that is the case, then I feel that this is exploitation against minority shareholders, any company can just announce SCR at a higher price and just cancel it off as they please. By doing so, they can make easy money through warrants doing this. Not sure whether this is legal in practice but this certainly doesn't sound legal at all.

I am also curious though, how many SCR's have been cancelled in the past without going through the shareholders vote?


2021-06-21 13:44 | Report Abuse

I wonder why this is trading at a 10%+ arbitrage while SPB last time traded at a 5-6% arbitrage before EGM


2021-06-15 14:26 | Report Abuse

You got a typo there, 26 sens(RM0.26) -> 26 cents($0.26). RM1.07 incoming!!


2021-06-12 19:00 | Report Abuse

@Good2harvest So you think Syed Mokhtar will just give up the idea of restructuring the firm and listing the ports if the investors reject the RM2 offer? I doubt it considering that he has been talking about the port listing for years. I think he would be more inclined to raise the offer price if the investors were to reject the offer, but by how much I really don't know.


2021-06-12 10:51 | Report Abuse

Same boat here, I have slightly above 500,000 shares and will vote against the current offer.


2021-06-06 21:07 | Report Abuse

Can someone here explain how the bonus issue for the SCR is going to affect the shareholders? I don't quite understand it since it is my first time experiencing SCR


2021-06-06 11:06 | Report Abuse

I averaged out about 73 sens


2021-06-06 10:24 | Report Abuse

Dude 90 sens is a steal. I would be more than happy to pump in more money if it ever falls to that price. The very fact that he is willing to offer RM2.00 from the get go shows that it is extremely undervalued.


2021-04-15 12:19 | Report Abuse

Wait, where did they say no interstate till October?


2021-04-15 12:02 | Report Abuse

@Maxsuper Looking at your comment history, pretty sure you created an account here just to troll. People should ignore you.