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108 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2020-02-02 09:23

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 11:39 | Report Abuse

reddiehero: god teach us moral tats all


And then watch eagerly from the top like in Truman Show - CCTV everywhere?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 11:47 | Report Abuse

From Plato Cave to Plato Academy

Schools must be a place conducive for children to explore new ways of thinking, as well as, facilitate them to synthesize a new model of world perspective.

Let them learn in a more informal community for intellectual sharing of common interest - studying subjects such as language, mathematics and science.

Plato held the belief that knowledge could be sought through observation, besides inner reflection. It was based upon this belief that Plato founded his famous Academy.

One of the current education scandals include gomen funding and promoting scientifically-flawed falsehood to school childrenSchools must be a place conducive for children to explore new ways of thinking, as well as, facilitate them to synthesize a new model of world perspective.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 11:54 | Report Abuse

Another gomen funded education scandal is :


While we enjoy watching gymnastic to ease our own mental stress from our vocational or professional work, there are certain kinds of people who are virtually wolves in sheep skin.

Ignobly and sinfully, they lustfully scheming the sport person's physical bodies, instead of seeing the sportmanship inside them.

No one can be certained of any amount of psychotherapy or cognitive behavioural can be of help to this like-minded group of people.

Conclusion, they must be barred from attending, watching or officiating any sport event. There is no two ways about it.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 12:02 | Report Abuse

A recent study that Medical News Today reported on found that religion activates the same reward-processing brain circuits as sex, drugs, and other addictive activities.

Karl Marx's opium of all sapiens....Since Karl Marx's time, neuroscience has kept narrowing the knowledge gap and providing us with much-more-needed answers to "age-old epistemological questions about the nature of sapiens' fictional reality of " consciousness, and spirituality.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 12:04 | Report Abuse

Without the right learning cultivation, the 'products' will forever be misfits, pak pandir or lebai malang of the 21st century. Lots of damage control and u-turns are necessary to make if we were to see national school become great again.

Must not stall any more - need urgent u-turn back. Fake academics with degrees from paper mills, parasitic mentality and plagiarism addiction would only produce graduates in quantity, not quality

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 12:18 | Report Abuse

Without proper education, economy slumps, poverty worsens and misery doubles.

Without improper learning institutions, their deans and teachers, caome unemployment problems, drug issues and gangsterism.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 12:25 | Report Abuse

Without proper education, the people will be lack of cognitive flexibility, creativity and innovative ability.

Without improper learning institutions, deans and teachers, come people with low IQ and EQ problems, who are supportive of thieves and robbers as well as kleptocracy openly and shamelessly, yet demanding dignity.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:07 | Report Abuse

Zero Tolerance to Bigotry, Bully and Gangsterism From Bangku Sekolah Days

Research had shown that gang members were more likely to blame their victims for their actions and use euphemisms to sanitize their behavior than nongang youth, whereas peripheral youth were more likely than nongang youth to displace responsibility onto their superiors.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:11 | Report Abuse

The definition includes a two key elements. First, it involves a group ideology. Individuals may attack, threaten, terrorize or kill others, but if they are not part of a group and not motivated to do so by an ideology, then by this definition they are not. Its members must be ideologically motivated.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:13 | Report Abuse

It is defined by the use of violence in the service of the group’s ideology, and particularly violence that indiscriminately targets members of a group (e.g., civilians, children).

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:16 | Report Abuse

Curbing Gangsterism: Understanding the Underlying Pyschology (part 1)

For most of the millions of years that our species has been around, humans have eked out an existence only through the coordinated effort of small, cohesive coalitions. Evolution has therefore shaped within us a deep desire to belong to groups. In modern times, social belonging remains a major psychological need, which we fill by connecting with others through a variety of ‘social identities’– Arabian, professor, takraw player, progressive, vegetarian, for example. We each contain multitudes.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:18 | Report Abuse

Curbing Gangsterism: Understanding the Underlying Pyschology (part 2)

The deep, fundamental motivation to join any group is the need to socially connect. From this view, individuals most at risk for joining a gang are not those who are poor or violent, but those who are alienated and thus drawn to an arrangement that can offer the camaraderie, brotherhood, and purpose that they are missing.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:20 | Report Abuse

Curbing Gangsterism: Understanding the Underlying Pyschology (part 3)

Although social identities can in themselves provide clear paths to bring individuals together, the brain seems particularly prone not only to creating an ‘us,’ but also readily defining a ‘them.’

