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38 comment(s). Last comment by i3fan 2013-10-21 08:45


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 14:34 | Report Abuse

Sorry LKS. GE 13 is actually a good result for Malay.We are very happy to this result as we can get more and more. Why should we change it for the next GE ? If we change and get chinese back on our side then what we get is only sikit. Why bother to get chinese back. We are enjoying now. hehehehe. And we want more and more. Now chinese in other side make our job easy. They cannot blame the current govt. They them self throw away this govt and yet they want to blame this govt?.hahahahha. You have yourself to blame la. Hope next GE will cast the same result as this GE and that time we are going to enjoy more and more. arrrghhhhh im hungry for more. Let the chinese in opposition side.This will make the job easy. No kacau-kacau. If they are within the govt then its hard do what govt do now. Oh yeah thanks to Lee Kwan Yew with a good book and analysis of the GE game plan and the advice to chinese community. Actually that can be taken by govt to do the opposite so that chinese community will not be with govt anymore.They will be at the opposition side for long time until the malay and indian get all even more then 30% economic pie.hahahah.You so brilliant Lew Kwan Yew. Only that you wrongly expose it in book form so that everybody can read.


2,599 posts

Posted by Fortunebull > 2013-10-20 14:42 | Report Abuse

PR will be stronger next general election! We chineses will never never again vote for Dumno! Going back to Dumno is eating shit! Without us Bolehland can bankrupt!


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2013-10-20 14:45 | Report Abuse

A case regressive mindset.100% racist....100% brainwashed by mamakkutty


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 14:47 | Report Abuse

Good Fortunebull. That what BN want. Hheheheheh.


2,599 posts

Posted by Fortunebull > 2013-10-20 14:49 | Report Abuse

We won 51% popularity votes! Dumno government is illegitimate! 100% chineses didnt support Dumnno! Another 5 years Dumno take Bolehland to bankrupt!


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 15:02 | Report Abuse

Yeah go and check a lot of that 51% popular vote are come from constituency which located at the town ship which the electorate number are huge and predominantly dominate by one community which is Chinese. Aiyo you go to opposition friendly website Malaysia today and you see Raja Petra analysis on last GE result and where the popular vote coming in. That is why Anwar now senyap sunyi. No bunyi anymore because he know the biggest chunk of popular vote come from chinese predominated area such PJ..IPOH..manymore more. Thats why PKR lost. PAS also lost. Thats why Anwar now senyap sahaja. He know he dont have backed from Malay community. He know it very well.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-20 15:04 | Report Abuse

adek izoklse , don't be a racist. Why must you act this way? Most of the Malays are a ok but why you another Malay act differently? izoklse learn to stand on your 2 feet and work hard with the 2 hands that GOD had so kindly given you. Don't be a parasite & with your 2 stretch hand, don't beg from UMNO. Salam.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-20 15:09 | Report Abuse

Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan, said that the people did not even thank the government when there are subsidies for the petrol all this while. Viktor Wong asks, should we? Read more, share and debate. You decide.

Why thank the thieves?



5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 15:14 |

Post removed.Why?


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-20 15:14 | Report Abuse

Threat to Malaysian students backfires as Anwar draws bigger crowd in Australia



5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 15:22 |

Post removed.Why?


1,609 posts

Posted by ruslimz > 2013-10-20 15:29 | Report Abuse

most of Malays in big town also voted for opposition...but malays in kampung yang kena suap by BR1M voted BN....BR1M is the biggest corrupt
practise ever in the history of this bolehland.....but who cares....not the suruhanjaya rasuah malaysia.......


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-20 15:31 | Report Abuse

AG’s report – unanswered questions
October 20, 2013

FMT LETTER: From Ravinder Singh. vcia e-mail

Much has been said about the Auditor General’s report, but a couple of nagging questions have not been addressed. The Auditor General needs to inform the public on:

1 Whether the sky-high prices paid for the purchases were the prices as stated in the budgets of the respective departments and agencies?

Thus, for example, in the case of the RM40,000 laptops and RM3,800 wall clocks, were these the prices stated in the budgets of the departments or agencies concerned? In other words, is this the sum of money they had asked for, for purchasing those items at those prices, and were given without a question?

If the answer is yes, then how come such excessive prices were approved in the first place?

