
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2016-07-08 11:41 | Report Abuse

aiseh, pavi perasan pulak..... no lah bro, i didn't say ur comments can influence... just that i know u are datasonic strong supporter from the datasonic thread... so i was just assuming...

steady la bro, don't need to ask ppl to sell geh. i m sure everybody has done their homework and won't base on hearsay and make impulsive decisions...

these days too many volatility, and uncertainties, it's very easy to get ppl jittery and make sudden decisions. very trying times indeed. but its also a very good time to test one's patience.

stay calm.


2016-07-05 10:51 | Report Abuse

FairTalk bro, agree with your comment. SKIN must be launched asap. to me not so much of which company gets it, but to the safety of our nation. threat is very real now that IGP has confirmed that the puchong blast is related to terror acts.

Looks like datasonic is also in the fray... no wonder pavilion came here to pour cold water on presbhd lol....

ChasingDreamz, are you back on the pres boat boh?...

nvm, we continue to stay calm, focused to watch how this show unfolds....


2016-07-01 17:09 | Report Abuse

patut la :


market memang bagus. boleh adjust accordingly harga saham.

my question is, memang Preshbhd belum dapat pun kontrak sebelum ini....
but this piece of news also verified my earlier connecting the dots of why they are preferred - ties with Unisys....

now that the bad apples are weeded out, lets see how this interesting projek kulit will acclerate and turn out...

focused. steady.


2016-07-01 16:54 | Report Abuse

greatful, that will be a nice show.... thanks for the prebiu...

MangoLassi bro, nvm, u hold one lot till 2020 also kira stay with me mah.... don't stress... lol

staying calm, focused and steady.


2016-06-30 08:37 | Report Abuse

duit bro. hello.. I m ok. How about u? . zoom where got taiko laa... me kicimai semut investor je..


2016-06-29 18:08 | Report Abuse

wow, four banks offer the loan... confidence...
this should be a very nice gem to hold..... hopefully we all will be like john - huat88... :-) thanks john for sharing the piece of news.

calm. steady. focused.


2016-06-29 18:03 | Report Abuse

hey philan bro, ok je. watching the bashers come in to comment.... few rounds i've seen this... i still remember 1.30 days vividly... lol... u still holding your Presbhd ? hopefully we won't go back into penjaraBursa again this time lol....

ChasingDreamz wow you very accurate. are you sure 2.00 is safe to enter?



2016-06-23 11:59 | Report Abuse

calm. focused steady.


2016-06-08 09:08 | Report Abuse

aha... masinnya" ntv7 I feel good" masih simpan? bagus.
zlyc bro, hope u don't mind me always quote you.... lol..
da4444, let's enjoy the ride!



2016-06-07 17:35 | Report Abuse

da4444 memang hepi lol....

i nak tengok, siapa akan menemani saya ke 2020.... lol... mesti ramai akan hop on hop off punya... dah tengok banyak batch dah... lol... tapi saya gembira, ada teman baru come and go... boleh buat banyak frenz... hehe..

aidwiz bro, tak pe, dalam 3 tahun zoom berkecimpung dlm pasaran saham ni, sudah ada nampak satu revelation... iaitu peluang sentiasa ada punya. yg penting kena ada "training" kesabaran... sebagai contoh, OCK ini, zoom ada pegang masa ia RM1.xx... lepas korporat exercise, jatuh sampai 60sen... - masa itu lah peluang untuk masuk ... macam zlyc bro itu... pandai dia "timing".... tapi timing itu juga adalah double edged sword - ia boleh go two ways - so kena "ber hati-hati" kalau main trading... so far, paling "selamat" ialah main long term hehehe..
hayatilah pengalaman UncleZ.... jawapannya di sana...

kita nantikan episod seterusnya....

stay calm. keep focused. maintain steady.


2016-06-07 16:16 | Report Abuse

aidwiz bro, itulah pasal kena main long term. sbb kita takde bola kristal yg boleh menentukan bila, bagaimana, dan kenapa harga saham akan naik....

so kena banyak kesabaran.... so must keep steady...


2016-06-07 15:53 | Report Abuse

MangoLassi bro, your nickname make me drool to order one cup later lol... good for you to be back in action in the nick of time :-) congrats.

good to see warrats break the previous record. Let's continue to watch this exciting blockbuster in the making.



2016-06-07 15:34 | Report Abuse

:-))).... mesti ramai yg nak tanya... at the tips of their tongue.... let me be brave and ask..."boleh beli lagi tak?" ..... lol.... tewnama bro, harap2 bro masih pegang... time to jerit again.....

focused. calm. steady. wohoo!


2016-06-03 20:34 | Report Abuse

u r wc greatful bro. yes, wishing all of us here see the pot of gold in the long run.
let's see how long I can last tahan not to sell.... lol



2016-06-03 19:27 | Report Abuse

greatful bro, outcome of the agm was all resolutions passed. lol


2016-06-03 19:25 | Report Abuse

da4444 bro, aha u revealed your TP...1.50-2.00 lol. hold your horses on RE or green energy. Sam has very far foresight indeed. RE (renewable energy) is definitely going to be big in the near future.
mango L bro, nvm lah, can always buy back WA... hehe. just make sure this time your memory merosot after u I bought it and forget.... then 2020 comes u find treasure. lol....

wah this 0.84 barrier strong huh..... the last time it broke it really fly to 92Sen.... hehe.... syiok watching the show.... let's see if it will do it again.... miss the days when it was RM 1.00 above.......

focused. sing to the wawasan 2020 tune!


