
ykyew11 | Joined since 2020-08-20

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2021-02-05 23:13 | Report Abuse

T cells you dumb dumb


2021-02-05 23:04 | Report Abuse


Nearly 0.1% reinfection rate, so stop spreading misinformation please. If that were the case, reinfection rates would be sky high don't you think since the pandemic began almost a year ago. This is common sense.


2021-02-05 22:57 | Report Abuse

Unsurprisingly mita29 is a glove shareholder. that link from Bloomberg is just saying the current vaccination rates and nothing more. This is assuming every single country in the world will not ramp up their vaccinations and countries that have yet to receive the vaccines will not be receiving and vaccinating their people. Remember, just a month ago, the daily number of vaccinations was about a million people or less, now it is above 4 million so go figure and dream on if you want the numbers to stay 4 million.


2021-02-05 22:51 | Report Abuse

Clearly i3lurker doesn't follow Khairy's twitter account for the latest vaccine news, people infected with AIDS can take the vaccine, in fact they are encouraged to. So I don't know where you are getting that information from. You can look across the causeway to see who is "dying" from the vaccine, hundreds of thousands of Singaporeans have been inoculated so quit spreading lies.

Best to refrain from talking if you don't know better than the experts, best not to say anything if you are spreading fake news.


2021-02-05 19:18 | Report Abuse

If a country is going to accept vaccination certs, it will probably be accepted digitally. It makes no sense to accept a physical vaccinated cert as it can be easily forged.


2021-02-05 18:30 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker I must say what a dumb comparison, situation and circumstances were different back then and every country have different priorities, a lot of people weren't educated and technology is at it's infancy back then, so it is a lot harder to get news around about the vaccines.


2021-02-05 13:02 | Report Abuse

Of course, it turns out you are a glove investor. You can only dream for the day your boss Lim Wee Chai is going to give a talk in McKinsey or the World Economic Forum about his business model, because that ain't gonna happen ever lol.


2021-02-05 13:00 | Report Abuse

Chill... I am talking pre-pandemic obviously. Don't need to get butthurt because I didn't say nice things about TopGlove. The reason why I talk about TopGlove is because they were obviously profiting from this pandemic and yet, not one international news outlet or international organisation reach out to Lim Wee Chai to talk about his successes. Probably it has something to do with their labour exploit issue. They have a lot of criticism to say though.


2021-02-05 11:12 | Report Abuse

I have been saying that AirAsia is among the most interesting company in Malaysia and forward looking compared to the vast majority of other KLSE counters which are more targeted towards the uncle aunty demographic. There is a reason why the World Economic Forum, Mckinsey & Company, Bloomberg and CNBC invited someone like Tony Fernandes for talks and not someone like Lim Wee Chai from TopGlove, it is because they find Tony Fernandes's ideas interesting.


2021-02-03 16:56 | Report Abuse

I still wouldn't count on the special dividend though since it is pure speculation at this point.


2021-02-03 11:46 | Report Abuse

Some of the news outlet seem to be hyping up the special dividend. Hope it is real haha.


2021-02-03 08:19 | Report Abuse

Its almost like he is begging us to do it.


2021-02-03 08:19 | Report Abuse

Maybe we should spam glove counters like TopGlove and Supermax with negative articles. Let BloomBird have a taste of his own medicine since the admins here are not stopping this kind of behaviour anyway.


2021-02-02 23:58 | Report Abuse

You can say all you want about the vaccines but Singapore is relatively transparent on their vaccination program. Hundreds of thousands have been vaccinated and there were 4 severe cases of allergic reaction, 3 of them have a history of allergies and all of them have recovered.


2021-02-02 23:54 | Report Abuse

and yet, China secures 100m of Pfizer's vaccine. If it were that bad, why didn't they cancel their order? Pretty damn obvious they are promoting their own homegrown vaccine to aid their vaccine diplomacy. They believe that the vaccine works, but they just don't want to make it obvious...


2021-02-02 22:07 | Report Abuse

What's even better is they are able to distribute 2 million doses subsequently each month after the first million dose. Things will only get better when the other vaccines are coming in around that period.


2021-02-02 17:17 | Report Abuse

I am hoping for a serious MCO, but at the same time, I am worried for those in the b40 category, small traders and business owners. It must be a dilemma for the current government to decide, but they are the ones to start this whole problem in the first place.


2021-02-02 16:10 | Report Abuse

I think most people know that even if they were to change it to RMCO, they will probably have the travel ban in place. Even if they were to remove it, most people wouldn't travel right now. I still think the share price will hover in the 65-70 sen range because the vaccine will be coming end of this month.


2021-02-02 15:58 | Report Abuse

Down because MCO extension


2021-02-02 10:56 | Report Abuse

Some of the critics for AirAsia here are TG investors. BVA in Singapore is down today btw so beware.


2021-02-02 10:47 | Report Abuse

Aiya these people ah, if believe AirAsia gone case then don't buy lor.