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:28 | Report Abuse

Curbing Gangsterism: Understanding the Underlying Pyschology (part 4)

With the advent of neuroimaging, researchers have begun to access the inner workings of some of these group-based processes. They found bias in amygdala activity - trusting in-group members resulted in more activity in brain regions associated with pleasure, while trusting outgroup members resulted in more activity in brain regions normally associated with cognitive effort (e.g., consciously withholding a response that you desperately want to give, or re-assessing a situation). The implication here is that in-group trust comes easy, while out-group trust comes only with effort.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:30 | Report Abuse

On the Origin of Gangsterism and Terrorism (Part 1)

Together, such psychology and imaging studies give us some insight into our genetic legacy. We have inherited brains that are inherently sensitive to group affiliation. We find meaning in our lives through social identities, and we experience comfort with those who share these identities. However, when creating an ‘us,’ the brain seems to seek out a ‘them,’ bringing online a series of psychological processes—including fear and distrust — which shades our view of outgroup members.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:32 | Report Abuse

On the Origin of Gangsterism and Terrorism (Part 2)

One of the most striking of their characteristics is their strict adherence to an ideology. Ideologies provide a narrative structure with which to interpret new information and past events. Since these groups are composed of an aggrieved minority, their ideology is often centered around a narrative of victimhood.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:34 | Report Abuse

On the Origin of Gangsterism and Terrorism (Part 3)

Such narratives seem particularly powerful; especially, perhaps, for parochial altruists—people who love their own group so much that they are willing to die on its behalf.

If you perceive that your group’s back is against the wall, this might be just the thing to motivate a parochial altruist to act on their behalf. Perhaps this is why we see the narrative of victimhood even among some of the most powerful groups in the world. For example, note that the ‘don’t tread on me'!

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:35 | Report Abuse

On the Origin of Gangsterism and Terrorism (Part 4)

Whether about victimhood or not, ideologies are incredibly persistent. Part of what gives them their momentum is a set of cognitive filters that help process incoming information to support and enhance the in-group’s ideological narrative. For example, confirmation bias describes the tendency to uncritically accept information that confirms their group’s beliefs, and scrutinize anything that runs counter to their ideological leaning.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:37 | Report Abuse

As was famously expressed by the comedian George Carlin, “Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is a moron, and everybody driving faster than you is a maniac?” The inter-group context only magnifies this process—their violence reflects ‘who they are’ (barbarians, colonizers, terrorists), whereas our violence is shrouded in circumstance (“we had to kill them because…”).

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:40 | Report Abuse

Solution For Gangsterism and Terrorism (Part 1)

Our brains are shaped with the capability to care deeply, but also to kill. This deep ambivalence is potentially problematic. A society filled with people who are inherently very compassionate and very violent might prove unstable.

Part of evolution’s solution to this problem seems to have been to tether the processes that undergird pro-sociality (e.g., empathy) and the processes that enable violence (e.g., dehumanization) to in-group and out-group distinctions. In this way, people would be potentiated to love the in-group and hate the outgroup; to fight and die on behalf of ‘us’ and to be willing to kill ‘them.’ The psychological processes that drive deep altruism (for the in-group) and motivate extreme violence (towards the outgroup) still live within us.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:42 | Report Abuse

Solution For Gangsterism and Terrorism (Part 2)

Empathy therefore contributes two ropes to the internal tug-of-war: the greater the pull from in-group empathy to harm the out-group, and the weaker the pull from out-group empathy to prevent this, the stronger the overall motivation to engage in or condone intergroup aggression. It is therefore the difference in empathy, rather than the capacity for empathy, that best predicts intergroup violence.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:45 | Report Abuse

Solution For Gangsterism and Terrorism (Part 3)

While we like to think of ‘terrorists’ as sociopaths and misfits distinct from ‘us’ and united with each other by shared pathology and unfettered hatred, in fact their most salient characteristics—fervent attachment to a group ideology and a willingness to engage in indiscriminate violence—are likely driven by deep psychological processes shaped in the human mind through evolution.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 13:47 | Report Abuse

Solution For Gangsterism and Terrorism (Part 3): Science, Humanism and Humility

One of the great gifts that science has given to humanity over the last 2000 years is humility. The Earth is not the center of the universe. Our DNA is not fundamentally different from that of other living things. And our brains do not differ markedly from those of feared of hated others. The great hope from the neuroscience revolution is that awareness of our own brains may actually allow us to transcend the unconscious processes that drive us to conflict.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 14:22 | Report Abuse

