Posted by kakisaham > 2014-08-12 20:28 | Report Abuse

Besok sapu saja kaunter ini banyak2,jangan mess...kontra pun boleh

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60 comment(s). Last comment by kakisaham 2014-08-14 12:03


41 posts

Posted by Bayam79 > 2014-08-13 11:45 | Report Abuse

Hi Abg Duit..glad that you received my message.. Hope can receive your feedback soon..tq


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-08-13 11:51 | Report Abuse

Hi Bayam79,

hahahah... if jz mention Pure prediction memang tiup orang la.... belakang screen is penuh dgn analysis and verification before justified to be the "kindergarten prediction" in your case. I am still doing all necessary search. Trust me, I am responsible and accountable to all my "prediction". As I inform:

"I never bring anything to here, and I wont bring anything out from here"

I will not cheat ur money for my personal agenda. When things go wrong, I must admit my failure.

Again, so sorry for that! Guilty for that!


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-08-13 11:54 | Report Abuse

Dear yong888,

I m away for blood donation, see you then.

Remember to invite me when you setup ur new thread.

bye bye ...have a wonderful trading day.


41 posts

Posted by Bayam79 > 2014-08-13 12:05 | Report Abuse

It ok abg investment sure got risk punyer..but with your kindergarden prediction at least the risk can be minimise..


809 posts

Posted by yong888 > 2014-08-13 13:20 | Report Abuse

duitKWSPkita , abang,

Abang, sila masok sini lor.... sorry...


809 posts

Posted by yong888 > 2014-08-13 13:26 | Report Abuse

duitKWSPkita , Abang,

This is "OUR blog "lor,........ we together HUAT, Predict, Hantam, and earn/make monies and DONATE Kuat kuat lah.......

May God Bless All


26,756 posts

Posted by duitkwspkita > 2014-08-13 13:31 | Report Abuse


don't call abang la. We 同门师兄 once upon a time. Call me dik duit or newbie suit also fine.

how about you setup one new Thread also. I would like to suggest put it : YOU DONATE($$) ; WE ROTATE (Prediction)

lets start with 2 persons dulu. And invite more n more persons come in to exchange ideas. Our aim is to learn from all human kind. Wao. Finished blood donation luckily no pengsan. Hahaha

happy trading!


7,263 posts

Posted by kakisaham > 2014-08-13 13:33 | Report Abuse

duitkwspkita..kini waktu rehat..saya ambil peluang rehat untuk mengingatkan anda bahawa anda boleh beli sumatec/pdz pada minggu ini pada apa harga sekali pun..jangan tunggu lagi..tapi saya yakin anda telah beli kerana malam tadi saya dah bagi tahu...kalau esok lusa merah jangan risau terus beli...jangan dengar cakap negatif dalam forem ini...beli dan terus beli..sumatec akan pegi lagi esok dan lusa.Manakala PDZ ada frofit takeing esok lusa..bila turun satu hingga tiga sen masuk lagi...hopely anda sakses...bye..mahu bereskan kerja

Posted by Warie TradeMark > 2014-08-14 11:56 | Report Abuse

pdz sumatec good alhamdulillah


7,263 posts

Posted by kakisaham > 2014-08-14 12:03 | Report Abuse

Terus keep ini counter..jangan panik kalau turun sikit..lumrah saham For Sumatec kontra masih keluar..biarkan..dont mis train

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