2 Were goods purchased at the excessive prices to finish off the left-over money after having purchased all the necessities, rather than returning it to the treasury?

The treasury is not happy to have any balances returned to it. The policy is that money allocated to each of the departments and agencies must be spent. Not finishing the money allocated is taken to mean that those responsible for utilising it were not efficient.

So were the RM40,000 laptops and RM3,800 clocks purchased with the ‘leftover’ money that the departments and agencies wanted to finish lest they be labelled as inefficient?

It behoves the Auditor General to pin-point the causes.

If the departments and agencies had actually asked for RM40,000 for laptops and RM3,800 for wall clocks, how did these budgeted figures get approved in the first place?

If it was a case of finishing off the excess money, then why was so much extra asked for and given?

These are very pertinent matters that the public should be informed about. So could the Auditor General please oblige us with a clarification on this.



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-20 15:35 | Report Abuse

"KEMEWAHAN KRONI DIUTAMAKAN, Rakyat Kena Dulu" Satu lagi pencapaian membanggakan oleh kerajaan minoriti BN. Bayangkan apa akan terjadi menjelang tahun 2020... Berapa byk kilogram beras yg kita akan dapat rasa pd masa itu.. Tak mengapa.. nanti mesti menteri2 'bodoh & cuai" kata.. "klu mahal sgt jgn mkn nasi..."


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-20 15:42 | Report Abuse

BONGKAR!!!...RM1.08 Bilion Lagi Duit Petronas Lebur Selamatkan Syarikat Swasta. KUALA LUMPUR, 18 OKTOBER: Sebanyak RM1.08 bilion wang syarikat milik negara Petronas digunakan untuk menampung kerugian sebuah hospital mewah swasta, Prince Court Medical Centre (PCMC) sejak penubuhannya pada tahun 2008. Lebih mendukacitakan, pembinaan hospital bernilai RM544 juta yang juga turut ditanggung Petronas tidak pernah mengalami keuntungan dan yang menyukarkan keadaan, tidak ada seorang pun Ahli Parlimen boleh mendapat akses kepada status kewangan menyeluruh Petronas melainkan Perdana Menteri kerana tertakluk pada Seksyen 3(2) Akta Pembangunan Petroleum. Menurut Ahli Parlimen DAP Bukit Benhdera Zairil Khir Johari, pada tahun 2008 PCMC mengalami kerugian RM111 juta, RM192 juta kerugian pada tahun 2009 dan RM450 juta kerugian pula pada tahun 2010. zairil (1)“Hingga tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2011, jumlah kerugian yang dicatatkan hospital mewah swasta yang ditanggung Petronas itu ialah RM1.08 bilion. “Adakah wajar wang negara, wang rakyat digunakan untuk menampung kerugian syarikat swasta?” soalnya. Menimbulkan persoalan, Penolong Setiausaha Publisiti DAP itu menyatakan prestasi yang ditunjukkan PCMC jauh berbeza dengan hospital-hospital swasta yang lain. “Mengikut Laporan Kewangan IHH Healthcare 2012, Parkway Pantai yang mempunyai rangkaian hospital swasta di malaysia dan Singapura mencatat perolehan RM4.75 bilion dalam tahun 2012 manakala RM818 juta keuntungan,” dedah Zairil. Dalam hal ini tegasnya, Petronas tidak sepatutnya terlibat dalam aktiviti perniagaan di luar bidang seperti hartanah dan kesihatan dan sepatutnya memberi tumpuan kepada industri petroleum dan gas sepertimana yang dipraktikkan oleh syarikat-syarikat petroleum yang lain. “Apa yang berlaku ini mewujudkan satu keperluan mendesak agar hal ehwal kewangan Petronas diawasi memandangkan ia merupakan syarikat pengeluar minyak negara,” jelas Zairil. - Roketkini.com


2,850 posts

Posted by 8u29song > 2013-10-20 15:46 | Report Abuse

semoga kamu panjang umur untuk melihat perkembangan selanjutnya.....


1,609 posts

Posted by ruslimz > 2013-10-20 15:50 | Report Abuse

Zaman dulu pemimpin UMNO berjuang untuk kepentingan rakyat...sekarang pemimoin UMNO berjuang untuk dapat fulus......


