Pridicting the KLCI - 1650 to 1700.

Publish date: Wed, 07 Mar 2012, 01:24 PM
March 2012 posted a lot of present surprises.

The ECB suddenly decided to pour money into the European Banks up to 600 billions. Over 80 Banks rushed in and took the cheap money.

This has a lot of spill over effects for the rest of the stock market.

KLSE Index went up to 1584 this morning.

I only expect 1560.

My advise is to take profit and run.

The cheap money is not going to last for ever.

You can always buy back the shares when it comes down.

If they don't come down, you still win.

Yesterday the Dow dropped 200 point. This morning KLCI drop 15 points at the opening.


But I am predicting a 1650 to 1700 KLCI.

I had been wondering why our Inst. are selling for the last few months.

Now the answer is clear.

It is easy to push up the KLCI.

Just keep buying SimeDarby and Maybank.

Each 10 cent increase will push up the KLCI 20 points at least.

The rest of the counters will also benefit in the after effect.

So my friend, just wait for it to happen.

When ? well, I don't know. But definately within the next 6 month.

More articles on KLSE TIPS MARCH 2012
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Faznizam Abdullah

tq sir

2012-03-07 18:27


I am sure no one will object to that. Let's all hope it reach there and then go for a big celebration !

2012-03-12 11:13

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