Sslee blog

Please give PEACE a chance

Publish date: Thu, 23 Jan 2020, 05:46 PM
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Dear all,

Intend to update below article to Tun’s blog later.

Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,

I’m a great admirer of Tun’s “The Kuala Lumpur Declaration to Criminalize War”

Tun Mahathir “has a dream” that one day all wars will be abolished.

The signatories of the December 2005 Declaration share Tun’s resolve to criminalize war.

We call on our readers to share that dream, to send Tun Mahathir’s message far and wide, to change the course of history.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad received a courtesy call from Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and his delegation at his office in Perdana Putra here today.
In several tweets with attached pictures on his Twitter handle @chedetoffical, Dr Mahathir said during their meeting, Ismail expressed his thanks to him (Dr Mahathir) for bringing fresh ideas related to the Islamic world through the recently concluded Kuala Lumpur Summit (KL Summit) in December last year.

My humble request to Tun, please convey my letter of peace message to Hamas leader His Excellency Ismail Haniyeh.

Dear Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh,

Subject: Please give PEACE a chance.

The Great Law (Karmic Cycle)

Sometimes called “the Law of Cause and Effect”, the Great Law tells us that in order to get the things we want; we must also embody those things.

In other words, whatever you give, you shall receive; whether it is positive or negative. So, if you want love in your life, be loving. If you want to enjoy financial abundance, be generous. And if you want to have honest, open relationships then you need to offer authenticity and honesty to the people you care about as well.

The Law of Change

When you think about the Law of Change, you connect with the message that the universe gives us what we need. So, you will find that history continually repeating itself until you demonstrate that you’ve learned what you need to in order to create a different future. If you notice that you seem to be stuck in a loop, this is because there’s something fundamental that has not yet been addressed.

Consider a war which has been going on for decades or centuries. The people fighting the war today are not those who started the war. If you think negative thoughts and perform destructive actions, the karmic cycle of negativity and destruction will continue. People need to make a conscious decision to change destructive patterns of behavior. They need to spread loving kindness and good intentions to break the endless cycles of war. It requires higher levels of thinking and similar spiritual values. Everyone needs to make a personal contribution to accomplish the task of bringing about peace in the universe.

I penned the below thought on 29/7/2014.

Quote, “Today is the second day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri the most important Muslims festival celebrating the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting where Muslims around the world will fast from dawn to sunset and show common goal of compassion, goodwill, brotherhood and unity. The greeting of Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, “Mohon Maaf Zahir dan Batin” (Sincere asking for forgiveness) can be seen in post card and poster/banner hanging around town. Indeed the bitter medicine that this sick world needed to cure itself is forgiveness, a life-long forgiveness.

This morning CNN news reported both Israel and Hamas had again broken the humanitarian cease-fire brokered by UN to evacuate civilian caught in the combat zones. Israel is bombing the central Gaza radio station and Hamas is firing their rockets into Israel. In total this madness war had taken thousands of innocent civilian lives in Gaza and a few tenths to hundreds combatants lives on both side with terrible consequence in Gaza strip where many buildings and infrastructureswere reduced to rubbles. With Israel blockage on Gaza strip there is no safe shelter for civilian caught in this madness war and even UN-governed school were not spared from the rockets fired from who know who?

International reactions are as divided as before on this horrible war. Anti-Israel demonstration (for using excessive force and indiscriminate killing of civilians including children) and pro-Israel demonstration(for its determined self-defense in taking down the tunnels and Hamas indiscriminate firing of rockets into Israel) are played out in UN Security Council and many streets protest in many cities.

Are human beings incapable to live in peace? How can a victim of Nazi German Holocaust himself turned into heartless aggressor/oppressor? And how Hamas can justified his short-lived ecstasy (like addict that get his short salvation from drugs that eventually eat into the bone and suffer a self-destructive slow agonized death) of sending his suicidal bombers/combatants through the tunnels to kill a few Israel civilians/combatants or their indiscriminate firing of rockets into Israel that in return brought so much pains, miseries and deaths to his own people.

Death is the final destiny of all form of life. We live or struggle to survive day by day not just to achieve death but to build a better tomorrow for our children. The purpose of life is not to grab all the power/wealth for yourself but to leave behind a better world for our future generation. A Chinese saying, “death can be as light as a feather or as heavy as a mountain.” But death had to bring a meaning, a purpose of leaving behind a better world and this better world can only be achieved through peace-making.

The notion that Hamas have no other means and was forced into the martyrdom of committing suicidal human bombers/combatants or fire rockets into Israel is a totally misleading, self- glorified tactic designed by irresponsible politicians to brainwash his people with hatred and thus continuing the vicious cycle of violence and war and support for these irresponsible politicians. There is always the option of forgiveness and building peace.

And to those neighboring nations that continue to supply arm/rockets to those politicians, may I say that you are not helping the Palestine people but you are in fact helping the killing of Palestine people; so please stop the arm supply.