2021-02-02 10:09 | Report Abuse

Any source for that? I thought they will just choose Malaysia Airlines for that.


2021-02-02 10:07 | Report Abuse

Of course not the whole world la common sense. The thing is that there is hardly any tourist from underdeveloped countries, so what the rich countries will do is just issue vaccine passports to countries that have a significant vaccinated population.


2021-02-02 09:55 | Report Abuse

I wonder why is it going up so much suddenly?


2021-02-01 23:27 | Report Abuse

By then, AirAsia might be considered a conglomerate and not a full fledge airline.


2021-02-01 23:25 | Report Abuse

I think you will be a bit too late by then if AirAsia manages to secure the digital banking license. Teleport could be pulling in above a billion ringgit in revenue per annum as well. I don't know how AirAsia food and AirAsia taxi will turnout though since both are such cutthroat industries.


2021-02-01 19:36 | Report Abuse

I hate to break it to you but Israel or any other country is not going to wait until the Central African Republic or Somalia is fully vaccinated to permit overseas travel for their citizens, not like many countries have tourist from these countries in the very first place.

Travelling will likely begin with a vaccine passport for their vaccinated population aka travel bubbles, the non vaccinated will probably be allowed to travel as well, but they will have to do a covid test and quarantine. If a country is fully vaccinated, then they might even allow non vaccinated people to come in. SEA will mostly recover this year based on the vaccination plans currently and guess where is AirAsia's stronghold? SEA. That's my logic.


2021-02-01 19:28 | Report Abuse

What do you even gain from doing this? I think common folks like us can only do Intra day short selling which is extremely risky for any counter.


2021-02-01 19:26 | Report Abuse

Damn annoying la BloomBird, don't know this don't know that then wait la. You are clearly not an epidemiologist or virologist, so I think it is best to keep it to yourself.


2021-01-31 16:18 | Report Abuse

Oh god, why do you need to copy the entire comment section when commenting? Its annoying.


2021-01-31 15:32 | Report Abuse

Don't buy lor, there are plenty of other counters to choose from that have a lot less risk.


2021-01-31 15:21 | Report Abuse

@Consultant Companies that are built with a foundation of foreign labour exploitation? Yucks. They deserve to be shorted to oblivion. Unfortunately, Bursa has a cap of 4% for shorting.

I am not surprised at all if the person who started Bursabets is from TopGlove.


2021-01-30 21:13 | Report Abuse

Local institutions are holding a ton of shares and they have issued a high target price, so go figure this whole situation with TopGlove, a bit suspicious isn't it?


2021-01-30 21:10 | Report Abuse

Since you are a glove investor, I am just going to give you my opinion here about this whole saga with Bursabets. I am guessing the subreddit thread for bursabets is started by some institution/big players or TopGlove themselves, it is even more suspicious that MalayMail and The Star covered an article on this within hours after the subreddit is created. My thoughts is that the big players here are trying to manipulate the market by taking advantage of the situation with GME. Basically they are just trying to find a good exit strategy by taking advantage of the situation to dispose of their shares at a higher price to the small players. Just my two cents.


2021-01-30 21:02 | Report Abuse

I am talking about after PP la obviously. They have probably discussed their plans to raise funds after the PP with the potential investor.


2021-01-30 20:30 | Report Abuse

I am guessing they will go with the rights issue route, since SIA went with it as well.


2021-01-30 17:37 | Report Abuse

I wish they will be giving out special dividends haha, the only thing is that they haven't given out any special dividends so far so I am not going to bet on any special dividend.


2021-01-30 15:34 | Report Abuse

Relax, I am just playing a joke on how MMC will drop regardless of news haha.


2021-01-30 14:48 | Report Abuse

At this point, I am not even surprised if MMC continues to drop after this news lol.


2021-01-29 15:49 | Report Abuse


12 million people should be vaccinated by quarter 2 in Malaysia. This is not factoring the additional Pfizer vaccines, COVAX and the other vaccines the Malaysian government is planning to get. So more people might get the vaccines by then.


2021-01-29 14:36 | Report Abuse

Here comes the daily dumping again~


2021-01-28 23:17 | Report Abuse

You guys are giving institutions an exit which I appreciate because they can finally move their money into recovery stocks.


2021-01-28 18:41 | Report Abuse

So we can only dream for something like GameStop to happen in Malaysian.


2021-01-28 18:40 | Report Abuse

I don't think bursabets will gain much traction like wallstreetbets on reddit, the average Malaysian doesn't use reddit, most people are on i3 anyway. Malaysian retailers on average have a lot less money than Americans to push the price and we don't have someone like Elon Musk to give a shoutout.


2021-01-28 16:44 | Report Abuse

I mean it should be a concern for you since I assume you won't be taking the vaccine lol.


2021-01-28 16:41 | Report Abuse

Lawrence Wong estimate 4-5 years pandemic, but you twist and say 4-5 years can't travel. What is this lol