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259 comment(s). Last comment by squidoo 2015-07-23 12:23

Posted by matdedah > 2015-07-11 15:19 | Report Abuse

According to bodoh punya Dreamhunter, account should be still private even after so many proof of money flowing into his account has been presented. This I m afraid is a Melayu bodoh syndrome....not just any Melayu but Umno Melayu bodoh sombong


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2015-07-11 20:35 | Report Abuse

Dreamcork is preparing for raya. Anyway, if you cannot explain a large sum of money with you, it is so obvious money laundry.


2,000 posts

Posted by fortunebullz > 2015-07-11 20:53 | Report Abuse

Najib is a heavy liability for Umno! Even rural voters felt the impact of Najib policies like gst, and removal of fuel subisidy! With his reputation gone to dump, there is no point for Najib to continue to lead Malaysia longest coalition! The empowerment of extremist Pas is all to obvious! The image of steadfast, corrupt free and continuous hardcore supporters, Malaysia is heading toward Taliban or Iranian rule! And the blunder of Lims to make extremist Pas as their enemy only fuel the attraction towards talibanis rule!


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-07-11 21:31 | Report Abuse

good info there sunkist118....

cannot compreheand why there are still some low IQ souls
who wants to give the benefit of doubt to assholes/bullies like this Malaysian police / Ahjib type of ..tards!

Imagine if such powerful people like Pascal Najadi himself struggling to find justice...and being suppressed in Malaysia..
how the minority races / poor malays can find justice?

We are extremely fortunate to have a person like TM who is voicing his opinions...if not these high level secret suppression will never ever surface. NEVER EVER SURFACE.

actually if not because of one can actually have the infuence/guts to bring these out...
Anwar is locked in prison..Karpal is dead...LKS is screaming and screaming..and people are acting like deaf!

this is your One and last chance to break this high level "SEAL"!

No worst morons than those who try to suppress people's questions such as these...

Posted by Specialist > 2015-07-11 21:34 | Report Abuse

At least one billionaire is having nightmares every nite from now.


2,000 posts

Posted by fortunebullz > 2015-07-11 21:35 | Report Abuse

Probability! Mahathir only wants to protect his cash cows! Today we still living under mahathir system! It really mind boggling some people praising Mahathir now! Najib is no worst than Mahathir except Mahathir has excellent pr skill!


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-07-11 21:37 | Report Abuse

Fortune i agree with you...but this the best we got(TM)..especially for the currebt scenario.


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 21:40 | Report Abuse

It's not about suppressing anybody's questions, Mr. Probability ... As long as they are reasonable questions, then they can be entertained ...

It's about guiding some kontuik idiot dikkheads who seem unable to control themselves from asking the most kontuik idiot questions that tend to spring out of their kontuik idiot heads ...


2,000 posts

Posted by fortunebullz > 2015-07-11 21:41 | Report Abuse

Probability! Majority malay voters are turning to extremist Pas! The reason is obvious! It suit their culture well and it's leaders are uncorruptable! As for pkr, forget it! Without Anwar, the attraction is gone!


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 21:46 | Report Abuse

CartoonBullz, you're still wearing that topeng that you've stolen from DreamWarrior ... Wonder why ... maybe becos you're not confident enough & not secure enough in your own personality, I guess ...

No wonder folks just can't take you seriously in here ... You hv insufficient credibility ...

Posted by Specialist > 2015-07-11 21:52 | Report Abuse

As SpeedyBoy said this bull has no confidence and nil conviction in what he posted.

Posted by Specialist > 2015-07-11 21:53 | Report Abuse

But when bored can get a laugh sometimes from his bull crap.


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 21:58 | Report Abuse

Teruskan aja lah memaki hamun, siapa-siapa yang gemar & suka sangat memaki hamun orang tanpa cukup usul periksa tu ... Tapi kau punya pahala puasa, pahala sembahyang semua tak tentu lagi on tau ... Silap-silap kena batal habis ... Langsung sikit habuk pun tak dapat markah ... Ha, ingat aja gitu ...

Orang yang kena maki hamun tu ta dapat dosa sebab orang maki hamun dia tau ... Yang dapat dosa tukang maki hamun tu aja ... Jangan la pulak silap faham, ya ...

Posted by Specialist > 2015-07-11 22:06 | Report Abuse

Oh this bull is also a thief,how terrible hahaha.


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 22:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by matdedah > Jul 11, 2015 03:19 PM | Report Abuse

According to bodoh punya Dreamhunter, account should be still private even after so many proof of money flowing into his account has been presented. This I m afraid is a Melayu bodoh syndrome....not just any Melayu but Umno Melayu bodoh sombong

I know one bodoh-punya dude here, and it's not me, it's you ...

Where is all this 'so many proof' that you're blabbing about, my bodoh-punya friend? ... Where is it? ... In your arse, perhaps? ...

Well, if you really hv this 'so many proof' in your arse, or in whatever else, why don't you just gather it all together, make a few copies, then give one copy to the police after making apolice report, then give on more copy to SPRM aftermaking a SPRM report ...