2016-06-01 18:10 | Report Abuse

da4444 bro, will it break the record 0.24 sen? let's await patiently and continue to watch the blockbuster movie in the making.

RHB : RM1.02
Kenanga : RM0.95
M+ : RM 1.00

what's your target TP?

steady. calm. focused.


2016-05-31 17:29 | Report Abuse

Livinia must be laughing all the way to the bank?

nice. another research house initiate coverage on OCK. getting known. good.
warrant boleh kasi picah 0.24? let's watch the show.

steady. focused. calm.


2016-05-31 11:37 | Report Abuse

oki doki darth bro. noted on your kind sharing. will put it on my watchlist. don't have that much spare money to buy so many shares... :-)

wah, suddenly got interest in the counter today. nice.



2016-05-30 12:59 | Report Abuse

Darth bro, thx for the invite. but I'm focused with my few holdings.. and I don't usually trade.... gd luck 2u.
mangoLassi bro, I hope u sold at 24Sen that time hehe..... don't worry bro, if it's a gem, anytime buy also same. remember , you make money when you buy, not when you sell.... no right or wrong actions...

thats great. I now have another buddy to teman me to 2020.... da4444 and MangoLassi. and hopefully tewnama bro masih pegang...

calm. focused. steady.


2016-05-27 13:40 | Report Abuse

da4444 bro I take u on that promise. my almost 3years journey this far, many whom said will long term with me has dropped out... lol.

2020 ah. pat keen pay sarn. lol



2016-05-27 13:33 | Report Abuse

pendapatan suku tertinggi dalam sejarah..... memang best tengok angsa tersayang memecah rekod demi rekod....

sabar. tenang. focused..


2016-05-27 09:24 | Report Abuse

da4444 bro, of course it doesn't mean my strategy is a sure win. we also have the likes of zlyc bro whom on top of holding he also trades in between with borrowed money. so it depends on each individuals risk appetite and game plan.

my game plan is to sleep well ... lol...

I follow UncleZ's sharing of his experience, and he has been through all those types of share market strategies... and he has said patience is the trait that one must have. I am still in the learning process too. so far seems to be working out well.....

most importantly, do your homework and research the co. before jumping on the train.

steady. focused.calm.


2016-05-25 18:20 | Report Abuse

Kana Miko, yes, it does feels good as my warrants are zero cost :-) yes, i am a fansee of UncleZ, and jaks last few days/week performance will make most ppl goyang lutut....

OCK very commendable Q1 report compared to all the red sea reports coming out of the other companies. wonder if this gem will finally shine and fly or not...

just need to keep calm, focused and steady.


2016-05-25 10:59 | Report Abuse

Kana Miko, i have kept all the warrants entitled from the recent corporate exercise.
didn't sell them. i have not bought any more either. its nice to see when both mother share and warrants run. the warrants seem to turbo charge my holdings earnings :-)


2016-05-24 15:58 | Report Abuse

mangoLassi bro, i think even as a layman, we are able to gauge uncle Sam's performance with the publicly available data... his management style is pretty good- transparent and upfront...

warrants to me is quite a no brainer as the value of time is still a long way to go (5 years) - that's why i kept my allocated warrants - it turbo charge my investment value :-) but you are right in terms of "excitement" seeking. lol i am on a learning curve still, so would like to see this investment grow steadily...

lets see how this pans out by 2020...

stay calm. focused. steady.


2016-05-24 15:34 | Report Abuse

tak pasti hariharisaham bro. mungkin sbb reaksi lutut goyang (knee jerk reaction) kot.... DPM kata suspect sistem myIMM kena sabo..... pada saya, ini mungkin berita pemangkin projek kulit... itu pandangan saya... I'm just a layman on the street trying to connect the dots..... tapi brobro & sis sekalian, make sure you buat research sebelum jual/beli...

staying calm. focused. steady.


2016-05-20 09:26 | Report Abuse

mangoLassi bro, spot on!


2016-05-10 14:09 | Report Abuse

its great to see more and more coverage from analysts and bloggers...


2016-05-10 14:08 | Report Abuse

*clapclapclap* tankiu zlyc bro. i tak que jual pon.... i kan long term holder... holding tight tight lol...


2016-05-10 13:25 | Report Abuse

zlyc bro, kasi tolong sikit break itu 0.84 barrier lah...


2016-05-08 00:52 | Report Abuse

mangolassi bro, I am committed. oredi set target long term hehe. looks good the ride so far. the free warrants is like turbo charge my investment holdings. really worth the patience. I will be around for sometime. hehe. look at it historically, u will see that Sam has delivered what he promised. nailing them one after another. this is a gem to me.
BN win landslide in Sarawak. let's see what fireworks will happen on Monday.
will OCK break the 0.84 barrier convincingly ? let's await patiently and watch the show.

stay calm. focused. steady.


