
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2016-03-20 00:47 | Report Abuse

memang getup tewnama bro. zoom juga nampak keuntungan steady sejak mengikuti tulisan UncleZ. ribuan terima kasih diucapkan.
harga prestariang steady di tahap ini. bagus. bukan pegangan semut2 maksudnya kalau saya tafsir kan dgn betul. semua tunggu projek kulit. tapi jgn lupa, harga minyak naik pun bagus. jgn lupa Pengerang RAPID.

stay steady.


2016-03-20 00:37 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, I tak sempat nak kira, tapi I tengok pegangan saya, shiok bukan main giler... lol saya subskrip semua OR yg layak, i still remember sembang dgn zlyc dan seorang lagi forumer, yg terpaksa pinjam duit untuk subscribe. hari ini tengok balik, wow memang berbaloi beli saham jangka panjang. TQ UncleZ.

If you guys followed my earlier post,i think I did mentioned about tower sharing which will multiply the recurring income of the towers. it's now confirmed with what Sam said in the latest news coverage. I think Monday will continue to surge and fly. don't forget the local TNS (Telco Network Services) ..... semua operator pun OCK ada biznes dgn mereka. dan semua operator pun akan rollout 3G,4G LTE.overseas, in addition to vietnam, don't forget China and Cambodia too..

tewnama bro. best kan tengok saham emak naik, anak free (warrants)naik dan dapat pemandangan indah (dividend)-juga. best kan triple rewards ini?

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-03-18 17:50 | Report Abuse

ditto that zlyc bro..... i am like.. laughing... not yet to the bank... but see the triple rewards... so sweet.beautiful.
looks like confidence is affirmed for this stock to perform. volume seems consistent.

stay calm. stay focused. keeping steady.


2016-03-18 09:54 | Report Abuse

ini cerita blockbuster in the making nih.... power baby... go go go

masinnya bro, are you sure? warrants TP RM1.02?! walaoeh... mother share dono how much oredi then... its ok. zoomboom got time to wait... 2020 can hit or not? :-)

best tengok triple play i action. wohoo...

stay calm.


2016-03-17 22:33 | Report Abuse

masinnya bro. i hope you are still holding your shares :-) good observation. volume is huge these few days. good for the stock.

lets see will it really go towards the 1.02 TP....

tewnama bro, ya betul. tikam2 saham syiok sekejap sahaja. belum tentu menang. jangka panjang memang berbaloi apabila tengok pasaran menngenali nilainya....

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-03-16 10:16 | Report Abuse

ttgipoh no need to have conspiracy theory. I am sure it will break and kasi picah the 0.24 record. that record won't last long... :-) onlyone caveat, you need to be a long term investor.

lets continue to watch this exciting journey... another blockbuster in the making ...

tewnama bro, kalau ikutkan amanat terbaru UncleZ... yes, boleh beli. bila-bila masa pun boleh beli. cume kena ukur kemampuan masing masing.

stay calm. stay focused. Keep steady.


2016-03-15 22:44 | Report Abuse

jangan lupa Baca amanat terbaru UncleZ:


I believe RHB's analysis on P1-TM is spot on. you can smell the LTE sites rollout coming.... and giving the incumbent operators a run for their money. 450Mhz and 800Mhz which TM has is superior in penetrating buildings to provide good mobile coverage.... let's see how this unfolds..

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-03-15 22:33 | Report Abuse

amanat UncleZ yg terbaru baru:

memang penuh dgn nasihat yg berpengalaman. TQ UncleZ.


2016-03-15 18:55 | Report Abuse

I think Sam made the right decision to pay dividend. it will also catch long term institutional investors radar. hopefully this is the case. it feels good to see mother share rise, free warrants rise and also getting dividend. inilah baru dipanggil "Triple Play" lol.

wish bros and sis' continue to huat.

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-03-15 18:48 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, zoom jerit seorang2 tak syok. bro sibuk ke?
i tengok waran 2 I hepi hehehe...


2016-03-15 17:28 | Report Abuse

okok wannabe bro, everybody has their strategy :-)

looks like the report from pakar2 saham has caught the attention of investors. or does somebody knows something we dont know? - the only way to find out is to be a long term investor.

nice closing today. 12mil shares and up 0.075 sen (10%)

stay calm. stay focused and keep steady.


2016-03-15 16:23 | Report Abuse

wow. u guys really kejar huh..... keep up the good work. lol
i4investor where the study?

wannabe, u tikam huh?.... lol, don't treat it as casino. long term bros....

I'm just waiting for the beautiful scenery (dividend) while watching joyfully the rise of the share price. congrats long term holders :-)

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.
huat ah!


2016-03-15 15:08 | Report Abuse

wohoo huat ah!


2016-03-15 13:53 | Report Abuse

cantek..naik 3.5 sen. wahai semut2 sekalian, mai kejar mengejar...