Nation-building By Selective Funding of Good Education (Part 1)

So many other changes are necessary to fix the ailing education system. The 'products' are 'defective' in many ways. Lack of physical and mental health. Obese and unhealthy (hence less productive). Diabetics are growing exponential in numbers. Average national age for heart attack is 53 (so premature). Major depression among teenagers is so prevalent (up to one in six). And they tend to attempt self-healing using substances of abuse - glue, nicotine, etc. Poor insight and judgment too - easily corruptible and low threshold to support kleptocracy and gangsterism.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 14:26 | Report Abuse

Nation-building By Selective Funding of Good Education (Part 2)

Only by using Socratic method, they stand a chance to exit Plato Cave, and thus get to see a different perspective model for their lives, the world and the universe differently - in a fresh way. While Epicurean paradox will help them to develop critical judgment and decide on the right model. Since change is the only constant - changability and adaptability are synonymous with sustainability and future viability.


3,263 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2020-02-01 14:30 | Report Abuse

Guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 14:37 | Report Abuse

Graduate, O graduate
Why low employability?

How not to-
learn not the useful stuff in school

School, O school
Why give low quality teachings

How not to-
The teachers got poor English command

Teacher, O teacher
Why not attending night class?

(to be continued)


3,263 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2020-02-01 14:54 | Report Abuse

But, there is one last idea by Mr Bean by abolishing streaming at school by allowing students choose mix of all subjects. i guess this Mr Bean's idea is great. going into 21st century- one must equipped with multiple diverse knowledge.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 15:00 | Report Abuse

Like IGCSE, students can choose what they are interested in


3,263 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2020-02-01 15:06 | Report Abuse

Many end up in career, completely different after graduating. As we going into dynamic world which things change so fast, as long can make money to survive- whatever we study put aside when there is no demand in the market. If school limiting them to only one stream- put them in trouble inflexibility to divert to other path.


3,263 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2020-02-01 15:09 | Report Abuse

Just like doctor profession which having glut now, what else can they go now?? Sometimes, specialist is killing them, can a gynaecologist become dentist when no female patient want male doctor to deliver lei? wakaka

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 15:33 | Report Abuse

Yes, flexibility is the way forward. And start from the brain - COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 15:35 | Report Abuse

......and this must be given priority and nurtured from young

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 15:37 | Report Abuse

Cognitive flexibility has been described as the mental ability to switch between thinking about two different concepts, and to think about multiple concepts simultaneously. Cognitive flexibility is usually described as one of the executive functions. Two subcategories of cognitive flexibility are task switching and cognitive shifting, depending on whether the change happens unconsciously or consciously, respectively.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 15:42 | Report Abuse

Start with teachers possess the right quality

How students are taught greatly impacts the nature and formation of their cognitive structures, which in turn affect students' ability to store and readily access information. A crucial aim of education is to help students learn as well as appropriately apply and adapt what they have learned to novel situations.

A standards-based education reform is a must to increase high school graduation rates. Educators are expected to present within the classroom "high level cognitive demands by asking students to demonstrate deep conceptual understanding through the application of content knowledge and skills to new situations." A teaching style focused on promoting it has been seen to foster understanding especially in disciplines where information is complex and nonlinear.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 15:47 | Report Abuse

Setting Priority In School

Cognitive flexibility is operationalized in the neuropsychological literature as the ability to shift between modes of thinking and adapt to novel or changing environments. Religious belief systems consist of strict rules and rituals that offer adherents certainty, consistency, and stability. Consequently, religious adherence and practice of repetitive religious rituals may be related to the persistence versus flexibility of one’s cognition.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 15:52 | Report Abuse

Leor and his colleagues ahd examined the relationship between three aspects of religious life: religious affiliation, practice, and upbringing, and three psychological measures of cognitive flexibility.

