Posted by Latuk Seri Rick Walker > 2020-04-17 21:48 | Report Abuse


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4 comment(s). Last comment by Latuk Seri Rick Walker 2020-04-17 22:15

Posted by Latuk Seri Rick Walker > 2020-04-17 21:54 | Report Abuse

Bloomberg interviewed Mahathir few days back! And Mahathir made it very clear, he is not done yet! Sheraton Move suppose to make him PM without Anwar! Mahathir plan was to form new government with Pas and Umno warlords crossover together with Assmin cartel and Sabah Sarawak!
In fact Mahathir made it clear during the interview, Mahathir does not recognise Agong role in appointing Mohiden as PM! In fact according to Mahathir, he has the majority MPs but Agong stop him from going to parliment to appoint him as PM!
So you see, his intention is loud and clear! So why is Mahathir taking credit for current lockdown when he dare not do it given days before Sheraton Move, he was adamant to be at APEC Summit and his cherish Visit Malaysia 2020 campaign!
The thing is, Covid19 is just another card to hook bait us into believing him again! Mahathir desperate to gain rakyat support and he would say and done anything to get rakyat excited over him!
Tough luck old bugger! Rakyat are happy with new caretaker government!


1,220 posts

Posted by potenza10 > 2020-04-17 22:04 | Report Abuse

Please spell correctly lahhh!


1,258 posts

Posted by DannyArcher > 2020-04-17 22:10 | Report Abuse

Mahathir is behind all of this, Muhyddin is just a puppet following Mahathir's order, they are all acting.

Ask yourself, Mahathir just won the Chairman seat for Bersatu uncontested. And in Bersatu's constitution, the Chairman position is supreme, meaning the Chairman can sack anyone he likes with no opposition, doesn't even need to go thru the discipline board. So tell me, what is Mahathir waiting for?

I can assure you by the end of this whole acting, Mukhriz will be PM9. UMNO will merge with Bersatu, and if DAP is ok, Mahathir will kick out MCA and MIC and allow DAP to join the new coalition. PAS will leave.

Back to BN2.0

Posted by Latuk Seri Rick Walker > 2020-04-17 22:15 | Report Abuse

Danny! Exactly! But the thing is, Mohiden was checkmate by Mahathir and son! If Mohiden go for chairman, he will fight Mahathir, and if he lose, he is goner! But Mohiden can go against Mukriz like peanut for president post!
But once all Bersatu warlords under his belt, Mahahhir cannot sack Mohiden even if he wants to! ACtually Mahathir already lost support in Bersatu hence the reason for his initial resignation! He tried to get back as chairman but the thing is once you resign you have to be elected!
So yeah, wait until June! But from recent Anwar Mohiden meeting, it seems Mohiden already hatching plan B! Because he knows Assmin cannot be trusted!

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