My Trading Adventure

LOGIC : A must to have

Publish date: Sat, 20 Dec 2014, 09:56 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Good morning from Kota Kinabalu ...

Yesterday, spent some hours at Pulau Sapi. Nice island ... have not upload some pictures to share it here. But, believe me ... it is nice!!

Main islands here are Gaya, Manukan, Sapi and Mamutik. Google them.

We will take a boat to these islands, from KK's jetty. It will be less than half-hour ride. Bring some money ... you may want to experience para-sailing there (RM65 each person for 15 minutes). Bring your own food.

Today's programme : Go fishing later at Sg Papar.

Ok ... I met two young ''dealers'' last night. They are very new in stock-market. So, I spent about 2-3 hours giving them some lecture on how to start to be good in trading-investing, and to survive in the industry. Yes ... if you are to be dealer with IB, where do you move up from here? Turning to be a remisier? etc etc ... that is not important just yet.

What is important ... is to accumulate knowledge and experiences. Use it as a stepping stone, while learning from many experienced seniors in the line. And make sure we track our own learning.

Two main points I shared with them : LOGIC and PASSION.

No one could sustain their learning without these two ingredients. It is simple to understand, yet most difficult to put in practice. Yes ... why 80% of retailers losing in stock-market? They have lack of common-sense and logic.

Trader #1 : A finance grad, looking for a job and landed him with a local IB. Been a dealer for past 8 months, highly admire me ... and my blog reader! Lost some money recently buying into Sumatec, and from what I could gather ... he is wiser now. Appreciate my e-meeting that help to ring some logic in his new-trading brain. But ... he didn't show to me his enthusiasm in going very far in the trading line. So, I will be watching him ... perhaps, be his mentor.

Trader #2 : A marketing grad, went into the job ... and not of his choice either. Father in stock-market recently lost some money too, holding to KNM. As this is only his first month, he needs more time to develop from there. He believed the INFLUENCE of others too strong for normal human to be independent.

LOGIC : Yes ... I m promoting something that is most difficult to put in our head or mind. We are engineers, biz-man ... teachers and more, we are logical in our normal daily lives .. but when we are in stock-market, GREED take over! Imagine ... a question like "Tmr the stock can hit my TP or not?" or buying thru tips given in forums? haha ... defying logic, read my recent post.

Without LOGIC ... no one willing to learn. They took 3-4 years and hours to get a degree ... to be employed. Hmm ... somehow, the learning stop there ... why?

Stock-market is the ONLY place where people going into to PROFIT without learning, without experience ... and being lured by many SALEMEN easily ... how easy they profit. Haha ... I do always amazed with human mentality. Amazing!!

Stock-market is the ONLY place where people do not think learning is needed. They will buy software or ask around what to buy-sell. They think of getting-rich ... that is called gambling?

So, now ... guess how many % losing money again? Yup, the statistic 80%! Still want to go to KLSE? Sure?

There ... here is a diagram to show why most retailers will quit market, OR stuck with those lousy penny-stocks and could never understand why.

Got logic or not? If not ... how about QUIT now?

PASSION is another important ingredient to sustain in market. That will be for another post ...

off and have nice weekend.

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1 person likes this. Showing 33 of 33 comments


If u really tht expert, always buy lowest and sell at peak, show us la.........Talk so much is useless, just show us result man..............

2014-12-20 11:45


Cptech, hope one day you will realise that your trading mistakes, i.e. Frequent in and out should never be encouraged.

2014-12-20 11:49


cpteh, we can tell from your previous post that you have twisted logic and suffered heavy losses. Now you talk about logic? Walau.

2014-12-20 11:55


Pity to his student, suddenly asked to avoid penny stock, then suddenly asked to buy penny stock due to his latest own theory......CP soon will replace ICAP Tan Teng Boo......tis man gt crystal ball....can predict market movement.........

2014-12-20 12:00


I doubt how many students he got.....

2014-12-20 12:05


he changes his strategy 3 times a week, so be prepared for him to change again next week.

2014-12-20 12:10


I just see a poor fellow trying very hard to cari makan here...looking for tuition fees as income instead of trading gain

2014-12-20 12:12


One thing i couldnt understand why n what makes cpteh think he is a guru now n is so confident in teaching the new ones?by reading a lot of books dont make you a good trader.....whats yr real achievement in trading so far?care to share?dont tell us u teach add maths for years n u believe u can now teach trading as well...

2014-12-20 12:23


Try read carefully this sentence took from above, "That explained too why I could escape the current sharp correction by selling 2-3 weeks ago, asking my trading group to sell ahead of the disaster", tht y i said this Teh can replace Tan Teng Boo and Warren Buffet alr, he got crystal ball, anyone believe him?

2014-12-20 12:27


shhhhh....don't disturb sifu laaaa....he's having a fun time holidaying at the various islands off KK with his family ....!! who knows, when come back, he would come out with a new fantastic trading idea.....woohoo....

2014-12-20 12:28


Okok...let him go holiday 1st........dont wan disturb him...........

2014-12-20 12:30


As far as i know, he did a lot of charity, earn from stock and do charity, is it?

2014-12-20 12:36


Any of his student can share here? Can make money be his student?

2014-12-20 13:05


I wonder why none of his many students (as claimed) come out and defend him here....if he is really that good as projected.....

2014-12-20 13:17


After Sabah trip, I bet he will recommend Sabah related stocks such as Harvest Court, Nicorp, Karambunai, etc. His recommendation is based on the basis that the trip gives him inspiration to do so.

2014-12-20 14:04


i3 nowadays so quiet

2014-12-20 14:04


Not even 1 of his student here......

2014-12-20 20:07


He is a little liar la. The giant liar is oh tham bi.

2014-12-20 20:55


Haizzz, this guys don't said liao la

2014-12-20 21:47


cptech now subcribe murasaki market sensor latest

2014-12-20 22:14


Post removed.Why?

2014-12-20 22:16


Post removed.Why?

2014-12-20 22:19


U r rite! I sometime make the mistake argue with fooks n moron 'sifu'.

2014-12-20 22:21


I read Cp Teh blog regularly and i find him quite amateurish . You must know type of stocks in klci 1)bluechip 2) growth 3)financial distress 4) stable company but maturing. Once you group into 4 types then you know when to buy into these 4. Example, during this period group 2) will ascend very fast following by 1) and 4) will be laggards. As for 3) syndicates will 'goreng' and usually during bullish period. Once you establish this routine, investment will be quite predictable.

2014-12-20 22:26


Post removed.Why?

2014-12-20 22:27


Post removed.Why?

2014-12-20 22:32


Thanks all for the info, i don't think will pay him money to join his class anymore.

2014-12-20 22:46


Make money in share market is it really easy? I am losing money now and i think what i lack of is EQ. Or shud i get a sifu?

2014-12-21 10:57


Post removed.Why?

2014-12-21 11:06


wwwcomment, u can let Teh be your sifu, trading 10 penny stocks and earn big money.

2014-12-21 11:06


Teh never recommende stock that sink half price. Another sifu recommended stocks all below half price.

2014-12-21 11:08


If u charge 960 per newbies
Once u get 104 waterfish. U make 100k from the victims.
The victims then all sitting of paperloss of 60%.

2014-12-21 11:13


Post removed.Why?

2014-12-21 13:49

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