Talk is cheap ah, wely wely cheap leihhh, cakap manyiak sinang ah, but when it comes to walking your talk, it often becomes a completely different kettle of fish altogether ...


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 22:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by Specialist > Jul 11, 2015 10:06 PM | Report Abuse

Oh this bull is also a thief,how terrible hahaha.

Ya lor ...Orang punya topeng pun, bila dia dah admire, dia main curi aja ...

Orang tak ada personality cam tu la ... Dia lebih confident sama lain orang punya personality, daripada dia sendiri punya kontuik idiot dikkhead personality ...


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 22:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by Probability > Jul 11, 2015 12:54 PM | Report Abuse

DreamH...basically ALL you are saying is:
(1) 'under undang2 he is not proven guilty so far'

Re-read your statements again...every sentence is saying the same thing again and again..

Now this fact no. (1) is something everybody know isn't it?
I see no real use in stating these again....unless anyone of us are HighCourt lawyers with valid proof to say TM or PM is a criminal.

So now....what can we really say as an ordinary public?
We can only say our opinions...on the most likely truth, more like providing 'circumstantial evidence'...thats all we can do.

From all the countless 'bad news' about PM since he held the position....(not only from TM)...try recalling all.
i seriously think there are so many other better candidate to hold this position.

If this was a developed country like Japan or Korea...
even if the allegation are not true, the PM would have resigned by himself.

Simply said:....from all his behaviours and response and news we hear, this guy is not fit to be a PM - even if his innocent.

cant we find a simple PM with a much cleaner record?
cant we survive w/o this PM?
Do we need to go through this?

Isn't it selfish of him?

Actually, if one is a PM....'he is guilty till proven innocent'
as millions of people's life is dependent on him.



999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 22:35 | Report Abuse

Aiyoyoyo...why no answer given by PM butt ppl still believe hor....can tell where the 42B ?? But can confirm the 2M in rosmah account hor....can confirm lied abt money in Singapore hor.
We still argue argue when facts on the table hor...per capita income still not rising, Corruption index getting worse, human trafficking index getting alarming worse hor and education level in university ady out of top 500, myr currency dropping in value, .....we still say hor nothing is wrong....


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 22:37 | Report Abuse

Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Francois Hollande, Vladimir Putin, Zhi Jin Ping, all hv all kinds of allegations against them ... Hv they all resigned yet? ...

Allegations, accusations, slander & defamation can be made by anyone, especially against a high profile figure holding high political office ...

Even TM had all kinds of allegations & accusation against him when he was in power ... But did he resign as a result of them? ...


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 22:38 | Report Abuse gullible one hor. After all fact figure, indexes hor still argue. If Chinese hor cut loss Liao lor


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 22:39 | Report Abuse

Tun hor answer his accusation mah.


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 22:50 | Report Abuse

Who's the gullible one? ... Sunkist la hor ... Talking like wely wely smart, but really knowing only bollocks ... Believing everything that he reads & hears from da blogosphere ...


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 22:52 | Report Abuse

Dreamhunter, you mean hor you hear from Najib himself??


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 23:01 | Report Abuse

What 'facts'? ... What 'figures'? ...

Just becos someone claims that some piece of shhit that he found somewhere is 'fact', does not make it 'fact' ...

Just becos someone quotes some 'figures' that that he came across somewhere, does not make them necessarily correct ...

Everything has to be checked & verified ... Dude ...


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 23:03 | Report Abuse

How to check hor?


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 23:04 | Report Abuse

So rosmah 2m hor she say is hers n her account is not true? Rosmah trying to b sarcastic hor?


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 23:05 | Report Abuse

I read & compare stuff from everywhere, Sunkist dude ... And I do NOT simply ASSUME that someone is guilty becos some loudmouthed, loosemouth people keep saying that he is guilty, simjply becos they personally do not like him ...


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 23:07 | Report Abuse

So what is real story? No money in his allege account? Or account isn't his? Or wsj lying? Why he didn't sue wsj?


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 23:09 | Report Abuse

Give some juice can?


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 23:10 | Report Abuse

I listen to ur story first hor...


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 23:11 | Report Abuse

.? Where is dreamhunter story hor?


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 23:13 | Report Abuse

I just excited to read his story hor becoz Dreamhunter hor read for many sources...can share sources ??


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 23:14 | Report Abuse story leh


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-11 23:15 | Report Abuse

Beh why suddenly like Najib one? No story no comment....? I really want to hear the real story hor


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 23:17 | Report Abuse

If you cannot check & verify, then you cannot simply accuse ... Just becos you THINK, or FEEL, that someone is guilty, does NOT automatically & necessarily make them guilty ...

If you hv simply accused & alleged, without strong, verifiable, undoubtable evidence to back up your accusations & allegations, then it is YOU who hv COMMITTED the ethical & moral offence of wrongful ASSUMPTION & PRESUMPTION ...


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-11 23:27 | Report Abuse

You think so so easy to sue big time US publisher ah ... owned by Dow Jones too ... Hv to get the right facts first, and make a proper watertight case first leihh ...

What is the big rush? ... If Ah Jib has a solid case against them, and if they do not apoligise and admit that they hv made 'mistake', then the suit will proceed ...