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-20 16:00 | Report Abuse

DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang today asked if Mohd Ali Rustam is going to blame the Chinese again for his loss in the Umno vice-president polls yesterday, where even the majority of the Umno Malacca state divisions did not vote for him.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 16:07 | Report Abuse

My Second daughter soon will be born at PCMC. My son also born there. Thank You Dato President to keep your promise to all staff that it is not all about business but also about the well being of the employee. Thanks you for the Management of PETRONAS for keeping this facility for all staff to use it and for the employee of PCMC,Doktor and nurse thanks so much for what you did to our family. Hehhehe hope to see you guys soon as my daughter is on the way.


2,599 posts

Posted by Fortunebull > 2013-10-20 16:15 | Report Abuse

Izoklse! You are racist! We chineses work hard for Bolehland! Without us Bolehland bankrupt very soon!


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 16:17 | Report Abuse

Good For u Fortunebull


2,599 posts

Posted by Fortunebull > 2013-10-20 16:21 | Report Abuse

Wait for Bersih 4! We all ready for 1 million turnout!


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 16:22 | Report Abuse

Good for u Fortunebull


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-20 16:33 | Report Abuse

Ketika hutang kerajaan UMNO mencecah RM700 billion, rakyat Malaysia pula dibebani hutang isi rumah yang tertinggi di Asia. UMNO punca segala kesengsaraan rakyat.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-20 16:43 | Report Abuse

Malaysia must not ignore the bubble red flag

"The report received a favorable response from Lim Guan Eng, the Chief Minister of the State of Penang, who said in a press statement, “Even renowned financial analyst Jesse Colombo wrote in the Forbes online magazine that Malaysia’s economic bubble will burst due to its high government and household debt.”

Lim went on to say, “Interestingly, Colombo said that plans to build the tallest building in Southeast Asia, the 118-story and RM5 billion Warisan Merdeka Tower, is a major Skyscraper Index red flag.” The Skyscraper Index red flag refers to a Dresdner Kleinwort report in 2009 which showed a correlation between the construction of the world’s tallest buildings and the impending end of business cycles.

The report also struck enough of a raw nerve that Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed refuted my assertion that the popping of China’s precarious bubble economy will also pop Malaysia’s bubble in a press conference in Kuala Lumpur, saying “The Chinese economy is not going to tumble. It’s going to stay strong. We’ve seen high growth in China for many years.”

“Malaysia is not going to be adversely affected. Anyway, we are focusing more on domestic resources growth and it’s becoming more relevant in this context,” he added.

Here Malaysia may have a bubble problem & still we want to praise UMNO sky high. What will you become when the bubble comes? by that time you don't have money to pay your housing loan, car loan, etc. What will you say then when it really comes? Go begging at the UMNO to give you freebies?


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-20 17:06 | Report Abuse

Umno can’t change, will soon be extinct, says former NST chief editor

October 20, 2013

Umno is unable to bring change and just like the dodo bird, will soon become extinct, writes the former group chief editor of Umno-controlled New Straits Times.

The analogy of the now-extinct bird species from Mauritius is made by Datuk A. Kadir Jasin on his latest blog posting.

He writes that whether there were 2,000 or 140,000 delegates who took part in the just-concluded Umno polls, it is obvious that the party could not make the leap forward as it could not elect a fresh line-up of future leaders.

For Kadir, the only consolation in the Umno vice-presidential race is that those who accused of being involved in money politics have been rejected.

According to Kadir, while the status quo for the veep line-up was a good sign for Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the same could not be said for the party. This is because it could not vote in a new generation of leaders except for a few who made it to the supreme council.

Re-elected vice-president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's big win also puts him as the third in line to succession in Umno, after Najib and his deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

As such, Kadir does not want to discount the possibility that Ahmad Zahid, who is the Home Minister, could turn from being a trusted ally to challenger for the top post.

He notes that Ahmad Zahid’s stern stance on crime and national security differs from Najib's liberal image.

Ahmad Zahid's approach has steered clear from Najib's liberalism, something which Malays and Umno members shun, Kadir adds.

Kadir, a loyalist of former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, then takes a swipe at Najib for abolishing preventive laws such as the Internal Security Act and Emergency Ordinance, which he says resulted in a spike in crime.

