Bird Palace - An Investment Club with Friends!

Top Pick - O&G - Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Mark T Bird
Publish date: Fri, 09 Mar 2018, 06:42 PM

It has been said that Hibiscus' share price are sensitive to oil prices and broader market sentiment .... TP ?

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Mark T Bird


2018-03-09 18:51

Ratna NinjaGal

i will ask tessa how


2018-03-09 18:57

Ratna NinjaGal

my position small 100 shares x 10, but I super happy if it can go up fast to that TP

2018-03-09 18:58

Cik Babe


sape la haters hibiscus tu


2018-03-09 19:00

Ratna NinjaGal

biasekle YS, tangan gatal kasi flag, veri veri childish

ninja signing off, tired hard work at bursa

2018-03-09 19:04

Tessa Joseph


bird - he has the software

2018-03-09 19:34


Good analysis thanks

2018-03-09 21:51

Mark T Bird

your welcome Larry

2018-03-09 23:01

Oreo Oreo

@ninja, try googling " pdf to jpg converter"

2018-03-09 23:46

Mark T Bird

hello oreo, ntcu :)

2018-03-09 23:49

Oreo Oreo

hello mark, thanks for sharing.!

2018-03-09 23:50

Oreo Oreo

btw,why you have so many places ...

2018-03-09 23:50

Oreo Oreo

now , I don't even know which place to stay

2018-03-09 23:51

Mark T Bird

you can stay here or the forum

2018-03-09 23:54

Cik Babe

oreo, nasib baik aku bukak computer sebelum tidur, nampak you hehehe welcome welcome yang ini blog invesment club, yang mark bagi tu link forum, mana2 pun you boleh contribute, no hal for friends

mark, baca atas analyst report baru teringat, bila hibiscus jatuh ada tanya tessa, hibiscus ada masaalah ker, tessa jawab tak ada, tanya kenapa jatuh, tessa jawab maybe the strength of ringgit, bila aku kasi tau kat forum sebab hibiscus jatuh adalah kerana strength of ringgit ramai tak nak percaya :)

ok time beradu BYE

2018-03-10 00:16

Mark T Bird

just a recap, Tessa posted this on Mar 7, 2018

*Hibiscus Exercise Price : *

The exercise price of the Warrants 2018/2021 shall be determined and
fixed by our Board at a later date after receipt of all relevant approvals.

The amount payable in respect of each new Share shall be calculated on
an annual step-up basis more particularly set out in the Deed Poll and
subject to such adjustments as may be required to be made in accordance with the provisions of the Deed Poll.

For the avoidance of doubt, if in any one year, there has been adjustment(s) made to the Exercise Price, the step-up for the following year shall be applied to such adjusted Exercise Price.

Step-up pricing
: The Exercise Price of the Warrants 2018/2021 is subject to a fixed annual step-up of RM0.06 per year on each of the Anniversary Date, in the manner as set out below:

Year Formula
*Exercise Price (RM)*

*Year 1*

Commencing from
the date of first (1st)
issuance up to one (1)
Market Day prior to
the first (1st)
Anniversary Date
(Exercise Price) *Rm0.94*

*Year 2*
Commencing from
the first (1st)
Anniversary Date up
to one (1) Market Day
prior to the second
(2nd) Anniversary
(Exercise Price
immediately preceding
the commencement of
the first (1st)
Anniversary Date add

*Year 3*
Commencing from
the second (2nd)
Anniversary Date up
to one (1) Market Day
prior to the third (3rd)
Anniversary Date
(Exercise Price
immediately preceding
the commencement of
the second (2nd)
Anniversary Date add

The step-up pricing mechanism is expected to encourage the holders of
the Warrants 2018/2021 to exercise their Warrants 2018/2021 earlier to
leverage on the lower exercise price.This would facilitate our Company’s earlier receipt of additional funds from the exercise of the Warrants 2018/2021. The additional funds will be utilised for potential expansion and capital expenditure, repayment of borrowings (in future, if any) and future working capital requirements of our Group.

For clarity, the market price of the Warrants 2018/2021 will not be adjusted in accordance with the adjustment in the Exercise Price on the first (1st) and second (2nd) Anniversary Dates respectively.

2018-03-10 00:25

Oreo Oreo

cik babe, saya kurang online kat i3 ,jadi memang tak tau kewujudan forum² baru haha

strengthen of myr akan affect profit kan?

2018-03-10 01:29

Ratna NinjaGal

ohayō gozaimasu!

