Posted by Datuk Seri Rick Walker > 2020-03-19 12:08 | Report Abuse


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4 comment(s). Last comment by moneypedia 2020-03-19 12:45

Posted by Datuk Seri Rick Walker > 2020-03-19 12:18 | Report Abuse

Anwar was very quick in criticizing Mohiden government in handling first day of lockdown!
We have to admit, there's a miscommunication! Exodus of undergraduates were force to go back as universities shut down their campus and hostels! I believe, undergraduates should have advise to stay put for the 2 weeks lockdown!
However, having said that, this is the first time we ever encounter serious pandamic!
Anway, Anwar should look in the mirror and ask himself what Harapan did during the early days of Covid19! Harapan government treated this pandemic as a big joke! Ministers mock that this is just a small matter! Even PM Mahathir then was more concern about Visit Malaysia Year 2020 that containing spread of Covid19!
It was the caretaker government who pull the trigger and instruct a lockdown! Would Harapan government had the political will to do so! I doubt it! In fact if Harapan still in charge today, they would continue as usually, playing politics and plotting as usually! We would have turn into another Italy by then!
The reason why Mohiden had to pull the trigger is because he can't play politics! He has no support for political agenda! Therefore he has to do the right thing to gain trust from rakyat!
Fortunately, Mohiden has played to the script! He didn't bother with politics from Harapan! Instead he listen to advise of proffesionals!
To Anwar, dude, forget about becoming PM! You days are goner! Start by becoming MB of Selangor! Let rakyat judge your performance first! It seems those who wants to be PM need to be tested as MB first! Anwar has none! Anwar always wanted to be PM straight away! And he wasted 20 years to do that with no record of managing any states! Instead, Wan Azizah was running PKR while Anwar was busyinng with fun boys and prison!
I think generally, majority have lost their interest with Anwar! With that majority also have lost interest in Harapan in general! My advise to Harapan, let caretaker government do their job! And for once, Harapan must play their part in containing Covid19 instead of turning it into political circus!


2,006 posts

Posted by Jokers2020 > 2020-03-19 12:33 | Report Abuse

spot on


18,163 posts

Posted by apolloang > 2020-03-19 12:34 | Report Abuse

mujahidden more worst.....hahaha


5,987 posts

Posted by moneypedia > 2020-03-19 12:45 | Report Abuse

actually PH should abolish all tourists from china, s korea from jan or feb....but politicking to the limit...what i heard mutation already occur in the virus...from only few hours on surface to few days now....thia is serious...

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