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11 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2020-01-29 20:10

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-29 08:24 | Report Abuse

Harapan fails both - those who saved the country by voting for it (seperti kacang lupakan kulit) and those racists and fundamentalists it tries to woo (bagai mendengar guruh di langit, air di tempayan dicurahkan)

The coalition leader is sadly not up to the job of giving effective leadership towards fulfilling the pledges made (Kata itu kota).
He seems all obsessed to forming another dominant Malay political party in an untimely rush, unmindful of the nation’s need for renewal and new inclusive policies.

And in continuing to moan childishly that there are not enough individuals, presumably nonDayaks, of experience for good governance, he projects a very depressing picture. Surely, there are many capable yet incorruptible leaders to assume responsible and accountable leadership in the goverment institutions and GLCs. His acquiescence in enabling a few prominent leaders from the failed Umno to associate in his fold, is both distasteful and a betrayal to many unsung heroes in GE14. The colour of the cat does not matter so long it catches mice. " Even Singapore, with a bigger majority of even race, 75% Chinese that Malaysia's 65% Malay population, has refrained from using race as a yardstick to pick capable leaders either in the Ministries or TEMASEK Holdings.

We can understand why the Indians and Chinese rejected Harapan in the Tanjung Piai by-election. It was not because they love MCA more, but because after going all out to vote Harapan into power, they were rejected and instead priority was given to those that had rejected Harapan.

Even when it came to medium of instruction in schools and Universities, the late Mr. Lee Kuan yew refused to bend to Chinese pressure; he wanted English! Was he right ? Today, SIA is flying high! The students are well educated in English. Highly-qualified talents were flocking to Singapore!

What about ICERD which failed to be ratified? And the Statute of Rome? Fears ? A leader must have GUTS to do what is RIGHT! Eleanor Roosevelt, spouse of US President Franklin Roosevelt, said : " DO what you feel in your heart to be RIGHT, for you 'll be criticised anyway. You'll be DAMNED if you do, and DAMNED if you don't. "

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-29 08:33 | Report Abuse

Forget about burdening students more with extra lessons like calligraphy and tackling the problem directly (take the bull by the horns)

Launch this campaign nationwide for 365 days from next year; PTA's student wellfare committees must oversee this:


Take home message to schools (to bring home and educate their parents too):

Racism is a symptom of psychological ill-health.

It is a sign of a lack of psychological integration, a lack of self-esteem and inner security.

Psychologically healthy people with a stable sense of self and strong inner security are not racist, because they have no need to strengthen their sense of self through group identity. They have no need to define themselves in distinction to — and in conflict with — others.

Scientifically there is no biological basis for dividing the innocent children into distinct "races." More so inside a same nation.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-29 08:37 | Report Abuse

Merdeka kan Minda ANAK-ANAK MALAYSIA (dari racism) : It's 2019, not B.C


ALL BEGIN WITH EDUCATION........ IN ALL SCHOOLS (essential reform- start from basics)

Root of racism: psychological defense mechanisms from feeling insecure or lacking in identity

Solution for insecurity:
Reassuring that achieving and maintaing Merdeka should give EVERYONE THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE SENSE OF SECURITY

Solution for lack of identity:
Cultivate 'Putting Malaysia First.....Malaysian First'mentality among all schoolers

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-29 08:41 | Report Abuse

By building a natural sense of security, and an inclusive identity, anak-anak Malaysia a.k.a. future pillars for nation building, can work synergistically to develop the country.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-29 08:49 | Report Abuse

PH can only repeat history in GE15 by focusing on 3Es (NEW; 2-year-long abandoned proven GE14 winning formulae), instead of 3Rs (OLD; what's failed the nation for ovee half a century and allowing Sinagporeans to overtake and overshadow Msians)

E - Economy
E - Education
E - Equitability

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-29 08:56 | Report Abuse

ECONOMY : Without meritocracy, the results would always be mediocrity - given another 60 years

The colour of the cat does not matter so long it catches mice (Brain drain: These excellent cats when deprived and dsicriminated upon, they just move on to help the neighbour countries to progress. And regress is spontaneous when others progress). Even Singapore, with a bigger majority of even race, 75% Chinese that Malaysia's 65% Malay population, has refrained from using race as a yardstick to pick capable leaders either in the Ministries or TEMASEK Holdings. Surely, there are still many capable yet incorruptible leaders to assume responsible and accountable leadership in the goverment institutions and GLCs.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-29 08:57 | Report Abuse


STEP ONE : Merdeka kan Minda ANAK-ANAK MALAYSIA (dari racism) : It's 2019, not B.C

ALL BEGIN WITH EDUCATION........ IN ALL SCHOOLS (essential reform- start from basics)

Root of racism: psychological defense mechanisms from feeling insecure or lacking in identity

Solution for insecurity:
Reassuring that achieving and maintaing Merdeka should give EVERYONE THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE SENSE OF SECURITY

Solution for lack of identity:
Cultivate 'Putting Malaysia First.....Malaysian First'mentality among all schoolers

By building a natural sense of security, and an inclusive identity, anak-anak Malaysia a.k.a. future pillars for nation building, can work synergistically to develop the country.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-29 09:00 | Report Abuse

When it comes to the unity of races, Malaysia has always focused on the main three races – Malays, Chinese and Indians – putting aside the 57 ethnic groups found in Sabah and Sarawak.

Malaysia Unity Season (31 Aug -16 Sept)


The British opened the tin mines and rubber plantations. Strangely no Malays worked there.

Was working on the paddy fields and in the open seas hardworking and tough enough?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-29 09:04 | Report Abuse


Every teacher in every public funded learning institution must be put on a wearable ...........


to ensure the meter stays at 0 consistantly

Any recorded progression from 0 to 1-3........................need urgent and appropriate actions by the ministry

0 = healthy


In order to further strengthen their sense of identity, members of a group may develop hostile feelings toward other groups. The group may become more defined and cohesive in its otherness to — and in its conflict with — other groups.


Act benevolently towards members of their own group, but be cruel and heartless to anyone outside it.

When members of a group take the step of withdrawing empathy from members of other groups, limiting their concern and compassion to their fellows. They may act benevolently towards members of their own group, but be cruel and heartless to anyone outside it.

3 = malignant stage (the most dangerous and destructive stage)

Members project their own psychological flaws and their own personal failings onto another group,.......

........ as a strategy of avoiding responsibility and blame. Other groups become scapegoats, and consequently are liable to punished, even attacked or murdered, in revenge for their alleged crimes.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-29 20:10 | Report Abuse

Building an equitable, excellent and inclusive education system
Equity, Excellence and Inclusiveness in Education: Policy Lessons frim lessons around the world

Excellence and equity in student performance are less related to a country’s income or expenditure on education than to how those educational resources are allocated, and to the policies, practices and learning environments that determine the conditions in which students work.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-29 20:10 | Report Abuse

School systems also need to ensure equity in the allocation of teachers across schools. To this end, some systems need to re-examine teacher hiring/allocation systems to ensure that difficult schools get enough qualified teachers, develop incentive systems to attract qualified teachers to these difficult schools, and ensure that teachers in difficult schools participate in in-service training (results show that these teachers are less likely to participate in professional training). If these difficult schools can attract and retain enough qualified teachers, that will go a long way towards promoting a
positive school culture.

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