China China China

2700 Properties, 13.5 Tons Gold, Filthy Rich, Jaw-Dropping Corruption of CCP Officials

Publish date: Fri, 04 Feb 2022, 01:10 PM
China, the country that has gone through one of the fastest economic transformations the world has ever seen.
You see, for the last 30 years, China's economy has grown significantly. Due to industrialization. China has achieved similar economic growth which previously took decades to achieve for the western world. The country has managed to become the world's factory and the 2nd biggest economy. But in recent times things have been changing, and not in a good way.
2700 Properties, 13.5 Tons Gold, Filthy Rich, Jaw-Dropping Corruption of CCP Officials
China Observer
169K subscribers
Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Hummer, limited edition cars, hundreds of luxury cars that worth nearly $100 million, this is not a car show, these cars are the private assets of Li Wei, the former deputy director of the Harbin Electricity Bureau, a corrupt Chinese Communist official.
The python robe of the Qing Dynasty, the Yongzheng year dragon pattern diamond plate, the Qianlong year pastel flower bowl, stone glaze pastel vase, each collection is worth no less than one million, this is not a museum exhibition, but the former general manager of Harbin Power Industry Group Company, chairman of the board and party secretary Li Tong's personal collection.
Li Wei and Li Tong are blood brothers. In addition to luxury cars and antiques, the Li brothers have a luxury dock in Songhua River and own as many as 69 sets of real estate, accumulating 120 million USD worth of assets. It is worth mentioning that the real estate and vehicles of the Li brothers were not purchased with loans, but with cash directly.
In 2018, they were investigated by the authorities to reveal this insane corruption case, and the cash seized from the Li family amounted to as much as 1 billion yuan. It was only in March of this year that the details of this case were revealed to the public through the national media.
How did they do it? Today we will look at the story of the Li brothers.
Chinese financial magnate Lai Xiaomin who was executed on Jan. 29, was the former party secretary and chairman of Huarong Group, the largest asset management company in mainland China. He was accused of using his official position to assist relevant units and individuals in obtaining financing, contracting, cooperation, job transfers and promotions during the period from 2008 to 2018. He also received bribes amounting to RMB 1.788 billion. This figure set a record for the highest number of bribes received by a corrupt official since the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1949.
The Chinese media China Economic Weekly reported that Lai Xiaomin had set a record of "three 100s", namely owning more than 100 properties, more than 100 connections and more than 100 mistresses. 
In fact, these are just the tip of the iceberg of corruption in the Communist Party of China. 
Such a large number of corrupt officials also reflects the astonishing size of the Communist Party.
Not surprisingly, the ratio of officials to citizens in China has always been considered a "state secret" by the CCP, and there are internal instructions not to include topics such as the "ratio of officials to citizens" or "the number of people supported by the state and local governments" in public articles and news reports. 
In 2005, Zhou Tianyong, deputy director of the Research Office of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), concluded that the actual number of government officials and quasi-personnel in China supported by the state treasury exceeded 70 million, with a ratio of 1:18 between the government and the people.
The January 2014 issue of Momentum magazine also revealed that in 2012, there were 610,000 retired senior party, government, and military officials, and their salaries, benefits, and entitlements totaled more than $725 billion, equivalent to 1.3% of GDP and 6.2% of fiscal revenue for the same year.
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2700 Properties, 13.5 Tons Gold, Filthy Rich, Jaw-Dropping Corruption of CCP Officials

2022-02-04 13:11


rotting country, need to warn people to stay away.

don't get trap in it, shit country, shit people , like q3 ,a liar

2022-02-04 14:03


98 Chinese generals were punished within 8 years due to corruption | PLA generals
China Observer
169K subscribers

How officers in PLA get promoted? There are three main approaches.
The Mysterious Chinese Army: Officers China's generals PLA generals
98 generals investigated and punished for corruption in eight years; The truth behind CCP’s military promotions
As relations between China and the United States deteriorate, the possibility of war grows more likely every day. One cannot help but question the true combat capabilities of the People's Liberation Army. Can they really take on the U.S. military?


As a result, corruption in the military has become increasingly rampant and uncontrollable.
The behavior of generals in the army has a huge impact on the army's combat power. A corrupt army is as vulnerable as rotten wood where it collapses at the first blow.

2022-02-04 14:04


Are you a Falun Gong follower? One of the reasons why FG is banned in China is because the organisation was alleged to have harvest human organs for profit.

2022-02-04 14:17


Caution! In China Things can Wildly Escalate out of Control

2022-02-04 14:30


The average YouTuber with 1 million subscribers typically makes roughly USD60,000 a year. They just have to keep uploading contents. Youtubers are not regulated and they can't be sued for defamation or spreading lies. Hence one needs to take it with a pinch of salt, especially, those coming from Falun Gong followers. They want to harvest your organs!