He says there is the possibility of a new alliance between Ahmad Zahid and re-elected Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin to further the former’s political ambitions.

Khairy, explains Kadir, can ensure Ahmad Zahid better support being the Youth chief, adding that votes from the Youth wing would come in handy in the future.

The alliance would also be relevant given the duo's very different backgrounds and approaches. Ahmad Zahid could be the champion of the Malays and a local hero, while Khairy could be the savvy spokesman in the international arena.

Kadir says the fact that so many ministers and deputy ministers have been elected to the supreme council line-up means that they would not be able be speak out on behalf of the Malays.

He adds that only a handful in the line-up do not have high posts. And if these individuals could be sweet-talked, it would mean a total absence of independent voices for the Malays in the supreme council.

Kadir warns that there will now be only those who act as "yes men and women" to the party president.

He laments the lack of young blood in the party line-up, and points to the negative perception of the new generation towards Umno.

This, he writes, clearly distinguishes Umno from PKR, PAS and DAP which have many young leaders as well as a second echelon who are well-grounded in research and debate. - October 20, 2013.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 19:36 | Report Abuse



Change by any other name is still change

So, back to my opening question: going by the just-concluded Umno party election, have we seen any change in Umno? Many of you will say ‘no’. I, however, will say ‘yes’. Umno has changed. It now realises what it needs. It understands that what it wants does not matter. What it wants will not keep Umno in power. And what Umno needs is to stay in power. And, to stay in power, it needs to give the Malays/Muslims want they want.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Two old friends bump into each other on the street after not having met for some time.

“Hey, Mike, how are you? Haven’t heard from you for some time.”

“Yeah, I’ve been away over the last few months. Been in rehab.”

“Yeah, I heard about that. And how is your drinking problem?”

“Oh, much better. I’m doing great. I don’t drink any more.”

“That’s certainly great to hear. Well done.”

“I don’t drink any less either.”

I suppose that can either be taken as an improvement or a setback, depending on how you look at things and whether you perceive half a glass of water as half-full or half-empty. And how would you perceive the just-concluded Umno party elections? A step forwards or a step backwards (or many steps as the case may be)?

That would probably depend on whether you think that not drinking any more is good when one does not drink any less either. Or maybe you think there is really no change for the better although things may not be getting any worse as well.

Again, how would you perceive the just-concluded Umno party elections? Has Umno moved forwards? Has Umno moved backwards? Or has there actually been no change?

To the alcoholic, not drinking any more is good even though he or she does not drink any less either. To the teetotaller, though, that would probably be seen as a setback. After months of rehab all you could achieve is to arrest the slide but not reverse it? That, to some, would be a disaster.

The Islamists look at Malaysia today and compare it to Malaysia of, say, 60 years ago, and would say that much has improved since the 1950s. Nowadays, most Muslim women dress ‘decently’ and wear a tudung compared to short skirts and bareback dresses as in the past. This, to the Islamists, is a great leap forward.

Liberals frown and sigh and say that Malaysia has gone backwards since the days or Saloma and P. Ramlee. What has become of Malaysia when Malay women today dress like Arabs in the desert whereas once they were so modern and sexy? And where has all the joget and ronggeng gone to, which was very much part of Malay culture back in the days before Merdeka?

People will change when there is a need for change. The question would be whether the change is for the better or for the worse. Better or worse would be how you perceive things and is not constant. The only constant thing, as they say, is change. But then if it changes how could it be constant? That is what we could probably call an oxymoron.

Umno would change if there were a need for change. Everything and everyone changes dependent on need. The only thing is: what would be this need? And this is where we enter the realm of the debate between wants and needs. There are wants and there are needs -- and most times people are confused between the two.

You need a car because you cannot get to work without one, especially when Malaysia’s public transportation system sucks. But you do not need a BMW or a Mercedes Benz. That is not a need. That is what you want. Hence the difference between wants and needs, which most people cannot seem to differentiate.

The question of needs and wants would also come into play when we talk about the change, or lack of change, as the case may be, in Umno. Going by the just-concluded Umno party elections, has Umno changed? And if it has, has it changed for the better or for the worse?

Different people will have a different answer to this.

I would rather ask another question. Does Umno want to change? Or, more importantly, does Umno need to change?