2016-03-15 12:28 | Report Abuse

kan zoom kata zlyc bro ni savvy. bukan sawi ye, savvy. smart investor. settle itu hutang dulu. bagus. zoom tak pinjam duit, so boleh rileks dan steady tunggu.

rupa2nya RHB tulis analysis.... pemangkin la ni.... bagus.. hepi tengok harga pecut..

stay calm. focused. steady.


2016-03-15 11:31 | Report Abuse

zlyc bro memang savvy. tapi zoom nak dividen. long term kan bagus... zoom punya target 2020 mah... hehe..

lai ah. huat ah ! tewnama bro, mai jerit... lol..

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-03-15 10:02 | Report Abuse

wah... adakah ini pecutan benar?... memang bagus "old man"ini....

stay calm. stay focused keep steady


2016-03-14 20:42 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro . sudah Baca amanat terbaru Uncle tersayang Kami?:

OCK pon akan bayar dividen. indah sungguh pemandangan......

stay calm. stay focused. steady.


2016-03-14 17:34 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro... saya setuju....

calm. focused. steady.


2016-03-14 17:30 | Report Abuse

wah nampak macam murah... 2.73... tetapi betul ke, murah ke?... itu tertakluk kepada pandangan masing2..

calm. steady. focused.


2016-03-14 17:28 | Report Abuse

aha... sudah ada power sikit ini hari... best.

calm.steady. focused.


2016-03-11 17:35 | Report Abuse

sosfinance bro, i think you have done a lot of analysis and shared earlier. can help enlighten CFTrader?


2016-03-10 13:37 | Report Abuse

kan betul zoom kata... kali dgn 0.006....


2016-03-04 17:34 | Report Abuse

kali dgn 0.006 baru betul ... lol...


2016-03-01 16:03 | Report Abuse

patience. calm.focused.steady.


2016-03-01 15:50 | Report Abuse

and as usual, like UncleZ calls this counter - "old man", always move a tad slower than expected = still got chance to load up lol... market seems to have a selective amnesia, not believing what they see... until the mad semut2 goes in...

look at the revenue. superb. 2012-138mil, 2015 -318mil. Growth stock, for sure. Sam is running on all pistons. tabik. as we expected, OCK closed the year 2015 with outstanding numbers. highest in history thus far. wait till 2020 - when the gains from Myanmar post tower built and ASEAN recurring income kicks in.

i am hepi. got dividen coming :-) holding my shares tight.

zlyc bro, i agree, its probably part of a plan to appease major shareholder, but it also signals to me (kicimai semut shareholder) that Sam wants to reward shareholders for believing in him, in his vision and long term mission :-) I hope our patience and conviction will bear fruit in the near future :-)

stay calm. focused. steady.


2016-03-01 11:50 | Report Abuse

laporan kewangan cantekk !
walaoeh.... revenue berganda dua! ada pemandan indah lagi( dividen !) yahooo best !

mereka yg sebelum ini was-was dan tidak percaya dgn potensi sykt ini, sungguh sayang...

apa tunggu lagi? kasi kejar-kejar.. lol..

stay calm. stay focused. steady...


2016-02-26 12:38 | Report Abuse

best. cantek. lets see what happens next. :-)
stay calm. focused. steady.


2016-02-20 21:23 | Report Abuse

Tewnama bro, zoom cume connecting the dots je. Akan Jadi Nasi lemak wangi atau Nasi basi belum tahu lagi. Yang penting kita sabar dan continue tonton tayangan blockbuster kita ni. Jangka panjang :-)

yg saye nampak ialah :- Visa AS untuk warganegara msia -- SKIN -- Prestariang -- Unisys -- Fracklin T. --

Stay calm. Stay focused. Keeping steady.


2016-02-19 18:29 | Report Abuse

Hehehe. Tewnama bro itu lah petanda2 something is brewing. Mesti ada kena mengena dgn lawatan PM kita ke amerika syarikat. Kan PM ada meeting dgn top fund manager AS? Hehe.
Mari kita tunggu dgn penuh kesabaran.

Bau resipi nasi lemak pun semakin wangi :-)

Stay calm. Focused. Steady.


2016-02-18 14:31 | Report Abuse

bro azizulma, best kan angsa tersayang kita ini?... saya masih ingat bro pernah tanya tewnama bro, adakah TP3.50 boleh sampai?.... hari itu kan dah dekat.... cecah 3.27 :-)

saya yakin, 3.50 pasti boleh kasi picah. cume kena tunggu dgn penuh kesabaran... jangka panjang....

stay calm. stay focused. Keep steady.


2016-02-18 12:41 | Report Abuse

KG1967 bro, this stock famous for its "old man" traits. It will be laggard. It's a good thing for traders. Got enuff time to masuk before it rises. Hehe.

