My Trading Adventure

KLCI at new high 1670 now

Publish date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012, 01:01 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
As I was busy this morning, I did not realise that KLCI reaching new high ... now it is at 1670.

Malaysis Boleh .. positioned #12 ... front page of The Star paper.

I had a drink with my tratles(10 of us) last night ... we talked about my cohort-1 stories ... and I had a great laugh. haha ... I am having cohort-8 next month(closed) and preparing for cohort-9 in Jan2013(joining us, let me know). Yeah ... the feeling is GREAT. How I started with my cohort-1? Will write a short story ... for the information of all my new tratles ... how the seniors in cohort-1 learnt without even a projector!! Haha ... I drew lines to show support-resistance and MA crossover using different marker pens!! Haha ... what a feeling!!

stock-watch : A sample

Johotin : Reversal signs shown. I am buying nearing to 1.60, with cut-loss if going below 1.56. The selling price would be around 1.83(or 10% if shooting very fast).

Well, for educational values, sometimes I explain why I am buying the stock at that level. As this is NOT my learning page, I will only post a stock to the group what I bought. I do not ask anyone to buy-sell,  but will post to all when I sold my portion.

Example : I bought TWS at 6.40 but sold too early at 6.90, some of them hold and sold around 6.50 or higher. Some bought at 6.40 or lower, some bought at 6.50, some at 6.60. I dont know ... only after they profitted, they told me ... I just listen and only realised that so so many of them take the plunge with me.

Example : Everyone in the group knew that I bought Astro at 2.75-2.78 levels but sold too early at 2.82 yesterday. ouch.

Example : UEMLand was given weeks ago at 1.70 levels but I did not take the trade. So, I have no update on it ... but some took the trade and asking me yesterday at 2.10 levels, I have no say. It is up to the person to take profit, or greedier ..?

note : Read my disclaimer. All things written here are for educational and entertainment (= edutainment) purposes. It is not a buy-sell call. Warning ... trading is a risk activity.

I do receive few e-mails indicating their interest to join my stock-watch group. Fine. I am using fundamentals(with logic), news analysis ... and technical analysis to trade stocks IN MY LIST. I do not check those stocks not in my list, failing my criteria to trade(example Scomi or HWGB).

I hope I have cleared some few questions ... this blog is only blah-blah ....and never buy a stock simply because you read from a 'good' blog. You are taking too much of risk. LEARN first ... make decisions based on some good analysis, not pure punting.

If you wish to join, do ocntact me(tired of promoting. haha)

Lunch time ...

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last done is 1671.89... already breach the 1670 resistance level...

2012-10-25 17:02

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