2016-05-05 17:11 | Report Abuse

wow. zlyc bro. sudah 5 tahun ikut ? respek. so besok mau naik lagi harga?. cun. kita teruskan menonton tayangan blockbuster ini....



2016-05-05 16:37 | Report Abuse

zlyc bro very clever always catch at low..... buy low sell high... :-)

mana geng cerita-ceriti kambing nih?.... semua dah jual ke?... ibu dan anak kambing hari ini hepi... lol

steady. calm. focused.


2016-05-05 09:33 | Report Abuse

kelvin1 bro, make sure u don't listen to anyone blindly - me included. do your own homework. be convinced yourself before committing. it will be a rollercoaster ride (in short term periods) based on what my still "young" investing experience has taught me. yes I may be foolish to hold in times of distress on share price to certain eyes, but I can sleep well as it's still paying me dividends. of course always keep tabs on what is the co. management doing to gauge what's going on. the price volatility is caused by emotions. so like what UncleZ has shared, patience is the most important value one must sharpen. it has helped me stay calm, focused and steady in times of distress. :-)


2016-05-05 09:19 | Report Abuse

kambing kaki empat2 sudah pulih? lol
wow itu kandang kenanga manyak power. banyak specialist dalam tu...



2016-05-02 12:11 | Report Abuse

ChasingDreamz bro, wow, you very smart indeed..... it's, ok, I guess everybody has their own views and perspective.

chill lah bro. same like you, its your money, you decide what to do with it.... It's ok if you think i am not smart, perhaps i am not...because i am still learning, my strategy is long term - its a trial and error in any case - even in the TA are you are so confident with (double hammer?) - do buzz us here when u catch the signs of rebound ok?

Just one thing, as I have shared before, please do your homework before putting your hard earned money into anything and not to invest on borrowed money.

steady. lol.


2016-04-29 13:14 | Report Abuse

mesti ramai dah goyang.....

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-04-28 15:34 | Report Abuse

wow. bloodbath in the market.

stay calm.


2016-04-25 17:07 | Report Abuse

ohh begitu ya hariharisaham bro. bagus. nampaknya anda juga berjaya training dan menaikkan tahap kesabaran anda.

CUTLOST bro, betul ke? ada berita bagui?..


2016-04-21 22:59 | Report Abuse

aidwiz bro, good observations. hope u had a chance to turun padang and see for yourself their good work on the ground. Sam is definitely still having fire in his belly.

Paul Lee,do read UncleZ's earlier postings ....

fyi, I just received their "first" dividend after a "long hiatus":-) sweet feeling to have held the shares and rewarded with cold hard cash. I am a happy boy indeed :-)

stay calm. focused. steady.


2016-04-21 18:42 | Report Abuse

aidwiz bro, are u willing to follow me till 2020? :-)....
believe is one thing. doing homework and then believing is as importAnt.

it's trying hard to break 83sen barrier. I miss the days of 1.00 price before the bonus issue. :-)

anak kambing trying hard. stubborn. but never give up attitude.is a good trait.
let's await patiently.

stay calm. focused. steady.


2016-04-21 14:46 | Report Abuse

Paul Lee. welcome. so far so good for me. my holdings have rewarded me, but still paper gain je la. I've not sold as yet because I see this company having a bright future ahead. you have to be a long term holder to reap the rewards though. good luck.

stay calm. focused. steady.


2016-04-20 18:06 | Report Abuse

best. tambah dgn repot repot analyst.... kasi wake up ol man....
lets see tomoro got uumph or not.

calm. focused. steady.


2016-04-20 16:37 | Report Abuse

looks like something might b brewing. I noticed a surge of buyer queue at 2.90... wonder what's it...
guess have to wait and see.
calm. focused. steady.


2016-04-20 15:37 | Report Abuse

yahooo... pemandangan indah sudah tercapai...(dividen sudah masuk).

da4444 bro, itu password untuk jadi bull from kambing ka? (bleh bleh bleh)...



2016-04-20 15:35 | Report Abuse

hari2saham bro, kenapa takde untung kalu entry price anda rm1.90 ye? kan dah untung RM1 berdasarkan harga terkini RM2.90? melainkan matematik zoom terlampau lousy...

stay calm. focused. keeping steady.


2016-04-19 16:14 | Report Abuse

hariharisaham bro, steady lah.... bagus. saya pon pegang kuat-kuat nih.. tapi kena pegang dengan cara sayang.... tak boleh kuat sangat... nanti danger boleh accidentally tercekik angsa tersayang ... :-)

stay calm. focused. keep steady.


2016-04-19 16:09 | Report Abuse

happening lah... :-) ... zlyc bro, perhaps while driving too fast past AES camera, flash the OCK company logo when kena snapped.... maybe can get diskaun lol...

stay calm. focused. steady.


2016-04-18 12:03 | Report Abuse

yanxuan8 sharp eyes you have. connecting the dots well :-)

stay focused. keep steady.