trading is so easy and fun?
so easy i agree. just click on your smartphone u already trading la.
fun? if losing money also part of the fun then i agreed too.
2015-04-26 10:58
Yes. Some people just come to the market to lose Money. They lose the Money. They Win the excitement. "Everybody just get what they want out of the market" ~ Ed Seykota
2015-04-26 11:33
"Trading is so easy and fun" says Celebrity Siti Zaleha.... Ko belum kena lagi, tu lah sebab ko cakap sedemikian. Wahai adek Siti, "ber-dagang" dalam Bursa bukan sekadar perlu mahir klik butang komputer...
Seekor lagi kata menyempurnakan trading sesudah mendapat nasehat broker... Nak kata ko mentah, nanti ko marah... Cara ini ramai dah cuba, ramai yang tersungkur tersebam...
Nasenat abang ialah ko baca dulu buku-buku Warren Buffet atau buku teks lain yang setaraf dengannya sebelum ko cuba "menjala" di lombong Bursa...
Elak tindak dengan kepala lutut. Guna lah kepala otak..
2015-04-26 10:56