Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-27 05:25 | Report Abuse

Political leaders play a crucial role in preserving harmony within a society. However, when they act irrationally and fuel tensions, they sow the seeds of extremism. This behavior not only undermines the trust and unity among communities but also encourages individuals to resort to extreme measures in expressing their grievances. Such actions disregard the far-reaching repercussions on society as a whole, as they foster hatred and division instead of promoting peace and understanding. It is imperative for us to unite and strongly condemn these irresponsible actions to prevent further escalation of extremist behaviors and uphold the values of tolerance and coexistence.

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9 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2024-05-22 18:46

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-27 08:12 | Report Abuse

The worst performance of any government is indeed its failure to act swiftly and decisively against vigilantes. Vigilante actions undermine the rule of law, erode trust in official institutions, and can lead to a breakdown of social order. Governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens from harm and ensure that justice is administered through legal channels, not through vigilante justice, which often results in arbitrary and unjust outcomes. Failing to address vigilante activities promptly and effectively only perpetuates a cycle of violence and lawlessness, ultimately harming the very fabric of society.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-28 08:46 | Report Abuse

On curbing vigilantism: Arrest today, not tomorrow

In cases of terrorism, all parties involved play a significant role in the perpetration of violence and must be held accountable for their actions:

1. The person with deemed divine knowledge who preaches is guilty because they have the power to influence individuals' beliefs and actions. If their teachings promote or condone violence, they contribute to creating an environment conducive to terrorism.

2. The person with caliber and position who incites is equally culpable as they have authority and influence over a larger audience. Their words can sway public opinion and motivate others to commit acts of terror.

3. The person with little grey matter who commits the arson act is directly responsible for the violent act itself. However, their actions are often influenced by the rhetoric and ideologies spread by those in positions of power and authority.

4. Responsible enforcers who fault to act prophylactically by stopping the perpetual instigators

Therefore, in the context of terrorism, each party plays a role in the chain of events leading to violence, and all must face consequences for their contributions to promoting or inciting such acts.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-28 09:02 | Report Abuse

Perpetual instigators often escalate their actions if not stopped early. When enforcers overlook or ignore warning signs and early indications of criminal behavior, they contribute to the escalation of conflicts and incidents, potentially leading to more serious crimes like arson or acts of terrorism.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 10:37 | Report Abuse

Instigators: On having the balls, courage and jantanness to surrender

The identifiers for instigators causing vigilanteism can include individuals or groups who:

1. Spread false or misleading information to incite anger or fear.
2. Encourage or participate in violent or retaliatory actions outside of legal channels.
3. Demonize certain communities or individuals, leading to a sense of injustice or persecution.
4. Exploit existing tensions or grievances for personal or political gain.
5. Disregard the rule of law and promote a "justice at any cost" mentality.
6. Use inflammatory rhetoric or propaganda to mobilize supporters towards vigilante actions.
7. Target specific individuals or groups as scapegoats for broader societal issues.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-18 19:59 | Report Abuse

Political leaders play a crucial role in preserving harmony within a society. However, when they act irrationally and fuel tensions, they sow the seeds of extremism. This behavior not only undermines the trust and unity among communities but also encourages individuals to resort to extreme measures in expressing their grievances. Such actions disregard the far-reaching repercussions on society as a whole, as they foster hatred and division instead of promoting peace and understanding. It is imperative for us to unite and strongly condemn these irresponsible actions to prevent further escalation of extremist behaviors and uphold the values of tolerance and coexistence.


26,827 posts

Posted by speakup > 2024-04-19 07:50 | Report Abuse

Anwar is one wolf in sheep clothing. Fooled me for years!

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-19 20:39 | Report Abuse

The combination of interpretation variability, cultural influences, historical precedents, power dynamics, and external factors creates a fertile ground for selective lawlessness to occur within religious settings. Addressing these complex dynamics requires a nuanced approach that considers both religious principles and broader societal factors.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-05-22 18:42 | Report Abuse

Solidary with kfc and McD against extremism:

Political leaders play a crucial role in preserving harmony within a society. However, when they act irrationally and fuel tensions, they sow the seeds of extremism. This behavior not only undermines the trust and unity among communities but also encourages individuals to resort to extreme measures in expressing their grievances.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-05-22 18:46 | Report Abuse

Incompetent and opportunistically irresponsible politicians often exploit protopseudoscience to sow the seeds of extremism to gain popularity and garner votes by capitalizing on the fear, ignorance, and biases of the populace. Here’s how they typically operate:

### 1. **Simplistic Solutions to Complex Problems**
- **Protopseudoscience** offers simplistic, often incorrect explanations for complex social, economic, and political issues. Politicians leverage these explanations to present easy-to-digest solutions that appeal to the public's desire for quick fixes.
- Example: Blaming economic hardships on specific ethnic or religious groups rather than addressing systemic issues like corruption or mismanagement.

### 2. **Appealing to Emotions**
- By promoting pseudo-scientific ideas that resonate emotionally rather than rationally, politicians can tap into people's fears, anger, and prejudices.
- Example: Suggesting that a particular minority is responsible for the spread of diseases or crime, despite lack of scientific evidence.

### 3. **Creating Scapegoats**
- Scapegoating is a common tactic where politicians use protopseudoscientific claims to demonize certain groups, blaming them for societal problems.
- Example: Claiming that immigrants are taking jobs away from natives, supported by dubious statistics and misleading studies.

### 4. **Promoting Conspiracy Theories**
- Politicians may endorse or propagate conspiracy theories that frame their political opponents or marginalized groups as part of sinister plots.
- Example: The spread of anti-vaccination propaganda, suggesting that vaccines are harmful and part of a governmental or corporate conspiracy.

### 5. **Erosion of Trust in Established Institutions**
- By undermining trust in scientific and educational institutions, politicians can position themselves as the sole trustworthy source of information.
- Example: Discrediting climate change science as a "hoax" created by elites to control the populace.

### 6. **Leveraging Media and Social Platforms**
- Modern media and social platforms allow rapid dissemination of protopseudoscientific claims, reaching a broad audience quickly.
- Politicians often use these platforms to bypass traditional media gatekeepers and directly spread their message to followers.
- Example: Using social media to spread misinformation about electoral fraud or the effectiveness of certain medical treatments.

### 7. **Exploiting Religious and Cultural Beliefs**
- By aligning their pseudoscientific claims with existing religious or cultural beliefs, politicians can amplify their message and gain the support of religious and cultural leaders.
- Example: Framing certain scientific advancements or policies as contrary to religious teachings, thereby mobilizing religious communities against them.

### 8. **Polarizing Society**
- Extremist rhetoric based on protopseudoscience divides society into “us vs. them,” creating a sense of identity and belonging among supporters while alienating opponents.
- Example: Promoting ideas that certain races or ethnicities are inherently superior or inferior, leading to social division and conflict.

### 9. **Perpetuating Ignorance**
- By continuously propagating pseudoscientific ideas, politicians keep the public uninformed or misinformed, which makes it easier to manipulate them.
- Example: Opposing sex education in schools by spreading misinformation about its supposed negative effects on children’s morality.

### 10. **Garnering Votes through Fearmongering**
- By instilling fear through pseudoscientific claims, politicians can rally support from those who feel threatened, promising protection and solutions that align with their fabricated narratives.
- Example: Fearmongering about the dangers of technological advancements or certain medical practices to gain the votes of the apprehensive public.

In conclusion, these tactics allow politicians to build a loyal base, manipulate public opinion, and maintain power, often at the cost of societal harmony and progress. Recognizing and combating such misuse of protopseudoscience is essential for a healthy, informed democracy.

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