Overall, their results suggest that religious disbelief and reduced religious practice among religious individuals are related to heightened cognitive flexibility across three independent behavioural neuropsychological measures. In terms of religious affiliation, the findings indicate that individuals who identified as nonreligious exhibited cognitive control biases towards cognitive flexibility, while religious individuals displayed tendencies towards cognitive persistence.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 15:55 | Report Abuse

They found that non-practicing religious participants exhibited the same levels of cognitive flexibility as nonreligious participants, and displayed stronger tendencies towards cognitive flexibility than practicing religious participants. This suggests that engagement and practice of religious rituals and routines may shape the semantic flexibility, or that individuals with greater flexibility are more averse to engagement in religious rituals and services. It is striking that the cognitive flexibility of religious participants who regularly attend religious services differs from religious participants who do not.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 16:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by chinaman > Feb 1, 2020 3:06 PM | Report Abuse

Many end up in career, completely different after graduating. As we going into dynamic world which things change so fast, as long can make money to survive- whatever we study put aside when there is no demand in the market. If school limiting them to only one stream- put them in trouble inflexibility to divert to other path.

Just like doctor profession which having glut now, what else can they go now?? Sometimes, specialist is killing them, can a gynaecologist become dentist when no female patient want male doctor to deliver lei? wakaka


Yes, flexibility is the way forward. And start from the brain - COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY.

With this, came language, agricultural and indutrial revolutions

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 16:10 | Report Abuse

Cognitive flexibility: Language Revolution

A study published in the Journal of Comparative Human Biology in 2017 claims that Ardipithecus ramidus, a hominin dated at approximately 4.5 million years, shows the first evidence of an anatomical shift in the hominin lineage suggestive of increased vocal capability.

The Broca's and Wernicke's areas in the primate brain are responsible for controlling the muscles of the face, tongue, mouth, and larynx, as well as recognizing sounds. Primates are known to make "vocal calls", and these calls are generated by circuits in the brainstem and limbic system. In the wild, the communication of vervet monkeys has been the most extensively studied. They are known to make up to ten different vocalizations. Many of these are used to warn other members of the group about approaching predators. They include a "leopard call", a "snake call", and an "eagle call".

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 16:12 | Report Abuse

Cognitive flexibility: Agricultural revolution

The first Agricultural Revolution (around 10,000 BC), the prehistoric transition from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 16:31 | Report Abuse

In Reza Aslan's book "God: A Human History"

He argues that one of the single-most transformative events in human history was the agricultural revolution. Why did we stop hunting and gathering, and start planting and harvesting? It's a mystery, but scholars have speculated that perhaps it was because of a changing climate, or a drop in animal numbers in certain regions.

He supports the hypothesis that institutionalized religion spurred early human agriculture near Gobekli about 12,000 to 14,000 years ago—and he believes it has been a disaster for our species.

"Human beings actually ended up consuming fewer calories—and certainly fewer proteins—during the agricultural revolution than they did when we were hunter-gatherers," he says. "... We’ve discovered that the process of farming actually created a whole range of new and, at that time, absolutely novel diseases and problems with human beings."

In this view, organized religion is also responsible for the inequality that dominates the world today. Surplus food stocks and the advent of ownership in newly settled communities led to wealth accumulation and, ultimately, the stratification of society. He argued that T
the agricultural revolution may have been a net negative for humanity.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 16:36 | Report Abuse

Intense prayer — "which has, as its most fundamental concept, the surrendering of one's self" — reduces, suppresses and diminishes the activity in the prefrontal cortex and the frontal lobes connected with it, as well as the activity in the parietal lobes.

The prefrontal cortex is traditionally thought to be involved in executive control, or willful behavior, as well as decision-making. So, it would make sense that a practice that centers on relinquishing control would result in decreased activity in this brain area.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 16:39 | Report Abuse

A study published in the journal Neuropsychologia recently has shown that religious fundamentalism is, in part, the result of a functional impairment in a brain region known as the prefrontal cortex. The findings suggest that damage to particular areas of the prefrontal cortex indirectly promotes religious fundamentalism by diminishing cognitive flexibility and openness—a psychology term that describes a personality trait which involves dimensions like curiosity, creativity, and open-mindedness. (Danger of letting the school children immensed in playing with fire in schools)


14,766 posts

Posted by DickyMe > 2020-02-01 16:46 | Report Abuse

" Posted by chinaman > Feb 1, 2020 2:54 PM | Report Abuse
But, there is one last idea by Mr Bean by abolishing streaming at school by allowing students choose mix of all subjects. i guess this Mr Bean's idea is great. going into 21st century- one must equipped with multiple diverse knowledge."

Personally, I support this last proposal by Mr.Bean.
It is an excellent idea to let students choose their subjects relative to their aspirations. But the biggest issue is the quality of teachers.

In some schools there is no Geography or Additional Maths teachers.
The teachers are provided with worked example with solution. They just spit some of these examples without explaining the use of the formula or concept and expect student to pass. It is no different in other subjects.

