My Trading Adventure

Malaysian Business

Publish date: Sat, 02 Nov 2013, 08:25 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
I am a regular reader of Malaysian Business Magz(MB) ... and I will encourage newbies to spend some money(invest) into these resources. It is published twice in a month, and RM9 each.

The recent copy ... Oct 16-31 is a MUST have for those who wish to know more about top 100 Malaysia's largest listed companies. Get one. Buy it.

page 29 : Highest Net Profit

1. Maybank
2. Genting
4. Tenaga
5. PBBank
6. PChem
7. Sime
8. Axiata
9. HLG
10. IOICorp
11. YTL
12. Maxis
13. HLBank
14. AirAsia
15. RHBCap
16. AMMB
17. UMW
18. MMCCorp
19. GenM
20. PetGas
21. TM
22. KLK
23. Digi
24. YTLPower
25. Kulim
26. MISC
27. PPB
28. PetDag
29. IHH
30. BAT
31. DRBHcom
32. SKPetrol
33. Affin
34. Sunway
35. IJM
36. AFG
37. BStead
38. Nestle
39. BIMB
40. HapSeng
41. UEMS
42. Parkson
43. JCY
44. BJToto
45. Airport
46. SPSetia
47. Armada
48. Lafarge
49. WCT
50. MPHB

So ... it is 'safe' to say that those with highest new profit counters could be considered as 'blue chips'. Hmm ... well, we do need to check on their DEBT levels too, and it is wise to avoid those with high-debt(gearing) and prefer those with cash-positive flow, giving consistent dividends.

From the top-50, one could see that we do have many banking-financial institutions. So, it is 'safe' to say that newbies should learn to trade those counters.

sin-counters : Genting, GenM, BJtoto, MPHB, BAT are in the list ... GAB, Carlsberg always in my list too as human basically as sinful(haha). That wont change ... they will continue to profit well in yers to come. But they are not shariah-compliant ... do note.

I do like property-construction counters such as YTL, IJM, UEMS, SPSetia, Sunway, WCT ... whichever we are buying, it is OK.

Plantation counters always in my list too as these are profitable companies (CPO above RM2500 now, expect a rally in these sector) ...while the giants SIME and IOICorp are not pure-plantation play(IOI is listing there property arm ... when is SIME going to list their plantation arm, since BStead is doing that now??) ... KLK, Kulim, BStead are in the list above.

How about telco? This is a good-dividend sector ... Axiata, Maxis, Digi, TM ... make your choice.

O&G still in play ... the latest copy of MB stating that it is still being favoured. SKPetrol is over-valued, PetGas-PetDag-PChem ... these Petronas counters are are new high, and the dividend yield is no longer attractive.

Consumer stocks? Nestle is a gem ... but over-valued too.

When market collapse, do remember these 50 counters(minus AirAsia, MMCCorp, JCY and few more for me!!) .. as they will recover well.

Newbies ... keep your cash ... earn more money, save as much as you can by being frugal ... invest in simple magz like MB ... read as much as you can. Get in touch with me( and join my stock-watch group. Nov-Dec is open for subscriptions.

Only logical ones will profit and survive in markets. Punting into those penny-stocks and for quick profits will end up losing more when market collapse. That will be my advise.

Happy Holiday.


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1 person likes this. Showing 5 of 5 comments

Micheal Teo

Advice not advise Mr.CP Teh. I still remember Warren Buffet world renowned investor to win first u must not lose. Small consistent gains is better than loss. Brotherly advice from survivor of 3 major Bursa crash...... Thank you.

2013-11-02 09:48


promoting his stock watch all the time…. hahahaha…. a bodoh lecturer who knows little about market..

2013-11-02 15:40


5 years ago there is a company in Malaysia by the name of Grandpine Capital told its members if you invest RM10K in stocks and make 36 winning trades then your RM10K will become cool RM1m. But the 64 million question is can you beat the market 36 times doubling your stake each time you make your bet? Ask those who promote making money from stock to prove with track records if not forget about paying someone to teach you to be rich. If they have a winning formula why should they share this with you? after all someone make a kill in the stick market also mean someone bleeding in the stick market. The truth is gurus who make money always kept to themselves.

2013-11-04 05:12


So should I go for Grandpine to learn ?

2016-10-28 17:53

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