Umno may want to change, or at least some people in Umno may want to see Umno change -- for example, people such as Party President Najib Tun Razak and Youth Leader Khairy Jamaluddin. But can Umno change if many people see no need for change in Umno?

So, what then does Umno need before we talk about what Umno wants?

In the past, Umno depended on their partners in Barisan Nasional. That was in the days when Barisan Nasional could win general elections with landslide victories and with more than two-thirds of the seats in Parliament (plus the same in the state elections as well). Today, that is no longer possible.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 19:37 |

Post removed.Why?


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 19:51 | Report Abuse

Finally Raja Petra Got it all correct. Hhahahah. That is why i said Malay will get more and more and more if UMNO stay in this courses and they know very well that to win they need to win the heart of Majority. Now i rest my case. :-). Thanks Raja Petra.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-20 20:13 | Report Abuse

This is for you akito to answer your news artical about "Umno can’t change, will soon be extinct, says former NST chief editor" . This time Raja Petra Answer it for u. :-)


The sins of the fathers visit the sons

Raja Petra Kamarudin

The pro-Umno Bloggers are on the attack. They are not happy with the just-concluded Umno party election. They were hoping that Mukhriz Mahathir instead of Hishammuddin Hussein would win one of the three Vice-Presidencies.

A. Kadir Jasin is also on the attack (read below). He has repeated what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has to say about Najib Tun Razak -- which is not at all flattering. But then Kadir Jasin has always been Tun Dr Mahathir’s ‘mouthpiece’. So this is probably not at all surprising.

The issue here is that the son of Tun Hussein Onn won with just a nine-vote lead against the son of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. And they blame the son of Tun Abdul Razak Hussein for this narrow defeat.

This sounds like a proxy war between two dead one-time Malaysian Prime Ministers versus one still alive one-time Prime Minister.

Tengku Abdul Rahman did not like Tun Dr Mahathir. In fact, that is putting it mildly. Tengku Rahman actually hated Tun Dr Mahathir and he once said that Umno would perish at the hands of Tun Dr Mahathir.

And that hatred is mutual. Tun Dr Mahathir played a prominent role in Tengku Rahman’s ouster that saw Tun Razak take over as Prime Minister in 1970. Tun Razak then appointed Tun Dr. Ismail Abdul Rahman as his Deputy and when Tun Dr Ismail died in 1973 Tun Hussein took over.

When Tun Razak died in 1976, Tun Hussein took over as Prime Minister and he reluctantly appointed Tun Dr Mahathir as his Deputy -- because of pressure from the party -- when he would rather have appointed Tun Muhammad Ghazali Shafie as the Deputy instead.

And once Tun Dr Mahathir became the Deputy he made his move to oust Tun Hussein and took over as Prime Minister in 1981.

Since the 1950s Umno has seen power struggles for the top two positions.

First Onn Ja'afar was ousted. Then Tengku Rahman was ousted. Then Tun Razak died before he could be ousted, as did Tun Dr Ismail. Then Tun Ghazali was ousted. Then Hussein Onn was ousted. Then Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Tun Musa Hitam were ousted. Then Tun Abdul Ghafar Baba was ousted. Then Anwar Ibrahim was ousted. Then Tun Dr Mahathir was ousted. Finally, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was ousted.

The only way you could avoid being ousted was to die in office like Tun Razak and Tun Dr Ismail.

So what was the just-concluded Umno party election all about? Was it about bringing change to Umno? Certainly not! It is about who is going to take over as Prime Minister once the son of Tun Razak is forced out of office. Is it going to be the son of Tun Hussein Onn or the son of Tun Dr Mahathir? And he who wins the Umno Vice-Presidency can then prepare himself to take on the Deputy Presidency and from thereon the Presidency of Umno, which also means the Prime Ministership of Malaysia.

So the son of Tun Dr Mahathir did not make the Vice-Presidency. The son of Tun Hussein did. Hence the son of Tun Hussein and not the son of Tun Dr Mahathir would have a better shot at the number two slot -- and thereafter the number one slot.

It is about the son of which ex-Prime Minister will take over once the son of another ex-Prime Minister is successfully ousted from power. This is what the just-concluded Umno party election was all about.

And that man who aspires to take over must be seen as more Malay and more Islamic than his opponents. And has Umno’s history not shown that liberals eventually get ousted in favour of hardliners?

