My Trading Adventure

CNY mood ...

Publish date: Thu, 07 Feb 2013, 08:46 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
As we are seeing reds in KLSE ... more seeing reds in place when we are going to give ANG-pow( ANG = red in Hokkien) ... decorating our homes with those red items ... wearing red shirts, red dress ... red shoes ... anything related to RED.

Painting the town red?
Really like this song ... and she sang it well.
While I am in extreme busy situation for today and tmr, and also in extreme stressful situation with due-dates ... I will still drop everything to enjoy the red-ness ... while checking on opportunities in reddish market.

angpow : It will be costing me more than half-month of my salary this year. But, it is a good sign ... showing that I could 'give'. Great.

teeth : I have taken off 3 teeth(wisdom and molar-2) for past 2 weeks. I am seeing blood and more red ... ever since that red-blood donation. Another to go after CNY. ouch. Well, it is costing me RM150 for each tooth.

tyres : Well ... changed 3 tyres ... as I might be travelling to Penang next week. Each costing me RM125. ouch.

mom-in-law : As I could not fly to KK(again), I m flying my in-law here, instead. I will like to bring her to Penang and more ... see where she likes to go. Well, my mom-in-law helped me a lot when I was very tightback in KK 7-years ago ... so, I am grateful.

updates: Next week one week break ... besides some travelling, going places ... I do need to do many more updating, especially my and also the e-learning. With cohort-9 coming in after CNY, more things to prepare. Exams is next month ... so, many more classes ahead.

Got to run again.
Do expect KLCI to dive lower ... good RED day ahead.

p/s : I am wearing red.
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This type of personal daily routine items shouldn't appear here !

2013-02-07 10:34


Nonsense!! red in klse mean market drop. not decorating for cny.

So what is so "cham" on you now? most things you can afford.

better ask ur turtle be careful hor, if pm annouce ge during cny.. kena stuck and no money to pay you fees.

better wear red underwear outside since so busy. happy snake year to you.

2013-02-07 13:36

Desmond Liew

hahaha,,, Kong Xi Fatt Cai

2013-02-07 14:54


he! he! he! BSKL already on CNY celebration... Many in red now..

2013-02-07 15:02


a person can spend more than half month salary just for ang pow not make good enuf ? bullshit !! no need to take care of family huh, and you don't look like the type don't care family one and take care others first... Hahaha .. think all ppl are 3 years old kids meh... let guess how much is the teacher salary now, some more complain teacher salary low... Hahaha

Never mind la, red or green also kongsi raya la !! at least advise the turtle keep enuf to pay the teacher fees..

2013-02-07 15:37

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