Posted by Oreo Oreo > Mar 9, 2018 11:46 PM | Report Abuse

@ninja, try googling " pdf to jpg converter"

* thank you

2018-03-10 08:20

Cik Babe

oreo, sebenarnya lebih pada market sentiment, kalau effect pada profit hanya tiny percentage samada, strength of ringgit or naik turun crude oil prices tapi retail investors suka overly negative, overly react, mungkin sebab utama mereka kurang membaca, kurang tau tentang investment, hanya ikut the crowd - herd mentality investors

cuba awak tengok duit kita sekarang to USD, tak banyak beza kan untuk kehidupan harian dan jalani business, kalau 3.90 sama, kalau 4.50 pun lebih kurang sama, not much different, yang penting sini always kena kerja kuat untuk dapat duit lebih kan, so balik pada kecekapan management

management good kan, so apa worry, no worry

2018-03-10 09:21



2018-03-10 10:14

Tessa Joseph

we see words: capex (capital expenditures) and opex (operating expenses) up there, they differ in the nature of the expenses, and in their respective treatments for tax purposes.

Capital expenditures are the funds that a business uses to purchase major physical goods or services to expand the company's abilities to generate profits. These purchases can include hardware (such as printers or computers), vehicles to transport goods, or the purchase or construction of a new building. The type of industry a company is involved in largely determines the nature of its capital expenditures. The asset purchased may be a new asset or something that improves the productive life of a previously purchased asset.

If the asset's useful life extends more than a year, then the CAPEX is recorded as an asset in the balance sheet and is expensed using depreciation to spread the cost of the asset over its designated useful life as determined by tax regulations. Capital expenses are most often depreciated over a five to 10-year period, but may be depreciated over more than two decades in the case of real estate.

An operating expense results from the ongoing costs a company pays to run its basic business. In contrast to capital expenditures, operating expenses are fully tax-deductible in the year they are made. As operational expenses make up the bulk of a company's regular costs, management examines ways to lower operating expenses without causing a critical drop in quality or production output.

Sometimes an item that would ordinarily be obtained through capital expenditure can have its cost assigned to operating expenses if a company chooses to lease the item rather than purchase it. This can be a financially attractive option if the company has limited cash flow and wants to be able to deduct the total item cost for the year. Examples of operating expenses include research & development (R&D) expenses, pension plan contributions, property taxes, business travel, rent, and insurance costs.

**Capital expenditures are major purchases, and because their costs can only be recovered over time through depreciation, companies ordinarily budget for these purchases separately from preparing an operational budget.**

2018-03-10 12:44

Cik Babe

My thanks and appreciation.

2018-03-10 13:35

Cik Babe

Asset : North Sabah EOR PSC

50% interest in the 2011 North Sabah EOR PSC:

St Joseph Producing Field

South Furious Producing Field

SF 30 Producing Field

Barton Producing Field

All associated equipment and assets related to the PSC including the Labuan Crude Oil Terminal

Location : Offshore Sabah, Malaysia

SPA Date : 12 October 2016

Effective Date : 1 January 2017

Operator : SEA Hibiscus Sdn Bhd

Sellers :

Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited; and Shell Sabah Selatan Sdn Bhd (collectively “Shell”)

Production Life :

Producing since 1979 with production rights up to 2040.

Future Prospects :

Once resources are channelled towards identified future development opportunities, subject to capex and oil price, the incremental 2C resources may be exploited.

Please refer to the latest Bursa Announcement for the status of the asset: North Sabah Novation

2018-03-10 21:13

Ratna NinjaGal

Well huh, that's very interesting! Ninja learned something new.

2018-03-10 23:00

Mark T Bird

Is EPS a fair measure of performance?

2018-03-11 14:19

Tessa Joseph

If you are investing in intra-day and short term then you have no use of EPS, stocks are move forward due to buying and selling, sentiments, news etc.

EPS, calculates the Earnings Per Share, meaning it takes the total profit in a period, and divides it by the total number of outstanding shares. In simple language, if EPS is 2, it means for 1 share of a company you held the earning will be 2.

Generally, companies with positive EPS are more highly valued than companies with negative EPS, but that is not to say that companies with negative EPS should be avoided.

If you looking for long-term investment then EPS is not a key factor as compare to dividend, splitting shares, growth of the company, market capacity.

Bird, to answer your question, there is no range for healthy EPS, it does NOT exist. Investors should always use other metrics accompanied by the EPS to value a company.

2018-03-11 14:38

Ratna NinjaGal

ninja no worry, latest tp from PB, JP, & AllianceDBS for Hibiscus, all above RM1!

Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow


2018-03-11 14:57


Yeah? Same fella Inani that wrote the note for Sapura and within a month the price went down the drain........