2022-02-04 16:26


who care about FLG...
I only care about China

2022-02-04 17:52


GooShem you could blamed & bad mouthed FLG... I don't care at all...hahahaha

2022-02-04 17:53


The Sad Life of a Corrupt Chinese Banker

China Uncensored
1.73M subscribers

A corrupt Chinese banker has been taken down, revealing deep corruption in the Chinese Communist Party. And Wang LI's story is all too common.

2022-02-04 17:57


We can see so many China military propaganda but we should take it with pinch of salt! If China goes to war with US, China will not only lose but CCP regime as well!
However, if China take economic route, then China wins hands down!
It'open secret most of CCP officials are very corrupted! However, US lawmakers are much worst! For CCP officials, once they are caught, it's death sentience! For US lawmakers, they will never be caught! CIA will cover up for them! And the blame goes to the other side!
In short, we may never see war between US and China! China can always bribe US lawmakers to surrender! It's as simple as that!

2022-02-04 18:07


Tobby, now you sounded like qqq3333 only said out positive words..


2022-02-04 18:10


Uncensored! Dont' be surprise if you hear corrupt officials caught and expose and executed in China! And of course their organs harvest! You dealing with 1.5 billion population here! No one is saint! But i guess China is doing it right! Just execute corrupted citizens! Harvest their organs as you know, rather than this organs illegally harvested in black market!
China is dealing with it! Can you say the same about Malaysia! Can you say the same about US! No, instead in Malaysia, corrupt lawmakers get datukship! In US, corrupt lawmakers are reverted!

2022-02-04 18:10


China's REAL military power (Part 1): "Giving Navy the Priority" is SUCCESS or FAILURE?

China Observer
169K subscribers

According to the U.S. military website Global Firepower, China's military is ranked third in the world in terms of overall military power because of the huge numbers in various categories. To be sure, the Chinese military maintains a large monetary figure. However, since the Chinese military is under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, it is perhaps one of the most wasteful militaries in the world, due to corruption with the Party. Therefore, it is doubtful that China's real ability to fulfill its military strategy will ever reach the top three in the world.

China's vast territory and a large number of neighboring countries make defense difficult. The more sensible military strategy should be to ensure homeland defense first, then to develop effective counterattack capabilities and gradually seek a balance between offense and defense. China's 2019 defense white paper writes that "with more than 22,000 km of land borders and 18,000 km of mainland coastline, China has the largest number of neighbors, the longest land borders, and one of the most complex maritime security environments in the world." It is clear that China's professional military departments were aware of the importance of defense. However, the Chinese military follows the orders of the Chinese Communist Party and puts political correctness first. I wonder which Communist Party leaders have developed and implemented the opposite strategy for the Chinese military, disregarding the long land borders and rushing to move from a land power to maritime power.

2022-02-04 18:12


Tobby ya ya your country is corrupted. So what ? Does this made China lesser evil ???


What type of logical think is this .....

2022-02-04 18:15


It's so obvious that the navy will be the one power that can hindered the US and its allies from invading China in times of conflict. So its a smart move on China's part.

2022-02-04 18:43



Polishing The Turd 朽木可雕
131K subscribers

中国部分银行近日宣布完全取消现金业务,柜台不管存取款,连自动取款机也要挪走。中国政府预计在2025年进入全面数字化,所以各方政策不断逼迫百姓放弃现金。而为了方便管控居民的实际收入,支付宝、微信等供应商将进行改革,严查个人首款码,对于频繁收钱往来的账户进行关停。而有生产经营需要的百姓,应改申请商家码,这样利于大数据摸清。冬奥会开幕式共襄盛举,社交媒体一片欢腾,中国再次进入没有什么新闻的状态。然而现实的世界里,危机四伏。( 单口相声嘚啵嘚之去现金化)

2022-02-05 13:44


谷愛凌國籍問題水很深! 冬奧會突現大量中國歸化運動員, 洋面孔的”愛國心”裡有騙局? 真觀點|真飛【20220209】

隨著冬奧會賽事的推進,各種奇葩式“中國特色”又如期而至了。代表中國隊參賽的19歲的花滑小將 朱易2次失誤摔倒,引發了中國網民的2輪的輿論撻伐。另一邊,同樣代表中國隊參賽、同樣備受關注的18歲的滑雪女將谷愛凌,在8號的自由式滑雪女子大跳台決賽中斬獲冠軍,摘得自己的奧運首金,為中國獻上冬奧的第三金,也是即刻就引發了中國網民的又一輪輿論浪潮,在昨天的微博熱搜排行榜中,前十名中的7個都是關於谷愛凌的…… 朱易和谷愛凌,同樣出生在美國,同樣因“愛國”而選擇了放棄美國 轉而代表中國參賽,為何兩人的境遇大不相同?除了她兩形成的鮮明對比,這次冬奧會上還有一個扎眼的“特色”,就是那些身著紅色中國隊服的洋面孔“歸化運動員們”,這次中國政府大力舉用歸化運動員“為國爭光”的背後,有哪些是值得我們去留意和思考?今天我們就來議論議論這些話題,如果你也感興趣的話,就和我一起看到最後吧~

2022-02-09 21:20

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