Like Ah Jib or not like Ah Jib is not the case here, my friend ... The important thing is fairness & justice ...


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-07-11 23:44 | Report Abuse

sunkist...despite the following:

(1) vote result manipulation nepalese voters - corrupted ahjib clan
(2) stupid GST introduced by ahjib
(3) Submarine scandal
(4) Altantuya death links to ahjib
(5) 1MDB money in ahjib account as per WSJ
(6) Najadi death claimed by his own son linking to ahjib

since its all without hardfacts...and its not proven.
since our PM is better than Putin or Kim Jong!
since his divine angel looking wife (RM) whom he had 'saved' from another more 'sporting' than Siti Hasmah!

so...lets wait another year for the investigation...

as per DreamH we cannot say our opinion w/o hard facts
and we know once hardfacts is out ahjib is in prison
in other words we can only speak when ahjib is already in prison.

meantime DreamH can maki hamun all...coz we have been 'maki hamun' PM without hard facts. (he dont mind sacrificing his 'markah pahala puasa')

DreamH hardfact is that - we dont have hardfacts.
(We are dealing one of the most intelligent breed of this clan..
..dont play play ah!)


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-12 00:02 | Report Abuse

Ehhh..Dreamhunter, that's ur story of Najib ....why he ask for explanation of the allegation hor? He can just sue mah...he want to give chance to wsj??


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-12 00:03 | Report Abuse

So hor Dreamhunter, if Najib doesn't sue how since hor you say he got solid case?


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-12 00:04 | Report Abuse

He give chance again?


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-12 00:05 | Report Abuse

Confusing hor why Najib give so many chance to wsj?..


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-12 00:07 | Report Abuse

Now I confuse hor...Najib wife got 2M that went into her account and she confirm its he account, but it is the one who expose the account who is wrong hor? So is she guilty or not??? Aiyoyoyo so headache one


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-12 00:30 | Report Abuse

Sunkist, how old are you? 10 years old maybe ah? ...

If somebody done wrong against you, what would you do? Maybe you would jump into a wild tantrum & go crying & screaming to mama ...

But Ah Jib is a mature adult ... Same as I ...

If someone done wrong against me, wely bad wrong, would I rush headlong into puny, wimpy retaliation that would only make him laugh at me? ...

No, I will take my own sweet time, prepare everything I need, then when I am all ready, I will go crush & destroy him ...


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-12 00:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by Probability > Jul 11, 2015 11:44 PM | Report Abuse

sunkist...despite the following:

(1) vote result manipulation nepalese voters - corrupted ahjib clan
(2) stupid GST introduced by ahjib
(3) Submarine scandal
(4) Altantuya death links to ahjib
(5) 1MDB money in ahjib account as per WSJ
(6) Najadi death claimed by his own son linking to ahjib

Which blog, or blogs, did you read all that from ... All wely wely juicy one ah ...

But without strong, verifiable, irrefutable evidence, they remain what theey are ... Accusations & allegations ...

But if you enjoy accusing & alleging, defaming & slandering ... If that is what your whole life is all about ... Then be my guest ... Dude


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-12 00:36 | Report Abuse

Oh like that.....but hor my mind question like that say hor Najib don't need to reveal his account because hor he did nothing wrong, but how bat wife hor who admitted the account is hers and 2M inflow?
Normal hor if my house, ppl cannot enter unless I allow hor but if robber hide in my house hor police hv right to raid my house hor for harboring criminal I can be charge. So now hor, very simple I see hor, money go into his account and they ask who reveal hor instead of raiding the account... Strange hor


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-07-12 00:38 | Report Abuse

Dream hunter hor where is your real Najib story hor since everyone is reading fr wrong media...


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-07-12 00:42 | Report Abuse

yes i enjoy accusing , alleging, defaming, slandering people..
i think the news 'sounds' logical...'appears' possible...
I make calculated judgements...

just like a judge who makes his own verdict based on the jurors and lawyers argument.

To me these news are like lawyers and jurors....and i am the judge and produce my own intermediate verdicts/conclusions...

simple isn't it ? :)

so dont try to block my intermediate conclusions/verdict...or maki hamun....just present your counter arguments my friend. Thats all.


10,922 posts

Posted by DreamHunter > 2015-07-12 00:44 | Report Abuse

How many Nepalese votes, Mr. Probability? ... 400,000 votes ah? ... That would beat the 40,000 Bangladeshi votes figure being hawked about by the Oppo left, right & centre; here, there & everywhere during GE13 time ... by 10 times too ...

Would need 1,000 x 400-seater aircraft to fly them all Nepalese from Kathmandu to KLIA, Mr. Probability ...

No problem la hor ... KLIA also can cope with 1,000 x 400-seater aircraft from Kathmandu la hor ... without anyone seeing & recording thei arrivals la hor ... Wely wely implessive leihh ...


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-07-12 00:45 | Report Abuse

i am a fair judge who like to listen to both poles of the argument.
so present your case...on why its not possible for the allegations to be true...

I see the alleging party had presented quite substantial datas so far...and i see the ahjib 'lawyers' are just keeping quiet...i am really getting worried my friend!

So please help me to conclude otherwise..

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