2018-03-11 16:09

Mark T Bird

we found the above from bursa website, there is one from JP but that is on Hibiscus website, agree with ninja the latest Target Prices are all above RM1

2018-03-11 16:43

Cik Babe

JP Morgan analisis panjang, X larat baca, ha memang TP atas seringgit, seringgit lebih gitu

2018-03-11 20:48


JP morgan never give any TP to hibiscus, it is just an in depth introduction to hibiscus and its future earning prospects

2018-03-11 22:32

Cik Babe

Tinggal beberapa hari untuk dapat free warrants. Bila dapat terus jual?

2018-03-12 09:03

Tessa Joseph

YS do you think the price will go up further when the sabah deal is done? If yes, wait la till it is Signed, Sealed, Delivered

2018-03-12 09:08

Mark T Bird

Dericlock, on the right-hand side of the report, if I'm not mistaken 1.04

2018-03-12 21:20

Cik Babe

bila la raya nak naik macam dialog, hari ini jer dialog naik 10 sen, harga dah 2.76 :(

2018-03-14 16:48

Tessa Joseph

my hubby thinks 3 rgt end of this year possible, now kenot, because too many traders inside, 2 3 hari lari, price up down down down....hmmm

2018-03-14 16:51

Tessa Joseph


Issuance of up to 317,645,738 free warrants in Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad ("Hibiscus Petroleum") ("Warrants 2018/2021") on the basis of one (1) new Warrant 2018/2021 for every five (5) existing ordinary shares in Hibiscus Petroleum held as at 5.00 p.m. on 16 March 2018 ("Entitlement Date") ("Free Warrants Issue")

Entitlement date 16 Mar 2018

a.Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:00 pm in respect of transfers 16 Mar 2018

b.Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit

2018-03-14 17:03

Mark T Bird

end of the year? I don't mind waiting

2018-03-14 21:13

Ratna NinjaGal

OTHERS HIBISCUS PETROLEUM BERHAD ("Hibiscus Petroleum" or the "Company") Unauthorised Postings on the Platform

Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
Description HIBISCUS PETROLEUM BERHAD ("Hibiscus Petroleum" or the "Company")
Unauthorised Postings on the Platform
Reference is made to the above matter.

It has come to the Company's attention that postings on the platform have been made by a party wrongfully using the name and picture of the Company's Managing Director, Dr Kenneth Pereira.

Hibiscus Petroleum and Dr Kenneth Pereira wish to highlight that those postings are not made by, or otherwise attributable to, the Company or Dr Kenneth Pereira.

The website administrator of the platform has been informed of the above, so that it can take necessary action on its part.

The rights of the Company and Dr Kenneth Pereira are fully reserved and further action will be taken, as appropriate.

This announcement is dated 26 March 2018.

2018-03-26 17:01

Cik Babe

Oooooo kena la si Rocky

2018-03-26 17:03

Ratna NinjaGal

your BF

2018-03-26 17:05

Cik Babe

X kenal online

jadi hibiscus tau juga sape yang short selling dan naked selling

2018-03-26 17:08

Ratna NinjaGal


2018-03-26 17:09

Cik Babe

boleh masuk jel weh

2018-03-26 17:11

Mark T Bird


Kindly be advised that HIBISCS’s 317,645,723 Warrants issued pursuant to the Free Warrants Issue will be admitted to the Official List of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and the listing and quotation of the Warrants on the Main Market under the “Industrial Products” sector, will be granted with effect from 9.00 a.m., Wednesday, 28 March 2018.

The Stock Number, Stock Short Name and ISIN Code of the Warrants are “5199WC”, “HIBISCS-WC” and “MYL5199WCV34” respectively.

2018-03-27 14:35

Cik Babe



2018-03-27 14:49

Mark T Bird

Although oil & gas stocks with exposure to exploration and development activities offer the greatest operational leverage when the capex cycle improves, we prefer stocks with exposure to production activities which offer better earnings visibility at this nascent stage of recovery. We also favour stocks with global or regional footprints which have better job prospects compared to pure Malaysian-based players. Our top picks are Hibiscus Petroleum which is the best Malaysian-listed proxy to rising oil prices, Bumi Armada which will see more tender activities for floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels on the horizon, and Wah Seong whose earnings are secured by Nord Stream 2 pipe-coating job. We also have Buy calls for Sapura Energy which is a large-cap Malaysian proxy to rising oil prices, Serba Dinamik which focuses on resilient operation & maintenance (O&M) activities, and Pantech which benefits from rising demand for pipes, valves, and fittings in RAPID. - DBS January 2018