As long term holders, we should also learn to "sleep" and hibernate and let it grow.
Hopefully when the time is ripe, and we need the money, we are in the peak cycle of the share price.

Stay calm. Stay focused. Keep steady.


2016-02-18 01:08 | Report Abuse

mana dragonfly nih....... masih tgh tune up untuk take off ke?....

sabar sabar....

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-02-17 18:15 | Report Abuse

sama sama bro hari2saham....

bro tewnama, what i understand from UncleZ's latest post is, semua-semua TP, TP, jangkaan jangkaan yg dikatakan para expert2 dan semut2 sekalian, adalah ramalan semata-mata...

tersiratnya adalah perenggan terakhir di dalam posting itu. ramalannya resipi nasi lemak pasti berbau sedap tetapi kena bersabar dan kena lihat dgn jangka panjang :-)

jgn lupe tengok gambar feng shui yg terdapat dalam blog itu. kita tengok balik akhir tahun sama ada ramalan itu tepat atau tidak :-) yg jangka panjang, tak ada kesan sebenarnya.

stay calm. stay focused.


2016-02-16 18:02 | Report Abuse

Ya saya setuju dgn pendapat tewnama bro. lagi lama lagi sedap baunya. kita tuggu dgn penuh kesabaran...

aha, amanat terbaru UncleZ:


2016-02-05 11:58 | Report Abuse

he he he zlyc bro. come join me. keep keep. 2020...


2016-02-05 10:32 | Report Abuse

wow, CFTrader u banyak powerful, u put eye only straight shooting up :-) u already collect or not?

looks like Sam giving ang pow just in time for CNY lol...

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-02-04 12:38 | Report Abuse

Rasanya mmg boleh hariharisaham bro. Sudah pecah hari itu.
Kalu tidak, mengapa otai Franklin resources masih Mem beli dan menambah pegangan nih?:


Kita sabar. Fokused. Steady.

Tewnama bro, itu resipi Nasi Lemak rasanya kena tunggu lama sikit baru boleh keluar bau best. Kita nantikan dgn kesabaran.


2016-02-02 10:36 | Report Abuse

wah sudah kembali senyap... masa bagus untuk beli nih.. ..

stay calm. focused. steady.


2016-02-02 10:34 | Report Abuse

i wonder when market will realize the upcoming possible revenue to OCK too:


"It said on Tuesday that assuming an extra RM500mil to retune their networks and add more sites,..."

its good to see you guys doing some homework trying to find answers to your doubts :-)
married deal 0.158% is probably a normal thing, perhaps Mr. Low need some cash for CNY celebrations... :-)

Let's wait patiently to see how far can this baby go. i've been waiting since 2013... wow how time flies :-)

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-01-29 18:16 | Report Abuse

ilovemarket bro, its ok, so long as market realize it, never mind sooner or later,... long term holder will reap the benefit. wow, what wind u heard that Thailand have solar project for OCK? this is an even better news if its for real. Sam really all out to get overseas recurring income stream.

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-01-29 12:42 | Report Abuse

betul bro. sudah 5% pegagan berdasarkan announcement bursa itu. announcement kat bursa maksudya sah ler tuh...


2016-01-29 12:05 | Report Abuse

ditto that conan bro.


This may be bad news for the telco operators (to fork out a lot more $$ for spectrum), but i see it as creating more opportunities and jobs for telco services company like OCK when it comes to the need to re-optimize and re-planning the mobile network with scarce spectrum...

lets await patiently to see if this will happen.

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-01-28 18:56 | Report Abuse

Conan, I tak cita2 tinggi. Dapat sebagai subcon pun cukup lah.... Just connecting the dots to see if the news would spell more opportunities for OCK to expand its solar biz... it would be another potential source of recurring income.

Stay calm in these times of uncertainties , yet again....


2016-01-27 13:19 | Report Abuse

possible OCK :- Oil Conundrum Katalyst? :

Staying calm. Staying focused. Keep steady.


2016-01-27 12:15 | Report Abuse

wow, thanks kelvin1 for buying and pushing the price back up :-)

ini yang best nih, Franklin Templeton pun ada minat terhadap Prestariang.

stay calm. stay focused.keep steady

News & Blogs

2016-01-21 17:02 | Report Abuse

wow, markets now wiping out .... fear ruling again.. dejavu...
fund managers under pressure... rushing to "preserve" capital....


2016-01-21 17:00 | Report Abuse

alamak. satu pasaran tomato.... ketakutan kembali...
masa masa beginilah akan menguji kesabaran bros dan sis kalian...

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-01-21 16:57 | Report Abuse

walaoeh, sea of red is back again.

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.

News & Blogs

2016-01-21 13:07 | Report Abuse

Opportunity Cantik Knocking - OCK :-)