Agrees with, hafiz and instunal funds might wan up the game n restore confdence in our equties mrkets ; epf ,pencen funds likewise n many mre might step up purchse monday...
2013-08-25 13:41
Hafiz, you are smart guy in stocks. I want to follow you. So far I invested not much in stocks but always in deficit. Need a leader to lead me to success. Can help me?
2013-08-25 14:55
What is the outlook for property counters next week ? The drop last week had significant impact on this sector.
2013-08-25 16:19
tak lari, mati cepat cepat, haahaahaa....nilai ringgit jatuh & apa jadi saham? fikir sendiri. kalau nilai ringgit jatuh apa mana nya? ...itu tunjuk economy Malaysia tak baik, kalau economy tak baik apa jadi saham? saham boleh naik kah, memang tak boleh, tak ada logic.
2013-08-25 18:16
Market ahead economy or economy ahead market ? We need to understand the fundamentalof macroeconomy
2013-08-25 18:29
told you all 2 days back that our bursa will masuk longkang...nobody believe me & now experience the bloodshed & you kena kuat kuat.
2013-08-27 14:38
Foreign funds will most likely start bottom fish emerging markets(some would have done so during last 2 trading days last week) since there is greater clarity that global money supply would not contract!!
2013-08-25 13:32