2018-03-29 08:11

Mark T Bird

Hibiscus says may spend US$55m on North Sabah PSC capex over 3 yrs

KUALA LUMPUR (April 2): Hibiscus Petroleum Bhd may spend roughly US$55 million (about RM212.54 million) on capital expenditure (capex) for its North Sabah Enhanced Oil Recovery Production Sharing Contract (PSC) over the next three years to increase Hibiscus' oil production.
Hibiscus managing director Dr Kenneth Pereira said at a media briefing here today this is the amount of money the group will need to raise via external funding.
"We may spend more than that, but our exposure is about there," Pereira said.
Hibiscus announced to Bursa Malaysia today its wholly-owned subsidiary SEA Hibiscus Sdn Bhd had completed the acquisition of a 50% participating interest in the North Sabah Enhanced Oil Recovery PSC for US$25 million from Shell.
Hibiscus said the acquisition will "significantly boost" Hibiscus' oil production. At the media briefing, Pereira said the North Sabah Enhanced Oil Recovery PSC will effectively more than double Hibiscus' total production to "just under 9,000 barrels per day."
At 12:30pm today, Hibiscus shares settled at 85 sen for a market capitalisation of RM1.34 billion. The stock saw about 27 million shares transacted. - THEEDGE

2018-04-02 16:47

Mark T Bird

NZ Govt tells oil industry: 'The world is changing'

The government is telling the New Zealand oil industry that the world is changing and it is time it faced the facts.

The oil industry said yesterday it was shocked and blindsided by the government's announcement that it will be ending offshore oil and gas exploration.

Senior Cabinet minister Andrew Little travelled to Taranaki last night and spoke to a public meeting of about 50 people about the announcement.

"I know that announcements of the sort that we've heard today can come as a shock, can take some people by surprise and I get that, but this is not about turning off the spigots tomorrow and shoving people out of work, this country has had that experience and we don't want to repeat that.

"But what we do want to do it to work together to work out where that future lies."

New Plymouth mayor Neil Holdom has described the government's move as "a kick in the guts" for Taranaki's economy.

But Mr Little said Taranaki's political leaders may have been naive.

"It would be a pity if the leadership of the last 20 or 30 years in Taranaki has been 'we can continue to rely on oil and gas and dairy to get us through' because I don't think that was ever a safe strategy, if it was a strategy."

Mr Little said the downturn in the oil industry has been obvious to everyone in that community as has the government's intention to transition away from fossil fuels.

"There's a reason why Shell is leaving New Zealand, because of a world-wide decision that it's made - because the world is changing."

But Tag Oil country manager Max Murray was not impressed.

"It did catch us out, we didn't see this coming.

"[We're] really concerned about the lack of consultation, sounds like now we'll get a chance to actually have a conversation about a decision that has already been made - after the fact, which is really disappointing," Mr Murray said.

Oil industry analyst Len Houwers said he thought the move was not logical.

"I don't see any connection between attacking the supply side of the equation without addressing the demand side.

"We're still 60 percent reliant on fossil fuels, stopping exploration in New Zealand isn't going to change that."

National says the government is betraying the regions

At Parliament, National's deputy leader Paula Bennett accused New Zealand First of betraying the regions.

"I feel sorry for the small businesses in places like New Plymouth who depend on the income that comes from natural gas when they were blindsided by this government today, and deeply let down by New Zealand First.

"Shame on New Zealand First," Ms Bennett said.

Green Party leader James Shaw hit back, saying that while National had signed New Zealand up to the Paris Climate Accord it never had any intention of reducing this country's emissions.

He said National was showing its true colours.

"Today we got to see the National Party defending their mates in the big oil industry saying 'actually lets just keep this going a few decades longer, maybe a few centuries longer - lets not start the transition ... let's drill baby drill'."

The onshore block offers will continue in Taranaki for the next three years, and will be reviewed after that.

A local group, Climate Justice Taranaki, was disappointed the government would allow that to continue saying communities living around drilling and fracking wellsites would continue to suffer.

"We all know that fossil fuels need to stay in the ground - offshore and onshore," spokesperson Urs Signer said.

- On 27 March 2018, Sapura said its wholly-owned subsidiary Sapura Exploration and Production (NZ) Sdn Bhd (Sapura E&P) has secured the New Zealand government's approval for agreements with OMV New Zealand Ltd and Mitsui E&P Australia Pty Ltd.

"All five offshore exploration permits are located in shallow water within the prolific oil and gas region of the Taranaki Basin, where discovered volumes to date total more than 2.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent. “The agreement provides access to a large acreage footprint of more than 8,900 square kilometres," Sapura said. - source thestar

2018-04-13 21:20

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