There is a serious quality issue. It was during Abdullah Badawi's reign that KJ filled the teaching professions to solve unemployment among so called graduates from the degree mill.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 18:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Feb 1, 2020 4:46 PM | Report Abuse

There is a serious quality issue. It was during Abdullah Badawi's reign that KJ filled the teaching professions to solve unemployment among so called graduates from the degree mill.


Inflated the number of civilians, reducing the ratio of civilian to population and emptying gomen coffers

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 18:56 | Report Abuse

And 90% of them have poor command of English. One of the taught my great granddaughter:

While pointing to a picture of a big and small cow, he said to the class (Standard One)

*Big cow. Small cow."

And guess what? She corrected him instantaneously (to his embarrassment)

It was an English language class and was meant to be read out as " A cow and a calf"!!

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 19:02 | Report Abuse

One of the current education scandals include gomen funding and promoting scientifically-flawed falsehood to school children. And mamy of these degree mills' 'defective' products aggravate the situation.

A school must be a place conducive for children to explore new ways of thinking, as well as, facilitate them to synthesize a new model of world perspective. Yet, they must be neutral enough when comes to religiosity, creeds and belief systems.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-01 19:41 | Report Abuse

Students' English command has to be good enough to read and understand the technology and history of Mercedes:

A Tale Of Pak Pandir's and Si Lebai Malang's Lust For Mercedes (Ignorance s bliss)

Siegfried Marcus was born in 1831 in a tiny town that now lies in northern Germany. His parents Rosa and Lippman, leaders of the town’s Jewish community.

Marcus was a one-man patents office. During his life, he worked on many projects in the fields of mechanics, electronics, lighting, ultra-mechanics, and the development of artillery employing electric ignition. As many as 131 patents were registered in his name. The collection included eclectic inventions: Light bulbs, triggers for underwater mines, a printing instrument, a whale-hunting knife, a distributor and carburetor for an internal combustion engine, and more.

As significant and original as these inventions were, they were nothing compared to Marcus’s opus vitae. In 1870 (some say as early as 1867), the ingenious inventor installed a gas-fueled internal combustion engine in a simple hand wagon. Marcus was able to ride the makeshift vehicle for 15 minutes before seemingly alarmed local police arrested what appeared to be an approaching alien. That feat made him the first man in history to drive a fuel-powered vehicle.

In 1887, Marcus began to collaborate with the Märky, Bromovsky & Schulz motor company. That collaboration gave rise to what would be called the “Marcuswagen.” People were finally knocking on the scatterbrained genius’s door. The automobile was displayed in the Technisches Museum Wien (Vienna’s museum of technology) and ASME (the American Society of Mechanical Engineers) officially recognized him as the vehicle’s inventor. Karl Benz, who upgraded Marcus’s motored carriage to a real motorcar with a cooling system, brakes, a stable frame, and everything necessary to drive longer distances, patented it. That would eventually become the first Mercedes, which was named after a Jewish girl.

Promoting And Immortalizing Jewish Glory: A Luxury Car's Namesake Is Born

September 16, 1889, is the birthdate of “Mercedes” Adrienne Manuela Ramona Jellinek, the third child, and first daughter, of Emil Jellinek (1853-1918) and the former Rachel Goggman Cenrobert (1854-1893). Emil’s father was Rabbi Adolf Aharon Jellinek, was not only probably the best-known rabbinic orator of his day in Vienna, but also a scholar of midrashic and mystical literature.

The nickname Mercedes, meaning “mercies” in Spanish. Emil spent the winters in Nice, on the French Rivera, where he liked to race cars, calling his team by his daughter’s nickname. In April 1900, Jellinek and Daimler agreed that the company would design a new engine, which would be called “Daimler-Mercedes.” By 1903, Emil Jellinek had legally changed his surname to Jellinek-Mercedes.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-02-02 09:23 | Report Abuse

The purpose of education is to liberate, yet local students have been groomed by a system that sows seeds of fear within them, so that by the time they are adults, fear has become part of their daily lives.

Be honest. How many of them are afraid to communicate their opinion for fear of being judged or sounding stupid?

One of the taught my great granddaughter:

While pointing to a picture of a big and small cow, he said to the class (Standard One)

*Big cow. Small cow."

And guess what? She corrected him instantaneously (to his embarrassment)

It was an English language class and was meant to be read out as " A cow and a calf"!!

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