There are no winners in war, only death victims, the death of innocent civilians victims, the death of misguided combatants that believe they are martyr and will be rewarded heavenly in heaven and the death of politicians that are either totally evil and irresponsible or are blinded by his own hatred/circumstance that they cannot see the forest for the trees. Deaths are always the easy way out but livings are the harder part and I appeal to all the Palestine people please lives for the sake of your children. Have the life-long courage to live and to forgive. I am not asking you to be as magnanimous as the late Mr. Nelson Mandela but try to be an average European citizen that after century of bitter and apocalyptic war and trying to kill each other they now live in peace cleared of hatred and what remains is life-long forgiveness and distant memory of war. And to those politicians who are incapable of forgiveness and must have your revenge then please read the Chinese War Classic Yue Kingdom Goujian (496-465 BC) on how Goujian plot his revenge till then please spare your people from miseries of war.

To Israel, please exercise restraint; please show compassion to the suffering of the Palestine’s people. Fight the Hamas if you must but spare the innocent civilians. There is a Chinese saying, “Never force people onto the wall” because once people perceived that there are no hope/future for them and their children they will take up arm and fight to the death. Is that what you want? God had mercy on us?

May peace Be Upon Us All” Unquote

Advancement in information and communication technology plus social media are altering power relationships in human society by reinforcing or altering human behavior toward self, others and the world view/opinion.

On the positive side: Old institutions and hierarchies, preserved and sustained by ritual, secrecy, information asymmetry, hypocrisy, deception and force are being corroded. For example, the social media has forced leaders down from their ivory towers revealing them for what they are, warts and all.

On the negative side: Selective broadcast or blackout of news by those in power couple with fake news and inflammantory/intoxication comments by irresponsible politicians, paid cyber troopers, narrow minded bigots, willful and ignorant troublemakers in social media had caused deterioration of social coherent and harmony with dire consequences of social polarization and breakdown ending with unending massive civil disorder like what is happening in Hong Kong or in Malaysia case, racial and religious unease instead of racial and religious harmony.

The revolution of ICT& Al technology has unleashed its power and capability to do great good or great evil by controlling public opinion and thus human behavior. Thus if it is used wisely with wisdom and benevolence, it can play a critical role in preventing the initial outbreak or escalation of violence as well as promoting peaceful alternatives to war thus making physical war obsolete.

I sincerely appeal to His Excellency Ismail Haniyeh’s wisdom and benevolence, please change course, renounce violence and be courageous to take up non-violence struggle for your JUST cause. Fight the unjust and injustices with the mighty ICT in the court of world opinion and win over the Hearts and Minds of the world to your JUST cause. Please give Peace a chance and free your long-suffering Palestine People from the “ENDLESS CYCLES OF HATRED & WAR.

“World peace through non-violent means is neither absurd nor unattainable. All other methods have failed. Thus we must begin anew. Non-violence is a good starting point. Those of us who believe in this method can be voices of reason, sanity, and understanding amid the voices of violence, hatred, and emotion. We can very well set a mood of peace out of which a system of peace can be built.—Martin Luther King Jr.”

Thank you

Yours truly,


1 person likes this. Showing 4 of 4 comments


Mr. Lee, though it Peace is hard to achieve under the many circumstances currently, but we as human must strive to achieve that and seek that as an objective of the human race. I totally agree to what you mentioned about the importance of Peace, and gratefully thank you for writing an article regarding this. Have you ever heard of Soka Gakkai, a peace organisation under the leadership of Daisaku Ikeda. You can check out this website to further understand the aim. I sincerely hope that we can make people realise about the importance of peace and start to practise in real life.

2020-01-23 18:26


Dear oneyounginvestor,
Thank you for the website link of Soka Gakkai,

Happy CNY to you

2020-01-23 20:27


Happy CNY to you too Mr. Lee

2020-01-23 20:35


MAHARAJI is the master of peace:

When you are introduced to the clarity inside of you, to the simplicity inside of you, to that beauty inside of you, the journey of life begins. Every human being has to find their own peace. Peace is within you and me. When you and I can experience who we really are, what life is, and what we are doing here, that's the day peace will begin in this world. That peace which is within us, we must experience it. And if we are searching for peace outside we will never find the peace within.

Peace is not a luxury. It's not an option. It is fundamental to the existence and well-being of a human being to have peace in their life.
Happiness is your own treasure because it lies within you.

It is not the world that needs peace, it is people. When people in the world are at peace within, the world will be at peace. There are people who are very greedy, there are people who don't care. But in my opinion, that is a minority. The majority of the people on the face of this earth want peace, and if this is true, then peace on earth is a very achievable objective. People say it's not going to happen. Well, let this time belong to those who believe it can happen, not to the ones who say it cannot.

Who are we waiting for? We look up to the sky, waiting for
the angel to come down and fix all of our problems. YOU are the angel that can fix your problems.

The world doesn't want you to know. They want you to believe. But there is a big difference between believing and knowing. Should you believe in yourself or should you know yourself?

2020-01-23 20:42

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