Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

While primates, particularly chimpanzees and bonobos, remain the closest relatives to humans genetically, pigs are among the closest non-primate relatives. The evidence from comparative genomics, physiological studies, and evolutionary biology highlights the significant genetic and functional similarities between pigs and humans.

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1 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 1 month ago

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

Quoted from GTCWenn's LETTER entitled Education Ministry needs to get its house in order (dated 5/8/2024):

Selfishness. insensitive or lack of thoughtfulness?
"The worst part was, as I was feeling uncomfortable in continuously receiving the religious sharing, which became mixed up with announcements from the school, I raised my request to be excluded from receiving the Hadith 40 in my WhatsApp, and the class teacher accused me of trying to prevent them from carrying out the ministry’s instruction on sharing the Hadith 40 to Muslims.

Why is the Education Ministry forcing non-Muslim parents to receive Hadith 40?"

Being exclusive, uncivilised or lack of empathy?
"Even before this, my children were forced to sit in Islamic classes because no other programmes or classes were arranged for non-Muslim students during that period (Tasmik).

Non-Muslim students were told to just sit at the back of the class and do their own work or even sleep if they liked.

Despite the numerous times my children have told the teachers that they are not Muslims and wouldn’t want to sit in the Tasmik classes, the teachers ignored them and forced them to sit in."

Inconsiderate, ignoble or lack of courtesy?
"Why are the non-Muslim students’ rights not respected in Sekolah Kebangsaan while we never do the same to the Muslim students?

As I recall, I didn’t send my children to Sekolah Agama but rather Sekolah Kebangsaan. The name Kebangsaan means national, meaning the school is meant for all Malaysians regardless of their background, including religion.

But it seems there is a process of wiping out non-Muslim students from Sekolah Kebangsaan. Is the Education Ministry for all rakyat or only for certain groups of rakyat?"

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