Umno can’t change, say some liberals. Of course Umno can’t change. If Umno does change then the top leaders would get ousted. But will Umno soon become extinct if it does not change? I fear not. I fear that PAS may become extinct instead -- unless it changes course and becomes more Islamic than Umno.

The animal called Umno is about Malay and Muslim supremacy. And unless Najib sees this he would soon join the long list of top Umno leaders who eventually get kicked out.

What happened yesterday was that the Malays have sent the top party leadership a message that Umno is about Malay political power and that there must be no compromise on this matter. And the only way that PAS is going to remain relevant is to become more radical than Umno. That is what yesterday’s Umno party election means.

Welcome to the realm of Malay politics.

Hidup Umno! Hidup Melayu! Hidup Islam!


2,599 posts

Posted by Fortunebull > 2013-10-20 20:19 | Report Abuse

DAP and PKR want reconciliation but Dumno ignore! Screen Tandas Putra but ban New Village! Deny late Chin Peng hero burial! Malays loss out if continue with BR1M! Bolehland will bankrupt with high debts! Chinese major tax contributors, malays don't pay tax! We don't takeover power from malays! We only want equal rights! Many malays told me next general election they will 100% vote for PR even DAP! They want corrupt free nation not like Dumno racist mamakutty!


1,219 posts

Posted by jenabchen123 > 2013-10-21 02:44 | Report Abuse

Fortunebull dreaming bullshit .........


1,455 posts

Posted by adamdacutie > 2013-10-21 05:18 | Report Abuse

izoklse is an ignorant shit . I've never seen a self claimed Malay with such limited brain source and huge arrogance and ignorance . Please , understand the situation in Malaysia . We need a real economical transformation and not stimulus packages that will increase the fiscal deficits even more. We need an overall forward drift ... and not waste and corruptions . And your statement : " GE 13 is actually a good result for Malay.We are very happy to this result as we can get more and more. ", please...I just do not have that low amount of IQ to even comment on this.

Posted by waltzingcrab > 2013-10-21 05:30 | Report Abuse

idiots like izok are a plenty in bolehland..yup these species think they are a island that can survive in a globalised world...the species that yell and scream are the ones that go extinct fast...so izok use that little grey matter that u might still hv look beyond that whats infront you.


3,980 posts

Posted by SANG-JERO > 2013-10-21 07:16 | Report Abuse

Not happy in Malaysia?....Please migrate....We want to live in peace here....


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-21 08:24 | Report Abuse

Please Malaysian brothers & sister, please don't post racist remarks. Why should we do this? We should all holding our hands together to make our beloved Malaysia a more prosperous country for all. So no need to say racist things or remarks here, it's not good for all. Please act more mature in your postings. Work together for harmony & prosperity our beloved Malaysia,Thank you all.

Now please read this below by Bernama

BN needs 30% of Chinese votes to form strong government – Bernama

October 21, 2013

Barisan Nasional (BN) must strive harder to regain the Chinese support, apart from garnering full support from Malay voters to enable the coalition to rule the country, said Umno supreme council member Datuk Razali Ibrahim (pic).

Razali, who is also Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, said BN needed at least 30% of the Chinese votes to build a strong government.

"We must not forget that Chinese voters helped BN retained power in the 1999 general elections when Umno was split following the sacking of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as deputy prime minister.

"Ironically, Chinese voters took advantage of the split among the Malays to vote the opposition in the hope that they could change the government," he told reporters yesterday.

On his election as Muar Umno division chief, Razali said he would strengthen the division's administration and machinery to face the next general election.

"I will seek the views of former Muar Umno division chief Datuk Mohd Ismail Mohd Shah and reconsolidate the division and branches by putting aside differences during the party polls," he said.

First-timer Razali won the Umno division chief post when he garnered 366 votes to beat Umno Parit Tunggal branch chief Datuk Jalaludin Kassim by merely 19 votes. - Bernama, October 21, 2013.



35 posts

Posted by i3fan > 2013-10-21 08:45 | Report Abuse

Agree..... but the best thing is please do not post @ link @ start any discussion that relate to politic. It will be a never ending argument that lead a remarks that we feel it as racist to the other side. U can discuss and show your support in the political forum.... let i3 investor be a KLSE @ share forum.......

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